Subido por Emmanuel Hernandez

Mexico DIOT Report FAQ: SAP A29 Localization Guide

2468616 - Mexico Localization: FAQ for A29 DIOT Report
Release Status
Released to Customer
XX-CSC-MX-FI (Financial Accounting)
Master Language
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SAP Knowledge Base Article
How To
Please find the original document at
This SAP KBA aims to provide a complete list of SAP Notes to be implemented for Mexico's A29 DIOT report
solution (also known as Monthly VAT Return for Vendors) and clarify questions about the use and
customizing of it.
DIOT is 'Declaración Informativa de Operaciones con Terceros' and A29 is the name of the legal requirement
from SAT (national tax authority from Mexico).
We intend to maintain this SAP KBA updated with new SAP Notes and other future changes regarding this
topic, based in the general resolutions from SAT.
We also invite you to check out the SAP KBA 2525257, in order to keep updated on overall Localization Latin
America topics and solutions.
Topic A - Basic processes and setup of DIOT solution
Topic B - SAP Notes
Topic C - Common Issues
SAP Help documentation
SAT's website
LAST UPDATE: 08.10.2019
A - Basic processes and setup of DIOT solution
The DIOT Report is focused on operations EFFECTIVELY realized with third parties. The DIOT Report is
based on the transfer of taxes, meaning that only the cleared invoices that have had its taxes transferred
through a program like RFUMSV50, or that were paid with transfer of taxes will be reported.
It's important to emphasize the meaning of "effectively". In a common scenario, the invoice will be created,
but the payment will not have been made yet, so the taxes pertinent to the document are not relevant to be
reported. After the payment, the taxes become relevant for reporting.
Having this in mind, the report will check for the following documents to fetch the document to report:
• Vendor Invoice with Deferred Taxes (FB60)
• Clearing document (F-53, FB01, FB05 etc.)
• Tax Transfer document (RFUMSV50)
The Tax Transfer document should be linked to the Vendor Invoice by the BKPF-XBLNR field. If the BKPF-
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XBLNR field is overridden on the Tax Transfer document, nothing will be fetched.
A1 - Configuration
In order to use the DIOT report you must first fulfill all the configuration before executing it.
1. First of all, you need to create the Tax Codes you are going to use and set their target codes at the
table T007A. To create the Tax Codes you can use the transaction FTXP.
2. Next step is to configure the table T007K with the Tax Codes for each Grouping Version.
a. Go to transaction SM30 and search for the view V_T007K.
b. Fill in the Country Key "MX" and the Tax Grouping Version you want to use, for example, N85
c. Here you can set up the target codes (1) for each column (2) of the DIOT Report.
3. At transaction FK03, be sure that the Vendor have the 'Type of Business' at tab 'Supplier: Tax Data'
, section 'Tax Calculation Korea', filled with one of the following values:
03 - Services
06 - Real Estate
29 - Acquisition of Other Intangible Assets
85 - Others
If this field is not activated, please check the attached document at SAP Note 2410092.
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4. Fill in the MXTVO table with the available business types. You can access MXTVO and find more
information on how to customize it at the following SPRO path:
Financial Accounting
General Ledger Accounting
Periodic Processing
Statutory Reporting: Mexico
Define Transaction Types for Vendors
A quick example of the MXTVO filled can be found below:
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A2 - Invoice Creation
To create an invoice for DIOT Report, enter the transaction FB60 and select the Tax Codes as Deferred Taxes,
as the example below:
Make sure that the deferred taxes have a corresponding "Target Tax Code" on the table T007A.
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A3 - Invoice Clearing
To clear the invoice you can use a transaction like F-53.
Select the amount that is going to be paid, mark the type as "Vendor Payment" (default: KZ) and select the
vendor that is going to be paid (Account Type: K), as the example below:
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A4 - Deferred Tax Transfer
After paying the invoice, the taxes must be transferred through the program RFUMSV50:
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Important: On the "Posting Params", pay attention to the Posting Date and Document Date, because it can
cause a mismatch between the Tax Transfer documents and the Invoices as, for example, when running the
DIOT Report, it will not be able to match the Tax Transfer documents posted for September and the Invoices
related to them being listed on November.
The RFUMSV50 accepts backwards posting dates, for this purpose, pay extra attention when transferring
When transferring the taxes on RFUMSV50, do not forget to update the Posting Date, otherwise, it will
create the Tax Transfer Documents with mismatching dates and periods.
More information about program RFUMSV50 can be found at SAP Note 1800344.
