Canada / Spain Agreement Applying for a Spanish Death and/or Survivor Benefit Here is some important information you need to consider when completing your application. Please ensure you sign the application. If you are signing with a mark, (for example: “X”) the signature of a witness is required. Your application must be supported by documentation. Please submit the documents requested. Failure to complete the application and provide the requested documentation may result in delays in processing your application. Where original documents are specifically requested, originals must be submitted with your application. You should keep a certified true copy of any originals you send us for your records. Some countries require original documentation which will not be returned to you. You may submit the original or a photocopy that is certified as true for any of the documents where originals are not required. It is better to send certified copies of documents rather than originals. If you choose to send original documents, send them by registered mail. We will return the original documents to you. We can only accept a photocopy of an original document if it is legible and if it is a certified true copy of the original. Our staff at any Service Canada centre will photocopy your documents and certify them free of charge. If you cannot visit a Service Canada Centre, you can ask one of the following people to certify your photocopy: Accountant; Chief of First Nations Band; Employee of a Service Canada Centre acting in an official capacity; Funeral Director; Justice of the Peace; Lawyer, Magistrate, Notary; Manager of Financial Institution; Medical and Health Practitioners: Chiropractor, Dentist, Doctor, Pharmacist, Psychologist, Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nurse; Member of Parliament or their staff; Member of Provincial Legislature or their staff; Minister of Religion; Municipal Clerk; Official of a federal government department or provincial government department, or one of its agencies; Official of an Embassy, Consulate or High Commission; Officials of a country with which Canada has a reciprocal social security agreement; Police Officer; Postmaster; Professional Engineer; Social Worker; Teacher. People who certify photocopies must compare the original document to the photocopy, state their official position or title, sign and print their name, give their telephone number and indicate the date they certified the document. They must also write the following statement on the photocopy: This photocopy is a true copy of the original document which has not been altered in any way. If a document has information on both sides, both sides must be copied and certified. You cannot certify photocopies of your own documents, and you cannot ask a relative to do it for you. Return your completed application, forms and supporting documents to: International Operations Service Canada P.O. Box 250 Fredericton, NB E3B 4Z6 CANADA Disclaimer: This application form has been developed by external sources in cooperation with Employment and Social Development Canada. The content and language contained in the form respond to the legislative needs of those external sources. I CAN- E l CONVENIO SOBRE SEGURIDAD SOCIAL ENTRE E S P A ~ A Y CANADA CONVENTION ON SOCIAL SECURITY BENVEEN SPAIN AND CANADA CONVENTION DE S ~ C U R I TSOCIALE ~ ENTRE L'ESPAGNE ET LE CANADA Vejez Old Age benefits Vieillesse SOLlClTUD DE PRESTACIONES CONFORME A LA LEGISLACI~NESPA~~OLA POR (1) CLAIM FOR BENEFITS UNDER SPANISH LEGISLATION (I) DEMANDE DE PRESTATIONS EN VERTU DE LA LEGISLATION ESPAGNOLE POUR (I) lnvalidez Disability benefits lnvalidite Muerte Death benefits D6cBs Supewivencia Survivor's benefits Survivants Titulo Ill del Convenio / Part 111 of the Convention 1 Titre Ill de la Convention Artlculos 6 y 7 del Acuerdo Administratlvo Articles 6 and 7 of the Administrative Agreement Articles 6 et 7 de I1ArrangernentAdrninistratif L o s r e c u a d ~ ~ ~ estdn resewados ai uso de la Administracldn canadlense Boxes are reserved for the Canadian Administration