47 Preterite Tense of Irregular Verbs

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Level 2 p. 70
Presentación de gramática
Learn the irregular preterite forms of hacer, ser, ir, dar, and ver.
Preterite Tense of Irregular Verbs
• Preterite of ir and ser.
Study the preterite forms of the verbs ir (to go) and ser (to be).
yo fui
tú fuiste
usted fue
él (ella) fue
I went / was
you (informal) went / were
you (formal) went / were
he (she) went, was
nosotros(as) fuimos
vosotras(as) fuisteis
ustedes fueron
ellos(as) fueron
we went / were
you went / were
you went / were
they went / were
UNIDAD 1 Lección 2
EXPLANATION: The preterite forms of ir and ser are the same.
yo hice
tú hiciste
usted hizo
él (ella) hizo
I did, made
you (informal) did, made
you (formal) did, made
he (she) did, made
nosotros(as) hicimos
vosotros(as) hicisteis
ustedes hicieron
ellos(as) hicieron
we did, made
you did, made
you did, made
they did, made
EXPLANATION: Hacer has its own preterite forms. In the usted/él/ella form, the c becomes a z.
• Preterite of ver and dar.
Study the preterite forms of the verbs ver (to see) and dar (to give).
yo vi, di
tú viste, diste
usted vio, dio
él (ella) vio, dio
I saw, gave
you (informal) saw, gave
you (formal) saw, gave
he (she) saw, gave
nosotros(as) vimos, dimos
vosotros(as) visteis, disteis
ustedes vieron, dieron
ellos(as) vieron, dieron
Reteaching and Practice
Copyright © by McDougal Littell, a division of Houghton Mifflin Company.
• Preterite of hacer.
Study the preterite forms of hacer (to do, to make).
we saw, gave
you saw, gave
you saw, gave
they saw, gave
EXPLANATION: The preterite endings of ver and dar are the same.
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Unit Resource Book
Unidad 1, Lección 2
Reteaching and Practice