Aggression and Competition among Stingless Bees: Field Studies Author(s): Leslie K. Johnson and Stephen P. Hubbell Source: Ecology, Vol. 55, No. 1 (Jan., 1974), pp. 120-127 Published by: Ecological Society of America Stable URL: Accessed: 19-01-2016 02:56 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Ecological Society of America is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Ecology. This content downloaded from on Tue, 19 Jan 2016 02:56:57 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Ecology (1974) 55: pp. 120-127 AGGRESSION AND COMPETITION AMONG STINGLESS BEES: FIELD STUDIES' LESLIE K. JOHNSON Department of Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 AND STEPHEN P. HUBBELL Department of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 A bstract. Many species of stingless bees exhibit complex intraspecific and interspecific aggressive behavior towards each other when they meet on flowers or artificial baits. Such aggressive encounters significantlylower the amount of time that bees spend on food sources, as well as the amount of nectar or pollen which they can gather per visit. In addition, the intensityand duration of aggression at artificial baits rises sharply with increased sugar concentration. Differentspecies vary markedly in inherentaggressiveness. Learning and recruitment appear to reinforce the effects of aggression on the spatial separation of foraging in competing colonies. Key words: Aggression; bees, stingless; competition; Costa Rica; Trigona; tropical bees. tinctivecoloration or size. Althoughthere are other Stingless bees are a major biomass component of bees in Costa Rica withwhichtheycould be confused, the nectar- and pollen-foraginginsect communityin theydid not occur in our study areas. C and M are many tropical areas. At one dry forest study area both all-black bees that are somewhat difficultto near Bagaces, Guanacaste Province,Costa Rica, sting- distinguishin flight;with practice they can be idenless bees constituteclose to 30% of this insect com- tified at rest on flowers or baits. M is a slightly munity (Heithaus and Opler, personal communica- smallerbee and it moves more slowly and less jerkily tion). Publishedstudieson foragingbehaviorin these as it feeds. Fortunately,the two species,for unknown eusocial bees are few, dealing principallywith the reasons, rarely co-occurred in our experimentsat communication of food location by odor trails or differentstudysites around Turrialba. sound production (Esch 1967, Lindauer 1967, Kerr METHODS 1969). Arnold (1966) and Johnson (1970) found The bees were observed on flowers and artificial aggression between species of stinglessbees visiting artificialbaits; but, except for reportsof nest-robbing baits. The baits were designed to present a constant behavior (Schwarz 1948, Nogueira-Neto 1949), there food supply of controlled accessibility and quality have been virtuallyno accounts of bee aggression (sucrose concentration). Therefore any changes in over naturalfood sources. Aggressionover resources the patternsof exploitationcould be attributedto the is well known in some othergroups of Hymenoptera, bees and their interactions,and not to a changing especially ants (e.g., Haskins and Haskins 1965, quality or quantity of the food supply. Each bait Wilson 1971). We report here on several recent was a 10-cm-squareclear-plasticsandwich box on a experimentaland descriptivefield studies of aggres- stake 80 cm tall. The box was half filled with sugar sion and competitionamong stinglessbees, conducted syrup,on which floateda 4-mm-thickstyrofoamplatform on which the bees could land. The bees could at Turrialba,Costa Rica. This discussionwill primarilyconcern interactions drink the syrup through 16 half-inchholes drilled betweenthe large (10-mm) bee, Trigona silvestriana through the platform. As the syrup was drunk by the bees, the platform floated downwards, thereby (S) and medium-sized(7-mm) bee, T. corvina (C)both aggressivespecies; the less aggressive,medium- maintaining a constant food availability (exposed sized (7-mm) bees, T. testacea (T) and T. mexicana surface area of syrup) throughtime. Twenty-fivebaits were used in each experiment, (M); and small (4- to 5-mm) T. latitarsus (L), a timid species. With the exception of C and M, all arranged in five-by-fivegrids 12 m on a side at