Articles in scientific journals
Aurtenetxe S, Castellanos NP, Moratti S, Bajo R, Gil P, Beitia G, Del-Pozo F, Maestú
F. Dysfunctional and compensatory duality in mild cognitive impairment during a
continuous recognition memory task. Int J Psychophysiol. Jan;87(1):95-102.. doi:pii:
S0167-8760(12)00668-X. 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2012.11.008. Impact Factor: 2.144
Cela-Conde C, García-Prieto J, Ramasco J, Mirasso C, Bajo R, Munar E, Flexas A, Delpozo F, Maestú F.Dynamics of brain networks for aesthetic appreciation. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Science of USA (PNAS). Impact Factor: 9.681
Coullaut R, Arbaiza I, Bajo R, Arrúe R, López ME, Coullaut-Valera J, Correas A,
Lopez-Sanz D, Maestu F, Papo D. 2014. Drug polyconsumption is associated with
hypersynchronized brain activity at rest and in a counting task. International Journal of
Neural Systems 24 (1): 1- 13, 2014. Impact Factor: 5.054
Crespo A, Recuero M, Galvez G, Begtoña A. (2013). Effect of Binaural Stimulation on
Attention and EEG. Archives Of Acoustics, 38(4), pp 1-12. Impact Factor: 0.829
Escudero J, Ifeachor E, Fernández A, López-Ibor JJ, Hornero R. Changes in the MEG
background activity in patients with positive symptoms of schizophrenia: spectral
analysis and impact of age. Physiological Measurement, 34, pp. 265-279, Enero, 2013.
Impact Factor: 1.496
Fernández A, Gómez C, Hornero R, López-Ibor JJ. Complexity and Schizophrenia.
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. vol 45, pp. 267-276,
2013 Impact Factor: 3.552
Fernández A, Turrero A, Zuluaga P, Gil-Gregorio P, del Pozo F, Maestu F, Moratti F.
MEG delta mapping along the healthy aging-Alzheimer’s disease continuum: diagnostic
implications. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. vol. 35 pp. 495-507 2013. Impact
Factor: 4.17
Garcés P, Vicente R, Wibral M, Pineda Pardo JA, Lopez ME, Aurtenetxe S, Marcos A,
de Andrés MA, Yus M, Sancho M, Maestú F, Fernández A. Brain-wide slowing of
spontaneous alpha rhythms in mild cognitive impairment. Frontiers in Aging
Neuroscience. DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2013.00100 Impact Factor: 5.2
Gómez C, Pérez-Macías JM, Poza J, Fernández A, Hornero R. Spectral changes in
spontaneous MEG activity across the life span. Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 10,
6, pp. 066006, Octubre, 2013. Impact Factor: 3.282
Gonzalez-Moreno A, Aurtenetxe S, Lopez-Garcia ME, Del Pozo F, Maestu F, Nevado
A. Signal-to-noise ratio of the MEG signal after preprocessing. J Neurosci
Methods. 2013 Nov 4;222C:56-61. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2013.10.019. [Epub ahead
of print] PubMed PMID: 24200506. Impact Factor: 2.484
Jurado-Parras MT, Sánchez-Campusano R, Castellanos NP, del-Pozo F, Gruart A,
Delgado-García JM. Differential contribution of hippocampal circuits to appetitive and
consummatory behaviors during operant conditioning of behaving mice. Journal of
Neuroscience 6;33(6):2293-304. Impact Factor: 7.115
Kort, N.S., Cuesta, P., Nagarajan, S.S., and Houde, J.F., High gamma cortical responses
to voice pitch feedback reveals network driving error correction. (to be submitted).
Maestú C, Blanco M, Nevado A, Romero J, Rodríguez-Rubio P, Galindo J, Bautista
Lorite J, de Las Morenas F, Fernández-Argüelles P. Reduction of pain thresholds in
fibromyalgia after very low-intensity magnetic stimulation: A double-blinded,
randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. Pain Res Manag. 2013
Nov-Dec;18(6):e101-6. PubMed PMID: 24308025. Impact Factor: 1.967
Maestu C, Cortes A, Vazquez JM, del Rio D, Gomez-Arguelles JM, del Pozo F, Nevado
A. Increased brain responses during subjectively-matched mechanical pain stimulation
in fibromyalgia patients as evidenced by MEG. Clin Neurophysiol. 2013
Apr;124(4):752-60. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2012.09.015. Epub 2012 Oct 31. PubMed
PMID: 23121899. Impact Factor: 3.707
Martínez-Zarzuela M, Gómez C, Díaz-Pernas FJ, Fernández A, Hornero R. Crossapproximate entropy parallel computation on GPUs for biomedical signal analysis.
Application to MEG recordings. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. vol.
