Lost and found

Lost and found
It’s small and black and
white. You need to look
after it. It’s got small ears
and a long tail. It’s called
It’s black and white, and
long. I need it when it
rains. My mother gave it
to me and it’s new. She’ll
be angry if I don’t find it.
It’s black and white, and
small. It’s got money and
my train ticket home
inside. Please help me
find it!
It’s not very big but it was
expensive. It tells the time
and I wear it. It was a
birthday present from my
father. Please help me find it.
I left it on the train
because I was reading it.
It’s about a boy and his
dog. I want to know what
happens at the end!
Its name is Jackie. It’s got
long hair and big eyes.
It’s wearing a jumper,
trousers and a watch.
Please help me find it.
It keeps me from getting
cold. It’s got arms and
it’s black and white. My
grandmother made it for
me! Please help me find it.
Its name is Nellie. It’s big,
black and white. It’s got
long hair, big ears and a
long tail. It needs to eat
every day.
Colours 6 © Cambridge University Press and Grupo SM, 2007
It’s big and it’s got a
lot of books in it. My
teachers will be angry
if I don’t find it because
my homework’s in it!
Lost and found
1Match the objects with the people. Complete the table.
2Look at the pictures again and complete the sentences.
1 Jake’s
is called
2 Tom left his
on the train because he was reading it.
3 Danny’s
has got his
4 Hannah’s
has got
5Michelle left her
will be angry if she doesn’t find her
and a train ticket inside.
needs to eat every
9 Ben’s
in it.
on the train. Its name is
6 Lucy’s
. It was a birthday present from his
made his
Colours 6 © Cambridge University Press and Grupo SM, 2007
Vocabulario Genitivo sajón, umbrella, schoolbag, dog, purse, mouse,
jumper, book, watch, doll
Instrucciones para jugar en equipos.
Divide la clase en equipos de
5 ó 6 alumnos. Haz dos fotocopias de la página 1 y cuélgalas en dos de
las paredes de la clase, pueden ser la de delante y la de detrás. Haz una
fotocopia de la página 2 para cada equipo.
Todos los equipos deben situarse a la misma distancia de las páginas
colgadas de la pared.
2Look at the pictures again and complete the sentences.
alumnos de cada equipo vuelven a turnarse para leer la información
de la página 1 y completar las frases.
Respuestas: 1 Jake’s mouse is called Henry. 2 Tom left his book on the train
because he was reading it. 3 Danny’s schoolbag has got his homework in it.
4 Hannah’s purse has got money and a train ticket inside. 5 Michelle left her
doll on the train. Its name is Jackie. 6 Lucy’s dog needs to eat every day.
7 Amanda’s mother will be angry if she doesn’t find her umbrella. 8 Ian’s
watch was expensive. It was a birthday present from his father. 9 Ben’s
grandmother made his jumper.
1Match the objects with the people. Complete the table.
alumnos de cada equipo van turnándose para leer la información de
cada personaje y averiguar cuál es el objeto que cada uno de ellos ha
perdido. Las ilustraciones pequeñas que están alrededor de la página
son los objetos perdidios y les ayudarán a asociar la descripción con el
objeto concreto.
Una vez han leído la información, tienen que regresar a su equipo y
trasmitirla para completar la tabla. El equipo que complete la tabla
primero será el ganador.
Respuestas: Jake mouse Amanda umbrella Ben jumper Hannah purse
Ian watch Lucy dog Tom book Michelle doll Danny schoolbag
Vocabulary Saxon genitive, umbrella, schoolbag, dog, purse, mouse,
jumper, book, watch, doll
Instructions to play in teams.
Divide the class into teams of five
or six. Make photocopies of page 1 and put them on two walls of
the classroom, for example the front and the back walls. Make one
photocopy of page 2 for each team. All the teams should be at the
same distance from the pages on the wall.
1Match the objects with the people. Complete the table.
pupils in each team take it in turns to read about each child and to
find out which object he/she has lost. The small illustrations around
the edge of the page are the lost objects: they will help the pupils
match the description with the object.
Once they have read the information, the pupils return to and tell their
team. Together they complete the table. The team which correctly
completes the table first, wins.
Answers: Jake mouse Amanda umbrella Ben jumper Hannah purse
Ian watch Lucy dog Tom book Michelle doll Danny schoolbag
2Look at the pictures again and complete the sentences.
pupils in each team once again take it in turns to read and exchange
the information on page 1 and then complete the sentences.
Answers: 1 Jake’s mouse is called Henry. 2 Tom left his book on the train
because he was reading it. 3 Danny’s schoolbag has got his homework in it.
4 Hannah’s purse has got money and a train ticket inside. 5 Michelle left her
doll on the train. Its name is Jackie. 6 Lucy’s dog needs to eat every day.
7 Amanda’s mother will be angry if she doesn’t find her umbrella. 8 Ian’s
watch was expensive. It was a birthday present from his father. 9 Ben’s
grandmother made his jumper.
Colours 6 © Cambridge University Press and Grupo SM, 2007