Subido por Maria Troya

Soil Index Properties & Engineering: Correlation Analysis

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&&c.- -
canadienne de
Volume 15
Volume 15
Number 2
May 1978
numero 2
mai 1978
The correlation of index properties with some basic engineering properties of soils
Can~bri(igeUniwrsity Engineering Depclrttnent, Trrrmpingtotz Street, Cumbridge, CB2 IPZ, Englccnd
Received July 27, 1977
Accepted November 23, 1977
Experimental evidence is produced to show that i t is reasonable to assign a unique strength to all soils
when at their respective liquid limits, and to redefine the plastic limit as the water content at which the
strength is 100 times that at the liquid limit. Combining these assumptions with ideas of critical state soil
mechanics it is then possible to relate the compression index of the remoulded soil to its plasticity index, and
to suggest a unique relation between remoulded strength and liquidity index, irrespective of actual values of
liquid and plastic limits. Field data from the Gulfof Mexico and from the North Sea are presented in support
of these relations. The predictions of strength are best for overconsolidated clays, having water contents
near the plastic limit.
Recently in the United Kingdom the cone penetrometer has become the recommended test fordetermination of the liquid h i t , in preference to the Casagrande test. Having redefined the plastic limit i t would be
logical to use the cone penetrometer to determine this too, by using cones with different weights. Experimental data are shown to illustrate and support this proposal.
Les resultats experimentaux presentis demontrent qu'il est raisonnable d'attribuer une valeur unique de
resistance i tous les sols lorsqu'ils sont B leur limite liquide respective, et de redefinir la limite plastique
comme etant la teneur en eau a laquelle la resistance est de cent fois superieure 21 celle correspondant a la
limite liquide. Combinant ces hypotheses avec les concepts d'itat critique de la mecanique des sols, il est
alors possible d'etablir des relations entre I'indice de compression du sol remanie et son indice de plasticite,
et de suggerer une relation unique entre la resistance remaniee et I'indice de liquidite, quelles que soient les
valeurs des limites liquides et plastiques. Des donnees obtenues sur des echantillons du Golfe de Mexico et
de la Mer du Nord sont prtsenteesal'appui deces relations. Les predictionsde la resistance au cisaillement
sont les meilleures dans le cas des argiles surconsolidees dont la teneur en eau naturelle se rapproche de la
limite plastique.
Recemment au Royaume-Uni, le pknCtrometre conique est devenu I'essai recommande pour determiner
la limite liquide de preference i~ I'essai Casagrande. Pour faire suite a une nouvelle definition de la limite
plastique, il serait logique d'utiliser le pknetromitre conique pour determiner aussi cette limite au moyen de
c8nes de differents poids. Des donnees experimentales sont presentees pour illustrer et appuyer cette
[Traduit par la revue]
Can. Geotech. J.. 15, 137-145 (1978)
The index tests, proposed by Atterberg, introduced into soil mechanics by Terzaghi and standardized by Casagrande, formed the first attempt
to categorize soils regarding their main engineering
properties. Because of their universal acceptance,
they form an essential background to any site
investigation, however simple or sophisticated it
may be.
AS soil mechanics has advanced and more ac-
curate methods of testing soils (both in the
laboratory and in the field) have been developed,
less reliance has been placed on the results of
index tests. Nevertheless they still play a major
role in the assessment of any soil and within the
experience of a soil engineer.
In this paper we attempt first to relate both index
tests directly to the undrained shear strength of a
soil. This allows a direct quantitative correlation
to be made (i) between the plasticity index and
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CAN. GEOTECH. J . VOL. 15. 1978
the compression index and (ii) between the
liquidity index and the undrained shear strength.
These correlations lead to certain important implications for the assessment of poor quality or
incomplete data for any soil. Two examples of
data from offshore site investigations are reanalysed in the light of the proposed relationships.
Although this interpretation is promising, it
must be emphasized that this approach is not proposed as a substitute for fuller site investigation,
sampling and testing, but as a framework against
which various test results can be judged for their
consistency and reliability.