A5 - Technical Details
The report consists of a CSV with pipes (|), as follows:
Field 1: Type of Third Party
• 04 - National Supplier
• 05 - Foreign Supplier
• 15 - Global Supplier
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Field 2: Transaction Type
03 - Services
06 - Real Estate
29 - Acquisition of Other Intangible Assets
85 - Others
Field 3: Tax Number
Mandatory when third party is national (04).
Field 4: Tax Number for Foreigners
Mandatory when third party is foreign (05);
Field 5: Foreigner Name
Field 6: Country of Residence
Mandatory when field 5 is filled.
Field 7: Nationality
Mandatory when field 5 is filled;
Field 8: Base Amount for VAT of 15% or 16%
Field 9: Base Amount for 15% VAT Before 2010
Field 10: Tax Amount for VAT of 15% or 16%
Field 11: Base Amount for VAT of 10% or 11%
Field 12: Base Amount for 10% VAT Before 2010
Field 13: Base Amount for VAT of 8%
Field 14: Tax Amount for VAT of 10% or 11%
Field 15: Tax Amount for VAT of 8%
Field 16: Base Amount for 15% or 16% VAT for imports
Field 17: Tax Amount for 15% or 16% VAT for imports
Field 18: Base Amount for 10% or 11% VAT for imports
Field 19: Tax Amount for 15% or 16% VAT for imports
Field 20: Base Amount for VAT Exempt import
Field 21: Base Amount for 0% VAT
Field 22: Base Amount for VAT Exempt
Field 23: Withheld VAT
Field 24: VAT for Returns, Discounts, and Bonuses
A6 - Enhancement points
It is possible to change the results from the ALV and from the text file generated by DIOT report using the
user exit RFID_EXIT_FORMAT29.
B - SAP Notes of DIOT report
All SAP Notes for ERP system are only valid for SAP_APPL versions from 600 to 618 releases and for some
specific S4CORE or SAP_FIN versions. In case the transaction SNOTE informs you that a specific SAP Note
is obsolete for your system version, disregard the SAP Note but review its textual content and attachments.
Check if you followed all the manual instructions and if you implemented the last version of SAP Notes.
Notice that some SAP Notes have manual pre and post implementation steps in the description content or in
their attachments. The list has SAP Notes to be used in the installation and customizing of the solution,
correction issues and manual instructions. Notice that some SAP Notes are just valid for specific versions.
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2831472 - DIOT [8]: VAT Withholding not Reported for Accounting Documents with Multiple Tax Codes
2812574 - DIOT [7]: Accounting Documents not Included when Running for Multiple Years
2808295 - DIOT [6]: VAT Tax Base Amount over Goods and Services Imports not Reported in Column 16
2799229 - DIOT [5]: Errors in the Output Log of RFIDMXFORMAT29 Report
2803666 - DIOT [4]: Documents with VAT Rate of 8% not Included when Fiscal Year does not Follow
Calendar Year
2801020 - DIOT [3]: VAT Amount of Credit Memos Not Displayed in Column 24
2761072 - DIOT [2]: Legal Change of 8% VAT Rate for the North Region
2778369 - DIOT [1]: Automatic Data Dictionary Implementation
2701067 - Mexico DIOT Report - Multiple Withholding Tax Types for a Single Invoice
2621989 - DIOT report (RFIDMXFORMAT29) now working with the New Tax Transfer Program RFUMSV50
2605621 - Mexico: RFIDMXFORMAT29 - Issue with: Duplicate Tax lines; Invoice and Tax Transfer document
in different fiscal year
2410092 - MX: Corrections to RFIDMXFORMAT29 when run with Defer tax program RFUMSV50
2328786 - RFIDMXFORMAT29: Incorrect display of version and 0% documents in the list output.
