Short currículum vitae – Elena ATIENZA-MACÍAS
Bilbao, SPAIN
[email protected]
View long CV at:
Elena Atienza Chair´s webpage
Elena Atienza Deusto Research webpage
Elena Atienza Academia webpage
Elena Atienza ResearchGate
Twitter: @AtienzaElena
Professional position
Elena Atienza-Macías has been a Researcher at the Inter-University Chair Provincial Government of
Biscay in Law and the Human Genome, University of Deusto and University of the Basque Country
UPV/EHU since December 2009 (6 years), where she coordinates the periodical publications of the
Chair, namely the ―Law and the Human Genome Review / Revista de Derecho y Genoma Humano‖
(She is also a member of the Review´s Editorial Committee) and the Chair´s monographs.
She is currently a Research Assistant at The Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Genome
Project —part of the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC)— project developed at the
University of Deusto.
She has also been a member of the Biscay Bar Association since February 2007 and began her
career as a practicing lawyer at the "Bustamante Law Firm". She has collaborated in the legal
department of The Basque Association of Chemical Companies–AVEQ, part of the
Employers' Confederation of Biscay–CEBEK, in the area of Environmental Law (2008-2009) as well
as other companies in the energy sector.
Law Degree from the University of Deusto (Bilbao Campus), specialising in Private and Business
Law (2000-2005).
In 2005 and 2006, she prepared for examinations in labour law. She is an Occupational Health and
Safety Senior Technician specializing in Occupational Safety and Health (2009).
In October 2012 she was awarded a Master’s Degree in Fundamental Rights and the Public Powers
of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (Bilbao Campus). This Master has achieved
the ―Mention of Excellence‖ by the Ministry of Education. Her final dissertation project was an
analysis of the legal implications on the use of biological samples and personal data for the purposes
of doping control in the sport sector.
Her PhD thesis concerning The legal and ethical implications of the use of performance enhancing
drugs and new doping practices in sport, has been supervised by Prof. Dr. iur Dr. med. Dr. h. c. mult.
Carlos María ROMEO CASABONA and Prof. Dr. AITZIBER EMALDI CIRIÓN, within the PhD Program in the
Fundamentals of Law, Economic Law and Business Law, which is an inter-university program
offered by the University of Deusto, Comillas Pontifical University (ICADE) and Ramon Llull
University-ESADE Faculties of Law.
During the three years of development of her thesis, Elena Atienza-Macías has been enrolled in the
―Research Training Grant Programme‖ from the Agency for Research Promotion and ManagementDEIKER, at the University of Deusto. This has been from September 2012 to September 2015.
Short currículum vitae – Elena ATIENZA-MACÍAS
Research activity: Publications, Conferences and Research Projects.
 One of its fields of research has focused on Environmental Law. Elena Atienza’s most prominent
publications in this area include: ―El Reglamento sobre clasificación, etiquetado y envasado de
sustancias y mezclas‖, in Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental, International Centre of Comparative
Environmental Law (CIEDA-CIEMAT), Madrid, Spain, 2009; ―The farm-to-fork approach of Food
Security concerning Chemicals (with special reference to REACH, a `new´ European Community
Regulation)‖, in Global Food Security: Ethical and Legal Challenges, ROMEO CASABONA, C.M. et ál,
(Eds.), Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 2010 and with regard to
environmental ethics: ―Bioethics and Chemistry: Lights and Shadows of an environmentally
controversial sector‖, in the Lectures and Discussions of the 7 World Conference on Bioethics,
PALACIOS, M. (Ed.), International Society of Bioethics (SIBI), Gijón, Spain, 2011.
She has also participated as a speaker in several conferences on environmental law, such as: ―The
REACH Regulation (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals)‖, The
Employers' Confederation of Biscay–CEBEK and The Official Basque Country Association of
Chemists, 2009 and ―La industria ante la inspección ambiental‖, The Basque Association of
Chemical Companies– AVEQ and Uría Menéndez Law Firm, 2009.
As well as this, several international congresses, such as: 9th Congress of the European Society for
Agricultural and Food Ethics: ―Global Food Security: Ethical and Legal Challenges‖ (and a member
of its Organising Committee) and in the 7 World Conference on Bioethics: ―Medio ambiente y
desarrollo sostenible: aspectos bioéticos‖, organised by the International Society of Bioethics (SIBI).
 Besides this field of research, the study of doping in Sports Law is also an area of focus for Elena
Atienza’s current research activities, having dealt with this topic at the ―II Seminário HispanoBrasileiro de Direito Biomédico: Direito Biomédico, Neurociências e Psiquiatria – Aspectos Teóricos
e Práticos‖, organised by the PUC Minas University held in Belo Horizonte (Brazil), in May 2012.
