Description of Oldenbergiella canalicata sp.n. from Spain (Díptera

Boln. Asoc. esp. Ent., 22 (1-2): 1998: 69-74
ISSN: 0210-8984
Description of Oldenbergiella canalicata sp.n.
from Spain
(Díptera, Heleomyzidae)
M. Carles-Tolrá
A new species of Heleomyzidae, Oldenbergiella canalicata sp.n., is described
from Spain.
Key words: Heleomyzidae, Oldenbergiella canalicata sp.n., Spain.
Descripción de Oldenbergiella canalicata sp.n. de España (Díptera, Heleomyzidae).
Se describe una especie nueva de helomícido de España, Oldenbergiella canalicata sp.n.
Palabras clave: Heleomyzidae, Oldenbergiella canalicata sp.n., España.
Oldenbergiella Czerny, 1924 is a genus of the order Diptera belonging to the family
Heleomyzidae in the Acalyptrata-group. It is a rare, uncommon genus, with only eight
species, although with a comparatively wide geographical distribution. One of the species has an holarctic distribution and the remaining seven species are only known from
the west palaearctic región (CARLES-TOLRÁ, 1995). In the Iberian Península, there have
been reported only three species (including the new one), all three known only from
Spain (CARLES-TOLRÁ, 1992, 1995).
Oldenbergiella's species are small (2-4 mm) and, in general, dark grey dusted, having the characteristic costal spines of the Heleomyzidae family very reduced, although
visibles. Life cicle is unknown, but some exemplars have been collected on excrements
(PAPP, 1980) and decaying pig liver (CARLES-TOLRÁ, 1995). Therefore, they could be saprophagous species.
The new species comes from the dipterological material collected by Dr. Barrientes
(Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona), during the study of the entomological fauna of the
M. Carles-Tolrá
The species of this genus are mainly differentiated by genital characters of the male postabdomen. Therefore, although the description of the new species is based on a single male exemplar, its genital characters has allowed to distinguish it, undoubtedly, from
the remaining known species.
Oldenbergietta canalicata sp.n.
General colour brown.
Head brown, grey dusted. Ocellar triangle very short, not reaching the middle of
the frons. Anterior half of the frons orange, posterior half dark brown but orange in the
middle. Right anterior ors nearer to posterior ors than lunule, but left anterior ors in the
middle between posterior ors and lunule. Vértex dark brown. All antennal joints dark,
3rd antennal joint big, rounded; arista short, micropubescent. Palpi brown. Eye rounded. Gena half the high of the eye. Distance between vibrissa and edge of eye 3/10 of
longitudinal axis of eye. Face orange, concave. Chaetotaxy: 2 ors, pvt convergen!, oc,
vte, vti, vi.
Thorax brown, grey dusted. Chaetotaxy: 1 h, 2 np, 1 prst, 0+2 de (anterior shorter),
1 sa, 2 pa (inner shorter), 3 irregular ac rows, 2 se (basal one shorter than scutellum), 1
pp, O mp, 1 st.
Legs brown, knee of foreleg orangish. Preapical bristle of fore tibia absent, preapical bristle of mid and hind tibiae short. Ventroapical spur of mid tibia long, curved. Mid
metatarsus twice as long as second joint (mt2/2nd joint = 2.0); hind metatarsus very short
and thickened (mt3/2nd joint = 1.2), ventroapical spine of hind metatarsus weak.
Wing uniformly brownish, veins light brown, costal vein thickened (after vein rl),
costal spines very weak. mg3/mg4 = 1.2; ml+2/ta-tp = 1.33. Wing length: 5.1 mm. Haltere whitish.
Abdomen brown. Terguite 1+2 and 3 lighter; abdominal bristles weak.
