vocapp.com PHARASAL VERBS down 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. My house could do with a new paint job. It’s looking dull and a bit dirty. Mi casa (le vendria bien) un nuevo trabajo de pintura. Se ve aburrida y un poco sucia. could do with. Something MEANS venirle bien algo. to need or want something or someone. I been working too hard today in this heat, I could do with a He estado trabajando hoy demasiado duro en este calor, me cold beer. vendria bien una cerveza fría. could do with Something. MEANS venirle bien algo. to need or want something or someone. Genny's been working too hard this year. She could do with a Genny ha estado trabajando muy duro este año. A ella le long, relaxing holiday. vendria bien, unas vacaciones relajantes. could do with Something. MEANS venirle bien algo. to need or want something or someone. Raking leaves in the yard with a cold weather, I could do with Rastrillar las hojas en el patio con un tiempo frío, A mi me a cup of tea. Would you mind making one honey?. (vendria bien) una taza de té. ¿Te importaría hacer una Cariño ?. could do with Something. MEANS venirle bien algo. to need or want something or someone. When Katie was driving to work her car broke down, so she left Cuando Katie se dirigía a trabajar su coche (se descompusó), it on the side of the road and took a taxi instead. asi que lo dejó a un lado de la carretera y en lugar tomó un taxi. break down. MEANS if a machine or vehicle breaks down, it stops working. Talks between the army and rebels broke down after more Las conversaciones entre el ejército y los rebeldes (se bomb attacks. rompieron) después de más ataques con bombas. break down. MEANS debilitarse, fallar, colapsar, romper acuerdos. to collapse, become weak. She broke down and cried when she saw his boyfriend coming Ella rompió en llanto y lloró cuando vio a su novio saliendo del out of the motel with another girl. motel con otra chica. break down. MEANS to start crying, especially in public. 8. She broke down at the funeral, so I gave her a tissue to wipe the tears from her eyes. Ella (rompió en llanto) en el funeral, así que le di un pañuelo de papel para limpiar las lágrimas de sus ojos. break down. MEANS to start crying, especially in public. 9. He broke down and cried when his son’s body was returned from the war. Él rompió en llanto y lloró cuando el cuerpo de su hijo regresó de la guerra. break down. MEANS to start crying, especially in public. 10. When threatened with a revolt of its own supporters, the government backed down. 11. The strike is expected to continue because neither side is willing to back down. 12. The government backed down from its position. 13. He'll never back down from a fight. 14. Anna was really excited when we told her about her promotion, but she’s settled down again now. 15. The kids were so excited that it took me over an hour to settle them down again. 16. Come on children, stop chatting and settle down, please!. 17. The office was pretty hectic before Christmas but things seem to have settled down now. Cuando se sientió amenazado con una revuelta de sus propios partidarios, el gobierno (dió marcha atrás). back down. MEANS recular, echarse dar marcha atrás, echar marcha atrás, retroceder. to stop arguing or fighting for something. Se espera que la huelga continue porque ninguna de las partes está dispuesta a (dar marcha atrás). back down. MEANS recular, echarse dar marcha atrás, echar marcha atrás, retroceder. to stop arguing or fighting for something. El gobierno (dió marcha atrás) de su posición. back down. MEANS recular, echarse dar marcha atrás, echar marcha atrás, retroceder. to stop arguing or fighting for something. Él nunca se echa atrás de una pelea. back down. MEANS recular, echarse dar marcha atrás, echar marcha atrás, retroceder. to stop arguing or fighting for something. Anna estaba muy emocionada cuando le dijimos acerca de su promoción, pero ella se ha calmado ahora de nuevo. settle down. (see also: calm down, quieten down) MEANS to become quiet and calm or to make someone do this. Los niños estaban tan emocionado que me tomó más de una hora calmarlos de nuevo. settle down. (see also: calm down, quieten down) MEANS to become quiet and calm or to make someone do this. Vamos niños, paren de hablar y calmence, por favor !. settle down. (see also: calm down, quieten down) MEANS to become quiet and calm or to make someone do this. La oficina estaba bastante agitada antes de Navidad, pero las cosas parecen haberse establecido ahora. settle down. (see also: calm down, quieten down) MEANS to become quiet and calm or to make someone do this. - Page 1 - vocapp.com Papá hizo un montón de viajes cuando era joven, pero después 18. Dad did a lot of travelling when he was young, but after meeting my mum he settled down and raised a family – luckily de conocer a mi madre, él sentó cabeza y formó una familia for me. por suerte para mí. settle down. MEANS to begin to live a quieter life by getting married or staying permanently in a place. ¿Alguna vez vas a sentar cabeza y casarte ?. 