VENUE 5.0 Read Me

Read Me
VENUE | Software 5.0
for VENUE | S6L Systems
Known Issues in VENUE 5.0
The following issues are not addressed in VENUE software version 5.0. Where applicable, a workaround is provided.
Audio is not always muted in Headphone Outputs when changing number of Group busses (VSW-12587)
When changing the Group bus configuration in the Options > System page while the Pad is engaged on any input, a loud spike can be
heard on all Headphone outputs. Do not wear headphones while changing the Group bus configuration.
Loss of AVB connection not indicated correctly in redundant configurations (VSW-13468)
When two Stage 64s are used in a redundant configuration and one of the connections is lost, this state is not indicated correctly (all connections are displayed red instead of only the affected connection). All ports should instead appear yellow, and only the pair of ports between which the connection is lost should be red.
Default 1-to-1 patch assignment button in Patchbay does not work on Stage 2 (VSW-13566)
Workaround: Patch Stage 2 sources to VENUE channels manually.
Hardware Inserts stop passing audio after a restart or reboot (VSW-13743)
Workaround: Toggle the on-screen IN button for the hardware insert Out and then back In.
Matrix Mixer on-screen Level and Pan parameters are unaffected by Fine mode (VSW-12912)
Workaround: To adjust Level or Pan for a Matrix Mixer, target matrix input level and pan to control surface encoders and engage Fine
Event List actions to Target Next/Previous Channel attention the next/previous channel (VSW-12979)
The Action titled “Target next channel” and “Target previous channel” should read “Attention next channel” and “Attention previous
Dynamics plug-ins that have VU-style metering do not default to 0 dB of Gain Reduction (VSW-9306)
Some dynamics plug-ins with VU-style metering (such as the Fairchild 660 Limiter) might not display accurate Gain Reduction metering until the plug-in processes a signal above a certain level (after which accurate Gain Reduction metering is restored).
Adding Plug-In data to a snapshot while in Preview mode does not display in Racks correctly (VSW-12663)
Plug-In view will default to the first column in the Plug-In rack regardless of which plug-in is selected.
Workaround: Navigate to the selected plug-in manually.
Options > Devices page does not reflect Stage 64 hardware mute status when muted from the Stage 64 (VSW-13566)
When muted from the external VENUE software screen, mute state is correctly indicated.
Unable to disable Sample Rate Conversion (SRC) for ADAT input (VSW-13499)
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Lock Status on External Screen does not indicate Locked status of DSI ADAT input signal (VSW-13498)
The Lock LED on the DSI card does indicate Locked status correctly. Use this for Lock indication instead of the External screen.
Stage 64 generates artifact signals after System Test (VSW-13367)
Workaround: After a System Test, power cycle the system (recommended), or try manually resetting Stage 64s by doing the following:
On the External screen, go to Options > Devices.
In the Connected Devices list, touch-and-hold the affected Stage 64.
Choose Reset.
GEQ is not shown in Meters view on CTM when active on CKM (VSW-13156)
Workaround: Refer to Channel View and the CKM encoders to see the parameter values of the GEQ.
OSC assignment doesn't clear from Patchbay when using the Clear Patching button in the External VENUE software screen
Workaround: Manually unassign the oscillator in the Patching Grid rather than using the Clear Patching button.
Channels may be lost from User Layout Presets after a Make Stereo or Split to Mono (VSW-11143)
Workaround: Update any User Layout presets after a Make Stereo or Split to Mono operation.
iLok License Manager not supported on S6L (VSW-10955)
Do not install iLok License Manager on S6L components.
Show File Compatibility
VENUE 5.0 Show files are not backwards compatible (they cannot be loaded onto S3L/S3L-X or other VENUE systems) at this time.
VENUE 3.x and 4.x files can be loaded on VENUE 5.0, but settings and configuration data not supported on VENUE 5.0 (such as
FX Returns and Matrix configurations) will be affected.
Channel names are not shown in Stage 64 displays when an older Show file is loaded. (VSW-13421)
Workaround: Changing the channel name will allow it to display properly on the Stage 64.
Cannot use mouse/keyboard to control S6L via ECx when using the Chicken VNC client application (VSW-12489)
Workaround: Connect a mouse to S6L to enable mouse control on built-in Mac clients.
VENUE | Software 5.0 — 11/6/15