$:I'LED NOv 2 ) ) ) ) ) ) i Plu CARI..OS inti JAVIER f f-APPer lee ' ' 90-1O389 D. c. No. cR-8 9 -3 59 -PHX-cLll llo I I'IARULAI{DA ' ) ) ) ) ) Defenclant-APPeIlant tggt CATIIY A. CATTERSON, CITRK U.S. COURT OI APPEAL6 ON TOT FOR PI)BI,I CATI OF APPEALS UNITED STATES COURT FOR TIIE NINTII CIRCUIT IJNITED STATES OF AMERICA ' 2 M EMORAN DUI'1 D.istrict courc rom the tjni ted States Arrr)eaI f"r"o;,.PPeqr ;h" Di sLrict of rrrizona -' Judse' P-r-esidins oititit:t i,l'tt"iáv, ctrarles -""'-o"ro,i"¿ ancl submitted Jul y r 6' I ?: l rulY 2s'- -reet ;;;;;=";;; HiLhdrawn August n"=ut *i tted 16-' r ??l calrtornrd Sall Fra¡lcisco' Be fore : Judges¡ and clloY and SllEED, Cjrcuit iul,in¡lun, " Djtt''iLrL J uLige ' I N'TRODUCTlO¡{ - convll'ction for engaging in a and court' Appellant Marulanda appealed to this Followilrg a jury trial narcotics conspiracy, fo-r publication as is not appropr:iate' t"* tt*"sition tr tr'i= circuit excePt tit'""""ii= by or to cited be not nlay prov ided by 9th cir' R' 36-3' Judge for the Distric! 'J' KeIleher' Robert llonorable calirornia' sittine Dy Clesr9¡ldLr'u¡¡' Di'=;;;;;-;¡ l centra and , ! ---!¡^- betlJeen the indicttnent and the cl.aimed tlrat tbere was a variance reversal ' in that proof at trial which was prejudicl'aI ' warranting of irrelevant evidence and it resulted in the admission in an improper venue' i.nadmissable hearsay, and trial that the government had failed to Specif icall-y, appellant claimed conspiracy as the indict¡nent prove that there had been one rarge distinqt conspiracies ' charged and lrad instead shown multiple the parties the After oral argument, the panel afforded addressing the issue of opportunity to subnit additional briefs jury instructions cured any whether, if there was a variance, the briefs revealed that the prejudice that nay liave resulted' These After considering jury instructions had no such sal-utary effect' reverse the conviction' the record, we agree with the appellant and to reach the adciitionat issues t^¡e find it unnecessary, therefore' raised by the appellant in hjs appeal' DlSCUSS lOII evidence in the light A variance is shown when' viewing the rational trier of fact could most favorable to the prosecution' no . charged beyond a reasonable have fout)d tl¡e el.ements of tl¡e- crirne (9th clr' L28g ' I2g3 doü-bt. u¡¡iÉcd states v' Abrrshi, 682 F'2d proof affects If the variance between the indictment and . is prejudicial and the substantive rights of the parties' then it 645 F'2d L123 ' l-334 (9th Unj ted states v' Kenrly' warrarlts t.t.t"uI. cir. 1981), cert. denied 452 U'S' 92o (1981)' variance here' e acjree wiLh the appel lant that tl¡ere was a rational trier of fact could Based upon the governmentrs proof' no 1982) t"J beyond a reasonable doubt' conspiracy single a have. found lJas a I'wheel" type this that prove to The governnent tried rrhubrr enqages in various individual central the wl¡ich in conspiracy These separate transactions ' tlle are 'rspokes't s'hich transactions is the overall agreenent rrrimrr' which a by are Iinked together objectives of the conspiracy' the out carry to parties arnong the is a separate conspiracy' spokes" the of irrimtr, each I.lithout the (L946)'; United:States v' United States' 328 U'S' ?50 gee Kotteakos v. Kennv, 645 F'2d at 1334-1335' agreement' rrthe government overall the establish to In order agreement between the explicit or contact directneed not sllow each defendant knew or that show to' sufficient defe¡rdants' It is and lhat each conspiracy the of scope the of had iéason to know own benefits were their thaL ieve Lref to riefendant had reaso¡1 I' Uniled States venture' entire the of success dependent upon the Cii' 19?8) u'EVidence of onIY 380 ruUh 378' F'2d 585 v. Kostoff, r' United States v' Kennv | 645 F'2d necessary' is a slight connectiotr aL 1335. the liberal st-andards of proof ' these ullder evell put, sinply to the the appellant had any link that show to failed governnent multiple conspiracies heré were Thus' :I9Ie otl¡er transactions ' variance affected the this conspiracy Iarge ' and not one in that it resulted in the substantíve rights of the appellant and trial in an irnproper venue ' evidence prejudicial of admissio¡r tlreory' tl're governrnent eonspiracy single the on proceeding By arrd prejudicial evidence regarding irreleva¡rt introduce to was able F lÍi the , prior transactions and heardá-y of al. purported cocónspirators. The jury instructio¡rs did nothing to cure this prejudice and even. compounded it by specifically advisjng the jury that they could irnpute the overt acts of the purported coconspirators to the appel I ant. The single conspiracy indictment also allov¡ed for venue to be . founded in the District of Arizona based upon acts cornmitted by the pufported co-conspirators. venue ¡nay be forrnd in any district ln wh j.ch an overt act in furthera¡rce of tl¡e conspiracy has been committed. United States v. Barnard, 490 p.2d 907, 910 (9th Cir, 1973) | cert, denied, 416 U.S. 959 (I974), Because the government failed to prove that any overt act involving appellantrs alleged transaction took place in Arizona, the District of Arizona was not a proper venue. See United States v. Durades, 607 F.2d B1B, 820 (9th Cir. LgTg'). prosecution in an inproper venue infringed appel lant rs substantive rights. fd. For the above-stated reasons, the conviction is REVERSED.