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Errata The Captain is dead

Errata / Changes
• Updated the artwork for the hostile aliens to reflect the new design for Episode 3.
• Updated several of the role cards to be more specific about free role actions only being
available during your turn unless otherwise specified.
• Fixed a misprint on the box. It said the game was assembled in China, which has never been
the case. It has always been manufactured at The Game Crafter in Madison, WI, USA.
• On page 9, noted that you can take skills and tools that would go over your hand size, but that
you must immediately discard down to your hand size.
• On page 11, noted that when a role has an ability tied to a system, the ability goes away when
the system is offline.
• Added a new variant on page 15 called “Advanced Quick Game” that reads:
Remove all but 5 Yellow Alerts from the Alerts deck, then play as normal. This allows you to
set up the initial damage from Yellow Alerts, but you’ll begin the game directly in the Orange
Alerts, making the game exceedingly difficult.
• On page 12, added the following paragraph to the bottom of the “Alien Ships” section:
While the External Scanners are online, you may shoot ships that are in the visible alert
queue. If you shoot the first ship in the queue (the one that will be revealed at the end of your
turn) then you do not need to draw an alert at the end of your turn. If you shoot the second
ship in the queue, replace it at the end of your turn when you resolve the alert for your turn.
• On page 8, changed the Counselor description to match the card that she has 8 hand size not
• On page 2, changed the yellow and orange alerts to accurately reflect their real counts (24
and 26 respectively).
• Added VERSION 1.1 to the manual cover.
• Added page numbers to every page in the manual.
• On page 2 noted that the blocker bar is used with the Strange Energies anomaly.
On page 7 clarified that you still lose if you run out of alert cards.
On page 9 clarified that tools may be transferred via Teleporter but not Comm System.
On page 9 noted that the Hologram may not use or carry tools.
On page 9 clarified that you may use tools when when you are injured so long as the action
you’re about to take would be allowed when you are injured. Therefore you could fire a gun,
but could not repair a system.
On page 9 noted that role abilities are available to be used even when injured.
On page 11 noted that battle plans do not count toward hand size.
On page 12 clarified that you can use skill discounts when overriding alerts.
Fixed the language on page 12 to reflect drawing 5 alert cards before play begins.
Removed an outdated rule on page 13 where it said purple and white pawns are not available
in a 3 player game.
Changed the Scanner tool to work when reinstalling in addition to repairing.
Removed the extra E from the Engineering skill cards.
Removed the “Advanced” alerts from the retail version of the game. They are too over
powered and just frustrated and confused most players.
The orange “Battle Stations” alert’s text has been changed to read “Reduce the Shields by
30% Active player chooses and discards 2 skills.”
For clarity, changed the “Alien Trap” and “Extra Set of Tools” battle plans to have “Discard this
card after use.” text at the end.
Clarified on all the battle plans that affect systems that you do not need to be in the room to
use the battle plan.
Clarified the Crewman dies if he is injured or any player in his location is injured.
Clarified the Scholar’s ability that her card comes from the skill deck.
Clarified that the Ensign is unaffected by the Increased Gravity anomaly.
Clarified that the Teleporter Chief’s ability can only be used during his turn.
Added Matt Worden to the Play Testers list.
Original Release / Kickstarter Version.
Note, if you have no version number on the front of your manual then you have the 1.0 version.