St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church

St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church
12001 E. 214th Street
Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716
Parish Office: 562/924-7591
Spanish CCD: 562/860-3637
English CCD/Confirmation: 562/865-6498
Staffed by the Oblates of the Virgin Mary
Fr. Larry Darnell, OMV, Pastor
Fr. Edward Broom, OMV, Associate Pastor
Fr. Craig MacMahon, OMV, Associate Pastor
Fr. Bill Neubecker, OMV, Associate Pastor
Fr. Vincenzo Antolini, OMV, Priest in Residence Only
Vocations for Oblates of the Virgin Mary
Contact Fr. Jeremy Paulin, OMV 617-869-2429
Parish Office/Oficina de la Parroquia: 10:00-6:00 pm
Spanish CCD/Catecismo en Español: 3:30-7:30 pm
English CCD/Catecismo en Inglés: 2:00-6:30 pm
English: 8:00 am, 6:00 pm
English: 8:00 am, 12:00 noon, 6:00 pm
Dates and times are announced at the baptismal class. Parents
Español: 6:30 am, 10:00 am, 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm, 8:00 pm of children to be baptized must attend two classes of preparation. Godparents need only attend the first class. Godparents
must be practicing Catholics who have received Confirmation.
English: 6:00 am, 8:00 am, 12:00 noon, 6:30 pm
The classes take place on the 3rd and 4th Wednesday of each
Español: 6:30 pm (en la Iglesia Antigua)
month at 7:30 pm in English in the Old Church. If you do not
live in this parish, you must obtain a letter of permission from
your own parish to baptize your child at St. Peter Chanel. If at
Same as weekdays – Lo mismo que entre semana
all possible, please do not bring children to the classes.
Fechas y horas son anunciadas en la clase de bautizo. Padres
Monday through Friday: during most Masses
de los niños que serán bautizados deben venir a dos clases.
Lunes a Viernes: durante las Misas
Los padrinos tienen que venir solamente a la primera clase y
Saturday – Sabado: 5:00 pm-8:30 pm
es necesario que sean buenos Católicos que practican su Fe, y
Or by appointment - O por cita
que hayan sido Confirmados. Las clases son el primer y
Perpetual Adoration
Daily from 6:30 am to 9:30 pm (Except during the Masses)
All Night: Fridays and Saturdays
segundo Miércoles del mes a las 7:30 pm en Español, en la
Iglesia Antigua. Si no viven en esta parroquia tienen que obtener una carta de permiso de su propia iglesia para bautizar sus
hijos aquí. Si es posible, por favor no traigan sus niños a las
Español: Sábados a las 6:30 pm en la Iglesia Antigua
Contact the parish office Monday through Friday, at least six
months prior to the date. We encourage all couples who are
living together to come and explore the possibility of getting
married in the Church.
Llamen a la oficina Lunes a Viernes, por lo menos seis meses
antes de la fecha. Les recomendamos a todas las parejas que
están viviendo juntos, que vengan y pregunten acerca de los
pasos a seguir para casarse por la Iglesia.
English: Fr. Craig MacMahon
Español: Teresita Hermelin
English/Español: A priest/Un sacerdote
Call the Parish Office / Llamen a la Oficina de la Parroquia
July 1, 2012
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The saints are heroes of God & at the same time splendid examples for
us to follow in their path of virtue & also to invoke their powerful
intercession. In these critical days in which our religious liberty is
being jeopardized, now more than ever we need to lift up our minds &
hearts to these shining stars in God’s firmament & be drawn
magnetically to imitate their heroic virtue.
ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST - Of all the compliments that Jesus gave in
His three year Public ministry, the words exalting the virtue of John
the Baptist, were among the most sublime. “Of all men born of women,
none was greater than John the Baptist.”
1. HOLY & CONFIDENT MOTHER. You can know the fruit from the
tree. Old & way beyond the age of child-bearing, upon learning of her
pregnancy, Elizabeth rejoices in this great gift of God. Hoping against
all hope & trusting in God’s promise, despite her many years, her
pregnancy culminates in the birth of JOHN THE BAPTIST. May
pregnant & doubting women invoke St. Elizabeth for greater
confidence in God who is the origin, author, & sustainer of human life
form conception until natural death!
Upon the visitation, Mary greets Elizabeth & the baby in her wombJohn the Baptist-leaps for joy! This sanctified encounter of these two
holy women results in the baby John being purified from the stain of
Original sin, through the word of Mary & the silent but efficacious
presence of Jesus the Redeemer!
