selectividad madrid. junio 2007 - Knowing

1. Lea todo el texto cuidadosamente
2. Lea atentamente todas las preguntas de la prueba.
3. Proceda a responder en lengua inglesa a las preguntas en el papel de examen
TIEMPO: 1 hora y 30 minutos
CALIFICACIÓN: La puntuación máxima de la prueba es de 10 puntos.
Mobile phones in social life
Ten years ago, everybody was getting home after work to a fixed answerphone and nobody ever
left a message. Now, everywhere you look − on trains, on buses, in shopping centres, in
restaurants, at wedding receptions − what a mirac1e! What a transformation! So many happy
people talking away into their mobile phones. Connected at last!
However, on some social occasions, from just a meeting of two friends to a funeral, mobile
phones can be the enemy. They mean that people are not joining in, they're imposing, they're
disrupting. It would have been better if they'd brought a book with them, which they could get
on with quietly in a corner. SWITCH THEM OFF. Liberate yourself. The missed call won't be
someone saying your house has burnt down. If you can't control yourself, "check" your phone
out of sight of the others, in the toilets perhaps.
It's perfectly obvious - but how often does it happen? − if you really have to either make or
receive an urgent call during a social occasion, you should explain the situation to the others at
the outset. When the time comes, remove yourself from the scene to deal with the call.
Whatever you do, apologise.
And now, here is an appeal to the good, too-silent majority. Don't put up with it. Don't suffer in
silence. If you come across some rude mobile phone addicts, don't hesitate to interrupt and ask
them to move away, to switch off. If' they are passengers in your car, stop, ask them to get out,
especially if it's raining.
Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No marks
are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
a. Nowadays a lot of people seem to enjoy using the mobile phone.
TRUE. Now, everywhere you look − on trains, on buses, in shopping centres,
in restaurants, at wedding receptions − what a mirac1e! What a transformation! So
many happy people talking away into their mobile phones.
The text suggests that it is advisable to inform the other members of the group when you
are expecting an important call.
(Puntuación maxima: 2 puntos)
TRUE. If you really have to either make or receive an urgent call during a
social occasion, you should explain the situation to the others at the outset.
Autor: Alejandro Holguín Rouco
In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
a. Why is the use of mobile phones sometimes seen as antisocial behaviour?
Because using the mobile phone in a social event such as a wedding, a birthday,
or a friends meeting could be understood as a synonym of boredom.
b. What does the text recommend doing about inconsiderate mobile phone users?
(Puntuación maxima: 2 puntos)
The text tell us it could be a good idea ask them to move away if they are
disturbing, even if they are inside our car.
3. Find the words in the text that mean:
maybe (paragraph 2)
beginning (paragraph 3)
say sorry (paragraph 3)
come across
encounter (paragraph 4)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)
4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets when
a. The link between ____1___ (use) a mobile phone when driving and road accidents is well
established and this ___2____ (apply) to all kinds of phones, including hands-free.
b. More technological advances ____3___ (be) made in the last fifty years ___4___ in all previous
c. Charles, ___5___ is a mobile phone addict, can't stand being away ___6___ his phone.
Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
d. "Is there a mobile phone in your bag?" → I asked the girl ... 7
(Puntuación maxima: 2 puntos)
using. Siempre se usan las formas –ing detrás de preposición.
is applied. En este caso usamos la pasiva porque desconocemos el agente.
have been. El present perfect puede ser usado para acciones pasadas cuyo
período aún no ha concluído.
than. Segunda parte de la comparative de superioridad/inferioridad.
who. Pronombre relativo usado para personas.
If she had/there was a mobile phone in her bag. Estilo indirecto
Autor: Alejandro Holguín Rouco
4. Write about 100 to 150 words on one of the following topics.
a. Some people believe that children under the age of 13 should not have mobile phones. What do
you think? Discuss.
b. Describe an unusual personal experience you have had that involved a mobile phone.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
Para este ejercicio es muy importante la organización del texto. Siempre respetando las
tres partes fundamentales de introducción, cuerpo y conclusión final. Es importante
buscar estructuras que nos sean conocidas para evitar cometer errores, sin caer en el
Some people believe that children under the age of 13 should not have mobile phones. What do
you think? Discuss.
First of all, I would like to say I have had a mobile phone since I was very
young, maybe when I was 16… but it was the boom of mobile phones all around the
I have always though, last technologies are good for everyone, young and old people,
and it could benefit so far away as possible.
One of the main disadvantages of having a mobile phone is its cost. A 12 years old kid
is not self conscious of the meaning of earning money, and it could be a problem for
him, because he could spend his parents money easily.
By the other side, it could be an advantage if children are in trouble, they could notice to
whomever with only a call.
To sum up, what I think, every progress is positive, but we have to take care with
children, to avoid, as far as possible, they become an addict in the future.
b. Describe an unusual personal experience you have had that involved a mobile phone.
Firstly, I would like to say this has been an isolated case, and I didn’t know
anyone who had had the same problem.
One day I took a taxi to go to my girlfriend’s pool, as I was arriving, I decided to call
some friends of ours to ask them if they wanted to come to the pool. So I talked with my
friends and we were talking over five minutes; when I finished the conversation, I put
the mobile inside my bag. Later, when I arrived to my destiny, I paid the taxi and get
out with my bag. When I met my girlfriend, I realize the mobile wasn’t with me; then I
started to call my number time and time again, it was switched on… I expected the taxi
driver answer my call but… Sometime later… the mobile phone was switched off…
And this time was forever… I couldn’t believe I had been robbed by a taxi driver!
In conclusion, I feel I had very bad luck that time, but, sincerely I think most of taxi
driver are very good professional and honest people.
Autor: Alejandro Holguín Rouco
Expresiones más frecuentes para realizar el texto:
The purpose of this report
The aim of this report
This report looks at
First of all
As an introduction I would like to say
To begin with
One of the main advantages/disadvantages of…
From my point of view
In my opinion
I think/feel that
On the one hand……on the other hand
In conclusion
To sum up
On balance
Last but not least
In spite of (this)
Some people…..while/whereas others…
Mobile phone: Teléfono móvil
Last technologies: Últimas tecnologías
Progress: Progreso
Addict: Adicto
Call: Llamada
Missed call: Llamada perdida
SMS (Short Message Service): Servicio de mensajería corta
Realize: Dar(se) cuenta
Actually: En realidad, realmente
Advice: Consejo, aconsejar
Autor: Alejandro Holguín Rouco