EFACIS 2007 (18/10/07) 1

EFACIS 2007 (18/10/07)
Title of paper
[email protected]
Derry, Northern Ireland
Aliaga Rodrigo, Esther
[email protected]
U. of A Coruña
Alonso Giraldez, José Miguel
[email protected]
[email protected]
U. of Deusto-Eusko
Altuna García de Salazar,
Álvarez, María Antonia
Revisiting Northern Ireland's Recent Past: Shaping
Identity in Glenn Patterson's Burning Your Own
Women and Nation in Medbh McGuckian’s ‘The
Currah Requires no Harbours’
New Multicultural Narratives in Ireland
[email protected]
U. of Extremadura
Amador Moreno, Carolina P.
[email protected]
Turín U.
Armellino, Elisa
[email protected]
Bartnik, Ryszard
[email protected]
Adam Mickiewicz U.,
U. of Rennes 2
Bevant, Yann
[email protected]
U. of Aarhus, Denmark
Böss, Michael
[email protected]
Boyce, Brynhildur
[email protected]
Goldsmiths, U. of
U. of Salford, UK
U. College Dublin
Cahill, Susan
[email protected]
U. of Sevilla
Canady, Jacobo
[email protected]
U. of Valladolid
[email protected]
U. of Valladolid
[email protected]
U. of Corña/U. of
U. of Porto, Portugal
Carrera de la Red,
Carrera de la Red, María
Carrera Martínez, Nair
[email protected]
Brewster, Scott Clio
Carvalho Homem, Rui
Meditación lírica de Seamus Heaney sobre las
raíces históricas de Irlanda en su "Personal Helicon"
‘Ye’re Irish, too, for I ken by yer talk’: The Irish
English Speaker in New and Old Contexts
The Language of Time in Autobiographies: From the
Past to the Future
(Im)possibility of Escape – Dilemmas of Recent
Northern Irish Fiction
Gaeilge go bra? The Situation of the Irish Language
Today in the Light of the 2002 and 2006 censuses
Neutrality as a Core Value of Post-nationalist Irish
Vital Endurance in Samuel Beckett's All That Fall
Unsettlement: Politics, Poetics and the Peace
Embodied Histories: Contemporary Irish Historical
The Question of Womanhood in Sarah Grand’s “A
New Sensation” and Olive Schreiner’s “The Buddhist
On Irish Knots and the Human Real
Samuel Beckett’s Mexican vocabulary in the ‘Sam
Francis’ Notebook
La vida doméstica como espacio mítico en Bernard
Selves, Genres, Borders: On MacNeice, Drama, and
EFACIS 2007 (18/10/07)
[email protected]
U. of Sevilla
Casas Guijarro, Manuel
[email protected]
[email protected]
U. College Dublin
U. of A Coruña
Casey, Maeve
Clark, David
[email protected]
[email protected]
U. Paris III-La Sorbone
U. of Caen
Ni Riordáin, Cliona
[email protected]
U. Robert Schuman,
Considère-Charon, MarieClaire
[email protected].
[email protected]
U. of Huelva
Couso Liañez, Antonio José
Boston College, Dublin
Cronin, Mike
[email protected]
National U. of Ireland,
Crosson, Sean & Donald
[email protected]
U. of Wales, Cardiff
Curtis, Keiron
U. of Valladolid
Dapía Ferreiro, María Celsa
[email protected]
[email protected]
Bath Spa U., UK
U. of A Coruña
Davis, Graham
De Toro Santos, Antonio
[email protected]
U. of Sevilla
De Vicente, Pilar
[email protected]
U. of Zaragoza
Del Río Álvaro, Constanza
Cogan, Visnja
Title of paper
Contemporary Northern Irish Poets
Ulysses Digested (Bloom, 2004): Joyce, Film, and
the Popular 21st Century Commodity Culture
Paradoxical Reconciliation as a New Horizon
'Rage Against the Tiger': The Songs of Damien
Irish in the 21st Century
‘I felt the world could go far if they listened to what I
say’: U2’s Contribution to Dreaming up a New
New Horizons for the Border Areas: From
Crossborder Cooperation to Good Partnership
Wilde’s Proposal for Literature: The Importance of
Beauty and Reception
Foreigners on the Field? Sport and Inclusion in 21st
Century Ireland
21st Century Research Possibilities: Examining
Representations of Gaelic Games in Online Digital
Sinn Féin and the Construction of National Identity
Cómo se escribe la historia de Irlanda: la
manipulación del lenguaje y la percepción de la
Immigration, Identity and Memory of Past Emigration
1)Escritores británicos e irlandeses en la prensa
periódica española, 1900-1965
2) La literatura irlandesa en España
El Ulises de Joyce y la representación de la ciudad:
Dublín, París y Berlín a principios de siglo
Excavating Ireland's Contemporary Heritage in Eilís
Ní Dhuibhne's The Bray House
EFACIS 2007 (18/10/07)
Title of paper
[email protected]
U. of Sevilla
Del Río Molina, Benigno
[email protected]
[email protected]
U. of Las Palmas de
Gran Canaria
U. of Burgos
Del Toro García, María
Díez Fabre, Silvia
[email protected]
U. of Limerick
Donnelly, Nora P.