112, 1, pp. 189-199, Octubre, 2013 Impact Factor: 1.555
Montejo P, Montenegro M, Fernandez MA, Turrero A, Yubero R, Huertas E, Maestu F.
European Journal of Aging. In press, 2013. Impact Factor: 0.833
Moratti S, Méndez-Bértolo C, Del-Pozo F, Strange BA. Dynamic gamma frequency
feedback coupling between higher and lower order visual cortices underlies perceptual
completion in humans. Neuroimage. 2013 Nov 1. pii: S1053-8119(13)01060-4. doi:
10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.10.037. Impact Factor: 7.063
Navas A, Papo D, Bocaletti S, Del Pozo F, Bajo R, Maestú F, Gil P Sendiña I, Buldu J.
Funtional hubs in Mild Cognitive Impairment. International Journal of Bifurcation and
Chaos, in press 2013. Impact Factor: 0.92
Niso G, Bruña R, Pereda E, Gutiérrez R, Bajo R, Maestú F, del-Pozo F. HERMES:
towards an integrated toolbox to characterize functional and effective brain
connectivity. NeuroInformatics. 2013 Oct;11(4):405-34. Impact Factor: 2.973
Pacios J, Gutierrez R, Solesio-Jofre E, Moratti S , Ruiz-Vargas JM, López-Frutos JM,
Lorenzo-López L, del Pozo F, Maestú F. Early prefrontal activation as a mechanism to
prevent forgetting in the context of interferente. American Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry. 2012 in press. Impact Factor: 3.566
Pascual T, García-Pacios, J. The effect of motivation in retrieval suppression of
unwanted memories. Edupsykhé 2013 12(1) 77-92 Impact Factor: 0.5
Verdura Vizcaino EJ, Fernandez-Navarro P, Blanco C, Ponce G, Navio M, Moratti S,
Rubio G. Maintenance of Attention and Pathological Gambling. Psychol Addict Behav.
2013 May 27. Impact Factor: 2.093
Total Impact Factor 2013: 70.184
Book Chapters
Maestú F, Solesio E and Bajo R. Towards the understanding of healthy and pathological
aging trough MEG. In Supek S and Aine C (editors), MEG: from signals to Dynamic
Cortical Networks. Springer-Berlag in press
Niso G., Pereda E., Maestú F., Gudín M., Carrasco S., del-Pozo F. Causal Relationships
and Network Parameters in Effective Brain Connectivity, Functional Brain Mapping
and the Endeavor to Understand the Working Brain, Dr. Francesco Signorelli (Ed.),
InTech 2013, ISBN: 978-953-51-1160-3, DOI: 10.5772/56499
Posters and abstracts at scientific congress
Bajo R, López ME, Aurtentxe S, Garcés P, Castellanos NP, Barabash A, Montejo P,
Yubero R, Delgado M, Marcos A, Cabranes JA, Maestú F. Cognitive reserve benefits
brain efficiency in healthy aging. An MEG study. AAIC. Boston, 2013 (USA).
García-Pacios J, Del Río D, Maestú F. Olvido por interferencia emocional. Diferencias
en el control cognitivo de distractores agradables y desagradables. En I Congreso
Avances en Investigación Científica. Madrid (España) Junio 2013
Jimenez Fernandez T; Mingote Adan JC; De Vicente F; Moratti S. Visual Cortex
Activity Modulation by Fear Conditioning in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. 53rd
Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research. Florencia, Italia,
López ME, Cuesta P, Castellanos NP, Garcés P, Aurtenexte S, Bajo R, Cabranes JA,
Delgado ML, Montenegro M, Marcos A, Barabash A, Maestú F, Fernández A. Mild
cognitive impairment subtypes. An MEG study. AAIC. Boston, 2013 (Estados Unidos).
Mateos P, Correas A, Porras C, Corral M, García Moreno LM, Maestú F, Cadaveira F.
Atención y activida cerebral en Jóvenes con consumo de alcohol. FANPSE, Málaga 8-9
Noviembre, 2013.