2246661 - Interface note: deletion of personal data in Mexico monthly VAT return for vendors report
2239674 - RFIDMXFORMAT29 : Wrong sign in amount with credit memo
2198848 - MX : RFIDMXFORMAT29 Report selects documents where deferred tax transfer document is not
2114682 - RFIDMXFORMAT29: Selection screen field "Year" to be required field
2104587 - RFIDMXFORMAT29 : Corrections to DIOT Mexico report
2085123 - RFIDMXFORMAT29: Missing Documents and Performance Issue
2081685 - DIOT report is not working for IEPS + VAT taxes
2068510 - RFIDMXFORMAT29: Selection screen field "Year" to be required field
2057505 - DIOT report is not working for IEPS + VAT taxes
1962467 - RFIDMXFORMAT29: Incorrect amounts in the file
1946088 - DIOT: Issue with transaction type and VAT withheld
1939501 - RFIDMXFORMAT29: Performance Issue
1930719 - DIOT: Issue with transaction type and VAT withheld
1878747 - RFIDMXFORMAT29: Performance Issue
1867243 - DIOT: Document displays with previous document data
1851464 - RFIDMXFORMAT29:Issue with invoice posted with different year
1833840 - DIOT report: Issue with user-exit
1781192 - RFIDMXFORMAT29: Incorrect Foreign Vendor Tax Number
1768349 - RFIDMXFORMAT29: Text elements for DIOT report
1755187 - RFIDMXFORMAT29: Corrections to several issues
1658128 - DIOT:Issue with the length of the column "PAID AMOUNT"
1642086 - DIOT: Issue with space at the end of each field in the file
1630908 - DIOT report - File downloading in background mode
1630247 - RFIDMXFORMAT29:Blank spaces at the end of the file output
1609085 - DIOT: Issue with 0% tax documents
1594359 - FI: Potential Directory Traversal - Mexico
1558411 - RFIDMXFORMAT29 : Corrections to DIOT Mexico report
1550848 - RFIDMXFORMAT29 : Wrong Paid Amount
1549372 - Corrections to the DIOT report Mexico
1501314 - DIOT: Incorrect Description of Field 'Withholding Tax Code
1496376 - RFIDMXFORMAT29:Few documents are not getting displayed.
1478671 - RFIDMXFORMAT29: Issue with nationality field display
1472041 - DIOT Report: Maintenance of T007k as per new legal change
1449197 - Legal change for Mexico - DIOT report
1443431 - DIOT report- Issue with File downloading to the local system
1438096 - RFIDMXFORMAT29:Documents are not reported in the DIOT report
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1429434 - Extra spaces are added up at the end in the file.
1314174 - Documents with multiple tax codes not shown properly
1312491 - DIOT report - File downloading in background mode
1287076 - Documents with multiple tax codes not shown
1285107 - Corrections to the Note 1264263
1274856 - General Corrections to the DIOT report Mexico
1264263 - Discount amount not considered in RFIDMXFORMAT29
1257591 - Corrections to the RFIDMXFORMAT29 report
1244068 - Downpayments not reported properly in RFIDMXFORMAT29
1243800 - Documents from previous year not shown
1239923 - Incorrect Basgruno and Vendor name in RFIDMXFORMAT29
1223094 - Correction note for 1120446 version 3.
1169212 - Format A-29 monthly tax reporting dont select CPD-Supplier
1164100 - Format A-29 monthly tax reporting dont select credit notes
1156853 - RFIDMXFORMAT29: Country Code for Germany should be changed
1152710 - RFIDMXFORMAT29 => Country name not displayed properly
1149121 - Documentation for Mexico Legal Change - Format A-29
1147487 - Transaction code for RFIDMXFORMAT29
1146943 - amount of previous year document not fetched
1145961 - Steuerreporting Mexiko
1139754 - Problems inplementing note 1120446 and 1104912
1138522 - Selection of with holidng tax amount
1138360 - Continuation for problem 461929 - Top Vendors Tax Report
1120446 - Document amount is always displayed in column 20.
1120322 - With holding tax amount not displayed.
1111107 - RFIDMXFORMAT29: Country name not displayed in file output.
1104912 - RFIDMXFORMAT29
1082441 - Mexico Legal change Format-A29
C - Common Issues
C1 - RFUMSV25 and RFUMSV50
At SAP Note 2074813 - RFUMSV25 and RFUMSV50: Deferred tax strategy, the FI Core team decided that:
"To simplify the system SAP has decided to support and extend only one solution based on
RFUMSV50. [...] SAP will continue to support RFUMSV25 but will not extend its functionality."
Based on this, changes were made at RFIDMXFORMAT29 which require that customers migrate to the new
RFUMSV50, as per SAP Note 2410092. RFUMSV50 covers all business scenarios supported by
C2 - New Tax Codes and Tax Boxing
With the Legal Change of 8% VAT Rate for the North Region some new customizings are necessary. Please
check the attached file 'Maintain New Tax Codes and Tax Boxing_Legacy.pdf' for guidance on it.
