HOW AND WHERE THE THIRD-COUNTRY SCHOLARS MUST SEND THE DOCUMENTS TOGETHER WITH THE APPLICATION FORM FOR MASTER ERASMUS MUNDUS WOP-P (It is very important that you read carefully these instructions about how to send the documents) In case you are interested in participating in the Selection Process as Scholar, you must send the required documents in our web page (signed and scanned) by e-mail to [email protected] and the original documents by post mail or courier to the following post address: UNIVERSITAT DE VALÈNCIA Facultat de Psicologia – Dpt. Psicologia Social Inmaculada Aleixos Borrás (WOP-P) Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 21 46010-VALENCIA ESPAÑA (SPAIN) How to name the electronic files in order to be sent to the Coordinating University? Document you are sending Name of your file Application Form Your name_surname_AF Passport Your name_surname_Pass Extensive CV Your name_surname_CV Marks Your name_surname_Mks Degree Your name_surname_Deg Certificate of Fiscal Your name_surname_CFR Residence Other kind of document Your name_surname_use the abbreviation you prefer keeping in mind is not the same as the ones above used for other documents. For example, for Working Experience certificates you could use: Your name_surname_WE1 Your name_surname_WE2 And so on… For example, for Further Qualification documents you could use: Your name_surname_FQD1 Your name_surname_FQD2 And so on…