Teacher Guide and Answers – El Verbo IR

El verbo ir
Key ideas for students to understand: ü The verb ir is an irregular verb ü The verb ir is used for the Simple Future with the following formula: o conjugated form of ir + the word a + an infinitive (ir + a + infinitivo) Concepts you may want to review ahead of time: ü Vocabulary for places ü Vocabulary for activities ü Regular present-­‐tense conjugation of –ir verbs o It would be good to review –ar and –er verbs too ü Infinitives ACTFL “Can-­‐Do Statements” accessed by this lesson: This lesson is for students who are typically at a Novice Mid level. Interpersonal Communication: o I can answer questions about where I’m going or where I went. o I can say where I went. o I can say whom I am going to see. Presentational Speaking: o I can talk about what I do on the weekends. Presentational Writing: o I can write about what I do on the weekends. o I can write something I hear or have heard such as simple information in a phone message or a classroom activity. Key Language Functions accessed by this lesson: ü Telling & retelling stories; sequencing ü Expressing hopes, dreams, future plans Copyright ©2016 Shannon R. Ruiz All Rights Reserved. www.shannonruiz.com El verbo ir
Words I may not know or might not remember: palabra: ___word_______________________ infinitivo: ___infinitive__________________ oración: ___sentence___________________ conjugación: ___conjugation_______________ THE IRREGULAR VERB IR – TO GO yo voy nosotros nosotras vamos vas vosotros vosotras vais tú usted él ella ustedes ellos ellas va van EL FUTURO SIMPLE The three parts to the simple future tense are: Conjugated form of the verb ____ir______ + the word ___a___ + an ___infinitive____________. Example: _answer can vary__ _____a________ _answer can vary_________ form of the verb ir the word “a” ¡PRÁCTICA! Translate the following: I go to the library in order (para) to study. infinitive (with –ar, –er, or –ir ending) __(Yo) Voy a la biblioteca para estudiar.____________________________________________________________________________ You go to the movie theater with friends. __(Tú) Vas al cine con amigos._______________________________________________________________________________________ We are going to learn in Spanish class! __¡(Nosotros) Vamos a aprender en la clase de español!___________________________________________________________ To where are you all going? __¿Adónde van ustedes (Uds.)?_______________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ©2016 Shannon R. Ruiz All Rights Reserved. www.shannonruiz.com 