Me Gusta…practice Tell me something your best friend likes to do

Me Gusta…practice
Quick review- Use your class notes to help, if needed. 
1. How do you say ‘I like?’
Answer the following questions in Spanish
and give a reason why you do/don’t like it,
(remember that ‘porque’ is ‘because’).
¿Te gusta bailar?
¿Te gusta escuchar música?
¿Te gusta jugar golf?
¿Te gusta correr?
2. How do you say ‘I don’t like?’
3. How do you say “What do you like to do?”
4. How do you say SHE likes to write.
5. How do you say HE likes to play basketball.
Tell me something your best friend likes to do. (mejor amigo- best friend).
Tell me something your mom likes to do. (mi mamá- mom).