Second, we suggest that if index tests can be
directly related to the undrained shear strength of
a soil, then it is logical to use the fall cone test to
determine these index properties.
1. Index Tests and Shear Strengths
The precursors of the now widely used liquid
and plastic limit tests for soils were devised by a
Swedish agricultural scientist, Atterberg ( 191 1) .
He originally thought of these tests as dividing the
behaviour of the clay into distinct types dependent
on the water content. Thus the liquid limit (flytgriinseiz) was the water content below which the
soil would cease to flow as a liquid; the plastic
limit (utrullgriiizser~), the water content below
which the soil could not be rolled out into a thread.
These limits and their difference, the plasticity
index, are used to characterize different soils. Many
attempts have been made to link these parameters
with other soil properties (e.g. Skempton 1944;
Bjerrum and Simons 1960; Seed et al. 1964a,b).
Attempts have also been made to associate particular values of mean normal effective stresses
with the state of the soil at the two limits, or to
suggest a fixed ratio between these stresses (e.g.
Casagrande 1958; Youssef et al. 1965; Schofield
and Wroth 1968; Livneh et al. 1970; Russell and
Mickle 1970). These attempted correlations indicate that one major soil property to which engineers attach particular importance is the undrained
shear strength.
In many real engineering situations, important
design decisions have to be based on inadequate or
poor quality data of the soil. In such circumstances
it is valuable to establish some likely lower bound
on the strength of the soil by assessing its remoulded strength. In the case of many natural
deposits of soft normally consolidated clay, the
soil is sensitive so that the remoulded strength
may underestimate the in situ strength by a substantial margin. However, for heavily overcon-
solidated clays, having natural water contents close
to the plastic limit, there is usually little sensitivity,
and the remoulded strength should form a close
lower bound to the in situ strength.l The purpose
of this section of the paper is to establish a relationship between the remoulded strength and the
liquidity index of a soil.
Shear strength of soil can be measured directly
or indirectly with many different apparatus; unfortunately the precise results depend on the actual
boundary conditions imposed by the type of test.
In the hope of obtaining a satisfactory correlation
it is advisable to standardize on one type of test;
in the following discussion, strength is taken as the
triaxial undrained compressive shear strength c,,.
This provides a particulary simple direct measurement of strength.
Casagrande, as long ago as 1939, related shear
strength with the liquid limit of a soil. In the
course of lectures that he gave at Harvard University at that time he suggested an average value
of the shear strength of soils at the liquid limit as
indicated a rel2.65 kN/m"27
atively large spread of values depending on the
apparatus used for determining the liquid limit.
A major difficulty in attempting to assign a
unique value of shear strength to the liquid limit
is the unsatisfactory nature of the basic liquid limit
test in the Casagrande apparatus. The results for any
particular soil can vary widely depending on such
factors as the hardness of the base of the apparatus
and the bench on which it stands, and the performance of the operator. Detailed investigations
into the reliability and consistency of the test have
been reported by Norman ( 1958 ) , Casagrande
(1958) and Sherwood and Ryley (1970).
Norman reports the shear strengths of five soils
measured by means of a miniature laboratory
vane at their respective liquid limits. Using a liquid
limit apparatus with a base satisfying the British
standard (at that time) the strengths ranged from
0.8-1.6 kN/m2 (8-1 6 gf/cm" whereas using an
apparatus manufactured according to the American
Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard, the strengths ranged from 1.1-2.3 kN/m2
lWhere large movements have occwred on some preexisting slip planes in heavily overconsolidated clay the
remoulded strength may overestimate the in siru strength.
A residual strength, taking account of the reduction in
strength resulting from particle reorientation will then
be more appropriate (compare Skempton (1970) and
Bishop (1971)).
Wasagrande (1958) states that measurements of shear
strength a t the liquid limit were made with "precision
direct shear tests as well as other methods".
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( 1 1-23 gf/cm2). Skopek and Ter-Stepanian
(1975) state that the shear strength of a soil at
the liquid limit in the Casagrande apparatus ranges
between 1 and 3 kN/m2.
