Catholic Community of Saint Patrick Message from our Pastor

Catholic Community of Saint Patrick
Saint Patrick Church • 3109 Sacramento Street • Placerville
Saint James Church • 2831 Harkness Street • Georgetown
Fourteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
July 6, 2008
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil • 4 PM
Sunday • 8 and 10 AM
Monday - Friday • 8:30 AM
Message from
our Pastor
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Sunday • 10
Spanish Masses
Misas en Español
Miércoles • 6:30 PM • Placerville
Sábado • 7 PM • Placerville
St. Patrick Church, Placerville
Saturdays 3-4 PM
St. James Church, Georgetown
Sundays before 10:00 AM Mass
Our Mission
As an assembly empowered by the glory of
the Resurrection, we are committed to one
another and to the tradition of the Catholic
Church in celebrating the Seven Sacraments,
the Sacred Liturgy, proclaiming the Good News
through Education, sustaining the community
of Faith, and promoting Charity, Peace and
Justice for all people, now and forever.
Must be registered in parish.
Parents and godparents are required
to attend a pre-Baptism class.
English class:
first Thursday of the month
7:00 PM
Clase en Español:
Calendario está en el vestíbulo
Sacrament of Marriage
A couple wishing to be married
in St. Patrick Parish must contact
the parish six months prior
to the intended wedding date.
esus, gentle and humble of heart (Matthew 11:25-30),
came to bring peace to all people (Zechariah 9:9-10).
We are called to live in his spirit (Romans 8:9, 11-13),
to be gracious, merciful and compassionate to all
(Psalm 145).
Today’s Gospel readings must surely rank among
the most beautiful and consoling passages in all of
scripture. Wouldn’t it be just wonderful if the church
were to repeat those final sentences of this Gospel in
every Mass. Those beautiful words fly in the face of a
mindset and culture that is selfish and self-centered.
The expression “the wise and the intelligent” refers
to the teachers of the Law, the high priests and the
scribes. They held the social and religious power in
Jesus’ time. They were the ones “who sat on Moses’
seat” and who had taken over the “key of knowledge.”
They generally despised the poor and marginalized,
the sinners and the afflicted.
Yet it is to these very “outcasts” that Jesus
addresses his words and his ministry. He would have
been familiar with those gentle and peaceful words of
the prophet Zechariah in today’s first reading
(Zechariah 9:9-10). He would know the mind of the
Father, where all people were children of that same
The prayer of Jesus, “I thank you Father,” invites
us all to do the same. In the gracious will of the
Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit the love of God
has been given to us. We are invited to relax and
rejoice in that love. So rightly we should all repeat—
“the Lord is faithful in all his words and holy in all his
works. The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down
and raises up all who are falling.”
Fr. John Cantwell
Catholic Community of Saint Patrick
Rev. John Cantwell, Pastor...................................................................... 622.0373
Rev. Jesus Montoya, Parochial Vicar............................................. 622.0373
Mr. Stan Rudger, Deacon........................................................................... 626.4567
Parish Staff
Business Manager, Bilingual, Martha Lovette ................ 622.0373
Parish Secretary, Jeanne Rheault.......................................... 622.0373
Religious Education & RCIA, Ruth Ann Pilney, TO Carm... 622.7692
Ministry to the Sick, Maria Mindt............................................. 647.2932
Choir Director, Cindy Flaherty.........................................916.628.4593
Youth Ministry, David & Sandy Danz..................................... 622.6507
Youth Ministry, Hispanic, Lorena Vieyra ............................ 344.7146
Fax, Parish Office.............................................................................. 621.7770
Parish Organizations and Contacts
Parish Council President, Don Morley......................................... 647.1344
Altar Servers Coordinator, Pete Chavez .................................. 626.3450
Baptismal Information & Preparation ........................................ 622.0373
Catholic Golden Age, Jo Rasmussen.............................................. 622.9248
Evenings with the Engaged, Kim & John Fernandez .... 676.5489
Holy Spirit Charismatic Prayer Group, Brian Smith.... 626.8259
Italian Culture Club, Larry Williams................................................. 344.8075
Knights of Columbus, Joe Jimenez, Grand Knight …....... 333.1763
Ladies Society, Kelly Tigue, President .......................................... 621.0280
Legion of Mary, Tom Kozlowski ............................................................ 344.1410
Little Rock Scripture Study, Glenn Jones ……….................... 622.7567
Mother Teresa Maternity Home......................................................... 295.8006
Re-Membering, Vaughn & Vivia Peterson .................................. 642.9339
St. James Society, Jerry Hayes, President .............................. 333.4486
SPAM Clothes Closet, Basement of old Hall .......................... 621.7773
The Upper Room Dining Hall, 1868 Broadway ................... 621.7730
Parish Calendar[email protected]
Parish Website...................................................................
