RELEVANT INFORMATION SHAREHOLDER AGREEMENT ISAGEN S.A. E.S.P. advises that the representatives of the minority shareholders with a majority share in the Company signed an act that constitutes a "Shareholder Agreement". Through that document, two pension and severance funds, and Empresa de Energía de Bogotá agreed to nominate Mr. Luis Ernesto Mejía Castro and Mr. Jorge Humberto Botero Angulo to continue to represent minority shareholders on the ISAGEN Board of Directors, as independent members for the remainder of the Board's bylaw period (2013-2015). This was done because of the pending election of the Board that will be held during the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting called for November 26, 2014. Said designation, made in exercise of a shareholder agreement previously signed by the Colombian government, as the majority shareholder, on December 29, 2006 (Section 5.5.2), and thus said designation is made known to the Government ( the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit), in order for the names of Mr. Mejía and Mr. Botero to be included in the candidate list.