The results obtained by Skempton and Northey
(1953) reproduced in Fig. 1 show a range of
strengths (again measured using the laboratory
vane test) of 0.7-1.75 kN/m2 (0.1-0.25 Ibf/in2)
for four soils with very different values of plasticity index.
The most comprehensive and self-consistent set
of tests to be found in the literature is that reported by Youssef et al. (1965). They tested a
large number of remoulded clays, measuring the
shear strength with a laboratory vane as the water
content was varied in the neighbourhood of the
liquid limit.3 The results are shown in Fig. 2,
where the shear strength is plotted against water
content, each with logarithmic scales. Each straight
line represents the resuits for one clay, and the
solid circular point represents its state at its liquid
These solid circular points lie close to a line
(the LL line) that indicates a clear trend of decreasing shear strength with increasing value of
the liquid limit. Over the range of liquid limit of
30-200% the range of shear strength is 2.4-1.3
kN/m3 (24-13 gf/cm2) with a mean value of
about 1.7 kN/m" 17 gf/cm".
Assuming that the shear strength measured by
the laboratory vane is the same as that measured
in the triaxial compression test, this mean value
of 1.7 kN/m"ill
be adopted as the present best
estimate of the undrained shear strength c,, (in
triaxial compression) of a soil when at the liquid
From the evidence of Skempton and Northey
(1953) in Fig. 1 it will be assumed that the shear
strength at the plastic limit is 100 times that at the
liquid limit. A best estimate of 170 kN/m2 will be
Strength is commonly plotted against water
content w on a semi-logarithmic plot and an approximately straight line relationship is obtained:
+ A In c , = constant
where A is a constant. If a,' and a,' are the axial
and radial effective stresses in the triaxial test, we
can define the state of a triaxial sample by means
of two stress parameters (deviator stress q =
3Youssef et al. d o not state whether the liquid limit
apparatus used was constructed according to the British
o r to the American standard.
LL R PI Plplociq
30 16 14 0.35
ILXT~T 73 25 48 0.96
WIWm 97 32 65 1-27
FIG. 1. Relation between shear strength and liquidity
index of remoulded clays (after Skempton and Northey
K X ) l X ) 1 4 3 ~ 233
water content %
FIG.2. Relation between water content and shear
strength. Each line represents a different soil. T h e solid
points indicate the shear strengths at the liquid limit
(after Youssef er a/. 1965).
- a,' and mean normal stress p' = (a:,'
2ar1)/3) and one volumetric parameter, the current water content w, the voids ratio e or the
specific volume V of the soil. These last parameters
are related for saturated soil by
where G, is the specific gravity of the soil particles
(typically about 2.7), and the water content is
expressed as a ratio, not as a percentage.
Roscoe et al. (1958) found that the ultimate
states of remoulded soil in drained and undrained
triaxial tests lay on a line in pl:q: V space, which
has since been called the critical state line (Fig. 3 ) .
When these ultimate states were reached in monotonic loading, the soil could be sheared with no
further change in effective stresses or volume. The
critical state line is described by
+ A In p' = constant
C A N . GEOTECH J. VOL. IS. 1978
q = MP'
It was found that this critical state line (CSL) was
parallel to the normal consolidation line (NCL)
in V : In p' space (Fig. 3 ) so that
x = C,'/ln 10
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where C,' is the compression index of the remoulded soil. For triaxial compression the parameter M is related to the angle of internal friction
+' of the material by
M = 6 sin +'/(3 - sin +')
In an undrained triaxial compression test the
value of q on the CSL is
q = 2c,,
and hence, combining [3], [4] and [7], we find that
+ h In c , = constant
Noting [2], we may compare this with [I] in
order to deduce that
A = A/G,
so that
+ (h/Gs) In c,, = constant
If, in the light of the evidence of Skempton and
Northey (1953), we redefine the plasticity index
(PI) as the change of water content (expressed as
a ratio) producing a 100-fold change in strength,
then, from [lo]
or, from [5]
h = (PI G,)/ln 100
C,' = *PI G,
and for G, = 2.7
C,' = 1.35PI
The consequence of the assumptions (i) of
certain strengths associated with the liquid and
plastic limits, and (ii) of the linear relationship
between w and log c,, is illustrated in Fig. 4 in
which the remoulded strength (on a logarithmic
scale) is plotted against the liquidity index (LI).