19. Are you ever going to settle down and get married?. settle down. MEANS to begin to live a quieter life by getting married or staying permanently in a place. Incluso los jóvenes más locos en la ciudad sientan cabeza y 20. Even the wildest young men in the town settled down and raised families. crian familias. settle down. MEANS to begin to live a quieter life by getting married or staying permanently in a place. El costo de los boletos de avión estan (bajando) a causa de la 21. The cost of airline tickets is going down because of the competition from budget airlines. competencia de las aerolíneas de bajo costo. go down. (see also: fall off). MEANS to become lower in level. 22. House prices went down in July following an increase in the previous two months. Los precios de la vivienda (bajaron) en julio tras un incremento en los dos meses anteriores. go down. (see also: fall off). MEANS to become lower in level. 23. A company will fail if it allows the quality of its products to go down. Una empresa fracasará si permite que la calidad de sus productos baje. go down (see also: fall off). MEANS caer, disminuir. to become lower in level. ¿Puedo tomar prestada tu pluma, por favor? Sólo necesito 24. Can I borrow your pen, please? I just need to note down this address in case I forget it. (anotar) esta dirección en caso de que se me olvide. note down Something (see also: jot down). MEANS Anotar. to write words or numbers, often so that you do not forget them. Yo (anoté) el número de teléfono de la agencia. 25. I noted down the telephone number of the agency. note down Something (see also: jot down). MEANS Anotar. to write words or numbers, often so that you do not forget them. ¿Anotaste la dirección ?. 26. Did you note down the address?. note down Something (see also: jot down). MEANS Anotar. to write words or numbers, often so that you do not forget them. 27. The workers refused to back down on their demand for higher Los trabajadores se negaron a retractarse en su demanda de wages and voted to continue their strike. mayores salarios y votaron a favor de continuar la huelga. back down, back down on Something. MEANS Hacerse para atras. to admit that you are wrong or that you have been defeated, often because you are forced to 28. You could tell by the look on his face that nothing would make Tu podrías notar por la mirada en su cara que nada lo haría him back down. retractarse. back down, back down on Something. MEANS. Admitar, aceptar. to admit that you are wrong or that you have been defeated, often because you are forced to. Los residentes locales han obligado al Ayuntamiento a 29. Local residents have forced the council to back down on its plans to demolish the library. retractarse sobre sus planes para demoler la biblioteca. back down, back down on Something. MEANS. Admitar, aceptar. to admit that you are wrong or that you have been defeated, often because you are forced to. El presidente no (daria marcha atrás) en su decisión a pesar 30. The president wouldn’t back down on his decision despite its unpopularity. de su impopularidad. back down. MEANS recular, echarse dar marcha atrás, echar marcha atrás, retroceder. to stop arguing or fighting for something. 31. The demostrators looked scared as police bore down on them, Los manifestantes parecían asustados mientras la policía (se waving their (nightsticks or batons) as they moved in. abalanzó) sobre ellos, agitando sus porras (o bastones) baton (UK) nightstick (US)= bastón, garrote, batuta. a thin mientras se movían hacia dentro. stick that is used by a music conductor to lead a band or bear down on Something or Somebody. (see also: close in (on) orchestra. Or a heavy stick that is carried by police officers MEANS venirse encima, echarse encima, ejercer presion, and is used as a weapon called also baton. intimidar. to move quickly towards someone or something in a threatening or determined way. 32. A large bus was bearing down on the protesters at high speed. Un autobús grande estaba abalanzandose sobre los manifestantes a alta velocidad. bear down on Something or Somebody. (see also: close in (on) MEANS venirse encima, echarse encima, ejercer presion, intimidar. to move quickly towards someone or something in a threatening or determined way. El delantero