The following may be humorous to some, but they contain a great

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 27, 2013
The following may be humorous to some, but they contain a great deal of wisdom. Read them slowly. After
reflection you might find that some of them could apply to you. And remember...
The nicest thing about the future is...that it starts tomorrow.
If you don’t have a sense of probably don’t have any sense at all.
Money will buy a fine dog...but only kindness will make him wag his tail.
A good time to keep your mouth shut is...when you’re in deep water.
How come it takes so little time for a child who is afraid of the become a teenager who wants to
stay out all night?
Why is it at class feel younger than everyone else looks?
There are no new sins...the old ones just get more publicity.
There are worse things than getting a call for a wrong number at 4 it could be the right number.
No one ever says “It’s only a game”...when their team is winning.
I’ve reached the age where … “happy hour” is a nap.
Be careful about reading the fine print...there’s no way you’re going to like it.
After 60, if you don’t wake up aching in every’re probably dead.
Always be yourself because the people that matter don’t mind...and the ones that mind don’t matter.
Have a nice week!
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 27, 2013
This week we celebrate these two special
days in our Church. While their story has
been told before, it might be of interest to
tell it again. The early Christians would
gather on the anniversary of a martyr’s death to remember that person with “the breaking of the bread.” Soon
this grew to include martyrs whose names were unknown. By mid-fourth century a feast of “All Martyrs”
began to be celebrated, which included non-martyr
“witnesses”, in other words, Christians whose lives were
“the gospel in action” or saintly. Until the ninth century
the popular feast of All Saints (Martyrs) was celebrated
by the Church on May 13th, during the season of joy following the Resurrection. It was in 835 AD that the date
was changed to Nov. 1st, to Christianize the existing pagan time for remembering the dead, in other words to
bring light to the darkness, and hope to the most basic of
human fears, the fear of death. And now we come to the
Feast of All Souls. By the time of Christ the Jewish people had a well developed belief in the resurrection of the
dead, which included trust that the prayer of the living
could benefit the dead. So people who were not so
saintly were also being remembered after death, usually
on the anniversary of their death. By the seventh century, monasteries were celebrating an annual Mass for all
the deceased of their order, an idea which soon spread to
include the laity. About 1048, an influential Abbot chose
November 2nd to commemorate All Souls because it was
an obvious companion date and extension of the Feast of
All Saints. And thus it came to be that these two days
were, and continue to be, celebrated together.
In Memoriam
A Novena, 9 Masses, will be said for our
deceased loved ones during the month of
November. Spiritual Bouquet envelopes
with their names will be placed on the Altar
during the month. If you would like your loved ones remembered, please write their names on a Bouquet envelope from
the back of Church or front office and return it with your
offering by Thursday, October 31st.
Monday, October 28
Stephen R. Whitmer
Fr. Wilson
Tuesday, October 29
Fr. Martin
Nghien Nguyen
Wednesday, October 30
Special Intentions for
Jim Thietje
Thursday, October 31
Robert Mason Green, Sr. 7:30am
Chu Hsiang (Shan) King 7:30pm
Friday, November 1
Mauricio Estrada
Woody Hitchcock
November 15 at 7:30 am
November 18 at 7:30 am
November 22 at 7:30 am
November 26 at 7:30 am
Fr. Korpi
Fr. Korpi
Fr. Korpi
Fr. Martin
Special Intentions for
Fr. Christopher Mould
Fr. Wilson
All Souls Novena
Chris Heasly
Hispanic Mass
Saturday, November 2
Fr. Korpi
Fr. Martin
Fr. Wilson
Christine Blair
Carolina Handall
James Collins
Sunday, November 3
Fr. Gonsalves
Fr. Wilson
Fr. Martin
Fr. Wilson
Novena Masses will be said on the following days:
November 2 at 9:00 am
November 6 at 7:30 am
November 8 at 7:30 am
November 11 at 7:30 am
November 13 at 7:30 am
Fr. Martin
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 27, 2013
"You are called to stand up for life! To
respect and defend the mystery of life
always and everywhere, including the
lives of unborn babies, giving real help
and encouragement to mothers in
difficult situations. You are called to work and pray
against abortion." Pope John Paul II
The Falls Church 40 Days for Life campaign continues
through November 3, 2013: 40 Days for Life is a focused
Pro-Life effort that consists of 40 days of prayer and fasting,
40 days of peaceful vigil, 40 days of community outreach.