the species can be easily recognized on sight in the several field sites always in cleared areas, but never field, even in moderatelyfast flight,because of dis- more than 100 m fromlarge sections of undisturbed forestalong the Rio Reventazon. With the exception of one colony of C in a hive box, all the colonies ' ReceivedJuly10, 1972; acceptedMay 21, 1973. INTRODUCTION This content downloaded from on Tue, 19 Jan 2016 02:56:57 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Winter1974 AGGRESSION AND COMPETITION AMONG BEES 121 whose workers visited the baits were wild. Five sucrose concentrations,0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, and 2.4 M, were presented simultaneouslyto the bees, and the five baits of the same concentrationwere staggered on the grid rows in such a way that each row and column had exactly one bait of each concentration. This range of concentrationswas chosen so as to span and somewhat exceed the range of concentrations found in natural nectar sources (0.4 to about 1.0 M). At these baits, we studied the interaction betweenindividualworkerbees fromthe same colony, fromdifferentcolonies of the same species, and from colonies of differentspecies. An Esterline-Angus events recorder was equipped with a remote keyboard; when a key was depressed it caused one of twentypens to deflect,making a timingmark on the movingpaper chart. Using this device, we timed the duration of six behavior states: hovering,landing, walking, feeding, interactingwith another bee, and leaving, for over 2,000 individual bees including several species. The "interaction"category includes all interruptionsof the other behavior states caused by the presence of anotherbee. When bees fromone colony are foragingon a bait with no rival colonies present, there is no fighting,but interruptionsof feeding and walking are common when many bees are present, simply due to jostling. In Fig. 2 the interaction category is called "fight" even though when T is alone only jostlingoccurs. RESULTS Levels of aggression increasing in intensityfrom mere threatto mortal combat could be distinguished in both of the highly aggressive species S and C when visitingthe baits and flowers. At low intensities (level 1) a bee threatensits opponents. The bee spreads its mandibles,tiltingits head up so that they point forward at a rival bee on the bait or flower. The bee may also unfold its wings and hold them at a wide angle to the body, a posture that is never seen when the bee is alone or in the company of otherbees fromthe same colony. When an individual l ..'' ...._ ... .. j. ....;~~ . .. . . . . y.;....^; ... FIG. 1. Top: Trigonasilvestriana givesthe open wing ("v-wing") displaywhile simultaneously feeding. Rival bees of other species (particularlyT. testacea and T. mexicana) are flyingor hoveringin the immediate vicinity.Photoby L. K. Johnson.Middle:Threeworkers of Trigonacorvinaattacka workerof the same species froma rivalcolonyon a 2.4-Msucrosebait. A fourthbee preparesto enterthe fray (upper right) while another bee ignoresthe fightand preparesto flyoffto the nest (lower left). Bottom:Two workersof Trigonacorvina fromrival coloniesfighton an 0.8-M sucrosebait. rhe bee at the upper left is chewingon the forelegof its opponent,who in turn is displayinga typicallevel-1 aggressive displaywithits head tiltedup, mandiblesopen and thrustforward.Photo by L. Master. ............ This content downloaded from on Tue, 19 Jan 2016 02:56:57 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions ; 3:y' ^ : . 122 LESLIE from a rival colony or species hovers near the occupied bait or flower,the defendingbee will adopt the outspread ("v-wing") display and hold the posture for a few seconds to several minutes,depending upon the length of time the rival is present in the vicinity(Fig. 1, top). In some cases the bee raises its body as well, particularlyelevatingthe abdomen. In this postureit may dart at adversarieson the bait or floweror paw the air with its forelegsat a nearby hovering bee. Flying bees swoop at other flying bees, hover over an opponent already on bait or flower,or face off in pairs and slowly rise as a twosome to heightsof 10 m or more. At a more intenselevel (level 2) the rivals make briefbodily contact. The attackermay land momentarily on the back of its opponent, often causing it to drop offthe