.1 m re T ar e T lla ts ni dn a da ol n w o D ph p. m re T

1. Download and install TeraTerm
2. Download and install driver
3. Open TeraTerm
4. Click the serial port radio button
5. Use the drop down box to select the correct serial port.
1. AS-PC2 cables typically say Serial Comm Port
2. AS-PC3 cables typically say USB to Serial Converter.
5. In the Setup menu select Terminal
1. Select the Local Echo box
6. In the Setup menu select Serial Port
Change the Baud Rate to 4800.
Set Data to 8 Bit
Set Parity to none
Set Stop to 1 bit
Set Flow Control to none
7. In the Setup menu select Save Setup to save the TeraTerm configuration to your
computer. You can use this file in the future to avoid Steps 4-6.
8. Enable NMEA0183 on your Humminbird Control Head. You should begin to see the
NMEA0183 data appearing on the computer screen.
9. To save the NMEA0183 dta to a text file, in the File menu select Log.
1. Provide a filename and location to save the file.
2. Adjust any logging options at the bottom (Append, Plain Text, etc.)
3. Select Save. The output of the TeraTerm window will now be saved in a text file
as the data is collected.
NMEA Sentences:
The following NMEA0183 Sentences are output from all Fishing System units:
DPT – Depth
MTW – Water Temperature
GLL(*) – Geographic Position (latitude/longitude)
GGA(*) – GPS Fix Data
RMC(*) – GNSS Data
VTG(*) – Course Over Ground and Ground Speed
ZDA(*) – Time and Date
(*) – These sentences are related to GPS and do not contain any information unless a GPS
receiver is connected to the Fishing System unit.
If a GPS receiver is connected to the Fishing System unit, then other NMEA0183 sentences
containing navigation and waypoint information will also be output by the Fishing System. For
more information on the NMEA0183 specification, consult the www.nmea.org website.
Digital Depth is embedded in the DPT sentence. Its format is as follows:
d.d is the decimal depth value in meters relative to the transducer
o.o is an offset from the the transducer to the surface.
This Depth Offset can be programmed into the Fishing System unit under the advanced
main menu system (see Fishing System User’s Manual for more details)
hh is an automatically generated checksum for communications error checking
- stands for “carriage return” and “line feed” which indicates the end of the transmitted
Water Temperature is embedded in the MTW sentence. Its format is as follows:
t.t is the decimal temperature value in Celsius degrees
hh is an automatically generated checksum for communications error checking
- stands for “carriage return” and “line feed” which indicates the end of the transmitted
To use Excel to parse Depth data:
Microsoft Excel can be easily used to sort through the NMEA0183 data in the text file and parse
out only the Digital Depth and Water Temperature values. If GPS data is available, you can also
use Excel to build correlate position, time and depth data.
1. Open Excel
2. Open the TeraTerm log file containing the NMEA0183 data saved from the Fishing
System unit. From the File toolbar list, select Open. Change the Files of type box to All
Files. Browse to where the TeraTerm log file you saved data to is, select it and click the
Open button to open the file.
3. Using the Text Import Wizard, Step 1: Select Delimited. If you wish to start at a place in
the file other than the beginning, select the appropriate row number. Click the Next
4. Step 2: Under Delimiters, select Comma and deselect Tab, Space, and Semicolon. Also
select Other and put an ‘*’ in the box next to it. You will see in the Data Preview box that
the data in the text file has been divided into columns. Click the Next button.
5. Step 3: There is no need to change the Column Data Format, so click the Finish button.
6. You will now see the NMEA0183 data sentences broken up in to columns which can be
manipulated many ways to arrive at the presentation you desire. We recommend at this
point that you save the Excel file before proceeding.
7. To group all of the Depth sentences together, Water Temperature sentences together, etc.,
highlight all columns of data by clicking on the column A header cell, hold down the
right mouse button and drag across all of the column header cells containing NMEA0183
data. Under the Data toolbar list, click on Sort. For Sort By, select Column A and
Ascending, then click the OK button. You will now see all of the DPT sentences grouped
together as well as the other types of NMEA0183 sentences. You can now eliminate
columns other than the depth values or rows containing NMEA0183 data you are not
interested in, etc.