A fellow parishioner in the
Shingle Springs area is in need
of a ride to church.
If you’re able to help, please call
Jean Smith at 530.677.6616.
We welcome new families to our
Parish. Please register as soon
as possible and notify the parish
office of moves or address
changes. The use of Sunday
envelopes is recommended as
the ordinary means of meeting
your obligations to your Parish.
Decimocuarto Domingo
del Tiempo Ordinario
6 de julio de 2008
esús, de corazón generoso y humilde
(Mateo 11:25-30), vino a traer paz a toda la
gente (Zacarías 9:9-10). Nosotros hemos sido
llamados a vivir con su Espíritu (Romanos 8:9,
11-113) a ser amables, piadosos y compasionados
de todos (Salmo 145).
La lectura del Evangelio de hoy, seguramente
es uno de las mas hermosas y consoladores
pasajes de todas las escrituras. ¿No sería
maravilloso si la iglesia repitiera esas palabras
finales del Evangelio en cada Misa? Esas
hermosas palabras vuelan en la cara de una
cultura cuya mentalidad es egoísta y egocentrista.
La expresión “El sabio y el Inteligente” se refiere
a los maestros de la ley, los altos sacerdotes y los
escribanos. Ellos sostenían el poder social y
religioso en los tiempos de Jesús. Fueron ellos
que “ocuparon la silla de Moisés” y quienes se
encargaron la “llave del conocimiento.” Ellos
generalmente despreciaron al pobre y al marginado,
al pecador y al afligido.
Sin embargo a esos mismos marginados
Jesús dirige sus palabras y su ministerio. El
habría conocido las palabras gentiles y pacificas
del profeta Zacarías en la primera lectura de
hoy (Zacarías 9:9-10). El conocería la mente del
Padre, donde toda la gente serán hijos del
mismo Padre.
La oración de Jesús, “Te agradezco Padre,”
nos invita a todos a hacer lo mismo. Con la
voluntad misericordiosa del Padre, del Hijo, y
del Espíritu Santo, el amor de Dios nos ha sido
dado. Estamos invitados a relajarnos y regocijarnos en ese amor. Entonces correctamente
todos debemos repetir, “El Señor esta fiel en todas
sus palabras y santo en todas sus acciones.” El
Señor alza a los doblegados y levanta a los caídos.
Padre John Cantwell
Parish Registration and Change of Address
New to Saint Patrick’s Catholic Church Community?
Recently moved or changed phone number?
n Uruguay se celebra la
fiesta patronal más grande
durante el mes de junio.
Celebran a San Cono, un
santo Italiano del siglo doce. En el
siglo diecinueve los inmigrantes
italianos que vivían en Uruguay
deseaban tener una capilla para
honrar la memoria de este santo,
oriundo de la provincia de Salerno,
En junio de 1885, las campanas
de una modesta capillita anunciaron
el recibimiento de una imagen de
san Cono que llegó en procesión.
Desde entonces esta costumbre
italiana se fue haciendo parte
integral de la devoción cristiana
en Uruguay.
Cono fue el hijo único de una
pareja anciana que vivía en la
ciudad de Teggiano, Salerno. Según
la leyenda, una noche mientras
dormían, esta pareja soñó un cono
de luz que brotaba de la madre. Al
nacer el niño decidieron llamarlo
Cono. Desde muy niño, Cono
mostró un afán por las cosas de
Dios y a los dieciséis años ingresó a
un monasterio benedictino siguiendo
el consejo de una voz interior que lo
invitaba a consagrase al Señor. A
los dieciocho, su monasterio se
llenó de luz y una voz anunció su
muerte, y al día siguiente falleció.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
St. James Society: Next week... take a moment and come to a meeting and see how things get accomplished around here. Questions,
contact our president, Jerry Hayes at 333.4486.