bait or flower. Bees in flightgrapple brieflyand fall to the ground. On baits or flowers bees sometimesdeliver a simple bite to legs, wings, or head. Level 3 involves prolonged biting and pulling on the mandibles and extremitiesof a rival bee. Two bees interlockmandibles and tug for several minutes to an hour or more. Other bees may join such fighting pairs and pull on unoccupied legs and wings (Fig. 1, middle). At the most intenselevel (level 4) two bees wrestle with theirventralsurfacestogether,legs grippingthe opponent,and mandibleslocked or chewingthe rival's head or neck. Many wrestlingbees never separate alive. The combatants give off a sticky substance, apparentlysecreted by the mandibular gland, which fouls wings and legs. They also release alarm pheromone, which disturbs nearby bees. One pair of grapplingbees may cause 40 or 50 bees to fly up from a bait suddenly, probably in response to the alarm pheromone released. In the species studied, C appears to be more easily alarmed by fightsthan does S. When an S invades a bait occupied by several C and begins a fight,very often the other C on the bait suddenly leave, almost simultaneously,and fly in agitatedcircles around the bait. Other S that may be hoveringnearbythenland on the emptiedbait and meet with minimum interferenceand aggression. These displacementscan be very rapid, taking place in less than a minute. Similar patternsare observed when S displaces M and T frombaits,withthe exception that fightsare rare. M and T usually fly off aftera level 1 interactionwith S, or aftervery brief bodily contact (level 2). S always displaces C, T, and M when there are fewer than approximately50 to 60 bees on the bait. However, on those occasions when a bait was heavily visited by C or by T and M together,S was often unable to displace the bees despite repeated attempts by individual S over periods rangingup to 3 days. It is not entirely clear why they cannot displace Ecology, Vol. 55, No. 1 P. HUBBELL K. JOHNSON AND STEPHEN 1. Observed and Poisson expected frequencies of single and joined dead Trigona corvina associated with bait Y3 (2.4 M sucrose). K equals the number of other bees to which each dead bee is attached; 0 equals observed frequencyand E equals expected frequency TABLE K 0 1 2 3 >3 0 E 319 61 13 1 0 313.5 71.6 8.2 0.6 0.0+ crowded bees, but a possible explanation is that the individual S bee cannot easily pick out for attack an individual M or T from the background of frenzied commotionand movementon the bait. When fewer bees are present,it is an easier matter to fix on a is supparticularmoving object. This interpretation ported by observationsof individual S on crowded baits. They rapidlyturnthis way and that,flash the v-wing display over and over, then begin but rarely complete a rush on another bee. They never feed under these circumstances. Aggression is most intense, measured both as frequencyof aggressionlevels 3 and 4, and as frequencyof death,when theinterspecific combatantsare the species S and C. Aggressionby thesesame criteria is more intense in these two species when the rivals are colonies of the same species. Aftera 2-day battle between three colonies of C over a grid of 25 baits, 1,812 dead bees were found. Associated with one heavily contested 2.4 M bait, we found 158 injured and 484 dead bees, and frequencies of single and joined dead bees as shown in Table 1. A chi-squared test ( X22f - 4.74, 0.10 < p < 0.05, where values of K > 2 were pooled) of a Poisson fit of these frequencies suggestsa nonrandomclusteringof bees in death. It seems likely that larger fightinggroups increase the per-individual risk of mortal injury. Perhaps in groups there is a higher local titer of attackpheromonethatcauses more intenseexpression of aggression. Fig. 1, middle and bottom, illustrate groups of fightingbees. As mentioned,interspecificencounters rarely involve two species of equal aggressiveness,and brief 2. Probabilities of being threatened or attacked by a given species, per bee-minute, for each species. Text gives species symbols. Zero entriesmean no cases were observed TABLE Aggressed Aggressor S T M W A S T M W A 0.0 .0519 .0199 .0833 .0317 0.0 .0248 0.0 .0295 .0260 .0214 .0033 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0017 .0273 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 This content