Subido por Luis Carlos Rangel Sierra

Tiempos verbales en inglés: ejercicios de presente simple y continuo

Tiempos Básicos
Entre las funciones que tienen los verbos está la de señalar el tiempo en que una acción ocurre. En inglés
hay cuatro tiempo básicos en la conjugación: “Present”, “Past”, “Future” y “Conditional”. Estos tiempos, como
veremos más adelante se repiten en los diferentes grupos de tiempo que forman la conjugación.
Present Tense
Este tiempo verbal lo utilizamos para hablar sobre:
Hábitos, actividades y situaciones regulares. Ex: I go to class every day.
Hechos y actitudes que son generalmente o siempre ciertas. Ex. I study a lot.
Sentimiento y emociones (love, hate, hope…) Ex. I love my family.
Reglas para las 3eras personas (she-he-it)
Cuando tenemos presente a una tercera persona en una oración, recordemos que los verbos sufren cambios
por lo que debemos seguir las siguientes reglas:
1. Con los verbos que terminen en: o – ch- sh- ss-x. se les agrega es. Ex. Go  goes
2. Con los verbos que terminen en y, antecedido por una vocal, se les agrega s. ex. Play  plays
3. Con los verbos que terminen en y, antecedida por una consonante,se les cambia la y por ies. Ex.
Study studies
4. Al resto de los verbos se les agrega una s. Ex. Work - Works
También debemos recordar que las terceras personas (she-he-it) trabajan con el auxiliar DOES.
El resto I- You- They- We trabaja con DO
Forms of Present Tense (Formas del presente simple)
Oración Afirmativa: Sujeto + verbo + complemento.
They play soccer. / He plays soccer.
Oración Negativa: Sujeto + do- does + not+ verbo + complemento.
They do not play soccer. / He does not play soccer.
NOTA: Cuando utilizamos el auxiliar de la tercera persona (does) NO agregamos la s ó es al verbo, ya que, el
auxiliar (does) la asume.
Yes/No Questions: do – does + Sujeto + verbo + complemento+?
Do they play soccer? / Does he play soccer?
(+) yes, sujeto + do-does
(-) No, sujeto + do-does + not
1) Write sentences using the present tense. (Escribe oraciones utilizando el presente simple)
Example: Maria (run) in the park  Maria runs in the park
a) She (not /work) in the show.__________________________________________________________
b) I (design) new clothes._______________________________________________________________
c) It (not/spoil) the dress.________________________________________________________________
d) We (go) to the beach.________________________________________________________________
e) He (write) letters.____________________________________________________________________
2) Change I to He in the following sentences (Cambia I por He en las siguientes oraciones)
Example: I run in the park  He runs in the park
a) I look elegant. ____________________________________________________________________
b) I sew a dress._____________________________________________________________________
c) I run fast._________________________________________________________________________
d) I go to the movies.__________________________________________________________________
e) I dance salsa.______________________________________________________________________
3) Change He to I in the following sentences. (Cambia He por I en las siguientes oraciones)
Example: He runs in the park  I run in the park
a) He builds casttle.____________________________________________________________________
b) He comes tomorrow.__________________________________________________________________
c) He drinks milk.______________________________________________________________________
d) He sings a song._____________________________________________________________________
e) He plays soccer._____________________________________________________________________
4) Change the statements to yes/no questions. (Cambia las oraciones a pregunta)
Example: I run in the park  Do you run in the park?
a) She knows him.________________________________________________________________________
b) They open the door._____________________________________________________________________
c) He cries for her.________________________________________________________________________
Present Continuous
Este tiempo verbal es utilizado para hablar de:
Acciones que están ocurriendo en ese momento (normalmente acompañado de adverbios como: now
(ahora), at the momento (en este momento), today (hoy)…) Por ejemplo: You’re studying english now.
Acciones que estén ocurriendo en el presente aunque no necesariamente en ese momento. Por ejemplo:
You are reading a novel.
Planes cercanos al futuro. Por ejemplo: We are studying english next week.
Para lograr constituir este tiempo verbal debemos utilizar el gerundio, el cual es una forma del verbo que se
logra agregando ING al mismo. Esto se rige por las siguientes reglas:
1. Si el verbo termina en consonante y es antecedido por una vocal, se dobla la consonante y agregamos
ing. Ex. Run  running (Excepto para verbos que terminen en: r, w, s, x, y, z)
2. Si el verbo termina en IE, se cambia la IE por Y, agregamos ing. Die  Dying
3. Si el verbo termina en E y es antecedido por una consonante, omitimos la E y agregamos ing.
Come coming. Be  Being (excepción)
4. Si el verbo termina en L, antecedido de una sola vocal, se dobla la L y se agrega ing.
Cancel  Cancelling
5. Al resto de los verbos se les agrega ing. Play  Playing
Formas Del Presente Continuo
Oración Afirmativa: sujeto + is- am- are + verbo-ing + complemento
They are playing soccer.
