Autora: Eva Gomez Lda. Filología Inglesa por la UCM SEPTIEMBRE

1. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente
2. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba.
3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.
Amphibian Decline Serves As Global Warning
Nearly one in three species of frogs and toads in the world is under threat of extinction, according to
the most comprehensive global study of amphibians ever conducted. The report shows that 122 amphibian
species have disappeared since 1980. The discovery, reported in the journal Science, is seen by researchers as an
early warning of imminent environmental disaster.
Amphibians act like "natural barometers" since their highly permeable skin makes them very sensitive
to the effects of climate change and pollution. Any drastic change in the natural world is likely to affect them
first. Over the past three years, scientists analysed the distribution and conservation status of all 5,743 known
amphibian species. Of these, 1,856 - 32 per cent- were threatened with extinction. In comparison, only 12 per
cent of bird species and 23 per cent of all mammal species are considered to be endangered. The president of
Conservation International, who co-led the research, said: "Amphibians are one of nature's best indicators of
overall environmental health. Their catastrophic decline serves as a warning that we are in a period of
significant environmental degradation."
Amphibians were the first terrestrial vertebrates to colonise the land successfully about 350 million
years ago. They have developed a remarkable diversity by adapting to many different aquatic and terrestrial
habitats. Amphibians are present today in every continent except Antarctica, and can be found in almost all
habitat types from dry, inhospitable deserts to lush tropical rainforests and temperate climates such as Britain's.
Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No marks are given
for only TRUE or FALSE.
a. Researchers consider that the disappearance of amphibians is a sign of ecological
catastrophe in the near future.
TRUE: The report shows that 122 amphibian species have disappeared since 1980.
The discovery, reported in the journal Science, is seen by researchers as an early warning of
imminent environmental disaster.
b. The number of endangered birds is greater than that of amphibians.
FALSE: (…) of all 5,743 known amphibian species. Of these, 1,856 - 32 per centwere threatened with extinction. In comparison, only 12 per cent of bird species and 23 per
cent of all mammal species are considered to be endangered.
(puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
a. Why does any climate change affect amphibians before birds or mammals?
Amphibians have a sort of skin much more delicated than other types of animals,
that’s why they will be the first to suffer from environmental disaster.
Autora: Eva Gomez
Lda. Filología Inglesa por la U.C.M.
b. Where do amphibians live and why do they live there?
They are able to live throughout the world but the Antarctica since they have
improved a great variety of species due to their adjustment to several types of aquatic and
terrestrial habitats.
* En este ejercicio tenemos que estar muy atentos de las construcciones de las frases.
Normalmente contestaremos con una frase afirmativa, con lo cual: Suj + VBO (TIEMPO
(Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
Find the words in the text that mean.
a. complete (paragraph 1) comprehensive
b. because (paragraph 2) since
c. extreme (paragraph 2) drastic
d. excepcional (paragraph 3) remarkable
(Puntuación máxima 1 punto)
Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when given.
a. If human interference_______1______(continue) to alter the composition of the
atmosphere, average temperatures_____2________(rise) more than 3°C in the next 100 years.
b. Greenpeace______3_______ (create) 10 fight environmental disaster. This organization is
especially interested in (protect) 4 our environment.
c. Air pollution_____5_________ (cause) more than one hundred thousand deaths last year.
Some experts believe that it is the_______6_______ (important) health problem in the
industrial world.
d. We should avoid _________7_____ (pollute) our planet in order _____8_______ protect it
for our children.
1: continues.
2: will rise: Primer condicional: Se utiliza para predecir probables resultados en un futuro,
avisar de algo o expresar una futura amenaza. If + presente simple + will (futuro simple)
3: has created. Presente perfecto porque expresa una situación pasada que tiene cierta
conexión con el presente. Es decir, hasta ahora greenpeace “ha llevado” el caso de diez
desastres naturales.
