Avancemos 3 - pvmsspanish

Avancemos 3.1
Using Gustar to Express Likes and Dislikes
We do not express likes and dislikes the same way in Spanish and English. In
the English sentence, the subject is the one that likes something. In the Spanish
sentence, what is liked is the subject.
Pronouns (pronombres)
a mí_______
a nosotros/as_______
a ti_______
a vosotros/as_______
a él_______
a ella_______
a usted_______
a ellos_______
a ellas_______
a Uds._______
la forma correcta de gustar, por favor
¿Gusta o gustan?
1. Me__________las frutas.
2. Les___________nadar.
3. Nos__________los deportes.
4. No te__________la leche.
5. Le__________los Packers.
6. Os__________la clase de inglés.
7. No les__________la pizza.
Draw a line between the people and what they like to eat or drink.
Tú y yo
Práctica – Everyone likes something different. Fill in the first blank with the
correct pronoun (me, te, le, nos, os, les) and the second with the correct form of
the verb gustar (gusta or gustan) to express this.
1. A Victoria _____ __________ la comida que prepara su mamá.
2. A nosotros_____ __________ las papas fritas.
3. A Elena y a Sonia no _____ __________la sopa.
4. A ustedes_____ __________las manzanas y las uvas.
5. A mí_____ __________beber el café.
6. A vosotros_____ __________beber los refrescos.