downloaded from on Tue, 19 Jan 2016 02:56:57 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Winter 1974 AGGRESSION AND COMPETITION 3. Relationshipbetweenintensity of aggression and molarsucroseconcentration of baitduringa 2-day intraspecific battlebetweenthreecolonies of Trigona corvina. The numberof fightswas recordedbetween 1000 and 1100 hr on the 1stday of theencounter.The numberof deathsis the totalforeach bait concentrationafterthebattlewas over TABLE Sucrose Number Number concentration of fightsPercent of deaths Percent (molar) (F) ofF (D) ofD 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.8 2.4 35 26 37 94 176 9.5 7.1 10.1 25.5 47.8 82 140 111 338 1,141 4.5 7.7 6.1 18.7 63.0 encounters generally suffice to establish which bee is dominant and will control the resource. For example, the interspecificencounterswe observed on one 2.4 M bait at another field site involved only aggression levels 1 and 2 and were countable as instantaneousevents. Table 2 shows minimumestimates of the probability of being threatened or attacked per bee-minuteon this bait for the species S, T, and M, and fortwo othervisitors,Apis mellifera (A) and several species of polybiine wasps (W). They are minimal estimates because events happen veryquicklyon thebaits and an occasional interaction was missed. Of these species, S is clearly the most aggressive interspecifically,followed by T, M, W, and A. At this bait no intraspecificfightswere seen, which suggeststhat only one colony of each species was involved. Greater aggression occurs on the more concentratedfood sources,whethermeasuredby the percent of all fightingbees that are on baits of a given AMONG BEES 123 concentration,or by the total number of deaths associated with each concentration(Table 3). These data were obtained on the same 2-day battle between three colonies of C mentionedearlier. Fights were counted on each bait between 1000 and 1100 hr on the firstday of the battle, and deaths were counted at the end of each day and summed for the 2-day period. Early in the experiment,fightingoccurred on all the baits, in spite of concentrationdifferences. That deaths occurred on the water baits (0.0 M sucrose) at all is remarkable. We hypothesizethat early visitorsto concentratedbaits initiallyassociate all baits with food, and on early returnflightswill defend any bait even before sampling its concentrais supportedby the fact that tion. This interpretation the percentageof deaths over the total 2-day period is higherthan the percentageof early fightson the most concentratedbaits. Also the percentageof bees fightingon the water baits had declined to zero by the end ( 1700 hr) of the 1st day. Differences in aggressionwith changes in food quality are, in fact, greaterthan early-fightfigureswould indicate since these figuresare overestimatesof the average level of aggressionon the weaker concentrations. Aggressive species noticeably diminish the gridforagingsuccess of less aggressiverivals,whetherone measures individual or group effort of the rivals. Fig. 2 shows that the aggressivespecies S affectsthe way individualsof the more timidspecies T distribute theirtime among six behavior states while visitinga 2.4 M bait. T hovers longer before landing with S presentthan withoutS, and feeds only 28% as long. Table 4 is a matrix of transition probabilities between behavior states for individual T recurrently visitinga 2.4 M bait, before and afterthe arrival of 4. Matrix of transitionprobabilities between behavior states for individual Trigona testacea recurrentlyvisiting a 2.4-M bait, before and after the discovery of the bait by T. silvestriana. Numbers nonitalicized are the probabilities for T. testacea alone, and italicized probabilities are for T. testacea in the presence of T. sill'estriana. Probabilities were estimated from the event recordings as the fractionalnumber of times a given behavior state changed to each new behavior state per 0.5-second interval TABLE From: (previous behavior state) Hover Land Walk Feed Fight Leave To: new behavior state Hover Land Walk Feed Fight Leave 0.8919 0.9067 0.0 0.2500 0.0189 0.0213 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2593 0.0028b 0.1081 0.0671 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0370 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9622 0.5417 0.8868 0.8511 0.0274 0.0294 