See full details at
fallschurch.html and sign up at Vigil Schedule, become a
"Prayer Warrior" and Stand Up For Life! For more info,
please contact Josh Reynolds, 703-470-8979,
[email protected]
Please support the TEPEYAC FAMILY CENTER, 11135
Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 22030, 703-273-9440 x 107, with
your prayers and financial resources. Info on this pregnancy
resource center can be found at
24-Hour Crisis Pregnancy Hotline: 1-800-395-HELP
Project Rachel (healing after abortion):
Catholic Charities National: 1-800-CARE-002
Catholic Charities Local: 703-425-0100
A Woman's Choice: 703-538-4305
Open House for Religious Education classes — parents and guardians are invited to visit their children’s
classes during sessions on Sunday, October 27; Monday, October 28; and Tuesday, October 29.
Teachers and assistants for seventh grade students
should attend an important information meeting on
Sunday, November 3, at 7:30pm in room 9.
Religious Education classes WILL BE HELD as
usual on Sunday, November 3; Monday, November
4; and Tuesday, November 5.
Boy Scout Troop 1100 Presents
Annual Christmas Wreath Fundraiser
Christmas Wreath Orders
Oct. 27th
9, 11, 12:45 ONLY
Christmas Wreath
Deliveries (PICKUP)
Nov. 23rd, 24th
All Masses
Nov. 30th, Dec. 1st
All Masses
Thank You for Your Continued Support
Merry Christmas from Troop 1100
In Loving Memory of
Pierre Mercier
From Myrtho Mercier
In Loving Memory of
Agnes Lachance
From Dick & Pat Ferraro
Have you lost an earring, bracelet, necklace or ring? The parish office has a collection of jewelry. If you are missing
any of these items, stop by the office
and look through our collection. You
may find your lost treasure.
Cost $10.00
For more information call 703-455-2400
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, October 27
2:00, 4:00 & 6:00pm…………… ………..CCD Classes (S)
Monday, October 28
4:00 & 7:00pm………………………...….. CCD Classes (S)
7:00pm………………………………….………...RCIA (PH)
7:00pm………………………………….………...RCIC (SL)
8:00pm………………….……………......AA Meeting (APR)
Tuesday, October 29
9:30am…………………………………...Bible Study (APR)
4:30 & 7:00pm………………………….....CCD Classes (S)
7:30pm………………………………Legion of Mary (APR)
Wednesday, October 30
10:00am………………………………..…..Mom & Me (APR)
7:00pm……………..……..…....Hispanic Prayer Group (SC)
October 27, 2013
The Illuminated Rosary was held in the church on Sunday evening 20 Oct. It was a great success, as it was the first
time we were able to cover all the beads/prayers of the rosary
with people. Thanks goes out to Ingrid Sanchez Seymour for
bringing in the youth and to Sara Prince for helping with the
music. Remember that when we pray to Mary, she leads us to
her Son, Jesus!
The Italian dinner Dance is coming!
Mark your calendars for Saturday
evening Nov. 2nd from 6:30 to 11PM.
There will be dinner, music and entertainment. It will be a great time for a
great price of $25.00 ea. Tickets will be
available after Masses this weekend,
October 26 and 27.
Thursday, October 31
9:30am……..……….……..…….…....….Craft Group (APR)
7:15pm…….…………...…….……..…..Prayer Group (APR)
7:30pm…………………...………All Saints Vigil Mass (CH)
Friday, November 1
7:30am……………………………All Saints Day Mass (CH)
9:00am……………………………All Saints Day Mass (CH)
9:30am………….…....Catholic Women’s Bible Study (APR)
Saturday, November 2
8:00am……………....Men’s Prayer &Reflection Group (GR)
10:00am………………...…………..……..ESL (Room 5, 6, 7)
10:00am…………………….….…..Dog Obedience Class (PL)
5:00pm………………………….....Hispanic CYM (Room 4)
5:00pm………………………….…….Hispanic CCD (S, PH)
Daylight Savings Time Ends
Nov. 3rd.
Turn clocks BACK ONE
The next council business meeting is Tuesday, November 5.
The monthly food collection will take place next
Sunday, November 3rd. Please bring nonperishable foods to the foyer of the church. There
is always a need for mac & cheese, dried beans,
peanut butter/jelly, dry powered milk, juice
(large can or small boxes), canned tomato/ sauce/
paste, #2 sugar/flour and boxed potatoes. All
canned food items are welcomed. They are also in need of
personal items ( razors/ shaving cream/ deodorant, facial tissue and laundry detergent.) ECHO also accepts small appliances. For more information pick up a brochure in the book
rack by the sacristy or call 703-569-9160.