Oración Negativa: sujeto + is- am- are + not + verbo-ing + complemento
They are not playing soccer.
Yes/ No Questions: is- am- are + sujeto + verbo-ing + complement+?
Are they playing soccer?
(+) yes, sujeto+ is-am-are (-) no, sujeto + is- am – are + not.
1) Write sentences using the present continuous. (Escribe oraciones utilizando el presente continuo)
Example: Maria (run) in the park  Maria is running in the park
a) He (not/open) the door .______________________________________________________________
b) John (study) the lesson._______________________________________________________________
c) They (not/speak) French.______________________________________________________________
d) It (drink) water.______________________________________________________________________
e) We (go) to the beach._______________________________________________________________
He (not/write) letters.__________________________________________________________________
2) Change the statements to questions (Cambia las oraciones a pregunta)
Example: Maria is running in the park Is Maria running in the park?
a) It is raining now.______________________________________________________________
b) He is fixing the t.v.___________________________________________________________________
c) They are eating pizza._______________________________________________________________
d) We are giving gifts._________________________________________________________________
e) I am running around._______________________________________________________________
She is driving fast.___________________________________________________________________
3) Write the –ing form of each verb. (Escribe la forma del gerundio de cada uno de los verbos)
a) Work ________________
d) Pronounce.__________________
b) Hold._________________
e) Cry.________________
c) Watch._______________
4) Translate the sentences into Spanish. (Traduce las oraciones a español)
a) It is raining now.___________________________________________________________________
b) The teacher is explaining ____________________________________________________________
Present Perfect Simple
Este tiempo verbal es utilizado para hablar de:
Acciones que han tenido lugar en el pasado, pero un pasado muy reciente. Por ejemplo: You have studied
Acciones que empezaron en el pasado y continúan en el presente o acaban de terminar o tienen
consecuencias en el presente. Por ejemplo: You have studied for the English test.
Para lograr constituir este tiempo verbal debemos utilizar el participio pasado del verbo, los verbos regulares
se rigen por las siguientes reglas:
1. Solo tenemos que añadir la d cuando el verbo ya termina en e.
to change (cambiar) -> changed
2. Si la última vocal del verbo está formada por consonante-vocal-consonante, tenemos que doblar dicha
consonante. También si el verbo acaba en l tenemos que doblarla.
to stop (parar) -> stopped
to travel (viajar) -> travelled
3. Al resto de los verbos se le agrega d / ed según sea el caso.
To work (trabajar)  worked
Formas Del Presente Perfecto Simple
Oración Afirmativa: sujeto + have - has + verbo (participio) + complemento
They have played soccer.
Oración Negativa: sujeto + have - has + not + verbo (participio) + complemento
They have not played soccer.
Yes/ No Questions: have - has + sujeto + verbo (participio) + complement+?
Have they played soccer?
(+) yes, sujeto+ have - has
(-) no, sujeto + have - has + not.
1) Write sentences using the present perfect simple. (Escribe oraciones utilizando el presente perfecto simple)
Example: Maria (run) in the park  Maria has run in the park
a) He (not/open) the door .______________________________________________________________
b) John (study) the lesson._______________________________________________________________
c) They (not/speak) French.______________________________________________________________
d) It (drink) water.______________________________________________________________________
e) We (go) to the beach._______________________________________________________________
He (not/write) letters.__________________________________________________________________
2) Change the statements to questions (Cambia las oraciones a pregunta)
Example: Maria has run in the park  has Maria run in the park?
a) It has rained now.____________________________________________________________________
b) He has fixed the t.v.__________________________________________________________________
c) They have eaten pizza._______________________________________________________________
d) We have given gifts._________________________________________________________________
e) I have run around.____________________________________________________________________
She has driven fast.__________________________________________________________________
3) Write the participle form of each verb. (Escribe el participio de cada uno de los verbos)
a) Work ________________
b) Hold._________________
c) Watch._______________
d) Pronounce.__________________
e) Cry.________________
5) Organize the verbs in regulars or irregulars (Organiza los verbos en regulares o irregulares)
Bring – study – read – sell – feed – go – play – win – write
Past Simple
Este tiempo verbal es utilizado para:
Expresar acciones que tuvieron lugar en el pasado. Por ejemplo: You studied English.