FORMAT29, VAT return, S_EBJ_45000142, A-29, A29DIOT, DIOTA29, SAT, A29, A_29, DIOT, RFIDMX29,
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SAP ERP all versions
Other Components
This document refers to
Localization Latin America
DIOT [8]: VAT Withholding not Reported for Accounting Documents with Multiple Tax Codes
DIOT [7]: Accounting Documents not Included when Running for Multiple Years
DIOT [6]: VAT Tax Base Amount over Goods and Services Imports not Reported in Column 16
DIOT [4]: Documents with VAT Rate of 8% not Included when Fiscal Year does not Follow Calendar
DIOT [3]: VAT Amount of Credit Memos Not Displayed in Column 24
DIOT [5]: Errors in the Output Log of RFIDMXFORMAT29 Report
DIOT [1]: Automatic Data Dictionary Implementation
DIOT [2]: Legal Change of 8% VAT Rate for the North Region
Legal change for Mexico - DIOT report for new 8% VAT rate
Mexico DIOT Report - Multiple Withholding Tax Types for a Single Invoice
Mexico - ACR Reports - Adding Correction Runs
Audit Trail enablement for MX DIOT Report - ACR
DIOT report (RFIDMXFORMAT29) now working with the New Tax Transfer Program RFUMSV50
Mexico: RFIDMXFORMAT29 - Issue with: Duplicate Tax lines; Invoice and Tax Transfer document in
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different fiscal year
MX: Corrections to RFIDMXFORMAT29 when run with Defer tax program RFUMSV50
RFIDMXFORMAT29: Incorrect display of version and 0% documents in the list output.
Interface note: deletion of personal data in Mexico monthly VAT return for vendors report
RFIDMXFORMAT29 : Wrong sign in amount with credit memo
MX : RFIDMXFORMAT29 Report selects documents where deferred tax transfer document is not
RFIDMXFORMAT29: Selection screen field "Year" to be required field
RFIDMXFORMAT29 : Corrections to DIOT Mexico report
RFIDMXFORMAT29: Missing Documents and Performance Issue
DIOT report is not working for IEPS + VAT taxes
RFUMSV25 and RFUMSV50: Deferred tax strategy
RFIDMXFORMAT29: Selection screen field "Year" to be required field
DIOT report is not working for IEPS + VAT taxes
RFIDMXFORMAT29: Incorrect amounts in the file
DIOT: Issue with transaction type and VAT withheld
RFIDMXFORMAT29: Performance Issue
DIOT: Issue with transaction type and VAT withheld
RFIDMXFORMAT29: Performance Issue
DIOT: Document displays with previous document data
RFIDMXFORMAT29:Issue with invoice posted with different year
DIOT report: Issue with user-exit
How to start using deferred tax report RFUMSV50
RFIDMXFORMAT29: Incorrect Foreign Vendor Tax Number
RFIDMXFORMAT29: Text elements for DIOT report
RFIDMXFORMAT29: Corrections to several issues
DIOT:Issue with the length of the column "PAID AMOUNT"
DIOT: Issue with space at the end of each field in the file
DIOT report - File downloading in background mode
RFIDMXFORMAT29:Blank spaces at the end of the file output
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DIOT: Issue with 0% tax documents
FI: Potential Directory Traversal - Mexico
RFIDMXFORMAT29 : Corrections to DIOT Mexico report
RFIDMXFORMAT29 : Wrong Paid Amount
Corrections to the DIOT report Mexico
DIOT: Incorrect Description of Field 'Withholding Tax Code
RFIDMXFORMAT29:Few documents are not getting displayed.
RFIDMXFORMAT29: Issue with nationality field display
DIOT Report: Maintenance of T007k as per new legal change
Legal change for Mexico - DIOT report
DIOT report- Issue with File downloading to the local system
RFIDMXFORMAT29:Documents are not reported in the DIOT report
Extra spaces are added up at the end in the file.
Documents with multiple tax codes not shown properly
DIOT report - File downloading in background mode
Documents with multiple tax codes not shown
Corrections to the Note 1264263
General Corrections to the DIOT report Mexico
Discount amount not considered in RFIDMXFORMAT29
Corrections to the RFIDMXFORMAT29 report
Downpayments not reported properly in RFIDMXFORMAT29
Documents from previous year not shown
Incorrect Basgruno and Vendor name in RFIDMXFORMAT29
Correction note for 1120446 version 3.
Format A-29 monthly tax reporting dont select CPD-Supplier
Format A-29 monthly tax reporting dont select credit notes
RFIDMXFORMAT29: Country Code for Germany should be changed
RFIDMXFORMAT29 => Country name not displayed properly
Documentation for Mexico Legal Change - Format A-29
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Transaction code for RFIDMXFORMAT29
amount of previous year document not fetched
Steuerreporting Mexiko
Problems inplementing note 1120446 and 1104912
Selection of with holidng tax amount
Continuation for problem 461929 - Top Vendors Tax Report
Document amount is always displayed in column 20.
With holding tax amount not displayed.
RFIDMXFORMAT29: Country name not displayed in file output.
Mexico Legal change Format-A29
SAP Help documentation
SAT's website
File Name
Maintain New Tax Codes and Tax Boxing_Legacy.pdf
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File Size
Mime Type
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