0.0 0.1852 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0378 0.0416 0.0565 0.0426 0.9315 0.8618 0.1053 0.0741 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0087 0.0 0.1667 0.0189' 0.0638 0.0274' 0.0490 0.8421' 0.2222 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0175 0.0 0.0 0.0189 0.0213 0.0137 0.0598 0.0526 0.2222 0.9972 0.9987 0.0013b These bees were not fighting(T. testacea alone) but jostling one another as they moved on the bait. These bees are returningfrom round-tripflightsto the nest; these probabilities were estimated from round-trip flighttimes for several individually marked bees. b This content downloaded from on Tue, 19 Jan 2016 02:56:57 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions LESLIE 124 K. JOHNSON AND STEPHEN Ecology, Vol. 55, No. 1 P. HUBBELL 60 14 (r-) 13 12 50 40 CD 11 30 <)r2 LIJ ~20 1l1.I 0t 10 0.0 10 0.5 2.0 1.0 1. 5 (M sucrose) 2. 5 V)20 30 HOVER LAND WAL K FEED FIGHT LEAVE BEHAV IOR STATE FIG. 2. The effectof the presenceof the aggressive species,Trigonzasihvestriana,on the timespentper visit by individualsof the less aggressivespecies,T. testacea, in six behavior states. The bait has a 2.4-M sucrose solution.Open bars: mean durationsof the statesbefore T. silvestrianabegan visitingthe bait; solid bars: mean ()-40 VC) ULJLUJ ~50 1 60i FIG. 3. of visitsby Trigona Percentagedistribution durations inthepresence ofT. ksili'cstrian~a. Theverticallatitarsitsand bracketsmark the 95%0 confidencelimitsabout mean values. The "fighting" stateis nonzeroin the absenceof T. silvestrianaS becauseofaccidental interference between theworkers( jostling). AfterT. sill'estrianlaarrived,fighting mainlyinvolvedthreat-posturing. species S. The entries in the matrix representthe probability of changing from the behavior state listed in the vertical column at the left to the state listed in the row across the top during any given half-second interval,as estimated from the charted event recordings. The assumption is made in these calculations that the bee's behavior can be approximatedreasonably well by a stationaryMarkov process. For purposes of describing the expected duration of each behavior state, this assumption is adequate. However, the model is inadequate for predictingthe observed variance in duration of each behavior state,which is consistentlygreaterthan the mean duration of each behavior state, indicatinga violation of the Poisson assumption underlyingthe Markov model. The model is ergotic because the individual I do returnto the bait after leaving the bait for the nest. Significant changes occur in these probabilities after species S discovers the bait. A hoveringT is much less likely to land per unit time, and more T. sillestriana to baits of five sucrose con- 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, and 2.4 M. Open bars: T. centrations: latitarsus in the absence of T. silvestriana; solid bars: T. latitarsitsin the presence of T. silvestrianza(below hori- zontalaxis). likely to resume hoveringfrom landing, walking, or fighting.(The "fighting"categoryfor T alone refers to jostlingin a nonaggressivemanner that interrupts the bee's feeding or walking behavior states.) T is less likelyto continue feedingwhen S is present. Attemptswere made to measure the effectof an aggressivespecies on the total group foragingeffort and success of a less aggressivespecies; for example, the contest between the aggressive S and the nonaggressive L for another grid of 25 baits of five concentrations.On February 19, 1972, beforespecies S had discovered the grid, 1,245 visits by L were counted duringa 3-hr period. During a comparable period (same time of day and weather) 11 days later with S present,only 252 L visits were counted-a 79.8% reductionin numberof visits. There was also a pronouncedreductionin thequalityof baits at which L could successfullyfeed: S partially excluded L from the preferred0.8 and 2.4 M baits (Fig. 3). If we make the simplifying (but sometimes false) assumption that each individual L fed if it was recorded on a bait, we can estimate the relative This content downloaded from on Tue, 19 Jan 2016 02:56:57 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Winter 1974 AGGRESSION AND COMPETITION AMONG BEES 125 nearer the colony, the more of the baits it would control;however,this also did not occur. Rather,the