3. PRAYER & PENANCE IN THE DESERT. To accomplish any
mission, preparation is indispensable! John spent long years in the
silence of the desert, where his spirit was fortified. The fortification of
his spirit came about through long hours of prayer & demanding acts
of fasting & penance. Jesus said that certain devils can be expelled
only through prayer & penance.
4. HUMILITY. Upon entering the scene of his public ministry, John
manifests a profound humility. Humility is nothing more than
recognizing that all the evil is my own doing whereas all the good I
have been able to accomplish is simply collaboration with God’s grace.
Listen to the words of the Baptist on humility. “He must increase & I
decrease.” Then, “I am not worthy to untie his sandal strap.” Still more,
“I am no more than a voice that cries out in the desert: prepare the way
for the Lord.” Finally, “once the wedding groom comes, I disappear.”
Humility is the rock foundation of an authentic life of holiness.
5. FORTITUDE. Confronted by the wickedness of King Herod who
publically flaunted his adulterous, incestuous relation, having taken
his Brother Philip’s wife & living with her, only the Baptist had the
courage to confront him & rebuke him. The end result of this was
imprisonment, & decapitation. Why did John die? For the most noble
of reasons: to denounce adultery, but also to defend the indissoluble
character of Holy Matrimony. St. John the Baptist prays for us!
world in which there is a sea of information but at the same time
widespread ignorance, this great saint-like that of Cardinal Newmanpoints to the importance of a solid intellectual/spiritual formation.
Priest, Bishop, Vice-Rector of Cambridge University in England, John
Fisher studied the truth, assimilated the truth & died for the truth.
2. EXEMPLARY PRIEST & BISHOP. At 25, he was ordained to the
priesthood, & immediately carried out his responsibilities with
dedication, true love of God & neighbor. At 35, he was already named
as Bishop of Rochester, & with intense zeal tended his flock, of a rather
poor diocese. He visited the parishes of his diocese, encouraged the
priests to carry out their mission as true shepherds of souls, & had a
very tender heart especially for the poor.
3. DEFENDER OF TRUTH. The Protestant Revolution already exploded in Europe, in response to the errors that Luther was disseminating, poisoning thousands of minds, Fisher wrote four enormous
volumes to refute the Lutheran errors; this made the young Bishop
famous! His friend Erasmus with words of admiration said of Fisher:
“There is not a man more cultured, more admired, nor more holy.”
4. FRATERNAL CORRECTION. In one of the Synods, Bishop John
Fisher had the courage to denounce worldliness in the clerical life &
especially did he condemn those who sought out high ecclesiastical
positions merely as posts of honor & praise!
VIII announced his intention to leave his wife & arrange a new marriage with Ann Boleyn, the King wanted all of England to support
him in this decision. All of the Bishops collapsed under the pressure
of the Kingly mandate, except one, BISHOP JOHN FISHER. Despite
the coaxing & allurements to cave in to human respect, Fisher held
his ground, resulting in imprisonment in the infamous tower of London & eventually beheading! This took place on July 6 (now the
memorial of Saint Maria Goretti) Fisher was 57 years old!
1. INTENSE PRAYER LIFE. Up way before dawn, he would spend a
long period of time in prayer before starting his day. He loved the
Psalms & the meditation on the Passion of Christ. His deep union
with the Lord, through a profound prayer life, filled him with great
lights & formidable strength to accept the cross & martyrdom that
the Lord would offer him!
2. ORNAMENT OF THE DOMESTIC LIFE. One of the beautiful
titles for St. Joseph, in the Litany to St. Joseph is “Ornament of the
domestic life”. Unlike Fisher-priest & Bishop-More chose the marriage vocation & lived it to the full with his wife & four children! A
faithful spouse, loving & tender father, witty conversationalist, &
superb & genius statesman-More teaches fathers how to really live
out their marriage vocation in an increasingly “Fatherless” world!
Thomas More was endowed with a keen intellect. He was lawyer,
writer (Utopia, his most famous), statesman, politician, but especially
man of God & saint. May this man who cultivate so many of his Godgiven talents, encourage us likewise to cultivate our intellects, so that
we will pursue the Truth & the truth will set us free!