Lecture: ―Dopaje y enfermedad mental: más allá de la responsabilidad del deportista. Also at the
UNIJES International Congress: ―Retos del Derecho ante una economía sin fronteras‖, organised by
the University of Deusto, held in Bilbao (Spain), in June 2012. Lecture: ―Dopaje deportivo y Derecho
a la intimidad, dos realidades difíciles de conjugar‖; ―Conference on Doping and Sport‖ organised by
the Pompeu Fabra University held in Barcelona (Spain), in June 25-27 2013 with the lecture: ―Antidoping and Health Protection: Some Thoughts on the Liability of Athletes' Entourage‖. It is also
noteworthy the ―5th INHDR Conference What do we (really) know about doping?‖, organised by the
University of Aarhus (Department of Public Health) and the International Network of Humanistic
Doping Research (INHDR), held in Aarhus (Denmark) in August 2013. Lecture: ―Doping and health
protection: beyond the athlete's liability. A review of the current situation in the Spanish legislation‖
and ―Seminário sobre Direito, Neurociências e Psiquiatria‖, organized by the Centre for Biomedical
Law, University of Coimbra, held in Coimbra (Portugal) in May 2014. Lecture: ―Dopagem e proteção
do direito à saúde do atleta. Uma consideração especial da saúde mental‖.
Among her most recent publications on this topic, highlights include: ―Control antidoping y derecho a
la intimidad, dos realidades difíciles de conjugar‖, in Derecho deportivo en línea, there was also
published on the website that was devoted to sport law IUSPORT, February 2013. ―El tratamiento
jurídico del dopaje: de la Declaración de Lausana de 1999 a la Ley Orgánica de 2013. Un repaso
obligado con ocasión de las novedades implantadas en el terreno de juego nacional e internacional‖,
in Revista Española de Derecho Deportivo, No. 32, Spanish Association of Sports Law, Madrid,
Spain, 2013, pp. 57-82. “Prevención, represión y control del dopaje frente al derecho a la intimidad
del deportista en el marco jurídico español‖, in Revista de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Valparaíso, No. 40, University of Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile, 2013, pp. 323-351.
―Implicaciones ético-jurídicas de las intervenciones de mejora en el ámbito deportivo. Especial
consideración del llamado `dopaje genético´‖, in Law and the Human Genome Review, Special Issue
2014, 20th Anniversary Conference, Editorial Cátedra Interuniversitaria de Derecho y Genoma
Humano, Bilbao, Spain, 2014, pp. 267-276. ―Dopaje y enfermedad mental: más allá de la
responsabilidad del deportista‖, in Percurso Acadêmico - Revista Interdisciplinar da PUC Minas no
Barreiro, No. 5, Vol. 3, Ed. Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte (Brazil),
Jan./June 2013, pp. 53-79. ―Doping and health protection. A review of the current situation in the
Spanish legislation‖, in The International Sports Law Journal (ISLJ), ASSER International Sports Law
Centre — Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, Germany, April 2014; “Why is doping a burning issue
nowadays in Spain?‖, in International Network of Humanistic Doping Research Newsletter, Editorial,
Short currículum vitae – Elena ATIENZA-MACÍAS
June 2014, INHDR, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 2014; ―A new Spanish law in the field of
doping. Quo vadis Sport?‖, in E-Lex Sportiva Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, PANAGIOTOPOULOS, D. (Editor),
Hellenic Center of Research on Sports Law (EKEAD) — International Association of Sports Law
(IASL), Atenas, Grecia, December 2014; ―A dimensão jurídica da dopagem no contexto espanhol e
implicações do Código Mundial Anti-Doping 2015: mudanças e desafios‖, in Desporto & Direito.
Revista Jurídica do Desporto, No. 33, Year XI, MEIRIM, J. M. (Dir.), co-authored with A. YELMO
BRAVO, Coimbra Editora, Coimbra, Portugal, August 2014; ―2015 WADA code comes into effect:
significant changes in the Spanish legal arena‖, in The International Sports Law Journal (ISLJ), Vol.
15, No. 1, ASSER International Sports Law Centre ASSER PRESS —Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg,
Germany, 2015;
 Likewise, the study of Health Law and Biolaw is also a core focus area for Elena Atienza’s current
investigations: indeed, she has dealt with this topic at several international seminars and congresses
and also as a member in many research projects.
Some of her publications within this field: ―Derecho a decidir sobre la propia salud ante el final de la
vida humana. Testamento vital y eutanasia‖, in La protección de la salud en tiempos de crisis.
Nuevos retos del bioderecho en una sociedad plural, coauthored with M.J. PAREJO GUZMÁN, Ed.
Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, Spain, 2014, developed under the Research Project of the
Spanish National University for Distance Education (UNED): concerning Cultural diversity and health
law in which she participates as a research collaborator. ―El tratamiento jurídico de las
intervenciones en el aparato reproductor humano: Esterilización, castración química y cirugía de
reasignación sexual‖, in Tratado de Derecho Sanitario, coauthored with E.J. ARMAZA ARMAZA, Ed.