Western Barbecue: Yikes! Time is flying by and still no chairperson.
We need you. Today! What am I talking
about? We need a chairperson for this big
fundraiser. It will be our 8th annual western
barbecue. We have great food and lots of fun,
entertainment. We have many people who do
the same jobs year after year. We need a coordinator to pull it all
together and make sure the “i”s are dotted and the “t”s crossed. You
don’t have to do a lot of heavy labor, just brain power. Contact Trish
Lyons at 622.5299.
Church coffee: We haven’t been having coffee after Mass because our
kitchen has been torn up. Won’t it be nice to have coffee and croissants
in our new hall? Thanks, everyone, for your understanding.
Bible Study: Bible study will begin anew the first week
of September, on Thursdays from 12:00-2:00 at St.
James. We will be studying the Gospel according to
Luke through Little Rock Scripture Study. If you are
interested, please talk to Trish Lyons after Mass or
call her at 622.5299. Books need to be ordered so get
in touch soon.
Thank you, thank you... thank you to all who have helped Mary
Mailloux, our building committee chairperson, over the last few
weeks with all the building jobs that you promised to do. You
are truly amazing. Thanks also to all who helped on the fourth
of July fundraiser. I’m sure it was a rousing success! (more
about that later... deadline for insert before the 4th).
Questions, comments, inserts…contact Trish Lyons at 622.5299.
Please be sure to thank the
generous advertisers in our
bulletin. Through their
participation, our parish
receives our weekly bulletin
free of charge. Please cut out
the thank you note and present
it the next time you patronize
one of our fine advertisers.
If you want peace,
work for justice.
—Pope Paul VI
Thank you for advertising in
our church bulletin. I am
patronizing your business
because of it!
Monday: Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21Lunes: Os 2:16, 17b-18, 2122; Mt 9:18-26
22; Mt 9:18-26
Tuesday: Hos 8:4-7, 11-13;
Martes: Os 8:4-7, 11-13;
Mt 9:32-38
Mt 9:32-38
Wednesday: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12;
Miercoles: Os 10:1-3, 7-8, 12;
Mt 10:1-7
Mt 10:1-7
Jueves: Os 11:1-4, 8c-9;
Thursday: Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9;
Mt 10:7-15
Mt 10:7-15
Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Mt 10:16-23
Viernes: Os 14:2-10; Mt 10:16-23
Saturday: Is 6:1-8; Mt 10:24-33
Sábado: Is 6:1-8; Mt 10:24-33
Domingo: Is 55:10-11; Sal 65(64);
Sunday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 65;
Rom 8:18-23; Mt 13:1Rom 8:18-23; Mt 13:123 [1-9]
23 [13:1-9]
Beginning July
7th the R.E. office will accept
enrollments of
NEW students for the religious
educations classes that will start
in August. New students must be
at least six years old and in first
grade by the time classes begin.
Bring a copy of each child’s baptismal certificate. The cost of enrollment is $40 per child for the
entire year. This is payable on the
day of enrollment.
Eat together as a family as often
as you can.
Take in a little nature, mindful of
Who’s behind all the beauty.
Get involved in a simple service
activity as a family, discussing it
together both before and after.
From: Catholic Parent Know How
Religious Education classes for
2008 begin Sunday, August 17;
Monday, August 18; or Thursday,
August 21.
Congratulations to Steven Walker
who has decided to be baptized
into the Catholic faith. Steven has
been attending our youth group
meetings for a number of years
and just recently decided to take
this big step. He will be baptized
on July 20 following the 10:00 AM
Mass. Welcome to the Catholic
faith, Steven. We are proud of you!!
During the summer months
St. Patrick high school youth
group continues to meet, focusing
on community building and fun.
Stay tuned for announcements of
upcoming summer events in the
next few weeks. If you want to be
added to the mailing list call Dave
or Sandy Danz at 622.6507. We
will be also mailing out a summer
schedule soon.
God Bless.
Interviews of adults interested in
learning about the Catholic faith
have begun and will continue
throughout June and July.
RCIA is for un-baptized adults,
those who have been baptized
in another Christian tradition,
or baptized Catholics who have
had little or no religious training.
Inquiry sessions, which are the
first phase of the process, will
begin Tuesday, August 19.