4. CHAMPION OF CONSCIENCE. Like Fisher & like the Baptist,
More was confronted with a dilemma - either to accept the entreaties
of accepting Henry VIII’s adulterous relation & accepting Henry as
the new head of the Church of England or to forfeit his life. Many
tried to coax More into some type of compromise, so as to save his life.
But, St. Thomas More firm in his convictions, rooted in the Truth, following a well-formed & enlightened conscience, like Fisher & the
Baptist chose death over life. Like the other two saints, St. Thomas
More was beheaded on June 22, 1535, with the words: “I am the
King’s loyal servant, but God’s first.”
5. LOVE FOR GOD OVER LIFE! One of the most marked contrasts
between the saints-and especially the martyrs who shed their blood
for Jesus-and the majority of humanity-is that the martyrs love life as
a precious “Gift” from God. However, they treasure their “Friendship”
with God & the life to come more than their physical life. That is why
Dominic Savio could say, “Death rather than sin.” Or St. Maria Goretti could endure 14 stabbings rather than sin. That is why St. Ignatius of
Loyola in the Spiritual Exercises in his meditation on the three grades
of humility, insisted on preferring death rather than mortal sin; death
rather than venial sin; finally, a willingness even to suffer humiliations so as to imitate the Master all the more closely. For that reason
before dying St. Thomas More encouraged the nervous masked
swordsman, “Be not afraid, for you send me to God.”
-Fr. Edward Broom, OMV
1 de Julio del 2012
Treceavo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Nota del Párroco
Les queremos dar las gracias por su paciencia durante la construcción del nuevo estacionamiento. Al comenzar del año escolar
tendremos un estacionamiento nuevo con
62 espacios nuevos.
Gracias por su continuo apoyo a San Pedro
Chanel. Que Nuestra Señora ruegue por ustedes y que Dios los bendiga.
¿Sabe Usted?
Consejos para la seguridad de los niños que viajan solos
Tome el tiempo para hablar de un comportamiento adecuado con sus
hijos antes de que aborden un avión solos. Si otro pasajero actúa de
manera inapropiada, asegúrese de que su hijo/a sepa informarle a la
aeromoza/o del vuelo o algún otro representante de la aerolínea. El
comportamiento inapropiado por parte de otros pasajeros incluye
comentarios groseros, ofensivos o amenazadores, conversaciones
inapropiadas, quitarle el alimento u otros artículos a su hijo/a, u otro
comportamiento que haga sentir incomodo o temeroso al niño/a.
Además, el comportamiento inadecuado también incluye cualquier
intento de obtener información personal sobre su hijo/a. Asegúrese de
que su hijo/a entienda que ningún pasajero tiene porque conocer sus
datos personales como, su nombre completo, su domicilio, su número
de teléfono o hacia donde viaja. Para obtener ayuda, llame a la Oficina
del Ministerio de Asistencia al (213) 637-7650.
Celebración Guadalupana - Coliseo de Los Ángeles
La Arquidiócesis y los Caballeros de Colon patrocinaran un
evento histórico llamado la Celebración Guadalupana en el
Coliseo de Los Ángeles el domingo 5 de agosto de 2012. El
evento será una celebración a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y
presentara oración, música y oradores. Nuestra parroquia esta
coordinando un viaje que incluye transporte. Los boletos son
gratuito, pero hay un costo de reservación de $20 para el autobús si desea viajar con la parroquia. Si esta interesado en asistir, comuníquese con Zoila Soto al 562-924-7591 o al [email protected] Los boletos son limitados.
Les agradeceríamos mucho que durante la celebración de
la Misa, por favor bajar los reclinatorios con su mano,
cuidadosamente y lo mas silenciosamente posible, para
mantener una atmósfera reverente y de oración que debe
permanecer durante toda la Liturgia. Favor de no dejar
caer los reclinatorios al suelo.
