The Redemptorists

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
From the Rector
Very Rev. Joseph Tizio, C.Ss.R.
This Saturday, August 27th is the feast of St. Monica and the following day, August 28th, is the feast of her son, St. Augustin. More
than anything else, Monica is a model of prayer and proof that
prayer works. She was born in what is now the country of Algeria
in the year 331. A devout and fierce Christian, she was married to
Roman noble named Patricius. Monica’s husband was a pagan and unwilling to convert
and most unwilling to have his children baptized. Through Monica’s prayer and persistence, Patricius was baptized shortly before his death.
She is especially noted for her years of prayer for the conversion of her son, Augustin.
It is clear that Augustin was very close to his mother yet also was determined to live
his own life and set out in his own direction. He lived a free lifestyle, enjoying all the
pleasures that life had to offer yet he was also a man of profound intellect and a constant searcher and reader. Monica prayed and pleaded with her son for years, seeking
his conversion to the faith. Despite meeting nothing but resistance from Augustin for
years, Monica knew that God would not abandon her. Eventually, Augustin converted
and was baptized by St. Ambrose. In his amazing book “The Confessions”, Augustin
very movingly describes the day of his mother’s death. While faith told him that she
was passing into eternal life, his heart was breaking and devastated at her dying. Towards the end of her life, after her son having been baptized, Monica said to him: “Son,
nothing in this world affords me delight, I do not know what there is left for me to do or
why I am still here, all my hopes in this world now fulfilled”. Monica teaches us the power of prayer; in one way or another, prayer works. All we must do is believe and persist.
August 21, 2016
Staffed by
The Redemptorists
Weekday Masses
7:00am and 12:10pm
Saturday Masses
8:00am and 12:10pm
Vigil: 4:00pm, 7:00pm (Haitian)
Sunday Masses
9:00am,12:30pm, 5:00pm
11:00am (Spanish)
Sacrament of Penance
Monday-Saturday at 11:50am
Saturday 3:30pm
Wednesday Novena Service
12:10pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm (Spanish)
Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament
Wednesday 8:00am to 5:00pm
Friday 8:00am to Noon
Aug 20
Aug 21
Aug 22
Aug 23
Aug 24
Aug 25
Aug 26
Basilica Benefactors
Shrine Members Living and Deceased
Joseph, Mary and Chris Power
Purgatorian Society
Nancy Murray
Shrine Members Living and Deceased
Mildred Louis
+Peader Taaffe
Mission Grammar Benefactors
+Rosaire Duplessy
TV Novena Donors
Vanessa Plummer
+Joseph A. Bottary
+Andre Estinvil Lucien
Purgatorian Society
Shrine Members Living and Deceased
+Marion Rita Minichiello
Purgatorian Society
James and Amy Ooi Family
En Español
Este sábado 27 de agosto es la fiesta de Sta. Mónica y al día
siguiente, el 28 de agosto, es la fiesta de su hijo, Sto. Agustín.
Más que nada, Mónica es un modelo de oración y prueba de
que la oración funciona. Ella nació en cuál ahora es país de Argelia en el año 331, un cristiano devoto y feroz, fue casada con
el noble romano nombrado Patricius. El esposo de Mónica era
un pagano y no estaba dispuestos a convertirse y más dispuestos a que sus hijos estuvieran bautizados. A través de la oración
y persistencia de Mónica, Patricius fue bautizado poco antes de
su muerte y además fueron bautizados los tres hijos de Mónica.
Ella es especialmente conocida por sus años de oración para
la conversión de su hijo, Agustín. Está claro que Agustín estaba
muy cerca de su madre sin embargo, también estaba determinado a vivir su propia vida y en su propia dirección. Vivió un estilo de vida libre, disfruto de todos los placeres que la vida tenía
que ofrecer, sin embargo, también era un hombre de intelecto
profundo y un constante buscador y lector. Mónica oró y suplicó
con su hijo durante años, buscando su conversión a la fe. A pesar
de cumplir nada más que resistencia de Agustín durante años,
Mónica sabía que Dios no la abandonaría. Finalmente, Agustín
se convirtió y fue bautizado por Sto. Ambrosio en Milán, Italia.