Lescases sont rBservBes A Mdministration canadienne A CUMPUMENTAR EN TODO CASO / TO BE COMPLETED IN ALL CASES / A REMPLlR DANS TOUS LES CAS NGmero de Seguro social de Canadd Canadian Social Insurance Number NumBro d assurance sociale du Canada 1 DATOS PERSONALES DEL ASEGURADO Y DE su CONYUGE PERSONAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE INSURED AND HIS/ HER SPOUSE RENSEIGNEMENTS PERSONNELS CONCERNANT LA PERSONNE A S S U R ~ EET SON CONJOINT Del solicitante (2) Claimant (2) Du dernandeur (2) 1.1. Apellldos (4) Sumames (4) Norns de farnille (4) 1.2. Apellldos de soltera Maiden name Norn de jeune fille 1.3. Nombre First name Prknorn Del c6nyuge (3) Spouse (3) Du conjoint (3) 1 Del sollcitante (2) Claimant (2) Du demandeur (2) 1.4. Nombre de 10s padres Name of parents Nom des parents 1.5. Dlreccl6n (5) Address (5) Adresse (5) 1.6. Fecha de naclmlento Date of birth Date de naissance 1.7. Sex0 Sex Sexe 1.a. Naclonalldad Citizenship Nationalit6 1.9. D. N. I. (6) Number of ldenffty Card (6) No. de carte d'identitb (6) 1.lO.No. de aflllacl6n a la Segurldad Social espaftola Spanish Social Security number No. d'affillation B la Sbcuritb Soclale espagnole 1.11.Estado clvil (7') Marital status (7) Etat civil (7) 1.12.Fecha de matrimonlo Date of marriage Date de mariage 1.13.Fecha de falleclmlento Date of death Date du d b d s 1.14.Causa del falleclmlento (8) Cause of death (8) Cause du decks (8) 1.15. jSe considera el lnteresado lncapacitado para el trabajo? Does the daimant consider himlherself unfit for work? L'lntBressQ(e) se considhre-t-il (elle) inapte au travail? 1.16.~Reallzaactlvldad laboral? Is he/she working at present? Travaille-1-11(elle) encore? 1.17.~Esthacogldo a Convenlo Especial? Does claimant belong to a special plan (voluntary insurance)? BQnbficie-1-11(elle) d'une convention spbcialel assurance volontaire? 1.lB.Fecha en que ha dejado de trabajar Date on which employment ceased Date d'arret de travail 1.1O.Fecha en que se propone cesar Date on which employment is expected to k a s e Date pdvue d'arret de travail 1.20.~Percibealguna prestaclbn? (9) Is any benefit paid? (9) Une prestation est-elle versbe? (9) 1.21 .LHa perclbldo alguna prestacl6n? Has any benefit been paid? Une prestation a-1-elle 616 vers&? Del c6nyuge (3) Spouse (3 DU conjo~nt (3) Del solicitante (2) Claimant (2) Du demandeur (2) 1.22. Del conyuge (3) Spouse (3 Du conjo~nt (3) SI uno de 10s puntos 1.20 o 1.21., es aflrmatlvo, lndlcar if either 1.20 or 1.21. is a m a t i v e please state: Dans I'afflrrnative a 1.20 ou 1.21., indiquer: Clase de pensl6n Type of pension Le type de pension Organlsmo que la satisface Institution responsible for payment L'organisme responsable du paiement lmporte mensuel (10) Monthly benefit (10) Le montant mensuel (10) Fecha de efectos Date on which pension became payable La date du debut des paiements Feche do venclmlento Date on Mich pension ceased or is expected to cease La date de cessation des paiements 1.23. 2 Otros recursos Other resources Autres ressources connues A CUMPLIMENTAR I~NICAMENTE EN EL SUPUESTO DE SOLlClTUD DE PENSION DE INVALIDEZ TO BE COMPLETED ONLY WHEN CLAIMING A DISABILlN PENSION A REMPLIR UNIQUEMENT EN CAS D'UNE DEMANDE DE PENSION D'INVALIDIT~ ORIGEN DE LA INVALIDEZ I CAUSE OF DISABILIN 1 CAUSE DE L'INVALIDIT~ Enfermedad comun Common illness Maladie commune [7 Enfennedad profeslonal Occupational disease Maladie professionnelle Accldente de trabajo industrial accident Accident du travail Accldente no laboral Non-industrial accident Accident non pmfesslonnel HlJOS I CHILDREN I ENFANTS Apellldos y nombre Fecha de nacimlento Sumames and First Name Date of bltih Norns et Pr6noms Date de naissance ~Estd Incapacltado para el trabajo? Is he/she unfff lor emp/opent? Est-ll(elle) lnapte au travall? L E penslonlsta ~ o tltular de re,,tn? Is he/she a pensioner w recipient of a penodrc benefit? Est-ll(elle) retralt6(e)ou t~tulaire dune renle? ~Obtlene OtmYJ Ingm=3? he/she Ofher Income7 Re@t-ll(elle) d'autres revenus? 