Esta embarazada y tiene problemas? (o esta embarazada y necesita ayuda?) Llame a Los Angeles Pregnancy Services: 213382-5643 para ayuda gratis y confidencial
Mass Intentions / Intenciones de Misa
Saturday, June 30th
8:00 a.m.-Gabriela Roa (RIP)
6:00p.m.-Steven Caceres (Thanksgiving)
Sunday, July 1st
6:30 a.m.-Parishioners
8:00 a.m.-Robert Colunga (RIP)
10:00 a.m.-Raul Herrera (RIP)
12:00 p.m.-Conversion of those who contracept
2:00 p.m.-Gilberto Lechuga Zaragoza (RIP)
4:00 p.m.-Eusebio Muniz (RIP)
6:00 p.m.-David & Liz Wisnieski (Special Intention)
8:00 p.m.-Angel Campano (Thanksgiving)
Monday, July 2nd
6:00 a.m.-Antonio Tay (RIP)
8:00 a.m.-Jo-Ann Chris Hess (Thanksgiving)
12:00 p.m.-Gilberto Lechuga Zaragoza (RIP)
6:30 p.m.-Teresa Lopez (RIP)
6:30p.m.(sp)-Sagrario Cervantez, Jesus & Isabel Calderon (Thanksgiving)
Tuesday, July 3rd
6:00 a.m.-Jun & Ner Quinta (35th Wedding Anniversary)
8:00 a.m.-Sara Montoya (RIP)
12:00 p.m.-Angelina Martinovic (Thanksgiving)
6:30 p.m.-Rafael Arvizu (RIP)
6:30p.m.(sp)-Jesus & Paz Hernandez (44th Wedding Anniversary)
Wednesday, July 4th
6:00 a.m.-Dr. Owen Rafferty (RIP)
8:00 a.m.-Alfonso Alvarado Jr. (Special Intention)
12:00 p.m.-Mercedes Francisco (RIP)
6:30 p.m.-Anita Ruiz (Thanksgiving) Ermelinda O. Luna (RIP)
6:30p.m.(sp)-Osacr R. Mancilla (RIP) Zonia E. Palma (Thanksgiving)
Thursday, July 5th
6:00 a.m.-Fr. Larry
8:00 a.m.-Fr. Ed
12:00 p.m.-Fr. Craig
6:30 p.m.-Fr. Bill
6:30p.m.(sp)-Fr. Antolini
Friday, July 6th
6:00 a.m.-Benita Ladjabassal (RIP)
8:00 a.m.-Sarah Roberti (RIP)
12:00 p.m.-Maria Annie Nguyen (RIP)
6:30 p.m.-Luis & Christopher Campos (Thanksgiving)
6:30p.m.(sp)-Francisco Campano (Special Intention)
Saturday, July 7th
8:00 a.m.-Nikki Montero (RIP)
6:00p.m.-Adam Urquides (Thanksgiving)
Pilgrim Virgin - July 1 - July 8@ 8am:
Virgen Peregrina-Jul 1-Jul 8 @10am:
Pilgrim Virgin -July 1 -July 8 @ 12noon:Ladjevic Family
Virgen Peregrina-Jul 1-Julio 8 @2pm:
Familias que asistan a las Misas de las 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00
pm y 2:00 p.m. del Domingo, se pueden registrar para llevarse
la Virgen Peregrina a sus hogares. Las familias se comprometen
a rezar por una semana el Rosario con la intención de orar por
un incremento en las vocaciones a la vida religiosa y al sacerdocio. Si usted quiere tener la imagen de la Virgen en su casa por
favor regístrese en la oficina.
*Favor de Recoger y Devolver a la Virgen Peregrina en
la misma Misa.*
Los santos son héroes de Dios y al mismo tiempo, ejemplos esplendidos 3. DEFENSOR DE LA VERDAD: La Revolución Protestante explotópara que nosotros sigamos en sus pasos de virtud, y también para invo- en Europa y en respuesta a los errores que Luther diseminaba, envenecar sus intercesiones poderosas. En estos días críticos en cual nuestra nando a miles de mentes, Fisher escribió cuatro enormes volúmenes
libertad religiosa está siendo puesto en peligro, ahora mas que nunca para refutar los errores de Luther; ¡esto hizo famoso al joven Obispo! Su
necesitamos levantar nuestras mentes y corazones a esas estrellas bri- amigo Erasmo con admiración dijo de San Juan Fisher: “No hay un
hombre más culto, más admirado, ni más santo.”
llantes en el firmamento de Dios e imitar sus virtudes heroicas.
SAN JUAN BAUTISTA - De todos los cumplidos que Jesús dio en sus 3 4. CORRECCIÓN FRATERNA: En uno de los Sínodos, el Obispo Juan
años de ministerio público, las palabras exaltando a la virtud de Juan Fisher tuvo el valor de denunciar las cosas del mundo en la vida clerical
Bautista eran las más sublimes. “De todos los hombres nacidos de mujer, y especialmente condenó a aquellos que buscaban altas posiciones
ninguno fue mayor que Juan Bautista.”
eclesiásticas solamente por el honor y alabanza!