firstcolony to discover the grid controlledthe most 0.0 M 2.4 M 0.4 M 0.2 M baits, and the last to discoverit controlledthe fewest; 0.8 M this order it so happened, was inverselyrelated to colony distance. Both of these observationssuggest 0.2 M 0.8 M 0.0 M 2.4 M 0.4 M East colony that "first discoverer take all" is the dominant (>150m) * principlegoverningforagingsuccess between equally D D * 0 matched competingcolonies. A complicatingfactor West \ 2.4 M 0.4 M 0.2 M 0.8 M 0.0 M 051 in interpreting our resultsis that we have only crude colon (-240 m)l? estimates of the relative size of the foragingforce of the three competing colonies, based on visual 0.8 M 2.4 M 0.0 M 0.4 M 0.2 M estimatesof the dimensionsof the nests. The nest at 240 m had the biggest circumference,and the nest at 23 m the smallest. If nest size is related to size of 0.4 M 0.2 M 0.8 M 0.0 M 2.4 M foragingforce,which is probably generallytrue,our results could be explained solely by the increased South colony Bait controlled by: chance of discoveringthe gridwithmore bees search(23 m) 0 No colony *East colony ing, therebynegatingthe distance effect. The roles of early discovery, size of foraging force, scentWest colony *South colony marking,visual memory,facilitationof aggressionby FIG.4. Outcomeof 2-daybattlebetweenthreecolonies the presenceof nestmates,flightdirection,and chance of Trigona corvina fora gridof 25 baits. Concentrations in determining whichcolonies controlwhich resources of baits indicatedby numbersnextto bait symbols.The all remainto be elucidated. approximate distancesto therespectivecoloniesfromthe centerof thegridare givenin meters. N Q 00 O0-0O- IMPLICATIONS amounts of sucrose hauled by L in the presence and absence of S. We furtherassume that the amount of syrup drunk by each bee is constantregardlessof sugar concentration,given that the bee drinks anythingat all. This was shown to be truein honeybees over a wide range of sugar concentrations (Wells and Giacchino 1968). Multiplyingbee visits,v, by the correspondingsucrose concentration,M, we obtain 1,644.6 vm withoutS and only 201.6 VM with S. Hence, the foragingsuccess of L, measured in vM units,is reduced 87.7% by the presence of S. Most of the reduction (90.9% ) can be attributedto a lowered number of visits. The outcome of competitionin terms of settling who controls the high-qualityfood sources is less predictablewhen the contestis between more nearly equal competitors,such as rival colonies of the same species. In the battle between three colonies of C discussed earlier, the relativelystable outcome after 2 days of fightingis shown in Fig. 4. The results are fairlytypical of our other experimentson intraspecific fights in that, by the end, each colony exclusively controlled a set of quality baits (0.4 M sucrose or better). We expected the colonies to control those quality baits nearest their respective hives, but this proved not to be the case: in general there was no obvious relationship. We suspect that this is because the grid is small relative to the total potentialforagingrange of the species (our estimate is at least 400 m). We had also expected that the FOR NATURAL FOOD SOURCES The observed aggression is not an artifact of baiting, since we have observed similarly intense levels of aggressionat naturalfood sources,especially at inflorescencesthat are rich in nectar and pollen and/or are spatially compact, such as Bactrix palm and banana inflorescences,and the large flowers of Bixa, waterlilies,and some curcurbids. Under one pollen-laden Bactrix inflorescence open for just 2 hours,we found 44 dead bees: 5 S, 26 C, two pairs of interlockedC, and 3 S attachedto 1, 2, and 3 C. In anothercase, species S occupied the same banana inflorescencesin August 1971 and in February 1972. During those months S could predictablybe found there threateningand attackingbees and wasps that hovered and triedto land. S also attacked ants,flies, and even an occasional chrysomelidor curculionid beetle. Such rich, spatially compact resources are usually controlledby an aggressivespecies. For these species the advantagesof gainingcontrolof high-qualityfood sources presumablyoutweighthe costs to the parent colony as a whole. At present it is impossible to estimatethe daily losses to a colony fromaggression, but the proportion of bees that die from injuries