Mendez Bertolo C; Moratti S; Toledano R; Gil-Nagel A; Yebra M; Martinez Alvarez R;
Lopes Sosa F; Strange BA. The Fast Pathway for Fear. 53rd Annual Meeting of the
Society for Psychophysiological Research<br> Florencia, Italia02/10/2013
Niso G., Pereda E., Carrasco S., Gudín M., Canuet L., del Pozo F., Maestú
F. Characterizing functional connectivity of interictal MEG activity in epileptic patients
using graph theoretical analysis. International Society for the Advancement of Clinical
Magnetoencephalography (ISACM 2013). From 28-08-2013 to 30-08-2013. Sapporo,
Niso G., Bruña R., Pereda E., Gutiérrez R., Bajo R., del-Pozo F., Maestú F. HERMES:
towards an integrated toolbox to characterize functional and effective brain
connectivity. International Society for the Advancement of Clinical
Magnetoencephalography (ISACM 2013). From 28-08-2013 to 30-08-2013. Sapporo,
Niso G., Pereda E., Carrasco S., Gudín M., del-Pozo F., Maestú F. Complex network
analysis of connectivity patterns from MEG data of epileptic patients. XXXIII
Dynamics Days Europe. From 03-06-2013 to 07-06-2013. Madrid, Spain
Pineda-Pardo J, Garcés P, López ME, Aurtenexte S, Delgado M, Montenegro M,
Marcos A, Yus M, Arrazola J, Barabash A, Martín Buldú J, del Pozo F, Maestú F.
White Matter Integrity Predicts Resting State Network Organization in Mild Cognitive
Impairment. Alzheimer´s Association International Conference (AAIC). Boston, 2013
(Estados Unidos).
Pineda-Pardo JA, Garcés P, López ME, Aurtenexte S, Cuesta P, Montejo P, Marcos A,
Yus M, Tamames JA, del Pozo F, Maestú F. MEG networks organization is related to
white matter integrity. European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and
Biology (ESMRMB). Toulouse, 2013 (Francia)
Pineda-Pardo JA, Martinez K, Solana AB, Molina E, Colom R, Buldú JM, HernándezTamames JA, Del Pozo F. Anatomo-functional Organization in Brain Networks.
XXXIII Dynamic Days Europe. Madrid, 2013
Van Straaten ECW, De Waal H, Lansberg MM, Maestu F, Scheltens Ph. Brain Network
analysis as an outcome measure in Alzheimer´s Disease clinical trials. The Networked
Brain: Cell Symposium, 7-8 nov San Diego, 2013
Invited talks
Maestu F. Brain Network Organization in the early stages of Alzheimer Disease.
ISACM, Saporo, Japan, august 28-30, 2013
Maestu F. Potential Clinical Utility of MEG in traumatic Brain Injury and Alzheimer´s
Disease. ISACM, Saporo, Japan, august 28-30, 2013
Maestú F. Organización de las redes funcionales en las etapas tempranas de la
Enfermedad de Alzheimer. Congreso de la Asociación de Familiares de enfermos de
Alzheimer y parkinson y otras demencias del corredor del Henares. 19 septiembre,
Maestú F. Utilidad clínica de la Conectividad Funcional. Sociedad Española de
neurología, Seminario-Comida Nutricia. Barcelona 20 Noviembre 2013
Maestú F. Organización de las redes cerebrales en las fases iniciales de la Enfermedad
de lzheimer. Dia Mundial del Alzheimer, Pozuelo de Alarcçon, 21 de septiembre de
Maestú F. El papel del Psicólogo en la investigación de las
enfermedadesneurodegenerativas. X jornadas informativas sobre salidas profesionales.
Universidad Complutebnse de Madrid, facultad de Psicología 12 Noviembre, 2013.
Maestú F. Networks in the brain. Sant Luois University. 5 noviembre, 2013
Moratti S; Baillet S; Tadel F. Advanced EEG MEG Data Analysis: Cortical Source
Imaging Using Brainstorm and SPM8; A Hands-On Training. 53rd Annual Meeting of
the Society for Psychophysiological Research. Florencia, Italia, 01/10/2013
Niso G. CTB-Scientific Session. HERMES: hacia software integrado para la
caracterización de la conectividad funcional y efectiva en el cerebro. 22-02-2013.
Center for Biomedical Technology, Madrid, Spain
Niso G. Madrid M+VISION Open House: NeuroImaging, Neurosciences & Brain
Diseases. Characterizing functional brain activity: MEG signals, connectivity patterns
and complex networks. 11-07-2013. Centro Alzheimer Fundación Reina Sofía, Madrid,
Pereda E and Maestú F. Clinical aplications of MEG to dementia. European MEG
Society, Chiemse, September 11th, 2013.