encontró un hueco en la defensa y se abalanzo 33. The striker found a gap in the defence and bore down on the goal. sobre la meta. bear down on Something or Somebody. (see also: close in (on) MEANS venirse encima, echarse encima, ejercer presion, intimidar. to move quickly towards someone or something in a threatening or determined way. Todo el mundo estaba preocupado mientras el ciclón se 34. Everyone was worried as the cyclone bore down on their city. abalanzaba en su ciudad. bear down on Something or Somebody. (see also: close in (on) MEANS venirse encima, echarse encima, ejercer presion, - Page 2 - vocapp.com 35. I got the car for a good price. They wanted $10,000 at first, but I beat them down to $8,400. 36. The dealer was asking $5000 for the car, but I managed to beat him down to $4600. 37. High prices were, FORZADOS A REBAJAR, CAER A PLOMO, by a flood of imports. Los altos precios fueron caidos a plomo por una avalancha de importaciones. 38. We can usually beat our suppliers down by at least 10% from their first price. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. intimidar. to move quickly towards someone or something in a threatening or determined way. Consegui el coche por un buen precio. Querían $10.000 al principio, pero yo se los rebaje a $8.400. beat Somebody down. MEANS regatear. to force someone to reduce the price of something. El distribuidor de coches estaba pidiendo $5000 por el coche, pero me las arreglé para rebajarselo a $4.600. beat Somebody down. MEANS regatear. to force someone to reduce the price of something. one to reduce the price of something. High prices were "beaten down" by a flood of imports. beat Somebody down. MEANS regatear. to force someone to reduce the price of something. Por lo general, podemos regatearle a nuestros proveedores al menos un 10% de su primer precio. beat Somebody down. MEANS regatear. to force someone to reduce the price of something. Rebel fighters want to bring down the government and take Los combatientes rebeldes quieren derrocar el gobierno y control of the country. tomar el control del país. bring down Something or Somebody. MEANS Colapsar, hacer caer, derrocar. to cause people in positions of power [e.g. government, president] to lose their position. The current crisis threatens to bring down the government. La crisis actual amenaza con hacer caer el gobierno. bring down Something or Somebody. MEANS Colapsar, hacer caer. to cause people in positions of power [e.g. government, president] to lose their position. Huge street protests eventually brought the corrupt president Enormes protestas callejeras finalmente derrocaron el down. presidente corrupto. bring down Something or Somebody. MEANS Colapsar, hacer caer. to cause people in positions of power [e.g. government, president] to lose their position. The house burned down in the fire. There was nothing left but La casa se consumio en el fuego. No había nada más que rubble and ashes. escombros y cenizas. burn down. MEANS calsinar, consumir por el fuego. to destroy something, especially a building, by fire, or to be destroyed by fire. They came back to find that their house had burnt down. Regresaron a encontrar que su casa se había quemado. burn down. MEANS calsinar, consumir por el fuego. to destroy something, especially a building, by fire, or to be destroyed by fire. Dozens of people were hurt and a police station was burned Decenas de personas resultaron heridas y una estacion de down. policía fue quemada. burn down. MEANS calsinar, consumir por el fuego. to destroy something, especially a building, by fire, or to be destroyed by fire. The fire burned their factory down, but their insurance will pay El fuego quemo su fábrica pero su seguro pagará por ello. for it. burn down. MEANS calsinar, consumir por el fuego. to destroy something, especially a building, by fire, or to be destroyed by fire. He feared that such an act would call down the wrath of God. El temía que tal acto provocaria la ira de Dios. call down Something or call Something down. MEANS regañar, retar, invocar, provocar. to invoke or pray some sort of punishment from the heavens onto someone, or to make something unpleasant happen to someone. The prophet called down a plague to all the corrupt people. El profeta invoco una plaga a todas las personas corruptas. call down Something or call Something down. MEANS regañar, retar, invocar, provocar. to invoke or pray some sort of punishment from the heavens onto someone, or to make something unpleasant happen to someone. She was called down by her teacher yesterday for making too Ella fue reprimida por su profesor ayer por hacer demasiado much noise. ruido. call