Spanish B Day 68.notebook

Spanish B Day 68.notebook
December 05, 2012
Español B
¿Cuál es la fecha? = What is the date?
¿Qué tiempo hace? = What is the weather?
Es ________ el ___ de ________
Hace calor
Hace frío
Hace fresco
Hace sol
Hace viento
Está nublado
Hoy tenemos tiempo mucho mas normal que los días pasados. Write down whether an action occurred one time (completed) or many times (ongoing or frequent or description) based on the ending. 1. Caminaba
2. Gritó
3. Escondió
4. Escuchaba
5. Persiguió
6. Se puso
7. Crecía
8. Cortó
9. Quería
10. Tenía
Aug 21­3:36 PM
Horario (Agenda)
Leemos Patricia Va a California cap. 3 en grupos
Repaso de PVAC cap. 3
Aug 20­7:27 AM
Spanish B Day 68.notebook
December 05, 2012
trató de escapar = shU tried to escape
tratas de escapar = you try to escape
trato de escapar = I try to escape
estaba sorprendido/a (I) = IshU was surprised
estuvo sorprendido/a (P) = shU was surprised
estás sorprendido/a = you are surprised
estoy sorprendido/a = I am surprised
prendió la luz (P) = shU turned on the light
prendes la luz = you turn on the light
prendo la luz = I turn on the the light
no podía comer (I) = IshU couldn't eat
no puedes comer = you can't eat
no puedo comer = I can't eat
no cabía = IshU/it didn't fit
no cabe = shU/it doesn't fit
la rana = the frog
la cucaracha = the cockroach
hace cinco días = 5 days ago
la cocina = the kitchen
debajo del refrigerador = under the refrigerator
lo/la partió en pedazos = shU broke it into pieces
lo/la partes en pedazos = you break it into pieces
lo/la parto en pedazos = I break it into pieces
Aug 21­3:48 PM
Unidad 7
todo = everything
la pluma morada = the purple feather
se voló = shU flew away
se vuela = shU flies away
te vuelas = you fly away me vuelo = I fly away
ladró = shU/it barked ladra = shU/it barks
ladras = you bark ladro = I bark la luna hermosa = the beautiful moon
es calvo/a = shU is bald
quiere viajar a Timbuktu = shU wants to travel to Timbuktu
quería viajar a Timbuktu = shU wanted to travel to Timbuktu
quieres = you want
quiero = I want
la peluca arcoiris = the rainbow wig
Nov 16­7:40 AM
Spanish B Day 68.notebook
December 05, 2012
Unidad 6
De la canción
mientras = while
las tijeras afiladas = the sharp llega = shU arrives
el pelo largo = the long hair
el pelo corto = the short hair
corta = shU cuts
la mañana = the morning
cortó = shU cut
cortas = you cut
corto = I cut
el pelo liso = the straight hair
el pelo rizado = the curly hair
miró = shU looked at, watched
miraba = IshU used to look at, used to watch
miras = you look at
miro = I look at
rubio = blond
pelirrojo = red headed
castaño = brown
quería tener pelo azul = shU wanted to have blue hair
Aug 21­3:48 PM
Vocabulario unidad 5
De la canción:
me duele﴾n﴿ = It ﴾they﴿ hurt me
dolor = pain
bufanda = scarf
el dormitorio = the bedroom
la habitación = the bedroom
﴾se﴿pone = shU puts ﴾on﴿
﴾se﴿ puso = shU put ﴾on﴿
pones = you put
pongo = I put
crece = shU/it grows
crecía = shU/it was growing
creces = you grow
crezco = I grow
se siente mal = shU feels bad
se sintió mal = shU felt bad
se sentía mal = shU used to/was feeling bad
te sientes mal = you feel bad
me siento mal = I feel bad
no puede salir = shU can't leave
no podía salir = IshU couldn't leave
no puedes salir = you can't leave entre la cama y la pared = between the bed and no puedo salir = I can't leave
the wall
Aug 21­3:48 PM
Spanish B Day 68.notebook
December 05, 2012
Vocabulario unidad 4
De la canción:
no sé si pueda = I don't know if I can
volver = to return
dar = to give
la pesadilla = the nightmare
¡Qué sorpresa! = What a surprise!
el perro = the dog
la lengua = the tongue
sucio = dirty
limpio = clean
el cabello = the hair ﴾on your head﴿
lava = shU washes
lavó = shU washed
lavas = you wash
lavo = I wash
se despierta = shU wakes up
se despertó = shU woke up
se despertaba = shU used to wake up
te despiertas = you wake up
me despierto = I wake up
quiere tener un perro limpio = shU wants to have a clean dog
quería tener un perro limpio = shU wanted to have a clean dog
quieres tener = you want
quiero tener = I want
Aug 21­3:48 PM
A. El pelo le crece en los pies.
B. Se pone champú especial en la cabeza.
C. Se pone fertilizante en la cabeza.
D. Le ladra a la luna.
E. Le pregunta a su amigo cómo hacer crecer el pelo.
Nov 20­8:43 AM
Spanish B Day 68.notebook
December 05, 2012
Nov 28­8:17 AM
Expresión ser muy codo = to be very stingy, cheap; a cheapskate meter la pata = to put in a foot; to put your foot in your mouth cuesta un ojo de la cara = it costs an eye from your face; it costs an arm and a leg
hablar con el corazón en la mano = to talk with your heart in your hand; to wear your heart on your sleeve
estar mojado de pies a cabeza = soaked from head to toe
le da la espalda a uno = gives the back to someone; give someone the cold shoulder
pone (algo) boca abajo = upside down
boca arriba = right side up
manos a la obra = Get to work!
le toma el pelo = he's pulling your hair; he's pulling your leg
¡Ojo! = Look out!
No tiene pelos en la lengua = Has no hair on the tongue; Se me hace agua la boca = it makes my mouth water
En boca cerrada no entran moscas = in a closed mouth, flies don't enter; Bite your tongue
Dec 3­8:26 AM
Spanish B Day 68.notebook
December 05, 2012
está peinando = is combing
Dec 3­9:03 AM
vuelven = they return
en el río = in the river
Dec 3­1:40 PM
Spanish B Day 68.notebook
December 05, 2012
Dec 5­8:08 AM