ECHO Center is located at 7205 Old Keene Mill Rd.
Thought of for the Week
“One of the wisest things ever said was wait a minute.”
Sam Rayburn, former Speaker of the House
WON Membership Drive
This organization is open to ALL Women of Nativity Parish AND it comes with NO obligation. We ask that you sign up
and give us your email address. We can then keep you up-to-date with what we are doing in the Parish. There
are meetings on the second Wednesday of each month. The emails will give you information on projects we sponsor. You
will be able to attend any/all meetings and volunteer for any/all projects of your choosing. However, there is no expectation. We do ask for your prayers, specific requests via emails and for the works of WON.
There will be a sign-up table after every Mass Oct. 26 and 27. We look forward to meeting you.
If you have any questions, feel free to email Sally Quenneville at [email protected] or call 703-764-3239.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 27, 2013
Nativity Village at Madras
was dedicated during our last
mission trip to Haiti. This
was the 8th Nativity Village
project built by Food For
The Poor with funding from
Operation Starfish. A primary school with 6 classrooms and a multi-purpose
room is being constructed as
part of the community development plan. We made a site
inspection in August as the foundation was being laid and
just recently an update. When completed, the school will
house over 200 children now receiving instruction in a Baptist Church nearby. We hope to bless the new school on our
next mission trip after the first of the year.
Explore the benefits of a Catholic High School Education. Paul VI Catholic High School invites 6th, 7th and
8th Graders and their families to our Annual Open House
on November 3rd from 1 to 4PM. Meet our exceptional
faculty and student body and see how we can make a
difference in your child’s life. For additional information
visit or email: [email protected]
The Legion of Mary Arlington Regia invites you to a
Mass to commemorate the life and to pray for the beatification and eventual canonization of Servant of God,
Frank Duff. The Mass is on Thursday, November 7th at
7:30pm at The Cathedral of St. Thomas More, 3901
Cathedral Lane, Arlington, VA 22203. The Most Rev.
Paul S. Loverde is presiding.
SHARING HOPE, a support group for men and women
going through separation and divorce, will meet this
Friday, November 1st, 8:00 p.m., at St. Mary of Sorrows
Historic Church Hall, off Rte 123. The topic will be
“How Am I Cooperating With God Today?” Newcomers are warmly welcomed and there is no fee. For further information, directions or encouragement, please
call Maureen at 703-978-6318 or check our out website,
Google: Sharing Hope, Fairfax, VA
Weekend Retreat for Healing after Abortion for
Women: November 15-17, 2013.
This retreat offers a beautiful opportunity for women who have
struggled with the emotional or spiritual pain of abortion to
experience the mercy and compassion of God. It offers a supportive and confidential environment where you can begin the
process of healing. For more info or to register please call:
(888) 456-HOPE / 888-456-4673 or
e-mail: [email protected] .
Advent Silent Retreat for Women.
October Coat Drive
Thank you to everyone for your contributions. We collected
16 men’s, 24 women, 10 children’s bags of coats. We also
had 3 bags of hats/gloves/boots and 9 bags/boxes of
No Hands But Yours and Salvation Army benefited from
these collections.
Thank you.
Knights of Columbus
December 6-8, 2013. “Advent invites us to pause in silence to understand a presence.” (Pope Benedict
VXI). In silence and listening we can
rediscover the mystery of Christmas – the very presence
of God in our hearts and in our lives. This silent retreat at
the beginning of the holy season of Advent invites us
into an awareness of Emmanuel – “God is with
us.” Msgr. Maury O’Connell is the retreat director. For
information contact Mary Lee Seaman at 301-9374709 or the Dominican Retreat, McLean, VA 703-3564243.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 27, 2013
Y O U T H M I N I S T RY T RY . . . T R E AT S
Join us for Sunday Youth Nights
Jr. High “Lock-In”
Friday, November 8
Jr. High (6-8)
5:15 - 6:15
Halloween Party!
Costume Encouraged
Bring candy to share!
High School
7:30pm - 9:00pm
All Hallows Eve Event!!
Bring a Pumpkin to Carve!!
RCIA adapted for Children Mondays 7:00pm Please keep our
youth and their families in your
prayers as they walk their journey
of faith to full communion in the
Glory Days receipts support CYM. For
your convenience, place receipts in the collection basket or in the CYM envelope located next to the gift shop. Thank you!