The advantage of using the latter parameter is that
this diagram should apply to all soils, irrespective
of the actual values of liquid and plastic limits. The
diagram in Fig. 4 is directly comparable with, and
is an idealization of Fig. 1.
The remoulded strength can be estimated for any
value of the natural water content of a soil by
interpolation between points L and P in Fig. 4. By
definition of the liquidity index, and from the
linear relationship
C 141
LI = ( W - PL)/(LL - PL) =
(In 170/c,,) /ln 100
c, = 170 exp (-4.6LI) kN/m2
It is possible, but probably not worthwhile, to
refine this expression to take account of the variation of shear strength with liquid limit as follows:
[ 161
c,, = 100cI.I, exp (-4.6LI)
where cl,~,is the undrained shear strength at the
liquid limit obtained from the work of Youssef et
al. (1965) plotted in Fig. 2.
Because of its form, the relationship [15]
sensitive to any inaccuracy in the determination
the liquidity index. Differentiating [15] gives
6c,,/c,, = -4.6 6 (LI)
so that an error of 0.1 in LI would give rise to
error of 46% in the estimate of c,,.
An error of 0.1 in the liquidity index is a large
FIG. 3. Critical state line in p l : q : V space.
FIG.4. Idealized relationship between liquidity index
and shear strength.
14 1
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one, which is unlikely to arise in practice. For soil
samples with natural water contents close to the
liquid limit the estimate of the (very low) remoulded strength may be misleading, but these
will be the soil deposits that tend to be sensitive,
and for which the estimates of the remoulded
strength would be inappropriate anyway. For soils
with natural water contents nearer the plastic limit,
the errors in determining the (low) liquidity index
are likely to be smaller. However, it must be appreciated that the estimates of strength are sensitive
to these errors.
2. Reanalysis of Field Data
In searching the literature for data to be reanalysed there are few sites for which reliable
profiles of both consolidation and shear strength
results are available.
Two groups of data from offshore sites are rcanalysed here. The first set of data is that quoted
by McClelland (1967) for cores obtained in the
Gulf of Mexico, and this is analysed regarding
consolidation behaviour for values of the compression index. From the plasticity index PI the
gradient A of the normal consolidation line is
calculated from [I 11 to give a value of 0.585PI for
G, = 2.7.
The correlation between measured and predicted
values of A is shown in Fig. 5 and is reasonable,
although there is some scatter. Data from 12 locations are shown.
The second set of data is from some borings in
the North Sea; the results are interpreted to give
an estimate of the strength profile. These clays all
have plasticity indices in the range 0.25-0.30.
From the measured values of liquid limit, plastic
limit and natural water content, the liquidity index
has been calculated, and then substituted into [15]
to give an estimated value of the shear strength.
Figure 6 shows predicted and measured shear
strength profiles for four North Sea borings. The
agreement between the predictions and measurements is surprisingsly good. It has already been
noted [I71 that the prediction is rather dependent
on the accuracy of the liquidity index, which in
turn depends on the accuracy of the index tests and
the measurement of the natural water content.
However, the liquidity indices of nearly all the
results are within the range 0-0.3 so that the soils
in question are all heavily overconsolidated, and
hence will show little if any sensitivity; the estimated remoulded strengths are likely to agree with
the measured values obtained from disturbed
pmdicteci h
FIG.5. Comparison of measured and predicted values
of compression index (data from McClelland 1967).
3. Use of the Fall Cone to Determine
Index Properties4
If the index tests are to be interpreted as a
measure of strength, then it is logical to use a test
that is as simple as those devised by Atterberg, but
one that measures strength more directly. Fall cone
tests have been used in some parts of the world
for many years as a quick measurement of strength.