[email protected]
U. Santiago de
Estévesz Saá, Margarita
[email protected]
[email protected]
U. of Almeria
U. of Limerick
Fernández, José Francisco
Flannery, Eóin
[email protected]
U. of Santiago de
U. of Oviedo
Gómez Seoane, Almudena
María y Teresa Pérez Tilve
González Arias, Luz Mar
Paisajes del placer y de la culpa: el "Circe" de Joyce
en la tradición pictórica de Las tentaciones de San
Susan Howe Looks Back: Ireland and its Past Seen
from the Other Side of the Sea
Hoping for the Future in William Trevor's The Story
of Lucy Gault
Better off with the Celtic Tiger? Dream On!;
Examining Change in Rural Education over the Past
Half Century
Kate O’Riordan’s Memory Stones and Dreidre
Purcell’s Secrets: On the State of Contemporary
Irish Fiction Written by Women
Spanish Beckett
'The Furthest Distances Travelled': New Irish Poetry
and Urban Memory
‘Amor Matris’ in Three Stories from Dubliners
[email protected]
U. of Oviedo
[email protected]
Lulea Technical U.,
González Chacón, María del
Gray, Billy
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
U. of Victoria, Canada
U. of Burgos
Mount Allison U.,
St. Patrick’s College,
Canterbury Christ
Church U.
Instituto Cervantes,
[email protected]
[email protected]
A Taxonomy of Irish Revisions of Greek Myth:
Gender, Race and The Troubles
Lady Gregory's Grania: The Other Side of the Story
Hand, Derek
'The fragments they shore up against their ruins':
Loyalism, Alienation, and Fear in Gary Mitchell's As
the Beast Sleeps and The Force of Change
What Thady Knew
How Sports Unites the Land?
'Dreaming Peace' in Northern Ireland: Gender,
Militarism and Women's Peace Activism in the 1970s
Dreaming the Future: The 19th Century Irish Novel
Hennessey, Thomas
Britishness in Ireland
Herrero-Martín, Rosana
Are Literature, Theatre and Cinema in Ireland Today
Grove-White, Elizabeth
Halnan, John
Hammond Callaghan, Marie.
EFACIS 2007 (18/10/07)
Keeping up with Immigration? An Introductory
Herron, Tom
'now the war has ended': The Irish Rebel Song in
Post-conflict Times
Hidalgo Tenorio, Encarnación Language and Gender in Irish Politics
Huber, Werner
Celtic Tiger Cinema
Imbert, Jean-Philippe
For a Contemporary Queer Literature in Tomorrow’s
Jaime de Pablos, Mª Elena
Nature and Gender in The Lake by George Moore
Jarazo Álvarez, Rubén
1) Folk Evidence and Identities Formation in the
Works of the Blasket Islands
2) Negotiating Irish Traditional Music and Dance:
Transmission, Identification and Commodification
Jousni, Stéphane
Finnegans Wake or Dreaming an Impossible Dream
of Language
Karhio, Anne
'All this debris of day-to-day experience': The Poetic
Journals of Louis MacNeice, Paul Muldoon and
Derek Mahon
Korthals, Thomas
A Socialist all clad in Green: James Connolly, the
Easter Rising and Dramatic Memory
Lonergan, Patrick
'We have raped the world': New Horizons and Old
Barriers in Elizabeth Kuti's The Sugar Wife
Louro, Filomena
Host or Guest in the Nation. Deportee, Immigrant or
Exile: New Perceptions of the Other in Irish Society
Lyons, Paddy
The Return of May Laffan
Mac An Bhreithiún, Bharain
Boundaries in Flux: A Typographical Analysis of
Belfast's Changing Psychogeography
MacCarthy, Anne
Denis Florence MacCarthy’s Translations of
Calderón de la Barca
Maillot, Agnès
Sinn Féin: The New Left of Ireland?