1. MADRE SANTA Y SEGURA: Puedes conocer la fruta por el árbol. 5. FORTALEZA Y PALMA DE MARTIRIO. Cuando el Rey Henry VIII
Anciana y bastante avanzada en años para tener hijos, cuando supo de anunció su intención de abandonar a su esposa y casarse de nuevo con
su embarazo, Isabel se alegra por este gran regalo de Dios. Esperando Ann Boleyn, el Rey quiso que toda Inglaterra lo apoyara. Todos los
contra toda esperanza y confiando en la promesa de Dios, a pesar de sus Obispos se dieron por vencidos por el mandato de Rey, todos menos uno
años avanzados, su embarazo culmina en el nacimiento de Juan Bautis- -Obispo Juan Fisher. A pesar de las persuasiones a ceder al respeto
ta. ¡Que mujeres embarazadas quienes tengan dudas, invoquen a Santa humano, Fisher fue firme, resultando en encarcelamiento en la famosa
Isabel para tener más confianza en Dios quien es el origen, autor, y sos- Torre de Londres y finalmente decapitación! ¡Esto ocurrió el 6 de julio
tenedor de la vida humana desde concepción hasta la muerte natural! (ahora el día de fiesta de Santa María Goretti), el tenía 57 años de edad!
REDENTOR: En la visitación, María saluda a Isabel y a el bebé en su 1. VIDA INTENSA DE ORACIÓN: Despertando antes del amanecer,
vientre-Juan el Bautista-salta con alegría! Este encuentro santificado pasaba mucho tiempo en oración antes de empezar su día. Amaba los
entre estas dos santas mujeres resulta en el bebé Juan siendo purificado Salmos y la meditación sobre la pasión de Cristo. Su profunda unión con
de la mancha de Pecado Original, por la palabra de María y la silen- el Señor, a través de una vida de oración profunda, lo llenó de grandes
iluminaciones y le dio resistencia para aceptar la Cruz y el martirio que
ciosa pero eficaz presencia de Jesús el Redentor!
3. ORACIÓN Y PENITENCIA EN EL DESIERTO: Para cumplir cual- le ofreció el Señor!
quier misión, la preparación es indispensable. Juan pasó muchos años 2. ORNAMENTO DE LA VIDA DOMÉSTICA: Uno de los títulos heren el silencio del desierto, en donde su espíritu fue fortalecido. La forti- mosos para San José, en la Letanía a San José es “El ornamento de la
ficación de su espíritu vino por horas largas de oración y actos exigentes vida doméstica”. Diferente a Fisher, quien era sacerdote y Obispo, Sande ayunos y penitencias. Jesús dijo que ciertos diablos pueden ser ex- to Tomás More eligió la vocación de matrimonio y vivió esto al máximo
pulsados únicamente a través de las oraciones y penitencias.
con su esposa y cuatro niños! Un esposo fiel, padre tierno y amoroso,
4. HUMILDAD: Al entrar en la escena de su ministerio público, Juan conversador gracioso y Estadista magnífico e inteligente-Tomás demanifiesta una profunda humildad. La humildad es nada más que reco- muestra a los padres ahora cómo pueden vivir su vocación de matrimonocer que todo el mal es mi propio hacer, mientras todo lo bueno que he nio en un mundo cada día más "Fatherless" (sin padre)!
podido lograr es simplemente la colaboración con la gracia de Dios. 3. FORMACIÓN INTELECTUAL Y PERMANENTE: Como Fisher,
Escuche las palabras del Bautista sobre la humildad: “Él debe aumen- Santo Tomás More fue dotado de un intelecto agudo. Fue abogado, estar y yo disminuyo.” Luego, "No soy digno de desatar la correa de su critor (Utopía, su más famoso), estadista y político, pero sobre todo homsandalia". Aún más, "No soy más que una voz que clama en el desierto: bre de Dios y un santo. Que este hombre quien cultivó tantos de sus
preparen el camino para el Señor." Finalmente, “una vez que el novio talentos dados por Dios, nos anime a también cultivar nuestros propios
llegue, me desaparezco.” La humildad es la fundación de roca de una intelectos, para que buscaremos La Verdad y La Verdad nos librará!
auténtica vida de santidad.