Hansbo (1957), in particular, reported a very
thorough study of the relationship between cone
penetration and strength (measured by means of
a vane test), for different cone angles and weights.
He showed that the relationship depends on the
sensitivity of the clay and on the way in which it
is sampled. However, he demonstrated that, once
the appropriate relationships were known, a good
agreement was in general obtained between estimates of strength made using the cone and using
other shear strength tests.
In the new edition of the British standard
Methods of test for soils for civil engineering purposes: BS 1377 (British Standards Institute 1975),
a variant of the fall cone test (there called the cone
penetrometer) is given as the method to be used
for measuring the liquid limit in preference to the
Casagrande apparatus.
In this recommended cone penetration test the
liquid limit is defined as that water content for
which a standard cone of apex angle 30° and
4This section builds on unpublished work carried out
by G . W. E. Milligan at Cambridge University Engineering Department in 1971, and also on suggestions
made by
-A. N. ~chofield.
CAN. GEOTECH. J. VOL. 15. 1978
shear s t m n g
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Q ' .
shear strength
k ~ l r n ~
FIG.6. Profiles of measured and predicted strengths with depth a t four North Sea locations.
weight 0.78N (80 gf) will penetrate 20 mm when
allowed to drop from a position of point contact
with the soil surface (Fig. 7 ) . This test was shown
by Sherwood and Ryley (1970) to give a more
consistent estimate of the liquid limit than the
Casagrande apparatus, with greater repeatability
and less operator susceptibility.
If we perform a series of cone penetration tests
on soils at different water contents we may expect
that the depth of penetration d (Fig. 7 ) of the cone
will be dependent on the strength of the clay. For
a cone of weight W we could expect from dimensional analysis that
cud2/W = constant
Hansbo (1957) also derived [18], with rather
more detailed consideration of the mechanics of
the cone penetration, and provided experimental
evidence to support its validity. He stated that the
constant depends mainly on the cone angle but is
also influenced by the rate of shear and by the
sensitivity of the clay. Hansbo was interested in
using the cone to determine strength and gave
values of the constant in [18] in order that strengths
of different clays might be obtained. We, however,
are here concerned to assign a particular strength
to a particular penetration of a standard cone and
then proceed to make further statements about the
characteristics of the soil.
Accepting [18], and using equation [lo], we
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FIG.7. Diagram of fall cone test.
could expect that a plot of water content w against
d for a constant cone weight would produce a line
w - (2h/Gs) In d = constant
which would be straight on a semi-logarithmic plot
(Fig. 8) with gradient
2X/Gs = 2C,'/G,
and for G, = 2.7
2X/Gs = 0.322C,'
There may be dynamic effects, associated with
the penetration of the cone, which will vary with
the depth of penetration. However, if we use geometrically similar cones of different weights and
find the water contents for which the penetrations
are the same, then it follows from [18] that
c,,/ W = constant (for fixed d )
We can compare our estimate in Sect. 1 of the
shear strength at the liquid limit with that computed from Hansbo's (1957) tables. For undisturbed clay tested with a 30" cone, at 20 mm
penetration he gave c , = 9.91 kN/m2 for a 3.92 N
(400 gf) cone and 2.45 kN/m2 for a 0.98 N (100
gf) cone. These strengths are roughly in the expected ratio (4: 1 ) of the cone weights and indicate
a strength of 1.96 kN/m2 for a 0.78 N (80 gf)
For remoulded clay, Hansbo tabulated data only
for the 60" cone, but he also showed a linear relation between the penetrations of a 0.98 N/30°
(100 gf/30°) and a 0.59 N/60° (60 gf/60°)
FIG. 8. Diagram of fall cone results with different cone
cone: 20 mm penetration of the former is equivalent to 7.7 mm penetration of the latter. Entering
his table with this figure produces a strength for
the 0.98 N/30° (100 gf/30°) cone of 2.94 kN/m2
corresponding to 2.35 kN/m2 for the 0.78 N/30°
(80 gf/30°) cone. These figures can be compared
with our single estimate for the strength at the
liquid limit of 1.7 kN/m2.