Todas las personas trabajan con el auxiliar DID
Formas Del Past Simple
Oración Afirmativa: Sujeto + verbo (pasado) + complemento.
They played soccer.
Oración Negativa: Sujeto + did + not+ verbo (presente) + complemento.
They did not play soccer. / He did not play soccer.
NOTA: Cuando utilizamos el auxiliar DID el verbo regresa a su forma presente porque el auxiliar nos indica ya
el pasado.
Yes/ No Questions: Did + Sujeto + verbo (presente)+ complemento+?
Did they play soccer? / Did he play soccer?
(+) yes, sujeto + did
(-) No, sujeto + did + not
Write sentences using the Past Simple. (Escribe oraciones utilizando el pasado simple)
He (not/build) a house ______________________________________________________
We (play) soccer___________________________________________________________
They (not/ drink) water ______________________________________________________
She (visit) her father__ ________________________________________________________
They (not/lend) money.________________________________________________________
2. Change the sentences to questions. (Cambia las oraciones a pregunta)
She drank water______________________________________________________________
You spent the money___________________________________________________________
They cut the fabric_________ ______________________________________________________
He gave her a gift______ ________________________________________________________
They lost the keys.____________________________________________________________
3. Answer the following questions (responde las siguientes preguntas)
Did they play soccer? __________________________________________________________
Did she run in the park?___________________________________________________________
Did we make a cake?_____ ______________________________________________________
Did you buy the house?__ ________________________________________________________
Did it eat meat?_______________________________________________________________
4. Organize the verbs into regular and irregulars (Organiza los verbos en regulares e irregulares)
Go – Read – Like – Play – Give – Close- Make – Live- Build – Drink– Cook – Cry– Make – Dance- Remember
– See- Run – Speak –Talk – Wash – Write– Visit- Drive – Study- Know – Think – Travel – Watch – Eat – Enjoy
– Come -Open
Past Continuous
Este tiempo verbal es utilizado para:
Expresar acciones que tuvieron lugar en el pasado, en un momento concreto. Por ejemplo: You were
studying English last night.
Nota: Utilizamos el verbo to be en pasado: He- She- It  WAS / I – You-They-We  WERE
Formas Del Pasado Continuo
Oración Afirmativa: sujeto + was- were + verbo-ing + complemento
They were playing soccer.
Oración Negativa: sujeto + was- were + not + verbo-ing + complemento
They were not playing soccer.
Yes/ No Questions: was- were + sujeto + verbo-ing + complement+?
Were they playing soccer?
(+) yes, sujeto+ was- were (-) no, sujeto + was- were + not.
1. Write sentences using the past continuous tense. (Escribe oraciones utilizando el pasado continuo)
a. He (not/build) a house ______________________________________________________
b. We (play) soccer___________________________________________________________
c. They (not/ drink) water ______________________________________________________
d. She (visit) her father__ ________________________________________________________
e. They (not/lend) money.________________________________________________________
2. Change the sentences to questions. (Cambia las oraciones a pregunta)
a. She was drinking water__________________________________________________________________
b. You were spending the money___________________________________________________________
c. They were cut the fabric_________ ________________________________________________________
d. He was buying her a gift______ ____________________________________________________________
e. They were losing the keys.________________________________________________________________
Past Perfect Simple
Este tiempo verbal es utilizado para:
Expresar acciones que han tenido lugar en el pasado, pero un pasado menos reciente. Por ejemplo: You
had studied english in December 2008.
Formas Del Past Perfecto Simple
Oración Afirmativa: sujeto + had + verbo (participio) + complemento
They had played soccer.
Oración Negativa: sujeto + had + not + verbo (participio) + complemento
They had not played soccer.
Yes/ No Questions: Had + sujeto + verbo (participio) + complement+?
Have they played soccer?
(+) yes, sujeto+ had
(-) no, sujeto + had + not.
1. Write sentences using the past perfect tense. (Escribe oraciones utilizando el pasado perfecto)
a. He (not/buy) a house ________________________________________________________________
b. We (watch) t.v_____________________________________________________________________
c. They (not/ shake) hands ________________________________________________________________
d. She (steal) her father__ ________________________________________________________________
e. They (not/think) in English._______________________________________________________________
2. Change the sentences to questions. (Cambia las oraciones a pregunta)
a. She had won the game__________________________________________________________________
b. You had written the letter______________________________________________________________
c. They had spoilt the meal_________ ________________________________________________________
d. He had sold the products______ __________________________________________________________
e. They had paid the price.__________________________________________________________________