4. CAMPEÓN DE CONCIENCIA. Como Fisher y Juan Bautista, More
5. FORTALEZA: Confrontado por la maldad del Rey Herodes que ex- enfrenta a un dilema-aceptar las peticiones de aceptar las relaciones
hibía públicamente su relación incestuosa y adúltera, habiendo toma- adúlteras del Rey Henry VIII y aceptar al Rey como el nuevo jefe de la
do la esposa de su hermano Felipe y viviendo con ella, sólo Juan Bautis- Iglesia de Inglaterra o a renunciar su vida. Mucha gente trato de conta tuvo el valor de enfrentarlo y reprocharlo. El resultado final de esto vencer a More a otro tipo de compromiso, para salvar su vida. Pero Sanfue el encarcelamiento, y la decapitación. ¿Por qué murió Juan? Por el to Tomás More, firme en sus convicciones, arraigado en La Verdad, simás noble de motivos: denunciar el adulterio, pero también por defen- guió su conciencia bien formada e iluminada, y como Fisher y Juan
der el carácter indisoluble del Santo Matrimonio. ¡San Juan el Bautista, Bautista, eligió a la muerte sobre la vida. Como los otros dos santos,
Santo Tomás More fue decapitado el 22 de junio, 1535 con las palabras,
ruega por nosotros!
“Soy sirviente fiel del Rey, pero primero de Dios.”
1. FORMACIÓN INTELECTUAL Y ESPIRITUAL: En un mundo en el 5. ¡AMOR A DIOS SOBRE LA VIDA! Una de las mayores diferencias
cual hay un mar de información, pero gran ignorancia al mismo tiempo, entre los santos, especialmente los mártires quienes derraman su sangre
este gran santo-como el Cardinal Newman- señala la importancia de por Jesús, y la mayoría de la humanidad, es que los mártires aman a la
una sólida formación intelectual y espiritual. Sacerdote, Obispo, Vice- vida como un “Regalo” precioso de Dios. Sin embargo, aprecian su
rector de la Universidad de Cambridge en Inglaterra, Juan Fisher estu- “Amistad” con Dios y la vida eterna mas que su vida física. Por eso Dominic Savio decía: “Muerte en lugar de pecado.” Es la razón porque
dió la verdad, asimiló la verdad y murió por la verdad.
2. SACERDOTE EJEMPLAR Y OBISPO. A los 25 años, fue ordenado Santa María Goretti pudo soportar 14 cuchilladas en vez de pecar. Por
al sacerdocio, e inmediatamente realizó sus responsabilidades con de- eso san Ignacio de Loyola en los Ejercicios Espirituales en la meditación
dicación-con amor verdadero a Dios y vecino. A los 35 años, fue nom- sobre los tres grados de humildad, insistió en preferir la muerte en lugar
brado Obispo de Rochester y con intenso fervor tendió a su rebaño, en de pecado mortal; muerte en lugar de pecado venial; por último, una
una diócesis bastante pobre. Él visitó las parroquias de su diócesis, ani- voluntad a sufrir humillaciones para imitar más a el Maestro. Por esta
mó a los sacerdotes a realizar su misión como verdaderos pastores de razón, antes de morir, Santo Tomás More alentó al espadachín enmascarado nervioso, “No tengas miedo, porque me mandas a Dios.”
almas, y tenía un corazón muy tierno, especialmente para los pobres.
Note from the Pastor
We would like to thank you for your patience because of the new parking lot being
constructed. By the beginning of the school
year we should have a new parking lot with
62 new spaces.
Thank you again for continuing to come to
St. Peter Chanel. May Our Lady pray for
you and God bless you.
Did You Know?
Safety tips for children traveling alone
Take time to discuss appropriate behavior with your child before he
or she boards an airplane alone. If another passenger acts in an inappropriate way, be sure that your child knows to inform a flight attendant or other airline representative. Inappropriate behavior on the
part of other passengers includes rude, offensive, or threatening comments; inappropriate touching; inappropriate conversations; taking
food or other items away from the child; or other behavior that makes
the child uncomfortable or fearful. In addition, inappropriate behavior would include any attempt to elicit personal information about
the child. Make sure that you child understands that no passenger
they meet needs to know things such as their full name, their home
address, their telephone number, or where they are going. For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650.
Guadalupe Celebration - Los Angeles Coliseum
The Archdiocese and the Knights of Columbus are sponsoring
a historic event called the Guadalupe Celebration at the L.A.
