COURSE NAME: HISTORY OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION II – MODERNITY AND POSTMODERNITY UFV CODE: 1153 ECTS: 4.5 TYPE OF COURSE: LC, 2C INTERNATIONAL CODE: HUM1153 YEAR: 3 REQUIREMENTS: HUM1152 OBJECTIVES: To determine the process of western development, modern civilization and its crisis. COURSE DESCRIPTION: A cultural history of the West since the age of discoveries in the 16th Century until the crisis of modernity in the journey from the 20th to the 21st Century. BIBLIOGRAPHY: BRAUDEL, F.: Civilización material, economía y capitalismo. Madrid, 1979. MOSSE, G. L.: La cultura europea del siglo XIX. Barcelona 1997. RIBOT GARCÍA, L.: Historia del mundo moderno. Madrid 1998. VALVERDE, C.: Génesis, estructura y crisis de la Modernidad. Madrid 1996. WATSON, P.: Historia intelectual del siglo XX. Barcelona 2002. METHODOLOGY: Lectures, commentaries and analysis of literary and cinematographic works. EVALUATION: Essays submitted periodically by students, commentaries and final exam. PROFESSOR: Francisco Javier Gómez Díez, Fidel Rodríguez, Mario Hernández Sánchez-Barba, Clemente López y Miguel Ortega. LANGUAGE: Spanish