7 4 DECLARACION DE ACTIVIDADES DEL ASEGURADO EN E S P A ~ A EMPLOYMENT HISTORY OF THE INSURED IN SPAIN EMPLOIS PRECEDENTSDE L'ASSURE(E) EN ESPAGNE Nornbre y dlrecci6n de la Ernpresa Name and address of employer Nom et adresse de I'employeur 5 Provlncia Province Province Periodo 1 Period 1 Pdriode desde 1 from 1 de haste Ito 1 8 PER~ODOSTRABAJADOS EN OTROS PA~SES PERIODS O F WORK IN OTHER COUNTRIES PERIODES TRAVAILLEES DANS D'AUTRES PAYS asegurado o, en s u defecto, nombre de la Empresa, trabajos corno autbnorno, etc. Social Security Number or name of the enterprise, work as self-employed person, etc. No.d'assurd ou, sinon, nom de I'Entreprise, activitds exerches en tant que le travailleur independant, etc. Periodo (a Aos) Desde Localldad City Localit6 Pais Country Pays Hasta Period (years) From To Pdriode (ann6es) De A Declaro, bajo ml responsabilidad, que son ciertos 10s datos que conslgno en el presente formulario. Asimismo, manlfiesto que quedo enterado de la obligaclon de comunlcar al lnstltuto Naclonal de Seguridad Social cualquier varlacion en 10s datos declarados que pueda producirse en lo sucesivo. 1 hereby declare that the information provided in this form is true and accurate. I further acknowledge that I am required to notify the INSS of any change in this information which may occur in future. Je declare, sous ma responsabilite, que les reinseignernents que je fournis dans la presente forrnule sont vrais. De meme, je declare que je suis tenu de communiquer B I'lnstitut National de la S6curitB Sociale tout changernent relatif aux renseignements declares qui pounait intervenir dans I'avenir. (A CUMPLIMENTAR S ~ L O EN CASO DE SOUCrrUO DE PRESTACIONES DE SUPERVNENCIA) (TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IN CASE OFA CLAIM FOR A SURVIVOR'SPENSION) (A NE REMPLIR QU'EN CAS D'UNE DEMANDE DE PRESTATIONS DE SURVIVANT) Declaro, bajo ml responsabilidad, que convlvfa con: I declare, under my responsibility, that I lived with: ............................................................................................ Je declare sur I'honneur, que je vivais avec: en el siguiente domlclllo: ..................................................................................................................................... at the following address: B l'adresse suivante: ................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... desde from d~ 1 I Die Day Jour I I Mes Month Mois AAo Year Ann& hasta f0 a~ I I Die Day Jour I I Mes Month Mois AAo Year Ann& Autorlzo a la Institucl6n de Canad6 a facllltar al lnstituto ~ a c i o n ade l Seguridad Soclal de Espafia, toda la lnformacion y pruebas que posea, relacionados o posiblemente relacionados con esta solicitud de prestaciones. I authorize the Canadian institution to provide the INSS with any information or evidence it may have which relates, or which might relate to the present claim for benefits. J'autorise I'organisme canadien B fournir B I'lnstitut National de Sdcurite Sociale dlEspagne tous les renseignernents et preuves qu'il detient, et qui sont ou peuvent &re relatifs B la pr6sente dernande de prestations. Firma del sollcltante, Claimant's signature, Signature du demandeur, A CUMPLIMENTAR POR LA INSTITUC~ON CANADIENSE TO BE COMPLETED BY THE CANADIAN INSTITUTION A REMPLIR PAR L'ORGANISME CANADIEN Se hace constar que 10s datos personales vidados en este formularlo han sldo debidamente comprobados por esta Instltucion. This certifies that the personal information supplied in this form has been duly verified by this Institution. Ceci certifie que les renseignements personnels fournis dans la presente formule ont Bt6 dOment verifies par I'organisme. Sello Stamp Timbre Fecha Da fe ................................................................................Date Flrma Signature Signature .......... ..................... .......................................... .. NOTAS / NOTES / NOTES Marquese lo que proceda Mark whichever is applicable Cocher la case appropriee En las solicitudes de vejez e invalldez: 10s datos del prop10 Interesado. En las de viudedad, 10s correspondientes a la viudalo. En las de orfandad: 10s correspondientes