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Genre: Horror (English language)
Script: Demian Rugna
Cast: Rodrigo Aragon, Salome Boustani, Hugo
Halbrich, Patricio Schwartz
Producer: Oscar Salvi
Director: Demian Rugna
Country-Yr: Argentina 2007
Duration: 105 minutes
La última entrada al infierno acaba de abrirse en el lugar equivocado.
Michael despierta con un tremendo dolor abdominal, pronto descubre que ese dolor se debe a
que acaba de abrirse una puerta al infierno en su propia barriga. Desde donde salen horrorosas
criaturas que pondrán en juego su vida y la de su amada esposa.
Michael tendrá que escapar a su vez de seres siniestros que intentan poseer esta entrada,
llevando consigo una puerta al infierno a todos los lugares en los que se esconde.
Michael llega a un lugar desierto, donde debe dejar de huir y buscar una solución.
¿Podrá Michael encontrar la salida antes que sea tarde?
Michael and Marianne, recently married and having moved into their new home,
come to discover that their peaceful lives are about to be turned upside down when
Michael starts suffering from severe stomach pains. They will soon discover that the
pain comes from a miscalculation made by Victor, a demonologist who has just
opened a portal to hell….in Michael’s stomach.
Now both Michael and Marianne have to run from dangerous people who are after this
gate….while facing horrific creatures that are escaping from the portal that Michael
carries in his body. They will soon arrive to a deserted town which will be plagued
with monsters and death. Will Michael find a way out before it’s too late?