Mc Donagh, John
Cries of an Irish Caveman: The Revisionism of Paul
McAuliffe, Mary
'Casting an evil eye': Historians and the Sheela-nagig – A re-evaluation
[email protected]
Leeds Metropolitan U.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
U. of Granada
U. of Vienna, Austria
Dublin City U.
[email protected]
[email protected]
U. of Almeria
U. Institute of Research
in Irish Studies Amergin
[email protected]
U. of Rennes 2
[email protected]
NUI Galway
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
NUI Galway
U. do Minho
U. of Glasgow
U. College Falmouth,
U. Santiago de
Dublin City U.
Mary Immaculate
College, U. of Limerick
U. College Dublin
Title of paper
EFACIS 2007 (18/10/07)
Title of paper
[email protected]
[email protected]
U. College Dublin
Dublín City U./U. of A
U. Santiago de
U. Institute of Research
in Irish Studies Amergin
U. of Alcalá
Meaney, Gerardine
Montero Ameneiro, Lidia
From Marconi's Cottage: Virtual Ireland
Surviving Oblivion and Re-telling the Old Times: The
Blaskets and their Literature
La figura femenina en Joyce y Mullholand
[email protected]
U. Institute of Research
in Irish Studies Amergin
Morgan, Anita
[email protected]
U. of Nottingham
Moynihan, Sinéad
[email protected]
U. of Limerick
Newman, Stephen
[email protected]
[email protected]
U. of Limerick
Ní Mhuirthile,Áinéad
National U. of Ireland,
Ó Dúshlaine, Tadhg
[email protected]
[email protected]
NUI, Galway
U. College Dublin
O’Malley, Mary
O'Donnell, Katherine
[email protected]
Gothenburg U.
Olinder, Britta
[email protected]
[email protected]
U. of La Laguna
U. of Huelva
Oliva, Juan Ignacio
Olivares Allepuz, Mª de la
[email protected]
U. Institute of Research
in Irish Studies Amergin
U. of Bordeaux
NUI Galway
Olivares Sanz, Ramón
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Montes González, María
Morado Sobrido, María Elena
& Cristina Serén Bouzas
Morales Ladrón, Marisol
Ollivier, Sophie
Olszewska, Kinga,
Modern Irish Cinema: A Cultural Clash
Disruptive Tensions: Between Matrophilia and
Matrophobia in Emma Donongue’s Slammerkin
Re-citing women in Eavan Boland and Nuala Ní
Dhomhnaill's poetry: From Clinical Kitchens to
Bloody Battlefields
‘Aristocracy of Skins’: Negotiating Irish and African
(American) Identities in Donal O’Kelly’s The Cambria
Perceptions and Misconceptions: The Complex
Identity of the Gaeilgeoir
Pearse and Ireland’s Call
Magnis Gadelicii ipsis Gadelicis (more Gaelic than
the Gaels themselves): Seamus Heaney's Poetic
'But Greek...usually knows Greek': The Frontier of
Queer Sexuality in Kate O'Brien's Mary Lavelle
Old Barriers and New Horizons in Deidre Maddens's
Wilde’s Shadow in Jaimie O’Neill’s Epic Narratives
Portraying the Female Servant in a Globalized and
Contemporary Ireland in Jennifer Johnston's This is
not a Novel
The Blasket Centre, Tourism and Cultural Heritage
in the Dingle Peninsula
Connolly’s Dream of the Future
Postnationalist or European Ireland?
EFACIS 2007 (18/10/07)
Title of paper
[email protected]
Nagoya U. of
Commerce and
U. of Burgos
O'Sullivan, Michael
Educating Ireland: The Transformation of Irish
Humanities Education
Palacios Pablos, Andrés
Reproach, Disapproval and Other Forms of Social
Criticism: What Remains Today of Brian Moore's
Literary Imagined Ireland?