a la viudalo o en su defect0 el representante legal de 10s huBrfanos. If old age or disability benefits are being claimed, provide information in this column regarding the insured person If widow's/widower's benefits are being claimed, provide information in this column regarding the widowhidower. If orphans' benefits are being claimed, provide-information in this column regarding the widow/widower or, if there is none, regarding the legal representative of the orphaned child. Pour les demandes de prestations de vieillesse ou d'invalidite, donner les details concemant la personne assuree. Pour les demandes de pension de veuf (veuve), donner les details concernant le veuf/veuve.Pour les demandes de prestations d'orphelin, donner les details concernant le veuflveuve ou, s'il n'y en a pas, le representant legal de I'orphelin. . En las sollcitudes de vejez e invalidez: 10s datos del c6nyuge del asegurado. En las de supewlvencia: 10s del asegurado fallecido. If old age or disability benefits are being claimed, provide information in this column regarding the spouse o t i h e insured person. If survivors' benefits are being claimed, provide information in this column about the deceased insured person. Pour les demandes de prestations de vieillesse et d'invalidite, indiquer les donnees concemant le conjoint de la personne assuree. Pour les demandes de pension de survivant, indiquer les donnees concemant la personne assure6 de&d6e. Para naclonales espafioles, conslgnar 10s dos apellldos. For Spanish nationals, list both surnames. Pour les ressortissants espagnols, indiquer les deux noms de famille. NLirnero, calle, localidad, distrito postal, pais. Number, street, town, postal code, country. Numero, rue, vilie, code postal, pays. - .- . - Para naclonales espaiioles, indicar el numero del Documento Naclonal de ldentidad (D. N. I.), aunque estB caducado. Si no l o posee, indicar expresamente: "no tiene". For Spanish nationals, enter identity card (DNI) number even if expired. If claimant does not have a DNI number, enter the words "no identity card': Pour les ressortissants espagnols, indiquer le numero de la carte d'identite (D.N.I.) meme s'il n'est pas valable. S'il (elle) n'en a pas, indiquer "pas de carte d'identite". lndlcar de entre Bstos el que proceda: soltero, casado, separado, divorclado, viudo y, a contlnuaclbn, desde cuando. State whether single, manied, separated, divorced or widowed (give date of separation or divorce, or date of spouse's death). lndiquer si la personne assuree est celibataire, mariee, separee, divorcee ou veuve 1 veuf (donner la date du divorce ou du decbs du conjoint). lndlcar lo que proceda: accidente de trabajo, enfermedad profeslonal, accldente no laboral, enfermedad comun. State cause of death : industrial accident, occupational disease, non-industrial accident or common illness. lndiquer la cause du decbs: accident du travail, maladie professionnelle, accident non professionnel ou maladie commune. Desempleo, lncapacldad laboral transitoria, invalidez provisional, etc. Unemployment, temporary incapacity, provisional disability, etc. Chamage, invalidit6 temporaire, invalidit6 provisoire, etc. Pesetas o dolares canadienses. Indicate whether figure is in pesetas or Canadian dollars. lndiquer si le montant est en pesetas ou dollars canadiens. DOCUlVLENTOS QUE DEBE PRESENTAR CON ESTA SOLICITUD DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THIS CLtUM DOCUMENTS QUE vous DEVEZ PRESENTER AVEC LA DEMANDE a) Solicltud de pensl6n de vejez: Application for old age pension: Dernande de pension de vieillesse: Documento Naclonal de ldentldad o Certlflcacl6n de Naclmlento. National ldentify Card or Birth certificate. Carte d'ldentit6 Nationale ou certificat de nalssance. Si realizd trabajos en el sector maritimo pesquero en Espaiia, aportah la libreta de Navegacidn espaflola y , en su caso, tambien la de 10s demhs paises donde haya realizado tal clase de actividad, o cualquier tip0 de docurnentacidn (certificados de ernpresa, de la Autoridad de Marina, etc ...) que acredite dichas circunstancias. If