Tópicos 7mo 2do Semestre 2016

Geography Final Exam Topic 2016
7 th Grade, Teacher: Ms. Anna Groesser
Use your notebook (which should include all class notes and homework assignments) as your
main study source. Use your textbook as a secondary source of information. Your final exam
will cover the following topics:
- contiguous, coastal plain, swamp, everglades, population density, tornado, glacier,
continental divide, democracy, government, abolish, support, reform, political
platform, cabinet, congress, alluvial soil, oasis, fossil fuels, cataract, river delta, reg,
erg, summit, Sherpa, monsoon, subcontinent, loess.
- Name some agricultural products commonly grown in southern U.S.
- What types of dangerous weather do midwestern U.S. citizens deal with every year?
- Name the Five Great Lakes of the U.S.
- What types of gigantic trees are found in western U.S.?
- In what two ways do citizens exercise their political power in a democracy?
- Understand the difference between direct and representative democracy.
- Know the three branches of the federal government, common occupations/sections
and the responsibilities of each branch.
- Which major world religions consider Jerusalem a sacred and holy city?
- What makes the land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers such a great place for
humans to have settled?
- From where do the rivers Nile, Tigris, and Euphrates originate?
- In places such as the Syrian and the Rub’ al-Khali, give the range of temperatures from
night to day.
- In what five ways are fossil fuels used by humans?
- How have the people of Egypt controlled the water flow of the Nile?
- What makes the land along the Nile such a great place for humans to have settled?
- How are desert dunes like a moving ocean of sand? What moves those dunes?
- Mount Everest: what is it? Why is it considered a mysterious and holy place? By
whom? When was the summit reached by humans? Which countries were the first?
- The city of Kathmandu’s importance to Everest mountain climbers.
Understand monsoon winds of India; difference between winter and summer and
Explain why China’s Yellow River is colored a brownish-yellow, and why this river is
nicknamed the Mother of China.
Map Knowledge
- Know the location of the: seven continents, five oceans, Prime Meridian, Equator, the
mountain ranges (Himalayas, Rockies, Appalachians), desert (Sahara), rivers
(Mississippi, Nile, Tigris, Euphrates, Yellow), seas (Caribbean, Mediterranean).
Mathematics Final Exams Topics 2016
1 st Form, Teacher Sarah Gómez
Chapter 3 - Real Numbers and the Coordinate Plane
3-1 Exploring Square Roots and Irrational Numbers, p.106
3-2 Pythagorean Theorem, p.112
3-3 Using the Pythagorean Theorem, p.118
3-4 Graphing In the Coordinate Plane, p.124
3-5 Equations, Tables and Graphs, p.130
3-6 Translations, p.136
3-7 Reflections and Symmetry, p.141
Chapter 4 - Applications of Proportions
4-1 Ratios and Rates, p.160
4-2 Converting Units, p.166
4-3 Solving Proportions, p.172
4-4 Similar Figures and Proportions, p.181
Chapter 55- Applications of Percent
5-1 Factions, Decimals and Percents, p. 210
5-3 Percents and Proportions, p.218
5-5 Percents of Change, p.230
5-6 Markup and Discount, p.234
Chapter 6 – Equations and Inequalities
6-1 Solving Two-Step Equations, p.261
6-2 Simplifying Algebraic Expressions, p.266
6-3 Multi-Step Equations, p.271
6-4 Solving Equations with Variables on Both Sides, p.276
6-5 Solving Inequalities by Adding or Subtracting, p.282
6-6 Solving Inequalities by Multiplication or Division, p.288
Chapter 8 -Measurement
8-1 Solids, p.352
8-2 Drawing views of three-dimensional figures, p.358
8-3 Nets and three-dimensional figures, p.364
8-4 Surface areas of prisms and Cylinders, p.368
8-5 Surface areas of pyramids and cones, p.374
8-6 Volumes of prisms and cylinders, p.380
Chapter 9 – Using Graphs to Analyze Data
9-1 Finding Mean, Median and Mode, p.412
9-2 Displaying Frequency, p.418
9-3 Venn Diagrams, p.424
9-4 Reading Graphs critically, p.428
9-8 Circle Graphs, p.450
Remember to study from your notebook, book, quizzes we have done.
Tópicos Lengua y Literatura 7th
2do Semestre 2016
Profesoras Rita de Pérez y María Cruz
1. El adjetivo calificativo. Funciones y grados, positivo, comparativo, superlativo.
2. Adjetivación comparación. símil y metáfora.
3. Tipos de descripción. Retrato Etopeya, prosopografía, cronografía, zoografía, autorretrato,
topografía, caricatura.