Irlanda, un modelo de convergencia económica (si
puede ser imitado)
Enduring History: Northern Irish Literature since the
Good Friday Agreement
21st Century Ireland in National Irish Cinema –This
is my Father and Goldfish Memory: A Comparative
When Secularism Woke Ireland Up from its Pious
Dream. The Church in Ireland: From a Communing
to a Connecting Communitry
The Male Gaze: Portraits of Single Maternity in
Contemporary Irish Men Fiction Writers
'Layers and layers of black and red fruits': Viticulture,
Transculturality and Change in Kate O'Riordan's The
Memory Stones
Northern Ireland’s Economic Revival: Assessment
and Perspectives
Mercy on the Misfit: Continutiy and Transformation in
the Plays of Conor McPherson
'Give me the citizenship of this planet': Ireland of the
Global Era in the Poetry of Contemporary Irish
Women Poets
‘Why are you here?’ Negotiating the Space of
Improper Subjectivity in Contemporary Irish Cinema
'A new beginning': Seamus Heaney and The
La Irlanda del siglo XXI a través del relato corto
Reflections on Migratory Movements in Ireland:
[email protected]
[email protected]
, [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
U. Institute of Research
in Irish Studies Amergin
U. of Central
U. Institute of Research
in Irish Studies Amergin
Paradela Macía, Raquel &
Paula Rábade López
Parker, Michael
[email protected]
Penet, Jean-Christophe
[email protected]
National Centre for
Franco-Irish Studies,
ITT Dublín
U. of Huelva
Pérez Vides, Auxiliadora
[email protected]
U. West, Sweden
Persson, Åke
[email protected]
U. Paris 12
Peyronel, Valérie
[email protected]
Charles U. Prague
Pilný, Ondrêj
[email protected]
U. of Lodz, Poland
Poloczek, Katarzyna
[email protected]
Radley, Emma
[email protected]
U. of Jaén
Ráez Padilla, Juan
[email protected]
[email protected]
U. of Almería
Ramírez Úbeda, Mónica
Sagredo Santos, Antonia
Pazos Vázquez, Paula
EFACIS 2007 (18/10/07)
Title of paper
[email protected] U. of Angers
[email protected]
U. of Limerick
[email protected]
U. for Foreigners,
[email protected]
U. of Málaga
Swift, Catherine
Terrinoni, Enrico
[email protected]
Dalarna U., Sweden
Tufescu-Fransson, Florina
[email protected]
U. of Granada
Villar Argáiz, Pilar
[email protected]
U. of La Rioja
Villar Flor, Carlos
[email protected]
Alma Mater Studiorum,
U. of Bologna
Queen’s U. Belfast
Vintaloro, Giordano
From Transatlantic Migrations to Present-Day New
Play and Replay: Sports and Cultural Encounters in
Contemporary Irish Theatre
Futurist Interdisciplinary Influences in a Pseudo-wild
Geese Exile’s Oeuvre
'A New Perspective on Northern Ireland': Tom
Paulin's Translations and Transformations of
Russian Poems
Italians in Ireland: Cultural Identity or Cliché Image?
Re-imagining Education in the Republic: A
Comparative Assessment of Irish Intercultural
Policies and Practices
Silence, Exile and Post-modernism: Notes on
Joseph O'Connor's Star of the Sea
La independencia de Irlanda, sueños y despertares
en The Plough and the Stars de Sean O'Casey
Claritas. Revisiting the Past and Grounding the
Present: Seamus Heaney’s Seeing Things
Celtic Studies versus Irish Studies – Whither next?
Theory, Practice, Internationalism, and the Need for
Commitment in Culture: A Few Irish Examples
I Have a Dream: John Hume’s Role in the Northern
Ireland Peace Process
Beyond the Myth of Solitary Authorship: The
Collaborative Genius of Wilde, Joyce, O’Brien et al.
'There is always this: a background, a foreground':
Opening New Horizons for Irish Women in Eavan
Boland's Domestic Violence
En Traducir-Dos-Novelas: el último Flann O’Brien en
Brian O'Nolan's Images of the Future
Wildy, Deirdre, Norma
A One Step Shop for Irish Studies form Queen’s
[email protected]
U. of Ulster/ U. Sassari
Salis, Loredana
[email protected]
U. of Sevilla
Sanz, Guillermo
[email protected]
Queen’s U., Belfast
Schwerter, Stephanie
[email protected]
[email protected]
U. of Palermo
Free U. of Ireland,
Intercultural Peace
Center, Dublin
U. Institute of Research
in Irish Studies Amergin
U. of Alcalá
Sciarrino, Chiara
Scoazec, Rachel
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Seco González, Carlos
Sierra Ayala, Lina
Stephens, Jessica
Trainor de la Cruz, Patricia
EFACIS 2007 (18/10/07)
[email protected]
DUCIS, Högskolan
Dalarna, Sweden - U.
of Lleida, Spain
Title of paper
Menabney, and Paul Ell
University: The Digital Library of Core Materials on
Global Redefinitions of Identity in a Postnationalist
Ireland as Reflected in Contemporary Irish Poetry
Zamorano Llena, Carmen