the insured person performed a professional activity in the merchant marine or fishlng industry in Spain, he / she should provlde the Spanish Navigation booklet and, where applicable, the booklets of other countries where such activity was performed, or any kind of documentary evidence ( certifica- tes Issued by a company, marine authorify, etc.) cerliwng such activities. SI des activites de pbche maritime ont 616 kalisees en Espagne, presenter le livret de Navigation espagnole, alnsl que celul des autres pays oi, ce type d-activit6 aurait 6te eventuellement realis6 ou toute autre documentation (certificat d'entreprise, de I' autorite maritlme, etc.) le certifiant. - - b) - Sollcltud de pensi6n de Invaiidez: Application for disability pension: Dernande de pension d'invalidite: Documento Naclonal de ldentldad o Certlflcacldn de Naclmlento. National ldentity Card or Birth certificate. Carte d'ldentit6 Nationale ou certificat de naissance. Documentaclon medlca. Medical documents. Cerlificat rn6dical. Si realizd trabajos en el sector marltimo pesquero en Espaiia, aportad la llbreta de Navegacidn espaflola y , en su caso, tambien la de 10s demhs paises donde haya reaiizado tal clase de actividad, o cualquier tip0 de docurnentacidn (certificados de ernpresa, de la Autoridad de Marina, etc...) que acredite dichas clrcunstanclas. If the insured person performed a professional activity in the merchant marine or fishlng industry in Spain, he / she should provide the Spanish Navigation booklet and, where applicable, the booklets of other countries where such activify was perfonned, or any kind of documentary evidence ( certifica- tes issued by a company, marine authority, etc.) certifyingsuch activities. Si des activites de phche maritime ont Btd realisees en Espagne, presenter le livret de Navigation espagnole, alnsl que celui de? autres pays oh ce type d'activitd aurait Qt6 Bventuellement realist5 ou toute autre documentation (certificat d'entreprise, de I autorite maritime, etc.) le certifiant. - - - c) - Sollcitud de prestacldn por muerte y supervlvencia: Application for sunriwr's benefits: Demande de prestations de su~ivants: Si realizd trabajos en el sector marftlmo - pesquero en Espafla, aportad la libreta de Navegacldn espaflola y , en su caso, tamblen la de ios dernhs paises donde haya reallzado tal clase de actividad, o cualquier tipo de docurnentacidn (certificados de empresa, de la Autoridad de Marina, etc...) que acredite dichas circunstancias. I f the insured person performed a professional activity in the merchant marine or fishing industry In Spain, he /she should provide the Spanish Navigation booklet and, where applicable, the booklets of other countries where such activity was performed, or any kind of documentaryevidence ( cerfifica- tes issued by a company, marine authority, etc.) certifjing such activities. Si des activites de peche maritime ont 616 kalisbes en Espagne, presenter le livret de Navigation espagnole, alnsl que celui des autres pays oi, ce type d'activltd aurait Bt6 eventuellement reallse ou toute autre documentation (certificat d'entreprise, de I' autorite maritlme, etc.) le certifiant. - caso 1 In all cases / Dans tous les cas: -En todo Certificacidn de defunclon, en la que se haga constar l a causa del falleclmlento. Death certificate stating cause of death. Certificat de d6&s, avec mention de la cause du d6chs. Pensldn de vludedad: S u ~ ' v i n spouse's g penslon: Pension de veuf (veuve): Documento Naclonal de Identidad o Certlficacldn de naclmlento de la vludehrludo. National ldentify Card or Blrth certificate of the widowhvidower. Carte d'ldentitb Nationale ou certificat de naissance de la veuveheuf. Llbro de Famllla o, en su defecto, certlflcaclon de matrlmonlo. Family Register of Vital Statistics or marriage certificate. Livret de farnille ou certificat de mariage. En caso de exlstlr separacldn legal o dlvorclo, fotocopla de la sentencla flrme en que se acredite. SI n o hublera sentencia flnne, fotocopla del documento que justiflque haber lnlclado el expediente de separacldn matrlmonlal o