4: protecting. Interested in + Vbo + ING
5: has caused
6: most important. Comparativo superlativo
7: polluting: Avoid + Vbo + ING
8: to: En este caso debemos observar dos puntos: 1. In order to (es una expresión que
significa con la finalidad de…. 2. que ira seguida de un verbo en infinitivo que requiere la
preposición to detrás de dicho verbo
(Puntuación máxima 2 puntos)
Autora: Eva Gomez
Lda. Filología Inglesa por la U.C.M.
Write about 100 to 150 words on one of the following topics.
a. Do you think our planet is experiencing a climate change? Why?
b. What could we do to reduce pollution in large cities?
(Puntuación máxima 3 puntos)
En este ejercicio lo más importante es la organización que demos al texto. Comenzaremos
con una introducción. Una vez finalizada la introducción, daremos cuerpo al texto, es decir,
expresaremos nuestro punto de vista con argumentos y
Como ultima parte aportaremos una conclusión.
a) Do you think our planet is experiencing a climate change? Why?
First of all, I would like to say that we are destroying our planet and this is a matter
that concerns to everybody but overall to occidental people.
Since many and many years experts have warned the most powerful governments that our
world is in danger.
Giving reasons why we are destroying our environment it would take me so much time
however I would like to list some of the reasons why we are going ahead with this problem.
Firstly, we are living in a capitalistic system which means that the main aim is to increase
more and more corporations incomes, peoples need’s, and so on, without taking care of what
they are doing with our world.
Secondly, I think that we have received a very bad environmental education and from my
point of view this fact is the most important thing in order to start to do things right.
Last but no least, governments don’t take this problem seriously; they think that there are
other issues more important than for example the fact of being endangered animals. To them
is more important wasting money and time on arms.
To sum up all these ideas, I think we all should take more care of our world. It is easy,
simply, and futures generations will be grateful to us.
b) What could we do to reduce in large cities?
As an introduction, I would like to say that the fact of reducing pollution is much
easier than what we think.
From my point of view, I think it is a matter of habits, it is a matter of starting to get use to
doing things right.
In order to reduce pollution it is necessary to use public’s transports such as the underground,
bus or just using a cycle. It would bring down pollution so much….
There are so many possibilities to avoid pollution by throwing away the rubbish in the right
place, doing a clear division of what sort of junk we make every single day with the aim to
In my opinion, we should be more aware of these sort of problems and see them as a fact that
concerns to everybody.
On the whole I think we shouldn’t have a negative vision of the problem, I’m sure we
manage to turn our world into a better place to live.
Autora: Eva Gomez
Lda. Filología Inglesa por la U.C.M.
Expresiones más frecuentes para realizar el texto:
The porpouse of this report
The aim of this report
This report looks at
First of all
As an introduction I would like to say
To begin With…..
One of the main advantages/disadvantages of……is that…..
In my view…..
From my point of view…..
In my opinion…..
I think/feel that….
On the one hand……on the other hand
In conclusion…..
To sum up…..
On balance…..
Last but not least…..
In spite of this
Some people…..while/whereas others…….
Drought: Sequia
Earthquake: Terremoto
Flood: Inundaciones
Animal welfare: Bienestar de los animales
Climate: Clima, ambiente
Conservation: Conservación
Autora: Eva Gomez
Lda. Filología Inglesa por la U.C.M.
Endagered species: Animales en peligro de extinción
Energy: Energía
Forest fires: Incendios forestales
Global warming: Calentamiento de la tierra
Greenhouse effect: Efecto invernadero
Pollution: Contaminación
Protected animals: Animales protegidos
Rain forest: Lluvias forestales
Wildlife: Vida salvaje
Enviromental Group: Grupo medioambiental
Green issues Temas relacionados con el medioambiente
Presure grupe: Grupo que hace fuerza, que presiona al gobierno
Cut down: Talar
Destroy: Destrozar
Dump: Verter, descargar
Protect: Proteger
Pollute: Contaminar
Recycle: Reciclar
Save: Salvar
Throw away: Tirar, deshacerse de....
Use up: Agotar
Autora: Eva Gomez
Lda. Filología Inglesa por la U.C.M.