4. Palabras antónimas y sinónimas., homónimos homófonos
5. Pronombres. Funciones y clases
6. Personales y nominales. Átonos y tónicos.
7. Palabras con plurales dudosos. Terminados en S en Z, palabras compuestas, palabras
terminadas en vocal acentuada o con tilde.
8. Nexos oracionales. Palabras de enlaces.
9. Preposiciones y sus funciones
10. Conjunciones: Copulativas adversativas, disyuntivas, distributivas, explicativas. Coordinadas y
subordinadas y su clasificación.
11. Palabras que se pueden escribir juntas y separadas y su función.
12. Textos escritos en versos, en prosa. Establecer diferencias entre géneros.
13. Palabras polisémicas. Definición, y características.
14. El adverbio. Concepto. Funciones. Clasificación semántica., relación del adverbio con el verbo
y el adjetivo. Convertir adjetivos en adverbios con el sufijo mente.
15. El sintagma nominal y predicativo. Complemento directo, oposición, atributo.
16. Oraciones copulativas, transitivas e intransitivas
Elementos de la comunicación.
17. Niveles de la lengua. Definición y clasificación. Coloquial, estándar, formal, literaria, no
literaria, regional.
18. La Novela, los géneros literarios. Características principales. Análisis. Textos en prosa.
19. Ortografía. Reglas para el uso de las letras b, v, ll, y, s, c, x, z.
20. La raya y el paréntesis y sus funciones como signos ortográficos.
21. El Ensayo, género literario. . Características. Estructura. Pedro Henríquez Ureña como
ensayista. Importancia. Origen.
22. El teatro, género dramático y sus principales elementos dramáticos.
23. Géneros Literarios. El Modernismo.
24. Viaje al centro de la Tierra, autor, trama de obra personajes principales.
RdeP y MC
Tópicos Ciencias Sociales 7mo Grado
2do Semestre 2016
Prof. Xiomara Espinosa
Fundación de la Republica
Dominación Haitiana
Crisis de la dominación haitiana.
Proclamación de la Independencia
Primer gobierno dominicano
Gobierno de Santana
Gobiernos de Santana y Báez.
Anexión y Segunda República.
Proyecto anexionista
Guerra Restauradora
Fin de la Restauración
Segunda República
Gobiernos de Báez y Cabral,
Independentismo y antillanismo
Primera guerra de independencia cubana
Independentismo puertorriqueño
El antillanismo
Próceres antillanos
Independencia de cuba.
Liberalismo y dictadura
Gobiernos de González y Espaillat
Gobiernos azules
Fin de los gobiernos azules
Dictadura de Ulises Heureaux
Language Arts Final Exam Topics 2016
7 th Grade, Teacher: Elizabeth Magee and Rose de Dominguez
I – Literary Elements: Students must be able to define and identify examples of the following
literary elements from The Outsiders and The Giver.
Plot Elements
Themes (see below)
II –Themes: Students must be able to identify and describe the following themes from The
Outsiders and The Giver.
The Outsiders
The Giver
Loyalty to Self/Loyalty to Others
Freedom vs. Security
Loss of Innocence
Logic vs. Emotion
Conformity vs. Diversity
Violence vs. Peaceful Problem-Solving
Role of Family, Language and/or
Knowledge in Society
III – Study the following selections and books read and discussed in class:
• The Outsiders
• The Giver
IV – Grammar: Students must be able to identify and use these grammar rules correctly.
Identifying coordinating
Verb Tenses
Commonly Confused Words
V – Writing: Students must be able to write/edit a paragraph or essay using the IPEEL format.
• Introduction
o Explanation
• Point
o Link
• Example
Use NoRedInk, The Outsiders, The Giver and your notebook to prepare.
Topics Science Final Exam,
Exam ,
7th Grade, Teacher : Mr. Luis González
Cellular Energy
● Photosynthesis
● Cellular respiration and ATP
● The Chloroplasts
● The Mitochondria
Characteristics of plants
Main groups of plants
Characteristics of vascular plants
Characteristics of nonvascular plants
How are flowers pollinated
Characteristics animals share
Characteristics of vertebrates
Characteristics of invertebrates
The phyla of the animal kingdom
Body systems
● Main function of body systems
● What is homeostasis
● Diseases caused by a disruption in
The skeletal and muscular systems
● Main functions of the skeletal system and
Muscular system
● Parts of the skeletal system
● Composition of the bone
● What are joints
● Injuries and disorders of the skeletal system
And muscular system
● Types of muscles
The circulatory and respiratory system
● Cardiovascular and lymphatic systems
● Parts of the cardiovascular system
● What is blood made of
● Parts of the respiratory system
● Flow of air through the respiratory system
The digestive system
● Function of the digestive system
● Parts of the digestive system
● Mechanical digestion
● Chemical digestion
The nervous system
● Function of the nervous system
● The CNS and PNS
● Parts of the CNS and PNS
● The main senses