down Something or call Something down. MEANS regañar, retar, invocar, provocar. to invoke or pray some sort of punishment from the heavens onto someone, or to make something unpleasant happen to someone. The supervisor called down George for being late everyday. El supervisor le llamo la atencion a George por llegar tarde todos los días. call down Something or call Something down. MEANS regañar, retar, invocar, provocar. to invoke or pray some sort of punishment from the heavens onto someone, or to make something unpleasant happen to someone. - Page 3 - vocapp.com 50. If the baby gets upset and starts to cry, she’ll calm down if you Si la bebé se enoja y empieza a llorar, ella se cálmara si la hold her and gently rock her. sostienes y la meces suavemente. calm down. (see also: quieten down, settle down) MEANS to stop feeling upset, angry, or excited, or to make someone stop feeling this way. 51. The plane’s crew had to calm the passengers down during the La tripulación del avión tuvo que calmar a los pasajeros storm. durante la tormenta. calm down. (see also: quieten down, settle down) MEANS to stop feeling upset, angry, or excited, or to make someone stop feeling this way. ¿Por qué no pones el jardinero a talar ese viejo árbol antes de 52. Why don’t you get the gardener to chop down that old tree before it falls on the house?. que caiga en la casa ?. chop Something down. MEANS Cortar en pedazos. Fell or cut down a tree. Mucha gente piensa que estamos talando nuestros bosques 53. Many people think we’re chopping our forests down too quickly. con demasiada rapidez. chop Something down. MEANS Cortar en pedazos. Fell or cut down a tree. La policía esta (reprimiendo) a los conductores ebrios, por lo 54. The police are clamping down on drunk drivers, so not many people are drinking alcohol and then driving a car. que no muchas personas están bebiendo alcohol y luego conducir un coche. clamp down (see also: crack down). MEANS Ponerse duros, extrictos. Restrict or try to stop something. 55. Many people want the police to clamp down on begging in the Mucha gente quiere que la policía reprima sobre mendigar en streets. las calles. clamp down (see also: crack down). MEANS Ponerse duros, extrictos. Restrict or try to stop something. 56. Don’t drink before you drive. The police are cracking down on No bebas antes de conducir. La policía (esta tomando drunk drivers and you could end up in jail. medidas) en los conductores ebrios y podrías terminar en la cárcel. crack down on Something (see also: clamp down). MEANS Ponerse duros, extrictos. Use more authority than usual. 57. Politicians often promise to crack down on corruption, but few Los políticos a menudo prometen reprimir la corrupción, pero do. pocos lo hacen. crack down on Something. (see also: clamp down). MEANS Ponerse duros, extrictos. Use more authority than usual. La policía clausuro la barra porque sirve bebidas alcohólicas a 58. The police closed the bar down because it served alcoholic drinks to teenagers. los adolescentes. close down. (see also: shut down). MEANS Clausurar, Cerrar. To close a shop, branch or business permanently. Muchas fábricas están (cerrando) ya que las empresas 59. Many factories are closing down as companies move production overseas. mueven la producción al extranjero. close down. (see also: shut down). MEANS Clausurar, Cerrar. To close a shop, branch or business permanently. No importará demasiado donde estudiaste Ingles. Mayormente 60. It won’t matter too much where you studied English. It will mostly (come down) to how well you perform in the job (dependerá) en que bien te desempeñas en la entrevista de interview. trabajo. come down to Something. (see also: depend on). MEANS depende de, ser cuestion de. to depend on something. Al final, es cuestion de creer en ti mismo y tus habilidades. 61. In the end, it comes down to belief in yourself and your abilities. come down to Something. (see also: depend on). MEANS depende de, ser cuestion de. to depend on something. 62. Several of our staff have come down with the flu, so the rest of Vario de nuestro personal se han (enfermado) con la gripe, por us have to work overtime to make up for their absence. lo que el resto de nosotros tenemos que trabajar horas extras para compensar su ausencia. come down with Something. MEANS to get sick, Fall ill. 63. My mother came down with a heavy cold, so I’m going to see her tonight. Mi madre (se enfermó) con un fuerte resfriado, así que voy a verla esta noche. come down with Something. MEANS to get sick, Fall ill. 64. If your car overheats, let the engine cool down before you open the hood to check it. Si tu coche se sobrecalienta, deja el motor que se enfrie antes de abrir el capó para checarlo. cool down. MEANS Get cooler. 