Contact us... To get on our distribution list.
Ingrid Sánchez-Seymour, Dir, Youth Ministry
RSVP!! by Monday, Nov
Parent & Young Adult volunteers needed. Look for
permission forms at the CYM Sunday night gatherings and at CYM office, and CYM Bulletin Board.
Nativity CYO Basketball Season
Form and Fee due November 1.
Available this year for grades 3-8.
Registration is NOW underway. See flyer on the CYM board
at the back of Church. Forms available at the CYM/parish
office or at the CCD office.
Wednesdays, 3:00 – 5:00pm
is a great opportunity to have fun
and socialize (and take a break
from homework!) in a positive,
welcoming environment. Have a cup’a joe or hot cocoa.
It’s also a great time to help plan upcoming events. Stop
by a spell!
Project Eggcell is collecting hard-boiled, shelled
eggs for the November 8 junior high lock in. We
ask and welcome your kind donations to this effort.
In October we made 370 sandwiches. Our November goal is to make 500! Drop-off times loMon, Nov 4—Thurs, Nov 7
8:00am - 8:00pm
Drop off at Parish Kitchen Fridge
cations listed here:
Fri, Nov8
8:00am - 5:00pm Drop off at
Parish Kitchen Fridge
7:30pm-8:00pm, Parish Hall
Teen Mass
Snacks will be provided afterwards followed by fellowship. Bring a friend to
sit next
El fariseo y el publicano
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 27, 2013
Autor: P. Raniero Cantalamessa, ofmcap
Sirácida 12-14. 16-18; 2 Timoteo 4,6-8.16-18; Lucas 18, 9-14
El fariseo y el publicano
El Evangelio de este domingo es la parábola del fariseo y del publicano. Quien acuda a la iglesia el domingo oirá un comentario más o menos de este tipo. El fariseo representa el conservador que se siente en orden con Dios y con los hombres y
mira con desprecio al prójimo. El publicano es la persona que ha errado, pero lo reconoce y pide por ello humildemente
perdón a Dios; no piensa en salvarse por méritos propios, sino por la misericordia de Dios. La elección de Jesús entre estas
dos personas no deja dudas, como indica el final de la parábola: este último vuelve a casa justificado, esto es, perdonado,
reconciliado con Dios; el fariseo regresa a casa como había salido de ella: manteniendo su justicia, pero perdiendo la de
A fuerza de oírla y de repetirla yo mismo, esta explicación en cambio ha empezado a dejarme insatisfecho. No es que esté
equivocada, pero ya no responde a los tiempos. Jesús decía sus parábolas para la gente que le escuchaba en aquel momento.
En una cultura cargada de fe y religiosidad como aquella de Galilea y Judea del tiempo, la hipocresía consistía en ostentar la
observancia de la ley y santidad, porque éstas eran las cosas que atraían el aplauso.
En nuestra cultura secularizada y permisiva, los valores han cambiado. Lo que se admira y abre camino al éxito es más bien
lo contrario de otro tiempo: es el rechazo de las normas morales tradicionales, la independencia, la libertad del individuo.
Para los fariseos la contraseña era «observancia» de las normas; para muchos, hoy, la contraseña es «trasgresión». Decir de
un autor, de un libro o de un espectáculo que es «transgresor» es hacerle uno de los cumplidos más anhelados.
En otras palabras, hoy debemos dar la vuelta a los términos de la parábola, para salvaguardar la intención original. ¡Los
publicanos de ayer son los nuevos fariseos de hoy! Actualmente es el publicano, el transgresor, quien dice a Dios: «Te doy
gracias, Señor, porque no soy como aquellos fariseos creyentes, hipócritas e intolerantes, que se preocupan del ayuno, pero
en la vida son peores que nosotros». Parece que hay quien paradójicamente ora así: «¡Te doy gracias, oh Dios, porque soy
un ateo!».
Rochefoucauld decía que la hipocresía es el tributo que el vicio paga a la virtud. Hoy es frecuentemente el tributo que la
virtud paga al vicio. Se tiende, de hecho, especialmente por parte de los jóvenes, a mostrarse peor y más desvergonzado de
lo que se es, para no parecer menos que los demás.
Una conclusión práctica, válida tanto en la interpretación tradicional aludida al inicio como en la desarrollada aquí, es ésta.
