Presentación de PowerPoint

Have you ever been to Venice? What was your impression?
Read the following information about Venice.
Listening Comprehension / Text
The population of Venice is falling rapidly. In 1950 there were 130,000 inhabitants but
since then Venetians have been leaving their island in ever-increasing numbers and the
population has gone down to 72,000. One of the reasons is the price of property which has
risen in recent years because wealthy foreigners have been buying houses and flats. Many
Venetians have been forced to leave and find cheaper flats on the mainland. Recently the
authorities have been trying to sort out the problem and new flats have been built and
money spent on improving living conditions in some areas.
Another major problem is the ever-growing number of tourists. On a bank holiday in May
1987, a record 66,000 tourists arrived in a single day. Since then, that record has been
broken many times and on many holiday weekends in recent years the number has risen to
100,000. A study which was carried out by Venice University in 1990 showed that the
maximum number of tourists Venice can absorb is 35,000 and that the high number of
tourists in the last decade have damaged both the city and the quality of life of its
inhabitants. If the decline in the population and high tourist numbers continue, Venice will
become nothing more than a “cultural Disneyland”.
Language Practice:
Present perfect continuous
Look at these extracts from the text:
Wealthy foreigners have been buying houses and flats.
Recently the authorities have been trying to sort out the problem.
The tense used here is the present perfect continuous. We use this tense to show that
something started in the past and has continued up until now. "For five minutes," "for two
weeks," and "since Tuesday" are all durations which can be used with the present perfect
continuous, we also use it with expressions like “recently” or “lately”.
They have been talking for the last hour.
She has been working at that company for three years.
What have you been doing for the last 30 minutes?
James has been teaching at the university since June.
General Telephone Class
Student’s Copy
Translate the following sentences and pay special attention to how we use the present
perfect continuous for an action that hasn’t finished and the simple past tense when the
action has finished.
Ana lleva trabajando aquí un montón de tiempo.
Trabajó antes en una empresa de informática.
El conductor de autobuses lleva conduciendo desde que tenía 20 años.
Condujo un taxi antes de ser conductor de autobuses.
¿Desde cuando juegas al tenis?
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que jugaste al tenis?
¿Desde cuándo fuma Pepe?
¿Fumó en el baño ayer?
Mi hija lleva uniforme desde que empezó en el colegio privado.
También lo llevó en el otro colegio.
Kate lleva todo el día encontrándose mal.
Se encontraba genial ayer.
Estudio francés desde hace 5 años.
Antes estudiaba español pero lo deje.
Están jugando al tenis desde hace una hora.
Jugaron también la semana pasada.
Llevo tres días leyendo este libro y me encanta.
El último libro que leí no me gustó nada.
 What things have you been doing recently?
Are there any cities in Spain that run the risk of becoming a cultural Disneyland like
General Telephone Class
Student’s Copy