sustained in such agonistic encounters is probably quite low. Except on the very richestresources,the process of competitivedisplacementor exclusion can be deceptivelyundramaticyet very effective. Occasional threat displays, mid-air collisions, and brief grapples with arrivingscout bees from rival colonies can prevent the scout from landing and feeding at This content downloaded from on Tue, 19 Jan 2016 02:56:57 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 126 LESLIE K. JOHNSON AND STEPHEN P. HUBBELL Ecology, Vol. 55, No. 1 the food source. We have observed, for example, of rival colonies of stinglessbees. It also demonstrates lone scouts of Trigona fulviventris(F) circling but that agonistic behavior increases with increasing not landing on bushes of Cassia biflora and Ardisia quality of the food resource. Quality is defined in revoluta that were occupied by threat-posturing terms of concentrationsand amounts of nectar and Trigona fuscipennis(FP) individuals or by workers pollen, as well as by the spatial compactness of the from other colonies of F. Many workers of the resource. This dependence of the intensityof aggresscout's species and/or colony could be foundon other sion upon the quality of the food source is not Cassia and Ardisia in the vicinity. Exclusion of lone particularlysurprising. But if the phenomenon is scouts is significantbecause it preventsrecruitment widespread, it is remarkablehow rarely it has been of workers from the scout's colony. Scouts report described in the ecological or behavioral literature. The importanceof this resultis that nonaggressive only the location of food sources at which theyhave successfullyfed (Kerr 1959). Individual bees learn species are excluded from compact, high-quality visual landmarksnear the location of food resources resourcesby aggressivespecies. We can only specuthathave providedthemwithtake-homereward;after late about its implicationsfor competitivecoexistence. making the trip several times they fly to and from At least two types of mechanisms could promote the nest without laying odor trails. If the food coexistence between aggressive and nonaggressive source is reasonablylong-lasting,the bees will return species. The firstis specialization on differentfood to the site for days (Colwell and McCafferty1969), sources. Whateverthe selectiveforces that produced continuingto forage there until the old site is ex- large stinglessbees, it is likelythat the larger species hausted of food before they scout for new sources. cannot afford the energetic cost of visiting small, This behavior tends to reinforcethe foragingsepara- widely spaced plants with flowers providing slight amounts of pollen and nectar (Heinrich and Raven tion that has resultedfrom aggression. In some cases lone scout bees do not land on a 1972). Our impressionsare thatsmall bees do indeed food source even though no overt agonisticbehavior specialize on small-flowered,over-dispersedplants. is exhibited by the first occupant. There is some Moreover, on baits we consistentlyobserved the evidence that the scout is activelyavoiding the food lowest intensityof aggression between the largest source, probably because of the odor of the foreign species S and the smallest species L, which suggests bee's markingpheromoneon the food source. Scouts thatin naturethesespecies may encountereach other of F are reluctantto land on, and will not recruitto, more rarelythan do species more nearlyequal in size. When aggressive and nonaggressive species do a bait recentlyexploited and marked by FP, even when the bait is moved to a site where only F has overlap in naturalfood sources, a second mechanism access to the bait. This phenomenon cannot be mightforestallexclusion for relativelylong periods, attributed to aggression. Perhaps it is due to a even where these shared resourcesare limitingto the combinationof (a) avoidance of a potential attack, species. Spatial heterogeneitycoupled with differsignaled by the odor of a rival colony or species, and ences in mode and efficiencyof foragingmay produce (b) preventionof timeand energywasted in foraging such delayed exclusion, even though by themselves at a food source that has recentlybeen or is being they cannot stabilize an otherwiseunstable competiexploited by other bees. The second explanation is tive interaction. It was the