Pre – Kindergarten Eligibility Guidelines

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Student and Parent Services
Prekindergarten Eligibility Guidelines
According to Texas Education Code §29.153 (b), a child must be at least four (4) years of age, on or
before September 1, and meet one of the following criteria to be eligible for enrollment in a prekindergarten class :
Does not speak or comprehend the English Language; or
Educationally disadvantaged ( eligible to participate in the National Free or
Reduced – Price Lunch Program; or
Homeless as defined by 42 U. S. C. Section 11302; or
The child of an active duty armed forces member or state military forces; or
The child of an armed forces reserve member who is ordered to active duty ; or
The child of a active duty member of the armed forces, state military forces or
reserve component who is injured or killed while serving on active duty; OR
The child is or ever has been in the conservatorship of the department of family
and protective services following an adversary hearing; or
I do not qualify under one of the above reasons. I am requesting that my child
be enrolled in the Universal Pre-K Participant.
The parent, guardian, or responsible person is required to bring the following documents*:
Birth Certificate
Proof of Address (Gas, water, Electric or Housing orders for on-post housing)
Immunization Record
Social Security Card*
Parents, guardians or responsible persons who are using one of the military criteria for eligibility must
also provide one of the following:
A copy of the DOD Photo Identification for the child
A copy of the State of Service form the Adjutant General or
A copy of the Death Certificate,
A copy of the Purple Heart orders or
A copy of the Line of Duty Determination documentation
A copy of appropriate documentation for the service member who is missing in action
A letter from the Department of Family and Protective Services indicating
Once a student is determined to be eligible for pre-kindergarten, the student remains eligible for the
remainder of the year. Upon enrollment in pre-kindergarten a child shall attend school. TEC §25.0859 (c)
A person who knowingly falsifies information on a form required for a student’s enrollment in the
District shall be liable to the District for tuition or other costs, as provided in Education Code 25.001
(h), if the student is not eligible for enrollment but is enrolled on the basis of false information. In
addition, presenting false information or false records is a criminal offense under Penal Code
*The student will not be denied enrollment if a copy of the Social Security Card is not
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Student and Parent Services
Directiva De Elegibilidad De Prekinder
De acuerdo con el Codigo Educativo de Texas 29.153(b), el niño debe de tener cuatro (4) años
de edad en o antes del 1ro de Septiembre y que llenen uno de los siguientes criterios para ser
elegible para entrar a prekinder:
Ser limitado en el idioma de ingles; o
Ser de una familia cuyos ingresos, segun las Normas de la Mesa Directiva de
Educacion, sean en o esten por debajo del nivel de subsistencia; o
Sin hogar como define por 42 W.S. C., Seccion 11302
Ser hijo(a) de un miembro activo en las fuerzas armadas; o
Ser hijo(a) de un miembro activo en la reserve de las fuerzas armadas; o
Ser hijo(a) de un miembro activo en las fuerzas armadas o reserve que fue
herido o murio durante sus servicio en las fuerzas armadas; o
El estudiante ha estado bajo el departamento de servicios protectivos despues de
una audiencia
No califico bajo una de las razones anteriores. Estoy solicitando que mi hijo
sea inscrito en el participante Pre-K Universal.
El padre, el guardian o persona responsable se le pedira que traigan los siguientes
Acta de Nacimiento
Comprobante de Domicilio (Gas, Luz o para dentro de la base, orden de
Registro de Vacunas
Seguro Social*
Una vez que el estudiante es elegible para prekinder, el estudiante permanecera hasta el final
del año escolar. Una vez el estudiante es matriculado en prekinder, el estudiante debera asistir
a la escuela. TEC 25.085(c)
Una persona que deliberadamente falsifique informacion requerida en formas para la matricula
de un estudiante en el distrito sera responsable al distrito por pagos de colegiatura u otros
costos como se provee en el Codigo Educativo 25.001(h), si el estudiante no es elegible pero se
matriculo bajo informacion falsa o falsifico documentos es una Ofensa Criminal bajo Codigo
Penal 37.10
*No se le negara la inscripcion a un estudiante si no presenta su tarjeta de seguro social