65. If the soup’s too hot, is it impolite to blow on it to cool it down?. Si la sopa está demasiado caliente, es de mala educación soplarla para enfriarla?. cool down. MEANS Get cooler. 66. We all counted the seconds down to midnight, and then everyone called out ‘Happy New Year!’. Todos nosotros (contamos los segundos con ansias hasta la medianoche, y luego todos gritamos "Feliz Año Nuevo!". count Something down. MEANS Contar, esperar con ansias. to wait excitedly and sometimes impatiently for an important event to happen. La prensa ya está contando con ansias a lo que ellos creen que será la boda del siglo. count Something down. MEANS Contar, esperar con ansias. to wait excitedly and sometimes impatiently for an important event to happen. 67. The press is already counting down to what they believe will be the wedding of the century. - Page 4 - vocapp.com 68. So, are you looking forward to leaving school?'. 'Oh yes, I'm just counting down the days. Asi que, estas ansiando salir de la escuela ?. 'Oh, si, sólo estoy contando con ansias los días. count Something down. MEANS Contar, esperar con ansias. to wait excitedly and sometimes impatiently for an important event to happen. Después de contar en cuenta regresiva de 100 a 1, ellos 69. After counting down from 100 to 1, they launched the rocket. lanzaron el cohete. to count down= contar hacia atrás. contar en cuenta regresiva. to count numbers in a reverse order from higher numbers to lower ones. Si tu tienes sobrepeso, es el momento de reducir la cantidad 70. If you’re overweight, it’s time to cut down on the amount of fatty food, junk food and snack foods that you eat. de alimentos grasos, la comida chatarra y los bocadillos que comes. cut down Something. (see also: cut back) MEANS bajarle a, reducir. to reduce the amount or number of something. 71. They've cut her hours down at work so she doesn't have much Ellos han recortado sus horas en el trabajo, asi que ella no money. tiene mucho dinero. cut down Something. (see also: cut back) MEANS bajarle a, reducir. to reduce the amount or number of something. Reducir el consumo de comida chatarra (reduce) el riesgo de 72. Cutting down on junk food cuts down the risk of getting heart disease. contraer enfermedades del corazón. cut down Something. (see also: cut back) MEANS bajarle a, reducir. to reduce the amount or number of something. La controversia sobre el error del presidente tomó mucho 73. The controversy about the president’s mistake took a long time to die down. People were still talking about it a year later. tiempo para ir apagándose. La gente todavía estaba hablando de eso un año más tarde. die down. MEANS bajar, reducir hasta que se olvide, ir apagándose. if something, especially noise or excitement, dies down, it gradually becomes less loud or strong until it stops. Cuando los aplausos se habían ido disminuyendo, el empezó a 74. When the applause had died down, he started to speak. hablar. die down. MEANS bajar, reducir hasta que se olvide, ir apagándose. if something, especially noise or excitement, dies down, it gradually becomes less loud or strong until it stops. 75. Eventually the fuss will die down and everything will return to Eventualmente, el alboroto se ira apagando y todo volverá a la normal. normalidad. die down. MEANS bajar, reducir hasta que se olvide, ir apagándose. if something, especially noise or excitement, dies down, it gradually becomes less loud or strong until it stops. Los músicos esperaron que los aplausos se apagaran antes de 76. The musicians waited for the applause to die down before starting to play. empezar a tocar. die down. MEANS bajar, reducir hasta que se olvide, ir apagándose. if something, especially noise or excitement, dies down, it gradually becomes less loud or strong until it stops. Nuestros depósitos estatales fueron disminuidos este verano. 77. Our state reservoirs were drawn down this summer. reservoir= reservas. o tanques de reservas. draw down. MEANS Reducir, bajar. to reduce a supply of something that has been created over a period of time; to be reduced. Hay muchos eventos de la vida que pueden inesperadamente 78. There are many life events that can unexpectedly draw down savings. reducir los ahorros. draw down. MEANS Reducir, bajar. to reduce a supply of something that has been created over a period of time; to be reduced. Si no cortamos costos nuestras reservas disminuiran. 79. If we don't cut costs our reserves will draw down. draw down. MEANS Reducir, bajar. to reduce a supply of something that has been created over a period of time; to be reduced. Ellos pueden reducir en el préstamo en cualquier momento. 