TRAVELS THROUGH SPAIN, parry,/ arid every effort is made for the

parry,/ arid every effort is made for the convenience of
the infirm.
The waters have been analyzed with exacl:-
nefs, a deputation
haying, been appointed by com­
mand of the king, to conduct every thing with the utmoft
formality, under the direction of Don Miguel Maria de
Nava, Dean of the council and chamber of Caftile, aiTifted by Dr. Cafimir Ortega, F. R. S. and royal profeffor
of Botany at Madrid, who has publifhed the proceedings
of this affembly held at Trillo ; and front his elegant
treatife I have felecled the following information (a).
Thefe baths are fituated at a fmall diftance from the
banks of the river, in a meadow, at the brow of a hill,
which by its fituation to the eaftward, affords a refrefhing
fhade the greater part o f the morning.
The baths are
divided in the following manner.
Los ^uatro Banos, called the king's bath, divided into
four feparate baths, all equally commodious, and handfome, with their proper appertenances.
(a) Tratado de las A g u a s Termales de Trillo efcrito de o r d e n d e l R e y por el Dr. Cafimiro
Ortega, Madrid, 1 7 7 8 .
T h e ingenious and learned D r . Ortega was in England a few years
ago, arid is well known to feveral gentlemen in this country.
Befides the waters o f Trillo,
thofe o f Ribas, at a fmall diftance from the mountain o f Nueftra Senora de Nuria,; near the
Pyrenees o f Cataluna, are greatly reforted to in the fpring, and autumn, for gravelly com­
plaints, as is alfo the fountain of Paterna, in the Alpujarra mountains of Granada, called
V Aguas agrias"
" Acidulous waters."
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