Historia de la virgen y mártir Sta. Julia Santa Julia de Cartago fue

Historia de la virgen y mártir Sta. Julia
Santa Julia de Cartago fue una
virgen y mártir cristiana nacida
en Cartago en el siglo V. Julia era
una noble doncella de Cartago.
Cuando Genserico tomó la ciudad, en 439, la joven fue vendida
como esclava a Eusebio, un mercader pagano originario de Siria.
Julia llevó una vida ejemplar y
supo servir con tanto esmero a su
amo, que éste la llevó consigo en
un viaje que hizo a las Galias para
vender productos del oriente. El
barco en que hicieron la travesía
atracó en las costas de Córcega.
Eusebio bajó a tierra para asistir a
un festival pagano, mientras
Julia, que había condenado abiertamente la conducta de su amo, se quedó en el barco.
Se dice que Félix, el gobernador de la isla, interrogó
al dueño de Julia por la conducta de la esclava y tentado al ver tanto valor en una joven mujer, decidió
comprarla a cualquier precio. Eusebio confesó que
era cristiana, pero dijo al Gobernador que no podía
prescindir de los servicios de una esclava tan fiel y
habilidosa. Félix le habría ofrecido cuatro de sus
mejores esclavas a cambio de Julia, pero Eusebio
replicó: “Todas sus posesiones no valen los servicios
que ella me presta”. El deseo de Félix de probar la
autenticidad de la fe de Julia se hizo más fuerte ante
la negativa de su amo de vendérsela y terminó, entonces, raptándola.
El gobernador aprovechó la circunstancia de que
Eusebio había bebido demasiado y mandó traer a
Julia para obligarla a ofrecer sacrificios a los dioses.
Propuso a la santa la libertad, con tal que se uniera a
los sacrificios.
Julia, indignada, se negó y proclamó que no deseaba
otra libertad que la de seguir en el servicio de su Señor Jesucristo. Esta respuesta enfureció al gobernador, quien ordenó enseguida que la golpeasen en el
rostro y le arrancasen de raíz los cabellos. Finalmente ordenó que Julia fuera crucificada el día 22 de
Según se cuenta, unos monjes de la isla de Giraglia
rescataron el cadáver de Julia, que fue trasladado a
Brescia, el año 763. Santa Julia es la patrona de
Córcega y Livorno. Esta última ciudad pretende
poseer una parte de sus reliquias.
Santa Julia tuvo esta santa la prudencia de la serpiente, pues expuso su cuerpo a los tormentos para
salvar su alma; tuvo también la sencillez de la paloma, pues, siendo esclava, servía a su dueño con la
fidelidad y sencillez que San Pablo recomienda a los
servidores. Se vio salir su alma del cuerpo en forma
de paloma.
History of St. Julia, virgin and martyr
Julia was a virgin from a noble family in the City of Carthage. In 439 the
city fell into the hands of Genseric
the Vandal. He immediately began
destroying the city and selling many
of the prominent citizens into slavery. Julia was sold as a slave to a
pagan merchant of Syria named Eusebius. Although disgraced by being
a slave, she prayed for courage and
strength to keep her dignity and
bring joy to others. Under mortifying circumstances and surroundings, she found comfort by maintaining cheerfulness and patience. She was put in charge of distributing small parcels of food and
small amounts of water to other
slaves. While giving out the meager
portions, Julia discovered happiness through sharing
good things with others. She saw how soothing and refreshing water could be to tired and overworked people.
Praying to God, she made extra efforts to provide the
slaves with as much soothing water as they needed. Thus
Julia grew strong in mind and heart and in love of God.
She fasted every day except Sunday, and any time she was
not working at her master’s business she was devoted to
prayer and reading books of piety. When her master went
on one of his voyages to Gaul, he took her along. Once at
the port city of Corsica her master cast anchor and went
on shore to join in a pagan sacrifice of a bull. Julia was
repulsed by the idolatrous festival and refused to participate and was openly reviled. She would not even get near
so she would not be defiled by the superstitious ceremony. Felix, the governor of the island, was infuriated and
demanded to know who this young woman was who
dared to insult the gods. Her master, the merchant, informed him that she was a Christian and that, even with
all his authority over her, he nor anyone else could force
her to renounce her religion. He went on to explain she
was so diligent and faithful that he could not and would
not part with her. The governor offered him 4 of his best
female slaves in exchange for her, but the merchant said,
“No, all you are worth will not purchase her; for I would
freely lose the most valuable thing I have in the world
rather than be deprived of her.” The governor waited until the merchant was drunk and asleep and had Julia kidnapped. The governor tried to force Julia to worship his
idols but she refused. He even offered Julia her freedom
if she would only comply. She answered her persecutor
that she was as free as she wanted to be as long as she
was serving Jesus Christ, and that she would never purchase her liberty by performing such an abominable
crime to God; the governor was so enraged by her undaunted and resolute air that he struck her face and even
tore the hair off her head. Thinking that she was mocking
him, he ordered she be hung on the cross she loved so
much. While hanging in the hot sun, blistered by its rays
and feeling the pains of thirst, Julia suddenly felt the refreshing flow of life giving waters bathing her as she gave
her spirit to God.
