Nombre:__________________________________ Tarea 1- 5 febrero Please practice these vocabulary words every day. Por favor practique estas palabras el vocabulario cada dia. Nombre Lunes Monday Cut out the picture of the string at the bottom of the page. Compare the string with each object to see which is longer. Use the line next to each object to help you compare. Color objects shorter than the string green. Color objects longer than the string orange. Nombre Martes Tuesday Use a red crayon to circle the sticks that are shorter than the 5-stick. Usa una crayola roja y circula el mas corto. Use a blue crayon to circle the sticks that are longer than the 5-stick. Usa una crayola azul y circula el mas largo. Nombre Miercoles Wednesday Color the cubes to show the length of the object. Colorea los cubos para saber cuanto mide. Monday Lunes- Say the words. Write them. Lee y escibe. el vaso la vista lowercase v. a,e,I,o,u = verde Vv = azul a i v e o V la vela el color Write the Colorea las vocales y consonantes V a V v a u e u i V v a Escribe la letra v minúscula. v o a u i v Circle the words you can read. los no dado si el mal este ser cubo forma río mira come ves mes por Jueves Thursday- Say the words. Write them. Write the Practice finding letter V. Write it 2 el imán uppercase V. Escríbela dos 2 veces. Escribe la letra V mayúscula. viernes times below. Encuenta la letra V. V V V V V V V W V V W V W V W V V W V V V W V W _____________________ el velero el pino Don’t forget bring the raiser reader Our class is always in need in the following items: vamos 1. Student prizes 2. Pencils 3. Desinfectant wipes 4. Glue stick 5. Crayons Nombre____________________________ Thursday The golf ball is as heavy as _______ pennies. The toy train is as heavy as _______ pennies. Nombre Draw linking cubes so each side weighs the same. Thursday jueves