En su increíble libro “Las confesiones”, Agustín describe muy
emotivamente el día de la muerte de su madre. Mientras que
fe le dijo que ella estaba pasando en la vida eterna, su corazón
se rompe y devastado en su muerte. Hacia el final de su vida,
después de su hijo después de haber sido bautizado, Mónica le
dijo: “hijo, nada en este mundo me da placer, no sé qué queda
para mí hacerlo o por qué estoy todavía aquí, todas mis esperanzas en este mundo ahora cumplido”. Qué algo extraordinario que decir cuando acercaba el final de su vida. Mónica nos
enseña el poder de la oración; en una u otra manera, la oración
funciona. Todo lo que debemos hacer es creer y persistir.
Mission Appeal This Weekend
This weekend we will be having the annual Mission Appeal sponsored by the Propagation of the Faith. Fr. Richard Reece of the
Oblates of St. Francis de Sales will be speaking at all the masses.
Este fin de semana tendremos la apelación anual de misión
patrocinada por la propagación de la fe. El Padre Richard Reece
de los Oblatos de San Francisco de Sales se estará hablando en
las misas.
Weekly Collection
For Weekend of August 7, 2016
Total Mass Offertory
Our standards in our society are so different from God’s standards.
We often rate or rank people by what they have, how powerful they
are, or how successful they are. Jesus reminds us that God will not
judge us by the same earthly standards.
Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA)
¿Sabe usted de cualquier persona de 18 años de edad y
mayores que nunca ha sido bautizado o está interesado en
convertirse en un católico? Pronto comenzaremos nuestro
programa para adultos que buscan entrar en la Iglesia Católica,
necesitamos invitar a la gente a ser parte de nuestra comunidad parroquial. Si usted sabe de alguien, por favor, invitarlos
a pasar por la casa parroquial y nos deje su información de
Programa de Educación Religiosa
Por favor, si tienne niños mayores de 7 años, quienes necesiten ser bautizados o recibir la Primera Comunión, esos
niños deben ser registrados para el Programa de Educación
Religiosa en la Oficina Parroquial. Las clases comenzarán en
septiembre 2016. Apurensen! Traígan sus niños a conocer
de Dios.
La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul
Dicha organización está planeando su Caminata Anual 2016
para recaudar fondos para ayudar a los necesitados y pobres
del vecindario. Si está interesado en caminar y apoyar esta
causa pro favor, comuniquese con la Sociedad de San Vicente
de Paul para registrarse 347-776-0371.
Asamblea Parroquial
Por favor marque la fecha para nuestra Asamblea Parroquial
que se lleva a cabo el domingo 16 de octubre a las 2:00 p.m.
en el Centro Parroquial. Necesitamos que todos nuestros feligreses se unan y ayuden para planificar el futuro de nuestra
parroquia. Si desea formar parte de uno de los comités de
planificación (finanzas, el ministerio y la evangelización) por
favor sepamos. ¡Juntos somos la iglesia y cuando trabajamos
juntos, el Espíritu de Jesús es más poderosamente presente!
Bible Class in French/Creole
Every Second Tuesday at 8:00pm
Mes frères et soeurs. On ne peut donner ce qu’on n’a pas. Tout
chrétien, doit connaitre la parole de Dieu. Donc, il est important
de se mettre à l’écoute, et à l’étude de la parole de Dieu, pour
pouvoir partager avec les autres, combien Dieu nous aime.
Dans le souci de répondre mieux à notre vocation chrétienne,
nous avons un cours biblique chaque deuxième Mardi du mois
à 8:00 PM.
« Frèm ak sèm yo, nou pa ka bay sa nou pa genyen, donk antan
ke kretyen, nou dwe, konnen Paròl Granmèt la. Se sak fè nou
gen you kou labib, chak dezyèm Madi, a 8:00 PM. »
Haitian Mass Every Saturday at 7:00pm
Frèm ak sèm yo, Bondye, avèk Manman Pèpetyèl toujou la pou
li pran swen nou, pou li ban nou nouriti kap kenbe nou solid nan
lafwa. Se sak fè Granmèt la toujou mete, sevitè pou sèvi nou.
Pou nou ka jwen nouriti spirityèl sa, chak Samdi a 7 pm, nap gen
lamès an kreyòl, nan Legliz Pèpetyèl la. Nou tout, ayisyen yo,
nou se pitit Manman Pèpetyèl, vini, pou nou selebre lafwa nou,
nan lang manman nou.
Haitian Choir meets Thursdays at 7:00pm
Tout moun ki ta renmen fè pati , koral ayisyen, ki chante lamès,
ayisyen, chak samdi a 7 PM lan. Nou ka vin rankontre ak lòt
manb yo. Se chak Jedi a 7 pm, nou fè repetisyon. Pa ezite vini,
pou nou vin chante pou bondye, paske chante se priye 2 fwa.