80. They can draw down on the loan at any time. draw down. MEANS Reducir, bajar. to reduce a supply of something that has been created over a period of time; to be reduced. 81. The company has already drawn down €600 million of its €725 La compañía ya ha disminuido 600 millones de € de sus €725 million credit line. millones de línea de crédito. draw down. MEANS Reducir, bajar. to reduce a supply of something that has been created over a period of time; to be reduced. 82. Some firms have dealt with the problem by drawing down their Algunas empresas han abordado el problema al reducir sus cash reserves. reservas de efectivo. draw down. MEANS Reducir, bajar. to reduce a supply of something that has been created over a period of time; to be reduced. No puedes dejar que su mal humor te lleve a desmoralizarte. 83. You can't let her bad moods drag you down. drag Somebody down. MEANS influenciar, desmoralizar. to force Someone into a bad situation or condition or to make (someone) weak or unhappy. - Page 5 - vocapp.com 84. Jose's attitude is dragging the rest of us down. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. La actitud de José está arrastrando el resto de nosotros a desmoralizarnos. drag Somebody down. MEANS influenciar, desmoralizar. to force Someone into a bad situation or condition or to make (someone) weak or unhappy. We cannot let our enemies drag us down to their level. No podemos dejar que nuestros enemigos nos lleven a desmoralizarnos a su nivel. drag Somebody down. MEANS influenciar, desmoralizar. to force Someone into a bad situation or condition or to make (someone) weak or unhappy. Dwelling on the past only drags you down. Mortificandote sobre el pasado solo te arrastrara a desmoralizarte. drag Somebody down. MEANS influenciar, desmoralizar. to force Someone into a bad situation or condition or to make (someone) weak or unhappy. If Jane fails, she'll drag us all down with her. Si Jane fracasa ella nos arrastrara a todos a la ruina con ella. drag Something down. MEANS desbaratar, arruinar, llevar a la chingada. to a lower social or economic level, a lower standard of behaviour, etc. If his business fails, he'll drag us all down with him. Si su negocio falla, él nos llevara a todos ala ruina con él. drag Something down. MEANS desbaratar, arruinar, llevar a la chingada. to a lower social or economic level, a lower standard of behaviour, etc. High energy costs are dragging down profits. Los altos costos de la energía están llevando a la ruina a las ganancias. drag Something down. MEANS desbaratar, arruinar, llevar a la chingada. to a lower social or economic level, a lower standard of behaviour, etc. Some movie directors say big studios want them to dumb their Algunos directores de cine dicen que los grandes estudios movies down so more people can understand them. quieran simplificar sus películas para que más gente pueda entenderlas. dumb Something down. MEANS Simplificar, explicar con sencillez. to make something [e.g. textbook, curriculum] simpler and easier to understand. They did not approve of dumbing down some books, as a way Ellos no aprobaron de explicar con sencillez algunos libros, of encouraging children to read. como una forma de alentar a los niños a leer. dumb Something down. MEANS Simplificar, explicar con sencillez. to make something [e.g. textbook, curriculum] simpler and easier to understand. Do you think it’s true that media companies dumb down their ¿Crees que es cierto que las empresas de medios de products?. comunicación (simplifican) sus productos ?. dumb Something down. MEANS Simplificar, explicar con sencillez. to make something [e.g. textbook, curriculum] simpler and easier to understand. Their family furniture-making business has been handed down Su empresa familiar de muebles ha sido heredada de una from one generation to the next for at least two hundred generación a la siguiente por lo menos doscientos años. years. hand down Something. (see also: hand on, pass on). Pasar, legar, heredar. MEANS to give or teach something to someone who will be alive after you have died. These traditions have been handed down from generation to Estas tradiciones han sido heredadas de generación en generation. generación. hand down Something. (see also: hand on, pass on). Pasar, legar, heredar. MEANS to give or teach something to someone who will be alive after you have died. She had some jewellery which had been handed down from Ella tenía algunas joyas que habían sido heredadas de su her grandmother. abuela. hand down Something. (see also: hand on, pass on). Pasar, legar, heredar. MEANS to give or teach something