During this
phase candidates
will learn about the
basic beliefs that
Catholics profess.
There will be time to explore
your questions, pray, and share
experiences of faith. To participate or learn more, phone the
RCIA coordinator, Ruth Ann
Pilney at 622.7692.
Comenzaremos a aceptar inscripciones de nuevos estudiantes el 7
de julio para las clases de la educación religiosa que comenzará en
agosto. Nuevos estudiantes deben
ser por lo menos de seis años de
edad y en primer grado cuando
clases empiezan. Traiga una copia
de cada certificado bautismal de
niño. El costo de la matriculación
es $40 por niño para el año entero. Esto es pagadero en el día de
la matriculación.
Coman juntos en familia tan frecuentemente como puedan.
Pasen tiempo en la naturaleza,
consciente a Quién esta detrás de
toda la belleza.
Participen como familia en una
actividad simple de servicio,
hablando de ello entre ustedes
antes y después de hacerlo. De:
Catholic Parent Know How
Las clases de Educación Religiosas
para 2008 comenzarán el domingo,
17 de agosto; el lunes, 18 de agosto;
o el jueves, 21 de agosto.
+ Kevin McComb
by Mary McComb
+ John Hopkins
by Vera Hopkins
+ Elizabeth Kessler
by Jim Kessler
7/10 + Marian Flynn
by Bill Flynn
7/11 + Thor Devenish
by Tess Devenish
The Upper Room is looking for
volunteer greeters during our
hours of operation (3:00 PM –
6:00 PM daily). Volunteers are
needed for every day of the week.
If you are available any day to
work, please contact the parish
office at 622.0373.
Jimmy Epstein, Sr. Thomas Marie,
Mary Hughes, Polly Raymond, Ann
Folsom, Mary Garrabrandt, Eugene
Schickler, Susan Good, Catalina
Gonzalez, Farley Pierce, Sam
Sanchez, Judy & Ron Mans, Marian
Descaro, Phil Spencer, Carole
Blossman, Joshua Bates, Ann
Allan, Gary Kilmer, Urbana
Sanchez, Carmen Garcia, Lorraine
Bradford, Mary Lou Gregory,
Jacqueline Richard, Shirley Miller,
Julie Galloway, Doug Gregory,
Lorraine Clifton, Barbara Miller, Jeff
Morris, Gwen Spencer, Anne Seitz,
Donald Cummings, Leo Dowling,
Don Molls, Carlos Delfina, Becky
Clark, Denise Brown, Donna
Zacher, Judy Blackburn, Helen
Ward, Gabriel Meyers, Nicholas
Meyers, Betty Dixon, Carolyn Ash,
Maggi Dellagatta, John Lloyd,
Catherine Jameison, Claire
O’Kruhlik, Denise Allred, Greg
Varenkamp, John Ambrose, Claire
VanWinden, Henry Cruz, Rose
Annual Rummage Sale. Donations
accepted in Gurnell Hall July 21 30. Sale dates, July 31 thru August 2. If you would like to help,
please call Marianne Chavez at
We’re gearing up for our semiannual Boutique to be held in October. If you have been working on
crafts for the boutique or can help
with pre-sale pricing, etc., please
contact Maryalice Bottini at
Our next business meeting will
be held in the lounge on Thursday
September 18, at 10:00 AM.
Enjoy your summer!
Kelly Tigue, President
t’s Independence Day weekend, and we are in the middle of a series
on the Eucharistic Prayer. There is a link worth tracing between the
Declaration of Independence and the language of liturgy. One of the
signers of the Declaration on that July 4 long ago was Charles Carroll,
probably the wealthiest man in the colonies and one of the few Catholics
on the political scene. As a flourish to his signature, he sought to
distinguish himself from other prominent citizens bearing the same
name by penning “Charles Carroll of Carrolltown”—a defiant “come
and get me if you dare” postscript aimed at the British.
Carroll’s brother John was a priest and patriot who in 1789 was
given the task of organizing the Catholic Church in this country. By
1791 he had assembled a synod, or assembly of delegates, to launch
that task formally. Archbishop Carroll wanted to gain acceptance of
our faith by American people who mistrusted our customs and could
not comprehend our liturgy. He made the amazing proposal to Rome
that our liturgy should be prayed not in Latin, but in the vernacular,
English. His wish was denied, but one hundred sixty years later, his
deep desire helped the American bishops and scholars at the Second
Vatican Council to win the vote in favor of the vernacular not just for
the United States, but for the Church throughout the world.
