IDIOMS AND SAYINGS SPANISH IDIOM/SAYING MEANING ENGLISH EQUIVALENT SPANISH EXAMPLE ENGLISH TRANSLATION 51 Perder la chaveta To lose your mind To lose your marbles Mi tío no está bien; parece que perdió la chaveta. My uncle is not well; it seems he lost his marbles. 52 Ser un perro viejo To have experience in something To be an old hand En la mecánica, mi papá es un perro viejo. In mechanics, my dad is an old hand. 53 Meter la pata To ruin an opportunity To blow it Mi novia era buena conmigo y yo metí la pata. My girlfriend used to be nice to me and I blew it. 54 Al pie de la letra Literally To the letter Sigue las instrucciones al pie de la letra. Follow the instructions to the letter. 55 No decir ni pío Not to say anything Not to breath a word. Ella no para de hablar pero hoy no dijo ni pío. She never stops talking but today she didn't breath a word. 56 to dismiss someone in a bad way. To send someone packing Estaba cansada de él así es que lo mandé a la porra. I was tired of him so I sent him packing. 57 Mandar a alguien a la porra Dormir a pierna suelta To sleep soundly To sleep like a log Ella no está cansada porque durmió a pierna suelta. She is not tired because she slept like a log. 58 59 Príncipe azul Costar un riñon The right man When something is very expensive or hard to do. Prince charming To cost an arm and a leg Encontré a mi príncipe azul. I found my prince charming. Me costó un riñon pero finalmente logré comprar mi It cost me an arm and a leg but I was finally able to buy my car. carro. 60 Verlo todo de color de rosa To be very optimistic To see everything through rose colored glasses Es increíble ver como algunas personas ven todo de It's incredible to see how some people see everything through rose colored color de rosa. glasses 61 ¡Qué sé yo! Yo no soy su jefe. !Qué sé yo! I'm not his boss. How should I know! 62 Sacar a alguien de sus casillas Gastar saliva en balde To tell someone they can't expect you to How should I know! know something To make someone mad To drive someone up the wall Le di un puñetazo porque me sacó de mis casillas. I punched him because he drove me up the wall To say things vainly To waste your breath Ya no le digas nada, estás gastando saliva en balde. Don't say anything to him anymore, you are wasting your breath. Chuparle la sangre a alguien A otro perro con ese hueso Sanseacabó To make people give your their money willingly To let someone know that you don't believe something That is the end of the story To suck someone dry Ella solo estaba con él para chuparle la sangre. She was with him only to suck him dry. Tell it to the marines ¿Le dijo que la ama? ¡A otro perro con ese hueso! He told her he loves her? Tell it to the marines! That's that ¡Porque yo lo digo y sanseacabó! Because I say so and that's that! To rant and rave Ellos echaron sapos y culebra sobre las nuevas reglas They ranted and raved about the new rules at school. de la escuela. 63 64 65 66 67 Echar sapos y culebras To speak or write harshly about something 68 Dar una vuelta To go for a ride 69 Estar por los suelos To be in the worst of the situations 70 Dar por sentado To assume that something is a certain way To take something for granted Ella siempre dio por sentado la relación con su novio. She always took for granted the relationship with her boyfriend. 71 De primas a primeras Without warning Right off the bat Él empezó a acusarnos de primas a primeras. He started accusing us right off the bat. 72 Pagar por los platos rotos ¡Ni en sueños! Pay for consequences To pay the piper Un día voy a pagar por los platos rotos. One day I'll pay the piper. There is no chance at all No way! Not in your dreams! ¡Ni en sueños! ¡Yo no me voy a poner eso! No way! I am not going to wear that! When you don't care I could care less Ni me va ni me viene lo que pienses de mí. I could care less about what you think of me. To show no surprise or emotions He didn't even bat an eyelid Ni se mosqueó cuando escuchó la noticia. He didn't even bat an eyelid when he heard the news. 73 74 75 Ni le va ni le viene (a alguien) Ni se mosqueó To hit rock bottom Fuimos a dar una vuelta por el barrio. We went for a ride around the block. Su autoestima está por los suelos. Her self-esteem has hit rock bottom.