to someone who will be alive after you have died. Their grandfather handed his skills down to younger members Su abuelo pasó sus habilidades a los miembros más jóvenes of the family. de la familia. hand down Something. (see also: hand on, pass on). Pasar, legar, heredar. MEANS to give or teach something to someone who will be alive after you have died. Could you hold the dog down while I give him some medicine?. ¿Podrías sostener el perro mientras yo le doy un poco de medicina ?. hold Something down (see also: keep down). MEANS Mantener, sostener. to keep someone or something in a particular place or position and to stop them from moving. The roof consists of three layers of plastic sheeting, held down El techo se compone de tres capas de ojas de plástico, by bricks. sostenidas por ladrillos. hold Something down (see also: keep down). MEANS Mantener, sostener. to keep someone or something in a particular place or position and to stop them from moving. - Page 6 - vocapp.com 99. The government wants to hold down inflation as they’re facing El gobierno quiere mantener la inflación, ya que están elections. enfrentando elecciones. hold Something down (see also: keep down). MEANS Mantener, sostener. to keep someone or something in a particular place or position and to stop them from moving. El sindicato convocó una huelga después de que las 100. The union called a strike after talks broke down over retirement benefits. conversaciones se rompierón sobre los beneficios de retiro. break down. MEANS debilitarse, fallar, colapsar, romper acuerdos. to collapse, become weak. 101. Their marriage had broken down, and there was nothing to do Su matrimonio se había roto, y no había nada que hacer al about it. respecto. break down. MEANS debilitarse, fallar, colapsar, romper acuerdos. to collapse, become weak. La policía con porras o bastones intento echarse encima a la 102. Police with batons or nightsticks attempted to bear down the crowd. multitud. baton (UK) nightstick (US)= bastón, garrote, batuta. a thin bear down on Something or Somebody. (see also: close in (on) stick that is used by a music conductor to lead a band or MEANS venirse encima, echarse encima, ejercer presion, orchestra. Or a heavy stick that is carried by police officers intimidar. to move quickly towards someone or something in a and is used as a weapon called also baton. threatening or determined way. The blazing sun was, BEATING DOWN, on us mercilessly. 103. The blazing sun was, CAYENDO A PLOMO, on us mercilessly. El sol abrasador estaba callendo a plomo sobre nosotros sin beat something down= caer a plomo, golpear con fuerza. to piedad. rain, shine down with great heat and strength. 104. The rain, CAYO A PLOMO, so hard on the apple tree, that in the The rain, BEAT DOWN, so hard on the apple tree, that in the morning half of the apples were on the ground. morning half of the apples were on the ground. caer a plomo, golpear con fuerza. to rain, shine down with beat something down= caer a plomo, golpear con fuerza. to great heat and strength. rain, shine down with great heat and strength. Hemos reducido nuestras reservas de alimentos. 105. We have drew down our food reserves. draw down. MEANS Reducir, bajar. to reduce a supply of something that has been created over a period of time; to be reduced. 106. It was almost midnight on New Year's Eve; the crowd in Times Era casi la media noche en la víspera de Año Nuevo; la Square was counting down the seconds. multitud en Times Square estaba contando hacia atrás los segundos. to count down= contar hacia atrás. contar en cuenta regresiva. to count numbers in a reverse order from higher numbers to lower ones. Será un poco muy movido al principio, pero a la larga, valdrá 107. It will be a little bumpy at first, but in the long run it will be worth it. la pena. 108. It will be a little hard at first Emigdio, but in the long run it'll be Será un poco difícil al principio Emigdio, pero a la larga sera better for you, you'll see. mejor para ti, ya verás. El le gritó a unos transeúntes en busca de ayuda. 109. He called out to some passersby for help. call out= gritar. to speak or say (something) in a loud voice. 110. He called out his girlfriend's name in his sleep. El gritó el nombre de su novia en su sueño. call out= gritar. to speak or say (something) in a loud voice. 111. We all counted the seconds down to midnight, and then everyone called out ‘Happy New Year!’. Todos nosotros (contamos los segundos con ansias hasta la medianoche, y luego todos gritamos "Feliz Año Nuevo!". call out= gritar. to speak or say (something) in a loud voice. - Page 7 - Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)