Haitian Prayer Group meets first Saturday at 5:00pm
“Zanmi Manman Pèpetyèl yo”, ap toujou rankontre chak premye
samdi, a 5 h PM pou rive 6h45 PM, nan mizik room lan. Nou konte sou prezans tout manb yo, pou nou kontinye viv karis nou ki
bati sou twa wòch dife. “ lapriye, fòmasyon, ak fratènite”
Friends of the Poor Walk 2016
Our parish chapter of the St. Vincent DePaul Society will hold the annual Friends of the Poor Walk on Saturday,
October 8, 2016. This event is part of a national program that provides funding for local Society of St. Vincent de
Paul (SVdP) Conferences. Funds raised from these events remain local, allowing local SVdP Conferences to provide emergency assistance to those in need, regardless of race, origin, religion, or gender. The walk is 5.2 miles
beginning and ending at the Basilica. Sign up forms are available at the back of the church and you can register
Celebrate the life of a loved one, living or deceased, by having their name printed on the Friends of the Poor 2016
Walk T-Shirt. Please see any St. Vincent DePaul member after Mass or complete a form at the back of the church
and submit it to the Rectory Office with a $50 donation. The deadline is September 15, 2016.
Parish Assembly
The Assembly is Coming!! Please mark the day, Sunday, October 16th at 2:00 pm for our parish assembly. We need EVERYONE to come together and
help us plan for the future of the Basilica. You are the Church and together we
must plan to make sure that Basilica remains a vibrant symbol of Christ’s presence here is our neighborhood.
Religious Education Classes
The Basilica will begin religious education classes for children ages 6 to 16 beginning on Sunday, September 18, 2016. Classes are scheduled on Sundays
from 10-11:00am September through April. The cost is $50 per child. For more
information or to register for classes, please come to the Rectory Office. Payment is due at the time of registration along with a copy of the Baptism certificate.
RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Do you know of anyone 18 years of age and older who has never been baptized
or is interested in becoming a Catholic? We will soon be starting our program
for adults seeking to enter the Catholic Church. We need you to invite people
to become part of our parish community. If you know of anyone, please invite
them to stop by the rectory and leave us their contact information; they are also
welcome to speak with Frs. Dabney or Tizio.
25th and 50th Wedding Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral
His Eminence , Sean Cardinal O’Malley, OFM invites all couples celebrating their
25th or 50th wedding anniversary in 2016 to the Silver and Golden Wedding
Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross. The Mass will be celebrated on September 25th at 11:30am and will include a renewal of vows. Family
members and friends are welcome to attend. For more information and to register, visit Please register by
September 2nd to have your name included in the printed list of anniversary
couples. A formal invitation and more information will be mailed to each registered couple in September.
Upcoming Meetings
The Pastoral Council will be meeting on Tuesday, September 6th at 7:00 pm in
the Rectory. This will be an important meeting to continue to plan for our parish
El comité Hispano Pastoral se reunirá el martes, septiembre 13th a 7:00 pm en
la casa parroquial.
1545 Tremont Street • Boston, MA 02120
Very Rev. Joseph Tizio, C.Ss.R.
Parochial Vicars
Rev. Robert Lennon, C.Ss.R.
Rev. Francis Sullivan, C.Ss.R.
Rev. John Furey, C.Ss.R.
Rev. John Lavin, C.Ss.R.
Rev. Philip Dabney, C.Ss.R.
Rev. Pierre Desruisseaux, C.Ss.R.
Director of Students
Rev. Denis Sweeney, C.Ss.R.
Religious Education Coordinator
Br. Michael Cunningham, C.Ss.R.
Healing and Restoration Ministry
Office: 617-442-2008
Prayer Line: 617-442-3938
Society of St. Vincent DePaul
Office: 347-776-0371
E-mail: [email protected]
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Prayer Groups
English - Mondays, 6:30pm in Parish Center
Spanish - Mondays, 7:00pm in the Church
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Mission Grammar School
94 St. Alphonsus Street • 617-442-2660
Principal: Mrs. Ali Dutson
Stay Connected
Whether you are a visitor, a new member, or an established member of our faith community,
we hope that you will experience a warm welcome and a true feeling of community. Thank
you for joining us at today’s liturgy. Please visit our website or follow us on social media.
Telephone: 617-445-2600
Email: [email protected]
Facebook/Twitter: BostonsBasilica