rule rather than the plausible in situationswhen the firstcolony to dis- exception that species such as L and T found the grids of baits before (rarely after) the aggressive cover a food source is likely to get it all. Less aggressive species have other tactics for species S and C. In otherwork we have seen earlier procuringresources. Some utilize spatiallydispersed, discovery of baits by subgenus Plebeia than by less defendableresources. Small species, particularly colonies of S or F present in the same community. of the subgenus Plebeia, have been seen to land on If it is true that most nectar sources are quickly baits occupied by aggressivespecies such as S, feed exhaustible,periodicallyrenewedfood supplies, nonfor very brief periods of time, and then fly up at aggressivespecies might persist for very long times the slightestthreat or hint of movement in their simply by being more efficientat discovering and direction by S. Rather than flyingaway, however, exploiting shared resources than their aggressive theytypicallyhover near the bait in a dancing flight, counterparts.Aggressivenessperhaps has evolved in and reland at the firstclear opportunity.It was by larger species in part as compensation for longer this method that some L were still able to visit the discoverytimes. However, in our opinion it is much 2.4 M baits in the experimentdiscussed above, even more likely to have arisen from intense intraspecific competitionover the controlof high-quality,compact though the baits were heavily visited by S. food sources. Insofar as the outcome of aggressive DISCUSSION encounters also depends upon the relative size of This study shows that aggression can produce workers of the rival colonies (the bigger in general major changes in the foragingpatternsand success being more likely to win), we also suggestthat such This content downloaded from on Tue, 19 Jan 2016 02:56:57 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Winter 1974 AGGRESSION AND COMPETITION intraspecificcompetitionselected for increased body size, up to the limit set by the energetic costs of foragingfor the food resourcesin question. This study also suggests how intraspecificcompetition operates in stinglessbees. Colonies of the same species do not escape competitionby specialization, but they do reduce competition by foraging more efficientlynear their own nest. If the "first discoverertake all" principleis of overridingimportance in foragingsuccess, each colony should have the advantageover competingcolonies when the food source is nearby,both in termsof probabilityof first discoveryand in termsof the energeticcost of collecting the food. If species of stinglessbees are foodlimited, we might then expect the colonies to be relativelyuniformlyspaced in theirenvironmentwith minimallyoverlappingfeedingareas. In at least some species of bees, notablyS, C, and F, we have indeed found uniformspacing patternsbetweenthe colonies. Thus far, detailed foraging informationin these species has not been obtained,but we have observed aggressionbetween adjacent colonies of F over food sources located betweenthe nest sites. The resultsof the grid experimentsreported here do not test the hypothesisthatthereis an inverserelationshipbetween probability of discovery and distance to the food source in a single colony. In our intraspecificstudy, three nests of C were involved, which confounded distance effectson time to firstdiscovery,with the effectsdue to differencesin the size of the colony and its foragingforce. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thankR. Caldwelland an anonymousreviewerfor criticallyreadingthe manuscript,and the staffof the de CienciasAgricolas,Turrialba, Instituto Interamericano Costa Rica for their generouscooperation. We have benefited withmanypeople,in particular fromdiscussions G. Pyke,P. Opler,D. Titman,and L. Master. The work was supportedby NSF grantGB-33324 and by a grant fromthe RackhamSchool of GraduateStudiesand the AMONG BEES 127 Committee on Tropical Studies of the University of Michigan. LITERATURE CITED Arnold, S. 1966. Exploitation of artificial, recurrent food supplies by several species of stingless bees. in Coursebook 66-6. Organization for Tropical Studies, Ciudad Univ., Costa Rica. Colwell, R., and W. McCafferty. 1969. 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