—Rev. James Field, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co.
he tenth annual Mother
Maternity Home
Golf Tournament,
sponsored by the
Knights, is set for
September 27, at the
Empire Ranch Golf
Club in Folsom. Every
player will receive a free set of
three Warrior wedges!
Have you signed up yet? Flyers
and registration forms are available in the vestibule, or you can
call Pete Chavez at 626.3450.
Life is a voyage that’s homeward bound.
—Herman Melville
Open before
and after each
Mass on Saturdays
and Sundays, or
by appointment
with Jeanne in the
parish office.
Did you know that St. Patrick
Church has a library? It’s open
after every Mass on the weekends
and there are lots of
interesting books and
materials available.
Saturday, 7/12
4:00 PM Mass
Fr. John Cantwell
Sacristan: Dolores
Director of Scheduling:
Ces Wolary
Mary Ellen Comerford,
Ces Wolalry
Altar Servers: Trevor
Watson, Nate Zoma
Eucharistic Ministers:
Nancy Dean Baxter,
Rachel Zoma, Lynn
LeMere, Diane Lagorio,
Mary Taylor,
Jeanne Rheault
Sábado, 7/12
7:00 PM Misa
en Español,
Fr. Jesús Montoya
Tomas Ramos
Ministros Eucarísticas:
Elena Ramos,
Bertha Samaniego
Sunday, 7/13
8:00 AM Mass
Sunday, 7/13
10:00 AM Mass
Sunday, 7/13
10:00 AM Mass
Fr. John Cantwell
Pete Chavez
Lectors: Joan Delfino,
Judy Madison
Altar Servers: Hanna
Melton, Samantha
Chavez, Caitlyn Keane
Eucharistic Ministers:
Paul Schrader, Wesley
Fischer, Ellen Fischer,
Art Gregorio, Don
Morley, Doris Morley,
Louise Linhart
Fr. John Cantwell
Rosemary Authier
Lectors: Paula Rudger,
Chris Uchman
Altar Servers: Paul
Voss,Chris Vasquez
Eucharistic Ministers:
Jerry Schmidt,
Tom Kozlowski,
Gene Swystun,
Jackie Rodwell,
Lupe Medrano,
Marcelina Jones
Fr. Jesus Montoya
Mary Mailloux,
Heather Fitzhugh,
Altar Servers:
Mason, Connor,
Eucharistic Ministers:
Fely, Mary, Ted
Deacon Stan!
Renew and
Your Marriage
Come to a reception
in Gurnell Hall
As you know, the bishops have
made renewal of marriage a priority
in our church. When was the
last time you spent time trying
to revitalize your Sacrament of
You will have an opportunity
the weekend of August 15-17 to
do just that. As a bonus, you may
also learn a new communication
technique that can rekindle the
romance in your marriage.
This is a private weekend with
presentations by three couples
and a priest. For information and
registration, please call Don and
Jeannette Boltz at 530.647.9749
or [email protected].
Sunday, July 13
following the
8:00 and 10:00 AM Masses
to honor and show our appreciation for
Deacon Stan Rudger
who has been serving the needs
of the St. Patrick Parish community
as deacon for
twenty years
Join the celebration!
Get Ready...the Rummage Sale is Coming!
Gather up your
Bring them to Gurnell Hall
Monday - Friday, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Monday, July 21 through Tuesday, July 29
Please note: We cannot accept large TVs, large furniture,
large appliances, magazines, skis and unapproved baby furniture.
Sale Dates
Thursday, July 31
Friday, August 1
Saturday, August 2
- 5:00
- 5:00
- 3:00
Saturday is “Bag Day” - all you can get in a grocery bag, $1.00
Needed: We need helpers each day.
This is a fun two weeks
with lots of laughter
(and hard work).
Bring your sack lunch and join in the fun.
We will also need
paper bags and hangers.
For more information
please call
Marianne Chavez at 626.3450
Joan Delfino at 622.0084
Diana Williams at 344.8075
or Karen Jones at 647.1268