List of Abbreviations AID (U.S.) Agency for International Development ASC Asamblea de la Sociedad Civil CACIF Coordinating Committee of Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial, and Financial Associations CCL Clandestine Local Committees (guerrilla support networks) CEG Comité Episcopal de Guatemala (Guatemalan Episcopal Conference) CEH Historical Clarification Commission, established by the United Nations CELAM Latin American Episcopal Conference CIA U.S. Central Intelligence Agency CIC Inter-Institutional Coordination Committees (government structure to control rural communities) CNUS National Committee for Trade Union Unity CORDS Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support Program (Vietnam)* CPP Chief of Psychological and Paramilitary Warfare (CIA) CRN Committee for National Reconstruction (after the 1976 earthquake), Government of Guatemala CRT Regional Telecommunications Center CUC Committee of Peasant Unity DC Partido Democracia Cristiana DCI Director of Central Intelligence (CIA) DD/P Deputy Director of Plans (CIA) EGP Ejercito Guerrillero de los Pobres (Guerrilla Army of the Poor; one of four groups composing URNG) References to Vietnamese organizations are meant to show tactics used in Vietnam that were later utilized in Guatemala. 19 20 THOMAS R. MELVILLE ESA FAR Secret anti-Communist Army (death squad) Fuerzas Armadas Rebeldes (Rebel Armed Forces; one of four groups composing URNG) FMLN Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (El Salvador) FRG Frente Republicano de Guatemala (Ríos Montt's political parry) FTN Northern Transversal Strip (virgin land in the Ixcán claimed by army generals) FYDEP Fomento y Desarrollo de El Peten, or Promotion and Development of El Peten GANA Gran Alianza Nacional (winner of the 2003 presidential elections) GOG Government of Guatemala IAC Intelligence Advisory Committee (U.S. government) INTA National Institute for Agrarian Development, also Agrarian Institute (the government agency in charge of legalizing the Ixcán IOB IRCA JCMM LADC LOG MAG MAP MINUGUA UN mission in Guatemala MITFCA Marin Interfaith Task Force (Marin, California) MLN National Liberation Movement (Movimiento de Liberación Nacional, remnants of Castillo Armas's political followers) MMM Mario Méndez Montengro (brother of JCMM and leader of a revolutionary party) OAS Organization of American States OCS Officer Candidate School (U.S. Army) ODFIAG Guatemalan Archdiocesan Office on Human Rights ORPA Revolutionary Organization of an Armed People (one of four groups composing URNG) land grants) Intelligence Oversight Board (named by President Clinton) International Railroads of Central America, a UFCO subsidiary Julio Cesar Méndez Montenegro (president of Guatemala, 196670) Latin American division chief (CIA) La Liga de Obreros Guatemaltecos (workers' union founded by Archbishop Rossell) U.S. Military Assistance Group Military Assistance Program (U.S. government) THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY PDC PGT 21 Christian Democrats (same as DC) Guatemalan Workers Parry (the Communist Party; member of the URNG) PID Partido Institucional Democrático (founded by dictator Peralta Azurdia, 1963-66) PMA Policia Militar Ambulante (rural military police) PR Partido Revolucionario (drifted rightward after its founding) PRU Provincial Reconnaissance Units (Vietnam) REMHI The Project for the Recovery of Historical Memory, sponsored by the Guatemalan Episcopal Conference SA/D Special Assistant to the DCI (CIA) UFCO United Fruit Company UMP Permanent Military Units UNE Unidad Nacional de Esperanza (participant in runoff presidential election, December 2003) URNG Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional de Guatemalteca (organization that united the four guerrilla organizations) USAID U.S. Agency for International Development USCC U.S. Catholic Conference USIA U.S. Information Agency U N I T E D S T A T E S IXCAN GUATEMALA i HONDURAS EL SALVADOR NICARAGUA COSTA RICA,' MEXICO NW HUEHUETEMANGO JACALTENANGO Northwest Huehuetenango BAN PEDRO 8OLOMA MEXICO GUATEMALA ALTA VERAPAZ £L QUICHE ElIxcan