Male genitalia (Figs. 1-4). Editum (Fig. 1): triangular, longer than wide, outer side
glabrous, inner side with a cluster of anterobasal bristles, distal part narrow, curved apically and grooved-like form, with very few inner minute hairs. Gonite (Fig. 2): long, narrow, blunt, curved, with 2 desigual preapical long hairs (shorter hair of right gonite brocken accidentally during the manipulation). Phaílus (Fig. 3): subcylindric, very sclerotized in the middle, with a blunt, curved apicoventral process. Cerci (Fig. 4): short, fused
one to each other by a transparence membrane, with 3 very long apical bristles.
Total body length: 1.9 mm.
Female unknown.
iype material: holotype male: Spain, Gerona, Arbúcies, 20.1.1991, flight interceptor in a beech wood, 1250 m, Barrientes leg. Holotype preserved in alcohol in the author's collection.
Discussion: Oldenbergietta canalicata sp.n. is closely related to Oldenbergiella
blascoi Carles-Tolrá, 1995 and Oldenbergiella calcarifera Papp, 1980, as it presents:
a) the costal vein thickened, b) the rnale hind metatarsus very short and thickened, c)
the editum long and with a cluster of anterobasal bristles in its inner surface, and d) the
cerci with 3 long bristles. Nevertheless, Oldenbergiella canalicata sp.n. clearly differs
from these two species by genital characters of the editum, the gonite and the phallus
(Figs. 5-10).
Oldenbergielia canalicaía sp.n.
Figs. 1-4: Oldenbergielia conalicata sp.n.
1) latera] view of left editum (bristles seen through transparency),
2) gonite,
3) lateral view of phallus,
4) male left cercus.
Scales: 0.1 mm
Figs. 1-4: Oldenbergielia canalicata sp.n.
1) visión lateral del editum izquierdo (cerdas vistas por transparencia),
2) gonito,
3) visión lateral del phallus,
4) cerco izquierdo del macho.
Escalas: 0,1 mm
M. Carles-Tolrá
Figs. 5-7: Oldenbergieüa bloscoi Carles-Tolrá
5) latera) view of left editum (hairs and brístles seen through transparency),
6) gonite,
7) lateral view of phallus.
Scales: 0.1 mm
Figs. 5-7: Oldenhergiella blascoi Carles-Tolrá
5) visión lateral del editum izquierdo (pelos y cerdas vistas por transparencia),
6) gonito,
7) visión lateral del phallus.
Escalas: 0,1 mm
Oldenbergietla canalicata sp.n.
Figs. 8-10: Oldenbergiella calcarifera Papp
8) editum (after Papp, 1980),
9) gonite (after Papp, 1980),
10) lateral view of phallus (after Papp, 1980).
Fígs. 8-10: Oldenbergiella catean/era Papp
8) editum (según Papp, 1980),
9) gonito (según Papp, 1980),
10) visión lateral del phallus (según Papp, 1980).
. Carles-Tolrá
Biology: unknown, the single specimen was collected with a flight interceptor in a
beech wood at 1250 m.
Distribution: hiherto known only from northeastern Spain.
Etymology: the ñame comes from the Latín word "canalicatus", which refers to the
grooved-like form of the distal part of the editum.
I am very grateful to Dr. José Antonio Barrientes (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) for giving me that very interesting material for study. Thank you very much also to
Mrs. Joana Danés for her help on Latín nomenclatura.
CARLES-TOLRÁ, M. 1992. Oldenbergiella pappi sp.n.: a new heleomyzid species from
Spain (Insecta, Diptera, Heleomyzidae). Reichenbachia, 29(2): 195-197.
CARLES-TOLRÁ, M. 1995. A new heleomyzid species from Spain: Oldenbergiella blascoi
sp.n. (Diptera, Heleomyzidae). Zoo!, baetica, 6: 3-7.
PAPP, L. 1980. Three new species of Helomyzidae (Diptera) from Hungary. Acta zool.
Acad. Sci. hung., 26(1-3): 211-221.
Miguel Carles-Tolrá. Avda. Príncipe de Asturias, 30, ático L E - 08012 Barcelona (España)