Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Avenida de la Universidad, 30, Leganés 25 de Junio de 2015 12:30 h Salón de Grados AUDITORIO PADRE SOLER Lectura de Tesis Doctoral Sandra Carolina Cifuentes PROCESSING AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NOVEL BIODEGRADABLE AND BIORESORBABLE PLA/MG COMPOSITES FOR OSTOSYNTHESIS Sandra Carolina Cifuentes Grupo de Materiales Avanzados de Alto Valor Añadido (AVANZA) Departamento de Metalurgia Física (CENIM-CSIC) Eliminating the need for permanent implants removal is the driving force for the research on the development of biodegradable implants. The aim of this thesis was to overcome main drawbacks of current bioresorbable materials used in osteosynthesis (Polylactic acid and Mg), broadening their applications. On one hand, the polylactic acid is associated with foreign body reactions, osteolysis and weaker mechanical properties in comparison with permanent metallic devices, which limits its applications to low-load bearing fractures. On the other, Mg and its alloys present a high degradation rate which leads to the formation of dangerous subcutaneous gas bubbles and a pH increment that causes bone damage and osteolysis. The long-term goal of this thesis focuses on providing solutions that would lead to cheaper and less intrusive orthopaedic surgery. Novel biodegradable and bioresorbable composite materials based on polylactic acid and Mg were designed and developed. For the matrix, poly-L-lactic acid and poly-L,D-lactic acid with a 4.25% of D-lactyl were used. As reinforcement, irregular shape Mg particles and spherical Mg and Mg5Zn particles were used. PLA/Mg composites were fabricated by means of solvent-free common processes used in industry: extrusion/compression and injection moulding at a lab scale and extrusion/compression at a mid-scale. Experimental results provide evidence that novel PLA/Mg composites have a great potential as resorbable and biocompatible biomaterials for applications in osteosynthesis; while Mg improves polylactic acid mechanical properties, and biocompatibility, the polymeric matrix slows down the degradation rate of Mg, preventing high pH and controlling the hydrogen release. Directores: José Luis González Carrasco (CENIM) y Rosario Benavente (ICTP) Departamento: Departamento de Metalurgia Física. CENIM (CSIC) Doctor en: Ciencia e Ingeniería de Materiales (UC3M) Tribunal: Presidente: Vocales: Secretario: Dr. Javier Gil Mur (UPC) Dr. Aldo R. Boccaccini (Universidad Friedrich-Alexander,Erlangen. Nuremberg) Dra. Antonia Jiménez Morales (UC3M) Contacto e información adicional: [email protected] Cómo llegar: http://www.uc3m.es/portal/page/portal/conocenos/comoMoverse/planoLeganes Vicedirección de Comunicación y Formación. [email protected] Teléfono de contacto: 91 5538900