de dlvorclo. In the case of legal separation or divorce, attach a copy of the final decree or proof that separation or divorce proceedings have been initiated. En cas de separation legale ou de divorce, annexer une cople de la decision du' tribunal. S'il n'exlste aucune d6clsion, annexer une copie du document justiflant que la procedure de separation maritale ou de divorce a 616 entambe. - Pensldn de orfandad: Olphan's pension: d'orphelin: -Pension Llbro de famllla o, en su defecto, Documento Naclonal de ldentldad o Certlflcacldn de naclmlento de 10s hljos por 10s que sollclta pensldn (menores de 18 aiios o mayores Incapacltados). De exlstlr hljos adoptlvos, documentos que acrediten la adopcidn legal. Family Register of Vital Statistics, National ldentity Card or Birfh certificates of children for whom benefits are being claimed (disabled adults or minor children under 18). In case of adopted children, provide proof of legal adoption. Livret de famille, Carte d'ldentitb Nationale ou certificat de naissance des enfants pour lesquels une penslon est demandbe (enfants de rnoins de 18 ans ou plus, s'ils sont incapables de travailler). En cas d'enfants adoptes , documents certifiant I'adoption i6gale. Canada / Spanish Agreement Documents and/or information required to support your application [CAN-E 1] for a Spanish Death and/or Survivor’s Benefit Complete the attached forms: • Canadian Residence [SC ISP5015] (only if the deceased was in receipt of a Canadian Old Age Security pension) • Additional Page to form CAN-E 1 (only if you someone other than the surviving spouse) Original or certified documents to be submitted: • Birth certificate or National Identity Card (D.N.I.) for you, the deceased and any children • Marriage certificate or family register • Death certificate that states cause of death • Decree or judgment of divorce (if applicable) • Spanish Navigation booklet or documentary evidence certifying such activity (only if the deceased performed professional activity in the merchant marine or fishing industry) • Proof of the dates of your entry(ies) to Canada and departure(s) from Canada (such as: Immigration 1000, passport, visa, ship or airline tickets, etc.) (only if the deceased was in receipt of a Canadian Old Age Security pension) Information required: • Your Spanish National Identity Card (D.N.I.) Number: ____________________ • Your Spanish Social Security Registration Number: ____________________ IMPORTANT: If you have already submitted any of the documents required when you applied for a Canada Pension Plan or Old Age Security benefit, you do not need to resubmit them. Service Canada CANADIAN RESIDENCE - INFORMATION REGARDING A DECEASED PERSON Protected when completed - B Personal Information Bank HRSDC PPU 175 Canadian Social Insurance Number Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss First Name and Initial Last Name The following information is required to support your application for benefits under a social security agreement. If required, please provide additional information on a separate sheet of paper. 1. If the deceased was born outside of Canada, please provide us with the following information: • Date of arrival in Canada: • Place of arrival in Canada: 2. List all the places where the deceased lived in Canada after the age of 18 and provide proof of all his/her dates of entry and departure (immigration 1000, complete passport, airline tickets, etc.): From (Year/Month/Day) To (Year/Month/Day) City Province/Territory 3. List all absences from Canada, which were longer than six months, during his/her Canadian residence listed in number 2 above: Departure (Year/Month/Day) Destination Return (Year/Month/Day) Reason 4. Please give us the names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least two people, not related to you or the deceased by blood or marriage, who can confirm his/her Canadian residence: Name Address Telephone Number City ( ) - ( ) - DECLARATION OF APPLICANT I declare that this information is true and complete. (It is an offence to make a misleading statement) Signature: X