Poquísimos (tal vez nadie) están siempre del lado del fariseo o siempre del lado del publicano, esto es, justos en todo o pecadores en todo. La mayoría tenemos un poco de uno y un poco del otro. Lo peor sería comportarnos como el publicano en
la vida y como el fariseo en el templo. Los publicanos eran pecadores, hombres sin escrúpulos que ponían dinero y negocios
por encima de todo; los fariseos, al contrario, eran, en la vida práctica, muy austeros y observantes de la Ley. Nos parecemos, por lo tanto, al publicano en la vida y al fariseo en el templo si, como el publicano, somos pecadores y, como el fariseo, nos creemos justos.
Si tenemos que resignarnos a ser un poco el uno y el otro, entonces que al menos sea al revés: ¡fariseos en la vida y publicanos en el templo! Como el fariseo, intentemos no ser en la vida ladrones e injustos, procuremos observar los mandamientos
y pagar las tasas; como el publicano, reconozcamos, cuando estamos en presencia de Dios, que lo poco que hemos hecho es
todo don suyo, e imploremos, para nosotros y para todos, su misericordia.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Aprende Tu Fe
1.- ¿A QUIÉN AGRADAR? Por Javier Leoz
¿Recordáis el Evangelio del domingo anterior? Nos
sugería aquella idea de que hay que rezar, con confianza y constantemente.
1.- Hoy, de nuevo, Jesús pone delante de la pantalla de
nuestra vida el trato personal que hemos de tener con Dios.
Nos marca una hoja de ruta para alcanzar la perfección en
la oración. ¡Qué bueno sería que nos analizásemos un poco!
¿Cómo está nuestra relación con el Señor? ¿Ya existe? ¿Es
distante o cercana? ¿Altanera o humilde? ¿Egoísta o gratuita? ¿Cuántos watsApp, e-mail enviamos (con nuestra
oración) al que nos ha dado la vida?
Con qué claridad, el Señor, nos dice lo que piensa. No es
bueno el sentirnos seguros de nosotros mismos. Entre otras
cosas porque, ello, nos lleva al distanciamiento de Dios y,
junto con ello, a los juicios injustos sobre los demás. La
autocomplacencia no es buena.
Cuando los domingos nos reunimos en la Eucaristía,
cuando participamos en diversos actos litúrgicos, pastorales, caritativos o de índole pastoral, no lo hemos de hacer desde un “ajuste de cuentas con Dios”; “mira lo qué
hago” “recuerda que yo sí y otros no”. Quien piense que, la
eucaristía, es un favor que nosotros le hacemos a Dios…
anda tremendamente equivocado. ¿Serviría de algo poseer
dos inmensos pulmones sin oxígeno para respirar?
2.- El espejo de la cenicienta “dime espejito quién es más
guapo que yo” lo hemos de desterrar a la hora de hacer una
radiografía del estado en que se encuentra nuestra alma o
nuestro corazón, nuestra fe o nuestra amistad con Dios. Es
más; en vez ponernos un espejo para mirarnos por delante,
sería bueno que fueran –otros- los que nos lo pusieran por
detrás. Es decir; para que viésemos el peso o la fragilidad
que soportan nuestras espaldas y que nos impiden ser buenos hijos de Dios.
3.- .En la sociedad en la que nos desenvolvemos se lleva
mucho el mundo de la imagen. Es más, nos preocupa
muchísimo el concepto que los demás puedan tener de
nosotros. La oración, entre otras cosas, nos sitúa en el
centro de nuestra existencia: en Dios. Con El, todo. Sin Él,
nada. Al fin y al cabo, por lo que hemos de luchar es por
agradar a Dios y no por engordar o satisfacer nuestro ego.
October 27, 2013
La sinceridad de nuestra oración, para darle gusto a Dios, no la
hemos de medir por la cantidad de palabras, las rimas o la poesía
que empleamos en ella o los mismos cantos que nos pueden ayudar a sintonizar más con Dios. La verdad de nuestra piedad se
demuestra en la calidad que ponemos en lo que decimos; en la
atención que ponemos cuando rezamos; en la humildad o transparencia a la hora de expresarlo.
¿Qué imagen tendrá Dios de nosotros? Una cosa está clara: de
Dios no nos escapamos nadie. Ya podemos acudir al templo
metidos en un abrigo, o blindados en mil palabrerías, si lo hacemos desde la vanidad, desde la idea de “bastante hago con
venir aquí”, Dios nos deja desnudos. Sabe, desde el primer momento, con qué actitud nos ponemos frente a Él. Con la parábola
viuda y el juez injusto, el Señor nos invitaba a rezar insistentemente. Hoy con esta bella parábola, Jesús, nos indica el espíritu
con el que hemos de hacerlo: la humildad.
