VEX-07 Campo: FERNOEL - HERITAGE CONSERVATION (JR16/109) País: Francia Proyecto: Restoration - Environmental - Construction (RENO-ENVI-CONS) Edad: 18 - 30 Fechas: 17/07/16 - 16/08/16 Plazas Totales: 2 Descripción: NB : chantier ouvert a partir de 17 ans pour les participants francais The village of Fernoel is hosting for the first time a workcamp during this 2016 summer. The project is part of a dynamic for attractiveness and opening toward the world by the municipality and intermunicipality community. Also this structure called Hautes Combrailles is partner of this workcamp. Therefore it s a project of valorisation of water-related heritage. The work site has a special interest: he tells some of the history of Fernoel and the old way of life of its inhabitants. Also a regional hiking trail goes through this site. The work done during this workcamp will be useful to the local population. You are going to participate in the restoration of a stone wash house (cleaning, storage stones, masonry) and you will restore a dry stone wall nearby using traditional dry stone techniques. The stone used is a typical local volcanic stone (Auvergne volcano region).You will participate to the work with other international volunteers and a technical supervisor will teach you specific techniques concerning this restoration. The work takes place the morning for 5 hours maximum. Afternoon and weekends are dedicated to activities. You will be accommodated in the municipal camping in the center of the village. Mattress and tents provided, bring your sleeping bag. You will go by walk to work: you have only 50 meters to walk Fernoel is at 800 meters of altitude, bring warm clothes for the night. You will cook all together in the equipped camping kitchen. A punctual transportation will be set up for shopping (Giat shops located 3km).Jeunesse et Reconstruction will not be responsible for you if you arrive before the beginning of the project. Possible lodging in municipal camping of Fernoel, at your expenses. The village offers visitors a unique view of the Monts Dore, those of Limousin and Le Plomb du Cantal . The city of Giat which is 3 km away offers numerous activities and festivals are organized during summer. 1/ No special knowledge or competence is required for this camp, except being motivated and loving work in group You will share friendly moments with local people : be open-minded and curious. 2/ Bring: sleeping bag, warm clothes and rain-coat, bathing suit (for male: short pants prohibited in the public swimming pools, please bring a bathing suit). 3/Bring for work: worn out clothes, safety shoes/boots compulsory. 4/ Bring some material from your culture (documents, pictures, postcards, little gift, musical instruments, games,...) to share with other volunteers and local population and make exchanges easier. 5/ Foreigners belonging to the European Union must bring with them a personal EHIC (European Health Insurance Card), and everybody must, in any case, BRING THEIR INSURANCE CERTIFICATE. If health issues on the camp, the volunteers will have to pay for it, and then get reimbursed once back in the home country. 6/ Transportation back to the train station at the end of the workcamp will be organized during your stay with the campleader. 7/ More info about trains : / 8/ If you have a driving license, please bring it along in case of necessity CUOTA: 110 EUROS, Incluye alojamiento y manutención. El transporte será por cuenta del participante. El ingreso para este campo de trabajo se efectuará en: - - Entidad Bancaria: ING DIRECT Nº cuenta de ingreso: ES72 1465 0100 93 1900365697. Entidad titular de la cuenta: ASOCIACIÓN JUVENIL ANÍMATE. Ordenante: Aparecerá el NOMBRE y APELLIDOS del Participante (NO quien realice la transferencia bancaria: padres, amigos…) Concepto: se consignará el CÓDIGO de la Actividad a realizar (comprobar que coincida con la actividad adjudicada) y el NOMBRE DEL CAMPO DE TRABAJO.