Telephone number: Date: ( ) - Year Service Canada delivers Human Resources and Skills Development Canada programs and services for the Government of Canada. SC ISP5015 (2011-03-01) E Month Day HOJA A INTERCALAR AL FORMULARIO CAN - E 1 ADDITIONAL PAGE TO FORM CAN - E 1 FEUILLE ADDITIONNELLE A LA FORMULE CAN - E 1 A A CUMPLIMENTAR UNICAMENTE SI SE SOLICITA PRESTACION EN FAVOR DE FAMILIARES (1) TO BE COMPLETED ONLY WHEN CLAIMING BENEFITS FOR FAMILY MEMBERS ( 1 ) REMPLIR SEULEMENT EN CAS DE DEMANDE DE PRESTATIONS EN FAVEUR DES MEMBRES DE LA FAMILLE (1) El familiar que solicite la prestacion en Favor de Familiares, debera cumplimentar el apartado 1 "Datos personales del asegurado y de s u conyuge" del formulario CAN E 1, indicando los datos propios en la columna relativa al "solicitante" y 10s datos de la persona fallecida en la columna relativa al "conyuge". The relative claiming benefits on behalf of members of hidher own family must complete Pail I of form CAN - E I ("Personal information regarding the insured and hidher spouse'^, listing his or her personal information under the column entitled "Claimant" and providing information on the deceased in the column entitled "Spouse': Le parent qui demande une prestation en faveur des rnembres de la farnille doit rernplir la Partie 1. "Renseignements personnels concernant la personne assuree et son conjoint", du formulaire CAN - E 1, en indiquant les donnees appropriees dans la colonne correspondante au "Demandeur" et les donnees concernant la personne decedee dans la colonne correspondante au "Conjoint". - Otros datos del familiar que solicita la prestacion: Additional information on the relative claiming benefits on behalf of family members: Autres renseignements sur le parent qui dernande une prestation: - Parentesco con el fallecido Relationship to the deceased Lien de parent6 avec la personne decedee ............................................................................................. ~ C o n v i v i acon la persona fallecida? Did he/she live with the deceased? Vivait-il (elle) avec la personne decedee? ............................................................................................... ~Dependia economicamente de la persona fallecida? Did he/she depend on the deceased for financial support? ................................................................. Dependait-il (elle) financierement sur la personne decedee? - DOCUMENTAC~ONQUE DEBE PRESENTAR IDOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMI77ED /DOCUMENTS A PR~SENTER EN TODO CASO / INALL CASES/DANS TOUS LES CAS - Documento Nacional de Identidad. National Identity Card. Carte d'ldentite Nationale. Certificacion de defuncion, en la que se haga constar la causa del fallecimiento. Death certificate stating cause of death. Certificat de deces, avec mention de la cause du ddces. Libro de familia o Certificaciones de las actas que acrediten el parentesco del solicitante con el fallecido. Family Register of Vital Statistics or certified documents proving relationship to the deceased. Livret de famille ou certificats indiquant le lien de parente, avec la personne decedee, de la personne qu~ presente la dernande. SI EL SOLICITANTE ERA NIETOIA, HERMANOIA, ABUELOIA DEL FALLECIDO: IF THE CLAIMANT WAS A GRANDCHILD, BROTHER/SISTER, GRANDPARENT OF THE DECEASED: SI LE DEMANDEUR ETAITUN PETIT-ENFANT, UN FREREISOEUROU UN GRAND-PARENTDELAPERSONNE DECEDEE: Certificado de Defuncion del padre. Death certificate of the father. Certificat de deces du pere. - - (1) ( 1) (1) Nietos, hermanos, padres, abuelos, hijas que reunan determinados requisitos de edad, estado civil, convivencia, falta de medios, etc., segljn el caso. Grandchildren, brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents and daughters that fulfil certain conditions of age, civil status, cohabitation, lack of means, etc., as the case may be. Les petits-enfants, les freres, les soeurs, les parents, les grands-parents, les filles qui rernplissent certaines conditions d'dge, d'etat civil, de cohabitation, de manque de rnoyens, etc., selon le cas.