Coliseum on Sunday, August 5, 2012. The event will be a celebration of Our Lady featuring prayer, music and speakers. Our
parish is coordinating a group trip, including transportation.
Tickets are free but there is a small reservation fee of $20.00
for the bus if you’d like to travel with the parish. If you are
interested in attending please contact Zoila Soto, our parish
coordinator for the Guadalupe Celebration at 562-924-7591 or
at [email protected] Tickets are limited.
Whittier Life Center
WAR! World War I cost 116,708 American lives. World
War II cost 407,316 lives. The Korean War cost 54, 246
lives. The Vietnam War cost 58,655 lives. In America, the
war against the unborn (abortion) has already cost over
54,000,000 lives and the casualties are adding up every
day. How many more must die in this unjust war? Unwanted pregnancy? Call 562-693-8803.
Families that attend the 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon and 2:00
p.m. Sunday Masses, can register to take a Pilgrim Statue of the
Blessed Mother into their homes. They commit themselves to pray for
one week the Rosary as a family, for an increase in the harvest of vocations to religious life and the Priesthood. If you want to host the
Blessed Mother into your home please register at the Office. *Please
Pick up and Return the Pilgrim Statue at the same Mass.*
Pro-Life Prayers for Each Day of the Week
Sunday - Rescue the Pre-born: O God of Beginnings, You are the
Creator of all life. As we begin this week, be near us as we unite with
our Pre-born brothers and sisters who are scheduled for death. May
you by your Holy Spirit and by the voice of your church lead your
people to rescue from death the innocent children and bring those
who participate in their death to true repentance that they may taste
of your goodness and mercy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Monday - Spiritual Warfare: Almighty and Powerful God, drive all
evil spirits away from the innocent Pre-born children and from the
killing centers where their destruction is planned. Overcome evil with
good in the hearts of those who reject your truth and who have believed the lies of the evil one who would say that good is evil and evil
is good. Rebuke the enemy for the sake of innocent children and for
your sake, Oh Lord; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Tuesday - Kingdom Prayer: Oh Great King of Kings, let your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven for the sanctity of all human life.
You have said that your Kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in
the Holy Ghost. Where there is unrighteousness let righteousness
come to bear, where there is hostility, cause your peace to reign supreme, where there is sorrow, bring joy in the hearts of people. Lead
us into your unshakable and everlasting kingdom in which you reign
forever and ever that truly the kingdoms of this world will become
the Kingdoms of our God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Wednesday - For Forgiveness: Oh God of mercy and grace, as you
hung on the hard wooden cross, you asked that those who were putting you to death might be forgiven. Please, Oh Lord, help us to offer
that same forgiveness to those who participate in abortion, euthanasia,
the destruction of embryonic life and who by other means violate the
sanctity of human life, that in all things the world would know the
height, the depth, the breadth, and width of your love, your mercy
and your grace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Thursday - Restoration of the Holiness and Protection of the Womb
Oh Holy God, our Rock and our Fortress, you used the womb of
Mary to be a tabernacle for the dwelling of the Incarnation, where the
Holy Son of God was to be nurtured and protected. You created the
womb of woman that the miracle of human life might be nurtured
and protected. Many women have been deceived to believe that their
womb is not a place of holy protection for a human life, but that it is
simply another appendage of their body. Renew and restore your
purpose and will concerning the womb of all women throughout the
earth, that you may be glorified; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Friday - For Governments: Oh Ruler of the nations, many of the
kings of the earth have set themselves against you; they rebel against
your rule. Yet you have set your King on your holy hill of Zion so
that in every local, state, provincial and national government you
would rule in the midst of your enemies. We pray that you would
strengthen and uphold those rulers that, by your grace, are following
your ways and purpose. Make your enemies a footstool for your feet,
that all people in all nations would kiss the Son, so they may know
that happy are those who take refuge in you; through Jesus Christ our
Lord, forever and ever. Amen
Saturday - For an End to Abortion: Oh God, who is the Beginning
and the End, hear our prayers as we cry out to you to end the merciless shedding of innocent blood in our nation and throughout the
world. Through death you have conquered death and through your
life we experience eternal and everlasting life. Cause life to spring
forth in the hearts of all people and bring forth a love and respect for
life that will dominate our culture. May your kingdom and church
apprehend and overtake the culture of death that has prevailed
through deceit and selfishness; may the Seed of the woman crush the
head of the serpent through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen