Subido por Manuel Ale Varas

Paul McCartney Biography: Life, Beatles, and Solo Career

Paul McCartney
Hellow everyone. Thank you all very much for coming today. My name is Manuel.
Today I´d like to speak you about a member of one of the bands more influential in the
history. The Beatles, and I want talk about the Beatle that most caught my attention.
He is tall, has green eyes, long hair, and people says that he was the most beautiful
James Paul McCartney, more recognized like Paul McCartney. He, along with Jhon
Lennon, directed The Beatles. Before everything started, Paul lived like any other
middle class family boy, like his future bandmate.
He was born on 18 of July, nineteen forty two in Liverpool, England. His mom was
nurse and his dad sold cotton, it was also a pianist of a jazz band. Tragically, his mom
died of a disease when he had only 14 years old. Paul found a cure to overcome that in
music. He practiqued with instruments like piano, trumpet and guitar.
In nineteen fifty seven, Paul met Jhon in a festival with his group “The Quarrimen”.
Soon McCartney was invited to the group. There was regular encounters on the cavern
club of Liverpool. Nearly five hundred persons come to the presentation on a place for
two hundred persons.
Paul cover the position of bass, after Stuart Sutcliffe left the group. Pete Best (the
drummer) was reemplazes for Ringo Starr.
So, they are The Beatles.
Nearly ten years later, in nineteen seventy, already married with Linda McCartney,
Paul do public the separation of The Beatles.
One year after, he had the initiative to create a band. He remembered Denny Line and
Denny Seiwell. They two, with Paul and his wife, give life to “Wings” only one year
after separation of Beatles.
In nineteen eighty, a world tour was planned, which was canceled since McCartney
was arrested for marijuana possession at the Tokyo airport. He spent 9 days in jail and
the tour was canceled, like other ideas in the future. The following year, Denny Laine
announces the dissolution of the group. That was not the end of the artistic carrer of
Actually he is working like solist and give concerts around the world. He have actually
seventy six years old, fans says that he keep the same spirit that when he have thirty
years old.
Curiosities and Achievements
He was arrested for burning a condom. Pete Best, the band's first drummer, said that
he and McCartney would have tried to use the condom as a lamp.
He is the most successful composer according to the guinness records
"Yesterday", is the most versioned song in history, with over 3000 performances by
artists such as Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra.
In one nineteen ninety he managed to sell 20,000 tickets for his concert in Sydney,
Australia, only in 8 minutes
A december 12, the band Nirvana returned to the stage, but with a small detail: The
replacement of the late Kurt Cobain was Paul McCartney. They played a song of their
own called "cut me some slack", and they received the grammy award for best rock
Extra fact
In nineteen sixty two, Paul suffers along with his wife a tragic car accident, and both
leave with minor injuries. People started to create a legend that consisted of Paul
having really died and being replaced by a contest winner to replace him called William
Campbell. Paul says that if he had died, he would have been the first to know
Why I admire
I prefer McCartney and I admire him more than any other beatle because the songs he
contributed to the group are what I like the most: "Let it be, Michelle, Yesterday", and I
think it seemed one of the most humble beatles, and also a genius being an
instrumentalist and composer. Is carismatic, and he always standed out like person a
figure, in his álbumes, like a solist and in group.