Aranzadi — Thomson Reuters, Pamplona, Spain, 2013; «The European Union Integrated Political
Crisis Response Arrangements: Improving the European Union’s Major Crisis Response
Coordination Capacities», in Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, Vol. 9, No. 3, coauthored with I. DE MIGUEL BERIAIN and E.J. ARMAZA ARMAZA, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, United Kingdom, June 2015; ―Some Legal Thoughts on Transsexuality in the Healthcare
System After the New Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)‖,
en Sexuality & Culture, Vol. 19, No. 3, Springer, Nwe York, USA, September 2015 and ―Aspectos
bioético-jurídicos de las instrucciones previas o testamento vital en el contexto normativo español‖,
in Acta Bioethica, Vol. 21, No. 2, co-authored with E.J. ARMAZA ARMAZA and I. DE MIGUEL BERIAIN,
Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Bioética (CIEB), Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile,
Chile, 2015.
She participated in the «Regenerative Medicine in Europe (REMEDiE) Closing Conference Bringing
regenerative medicine to the clinic: Trials and tribulations in Europe and beyond», organised by the
European Commission and the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, held in Bilbao (Spain)
18-19 April 2011. Oral presentation: ―Lobby, the release of embrionic stem cell research and the
2005 Brazilian Biosafety Law‖.
It is also noteworthy her participation at the Research Project concerning a study on the legal
feasibility of a system for the notification and recording of adverse events and incidents and draft
regulation of the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs.
Activities as an Expert, Consultant and Assessor
*Member of the the Inter-University Chair Provincial Government of Biscay in Law and the Human
Genome, University of Deusto and University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (December 2009 present). http://www.catedraderechoygenomahumano.es
*Member of the Editorial Committee of the Law and the Human Genome Review, Ed. Inter-University
Chair in Law and the Human Genome, Bilbao, Spain. ISSN: 1134-7198. From Number 35 of 2011.
*Collaborator at the Newsletter Perspectives on Law and the Human Genome Genome, Ed InterUniversity Chair in Law and the Human Genome, Bilbao, Spain. From Number 14 of 2009.
*Assistant to the Editorial Board of Fair Play, Journal of Philosophy, Ethics and Sports Law, Ed
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. ISSN: 2014-9255. From Issue 1 of 2013.
Short currículum vitae – Elena ATIENZA-MACÍAS
*Member of the Peer-Reviewers Panel of the Revista Romana de Bioetica (RRB), indexed at:
Thomson Reuters. June 2015 – october 2015.
*Member of the International Network Doping Research (Department Of Public Health, Aarhus
University, Denmark).
*Member of the Spanish Association for the Philosophy of Sport.
(November 2013 – present).
*Member of the Human Enhancement Drugs (HED) Network. (December 2015 – Present).
*Member of the Biscay Bar Association. Join Date: February 15, 2007. Collegiate No. 6779.
Research internships
-For research purposes. She has been a Visiting researcher at the Centre for Biomedical Law,
University of Coimbra (Portugal), under the supervision of Prof. Guilherme DE OLIVEIRA and Prof.
André GONÇALO DIAS PEREIRA (April-July 2014) [http://www.centrodedireitobiomedico.org/].
*She was granted a scholarship from the Santander Universities Programme for this research
internship at the Centre for Biomedical Law, Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, Portugal.
-For academic purposes. She has been a Visiting Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of
Coimbra (Portugal), invited by Prof. André Gonçalo Dias Pereira (March 1st —March 8th 2015).
*She was granted a scholarship from the Erasmus+ EU programme for education. Year 20142015, of the University of Deusto.
Awards and honours.
She has been granted a scholarship from the Novia Salcedo Foundation (2008-2009), from the InterUniversity Chair in Law and the Human Genome (2010) and three times, from the Menéndez Pelayo
International University–UIMP (Courses 2012-2015). She has been granted a scholarship from the
Santander Universities Programme for a research internship at the Centre for Biomedical Law,
Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, Portugal (April-June 2014) and from the EU Program
Erasmus+ for a academic research internship at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra,
Portugal (March 2015)
*Award for BEST COMMUNICATION "Implicaciones ético-jurídicas de las intervenciones de mejora en el
ámbito deportivo. Especial consideración del llamado `dopaje genético´, in the XX Conference in
Law and the Human Genome, held at the University of Deusto and the University of the Basque
Country UPV/EHU Bilbao (Spain) on 21 and 22 May 2013.
* ―2013 Law & Science Young Scholar ECLT Prize‖ for BEST PAPER «In search of a new approach to
emerging technologies: the prudent vigilance model» coauthored with Ilaria Anna COLUSSI, in the
«2013 Law & Science Young Scholars Informal Symposium» held at the University of Pavia (Italy) on
June 18, 2013 and organized by the European Centre For Law, Science And New Technologies
Content of the teaching programme as a lecturer of the University of Coimbra, Faculty of Law:
Monday 2 of March (2 teaching hours): Doping: a challenge for modern sport / Tuesday 3 of March (1
teaching hour): Overview of the fight against doping in sport. Justification of the policy adopted: legal values
involved / Wednesday 4 of March (1teaching hour): The doping control as basic tool for doping policy. The
right to privacy and protection of health / Thursday 5 of March (1 teaching hour): Some thoughts about the
liability for the athletes and their entourage / Friday 6 of March (3 teaching hours): Doping controls (Prohibited
Substances and Prohibited Methods. Nutritional supplements).