4.- Dejemos fuera las categorías por las que nos regimos y con
las que nos desenvolvemos en el mundo; aquí no podemos engañar a nadie. Qué grande es recordar aquello de: “Señor dame
una alforja; para que en su parte delantera vea mis propios defectos y, en la parte de atrás, deje los fallos de los demás; Señor;
dame una alforja; para que en la parte de adelante meta las virtudes de los demás y, en la de atrás, sepa llevar con afán de superación las mías”.
En algunos momentos solemnes solemos utilizar el incensario
para dar gloria y alabanza al Señor. Pues eso…el incienso y el
incensario para Dios. Tiempo llegará, cuando Él quiera, en que
determine el valor de todo lo que decimos hacer y decir en su
Quiero hacer una oración sin distracciones,
y me pierdo al mínimo ruido.
Digo alabarte, y me miro a mi mismo
Digo quererte, y me quiero demasiado a mí mismo
Digo complacerte, y busco mi interés
Digo estimarte, y renuncio a muy poco por Ti.
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Quiero mirarte frente a frente,
y observo a los que me rodean
Quiero seguirte, y voy detrás de tus enemigos
October 27, 2013
Actividades de la Comunidad Hispana
Iglesia de la Natividad
6400 Nativity Lane-Burke, VA 22015
Teléfono 703-455-2400
Rev. Cedric Wilson
Quiero escucharte, y saliendo de tu templo,
lo olvido todo.
Quiero corregirme,
y caigo en el defecto de ser juez de los demás
Quiero superarme,
y exijo que sean los demás quienes lo hagan.
Quiero adorarte, y me cuesta ponerme de rodillas
Quiero guardar silencio,
y no sé vivir sin el ruido
Quiero hablar con tu lenguaje, y sólo
utilizo el diccionario que me ofrece el mundo
Quiero buscar tus huellas,
y voy detrás de aquellas que conducen a la fama.
Dame humildad para reconocer mis fallos
Fortaleza para hacerles frente
Gratitud para agradecerte lo mucho
que Tú haces por mí
Oración para mirarte y nunca ofender a los demás
Espíritu para dejarme moldear por tu Palabra
Todos los sábados a las 7:00pm
CONFESIONES: Los sábados antes de la Santa Misa
de 6:15pm a 6:55pm
Catequesis Para niños y Jóvenes: Sábados de 5:00pm a
6:45pm Informes: 703-455-2400, ext 116
Sr. Ponciano 202-262-6659
Catequesis Para niños y Jóvenes: Inscripciones para el
año escolar septiembre 2010 a mayo 2011 están abiertas.
Catequesis para adultos: Bautismo, Comunión, y
Confirmación, Sábados de 5:15pm a 6:15pm
Contacto: Tito Pinto 703-912-9220
Charla para el Bautismo: Primer Miércoles del mes
7:30pm, aula 8
Sacramento del Bautismo: Tercer Sábado del mes.
1:30pm Contacto: Deacon Pardo 703-455-2400
Grupo de Oración: Miércoles 7:00pm a 9:00pm.
Están todos invitados. Marco Camacho 703-968-5585
Grupo de Liderazgo Juvenil reuniones:
Domingo 11:00am-1:00pm aula 5 Contacto: Nelson
Pineda 571-234-3664
Reunión del Grupo de los Jóvenes Sábados: a partir de
las 5:00pm aula 4. contacto: Juan Carlos Chávez 703473-6941
Solidaridad Cristiana: Mayor información llamar
Mirian Ponciano 703-913-5494.
Para mas información: Lucy Benavides - 703-4252329
Julio Varillas - 703-887-9925
Anuncios para el boletín: debe ser presentado por
escrito el viernes a las 9 de la mañana (10 días antes
de su publicación). Pueden enviar entradas por
correo electrónico a [email protected]
Charlas de Convalidación para recibir el Sacramento
del Matrimonio: cada otro domingo del mes 9:00am –
10:45am aula 4. Contacto: Antonio y Maritza Di Paolo
Reunión de Matrimonios: domingo 9:00am – 11:00am
aula 5. Contacto: Antonio y Maritza Di Paolo - 703493-8719