#ew Research projects
Elekta Neuromag funding. Development clinical protocols with MEG 60k
Human Brain Project. European Union Flagship project. Neuroinformatic Pilar,
workpackage of tools for data analysis. 2015-2023. Task Leader: Fernando
Maestú. 1.5ME
Alicia Koplovitch Foundation. Del autismo la esquizofrenia. Estudio del sustrato
neurofisiológico subyacente a la disfunción cerebral en la esquizofrenia y los
trastornos del espectro autista mediante magnetoencefaloagrafía 50k
Doctoral Thesis
Title: Brain Oscillations Underlying Memory Retention and Forgetting, in the Presence
and Absence of Interference, in Mild Cognitive Impairment
Student: Sara Aurtenetxe Vicandi
Advisors: Fernando Maestú, Nazareth Castellanos, Garikoitz Beitia
Program: Neuroscience UCM
University: Universidad Complutense, European Doctorate
Year: 2013
Qualification: Sobresaliente Cum Laude
Title: Functional and effective connectivity in MEG: Application to the study of
Student: Guiomar Niso Galan
Advisors: Francisco del Pozo, Ernesto Pereda
Program: Biomedical Engeneering
University: Technical University of Madrid, European Doctorate
Year: 2013
Qualification: Sobresaliente Cum Laude
Organization of educational courses
Maestú F and del Pozo F. Curso de Verano del Escorial: “Desde la
especialización funcional al conectoma humano 10-12 Julio, 2013, El Escorial,
Madrid. Directores Fernando Maestú y Francisco del Pozo”
Guiomar Niso and Ricardo Bruña. HERMES hacia una herramienta para el
análisis de la conectividad funcional. Centro de Tecnología Biomédica 31 de
Mayo del 2013
Pereda E. Hands on HERMES. European MEG Society. Germany September
Stephan moratti; Silvain Baillet; Francois Tadel. Advanced EEG MEG Data
Analysis: Cortical Source Imaging Using Brainstorm and SPM8; A Hands-On
Training. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological
Research. Florencia, Italia, 01/10/2013
Scientific software package (HERMES, for the
analysis of functional and effective brain connectivity from neurological data,
publicly available for the scientific community under license GNU.
Guiomar Niso, Ricardo Bruña, Ernesto Pereda, Ricardo Gutiérrez, Ricardo Bajo,
Fernando Maestú, Francisco del-Pozo
Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados de Investigación (OTRI-UPM).
Submitted for Intellectual property registration
X competición de creación de empresas actúaupm
HERMES selected as one of the best business idea at the actúaupm X entrepreneurship
competition. March, 2013
Guiomar Niso, Ricardo Bruña, Ernesto Pereda, Francisco del-Pozo
Honorable Mention at Idea2 Madrid competition of the Madrid-MIT M+Vision
Consortiom 2013 program, with the project WEEG wireless EEG on the go!
Guiomar Niso, Gererdo Gálvez.
Finalists at Venture Day 2013 competition by the IE Business School, with the
project Mindzilla, mind your mind.
Guiomar Niso, Gererdo Gálvez, Caleb Forbes.
Participation in the organization of international conferences
XXXIII Dynamics Days Europe, 3-7 June 2013 Madrid
International Society for the Clinical Advances of MEG, Saporo, Hokaido,
Japan, Agoust 2013
Students scientific visits abroad
Pablo Cuesta. June 15th to October 20th University of California at San
Francisco (UCSF). Department of Neurology and biomedical Imaging and the
Memory and Aging Center
Pablo Cuesta. January 21th to March 31 National Centre for Geriatrics and
Gerontologic. Obu-Shi, Aichi Japan.
Jose Angel Pineda. January to April University of Nottingham, UK, Matt
Scholar activities for the UCM and UPM universities
Direction of Master thesis Psicogerontología, Facultad de Psicología UCM
Direction of Master Thesis of the Master de Ingeniería Biomédica UPM
Training courses for one month to students of the Master de Psicogerontología,
Facultad de Psicología UCM
Training courses for one month to students of the Master
Students from the faculty of Medicine, department of Psychiatry UCM
Students from the Faculty of Psychology, UCM
Students from the faculty of Physics UCM
Students from the faculty of Informatics UPM
Students from the Faculty of Telecomunications UPM
Training courses on MEG to teachers of the UCM and UPM
Maria Grazzia Vaccaro. Neuroimaging Research Unit of the National Research
Centre. Lamezia-Terme, Italy. Faculty of Medicina,"Magna Graecia"University
of Catanzaro With convention With research national counsil CNR learning
clinical uses of MEG in stroke patients.
Teodoro Pascual. Camilo Jose Cela University, Department of Psychology
Lab Director: Fernando Maestú
Senior researchers:
Ricardo Bajo
Leonides Canuet
Alberto Fernandez
Stephan Moratti
Angel Nevado
Ernesto Pereda
David del Río
Francisco de Vicente
PhD Students:
Guillermo Alemany
Sara Aurtenetxe
Ricardo Bruña
Angeles Correas
Pablo Cuesta
Gemma Díaz
Maria Eugenia López
Gerardo Galvez
Javier García-Pacios
Juan García Prieto
Pilar Garcés
Tamara Jiménez
David López
Mari Carmen Martín-Buro
Constantino Méndez Bértolo
Guiomar Niso
Teodoro Pascual
José Pineda
Sandra Pusil
Ignacio de Ramón
Noelia Serrano
Maria Grazzia Vaccaro