Seventh Sunday of Easter/Séptimo Domingo de Pascua
17 de mayo del 2015
Clean-up Day!!
¡Día de Limpieza Extensa!
Sábado, 23 de Mayo
Saturday, May 23
Sábado, 6 de Junio
Saturday, June 6
9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
$ 255.00
Interior y/and Exterior
Please bring your rakes, shovels, brooms, and
Favor traer sus rastrillos, palas,
escobas, y carretillas.
Sign up at Parish Office: 919-742-5584
Apuntarse en la oficina: 919-742-5584
Parking de nuestros sueños
Parking lot of our dreams
Saint Julia Catholic Church
(919) 742-5584
Seventh Sunday of Easter/Séptimo Domingo de Pascua
Iglesia Católica de Santa Julia
17 de mayo del 2015
(919) 742-5584
Seventh Sunday of Easter/Séptimo Domingo de Pascua
17 de mayo del 2015
The symbols of our church (St. Julia)
Sunday/Domingo, May 17
Seventh Sunday of Easter
08:00 a.m +Doroteo Perez
11:00 a.m. Ross McKibbo
Monday/Lunes, May 18
08:30 a.m. No Mass
Tuesday/Martes, May 19
08:30 a.m. For parishioners
Wednesday/Miércoles, May 20
08:30 a.m. +Jesse Zinn
Thursday/Jueves, May 21
08:30 a.m
Friday/Viernes, May 22
St. Julia, Martyr
08:30 a.m
Saturday/Sabado, May 23
05:00 p.m.
Sunday/Domingo, May 24
08:00 a.m. + Casimira Rangel
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m. + Romualdo Ontiveros Chavez,
+ Gollo Barona Jaimes,
+ Silidonio Anguiano
Thanks you for your support! - ¡Gracias por su apoyo!
Actual: $ 3,964.15
Budget: $ 5,668.75
BAA/ Campaña Annual del Obispo
Actual: $1,054.00
Catholic Communications Campaig
Campaña Católica de Comunicaciones
Saint Julia Catholic Church
The life giving waters flow through the efforts of St.
Julia (the Patron Saint of our parish) spreading God's
infinite Love to our community and to you! The water, God's Love, is abundant and overflowing, showing it is more than enough for all of us, and also
shows that God is more than the circle of life, He is
the alpha and the omega. You know St. Julia’s gift of
water, literal and symbolic through her love.
(The water jug).
You know she offered her life rather than turn her
back on Jesus. (The martyrs fern).
You know she was crucified for her convictions.
(The cross).
So now you know, Julia never focused on the negative and never gave up on Jesus Christ. We want you
to know she will never give up on you and helping
you find your place in God's family. When times get
hard and the fires of Satan are turned up, she will be
standing by ready to give you a refreshing drink.
When your cross seems too heavy to bear, when you
see only one set of footprints, she will be there to
wash your feet while Jesus relieves your burden by
carrying you and your cross.
May 19, 09:15 a.m. (Tues) Scripture Study
May 19, 06:15 p.m. (Tues) Catechist Workshop
May 19, 07:00 p.m. (Mar) Clases de Biblia
May 13, 05:30 p.m. (Mie) Rosario por sacerdotes
May 21, 06:30 p.m. (Jue) Curso de Ambiente Seguro
May 22, 07:00 p.m. (Vie) Encuentro de Parejas
May 23, 09:00 a.m. (Sat) Clean-up Day
May 23, 01:00 p.m. (Sab) Bautismos
May 23, 07:00 p.m. (Sab) Vigilia de Pentecostés
May 24, 01:00 p.m. (Sun) Reunión de los lideres hisp.
(919) 742-5584