In the Soviet Union, Vasilev developed the use
of the fall cone test as a means of determining the
liquid limit of a soil, which became standardized
in the USSR in 1949. The Vasilev test defines the
liquid limit as the water content of a soil sample in
which the standard cone of 30" apex angle and
weight 0.74 N (76 gf) penetrates to a depth of
10 mm in 5 s. Unfortunately this definition of the
liquid limit is very different from that of the original
Casagrande standard or the revised British standard. Skopek and Ter-Stepanian ( 1975) attribute
a shear strength of 8.5 kN/m"o
the Vasilev test
(i.e. between three and four times the strength of
the Casagrande test).
However, although the definition is different, the
results are seen to be consistent. For the Vasilev
test c,, = 8.5 kN/m2, d = 10 mm and W = 0.74 N
(76 gf) so that using the dimensional analysis of
[I81 the shear strength attributed to the British
standard fall cone test (with a geometrically similar cone) having d = 20 mm and W = 0.78 N
(80 gf) would be c,, = 8.5 (80/76) (102/209 =
2.24 kN/m2.
From [18] and [19] we would expect that a
separate line relating w and d would be obtained
for each weight of cone, but two cones of weights
WI and W2 should yield parallel lines with a water
content separation (Fig. 8) of
and hence, from [ l I.]
Accepting the definition given earlier of plasticity index as the change of water content producing a 100-fold change in strength of the soil
then it would make sense to use the same strength
measuring test to determine both liquid and plastic
It is not feasible to use a cone of weight 78 N
(8 kgf) for comparison with the 0.78 N (80 gf)
cone specified for the liquid limit (which would
then give W1/W2 = 100 and PI = A). However,
satisfactory tests have been obtained using a
2.35 N (240 gf) cone, giving a weight ratio
W,/W2 = 3. Results of such fall cone tests
on Cambridge Gault clay are shown in Fig. 9.
C A N . GEOTECH. J. VOL. 15, 1978
cone weight
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cone p ~ n e t r a t ~ o nd rnm
FIG.9. Results of fall cone tests on Cambridge Gault
Straight parallel lines have been drawn through
the two series of points. The gradient of the lines,
from [19], is
For a value of G, = 2.75 this leads to a value for
the compression index of the remoulded Gault
clay, C,' = 0.70. The spacing between the pair of
lines provides an independent check on this value
of C,' (from [23]):
Moreover the redefined plasticity index (in terms
of the 100-fold increase in strength) is given by
1241 as PI = 2A/10glo 3 = 0.52 (or 5 2 % ) . This
should be compared with a value of PI of 54%
obtained by the conventional method.
Thus the use of the fall cone penetration test
provides a simple means of determining values of
the index properties logically redefined simply and
directly in terms of the undrained strength of the
The purpose of this paper has been to develop
correlations between the results of index tests and
the two basic properties of a soil, its shear strength
and compression index. The estimates of undrained
shear strength depend only on the liquidity index,
and those of compression index only on the plasticity index. It has been shown that such correlations allow reasonable estimates to be made of
these properties for the soil when in a remoulded
state. As a consequence such estimates will be
conservative and should lead in general to lower
bounds to the actual in situ strength and compressibility. The correlations have particular application to offshore site investigation, where good
quality samples and test results are very difficult
and expensive to obtain. Such samples that are
obtained are likely to be in a disturbed state.
The correlations also have application generally
in forming a background against which test results
can be checked for their consistency and reliability,
and to suggest whether a particular soil may have
unusual properties that need further investigation.
Although the interpretation of results from two
offshore sites looks promising it must be emphasized that this approach cannot be a substitute
for proper site investigation, sampling and testing;
it is meant to be an adjunct that should increase
the engineer's confidence in his judgement of the
properties of a soil.
The concepts, and results, clearly show the
value of the fall cone test, and its superiority over
the Casagrande apparatus for determination of the
liquid limit. It is hoped that the rationale for redefining the plastic limit as that water content that
gives a 100-fold increase in shear strength over
that at the liquid limit, and its measurement via
the fall cone test will soon be adopted.
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