
abandona - s/he abandons
aplicación - app, application
acciones - actions
argumento - argument
acepta - s/he accepts
atacó - s/he attacked
aceptar - to accept
atacando - attacking
actitud - attitude
atención - attention
acusaciones - accusations
acusando - accusing
acusatorio - accusatory
afortunado - fortunate
agarré - I grabbed, took
atentamente - attentively
atrapado - trapped
ay - oh
batería - battery
bip - beep
boca - mouth
agarra - s/he gabs, takes
brillante - brilliant
agarrar - to grab
canal - channel
agarrarlo - to grab it
capítulo - chapter
al - to the
cargado - charged
amiga - friend (female)
cargar - to charge
animales - animals
cargarlo - to charge it
antílope - antelope
carros - cars
anunciar - to announce
causa - s/he, it causes
celular - cellular
completar - to complete
cereal - cereal
comunican - they communicate
chaqueta - jacket
circunstancias - circumstances
con - with
cómo - how
concentra - s/he concentrates
color - color
confesar - to confess
come - s/he eats
confirmar - to confirm
comen - they, you (pl.)
comentó - s/he commented
comenta - s/he comments
comentario - comment
comer - to eat
comerse - to eat it up
comió - s/he ate
comiendo - eating
competencia - competition
completamente - completely
confirmarlo - to confirm
confundida - confused
confundido - confused
confusión - confusion
conmoción - commotion
consecuencias - consequences
considera - s/he considers
contener - to contain
contenta - content;
happy (feminine)
contento - content;
happy (masculine)
continúa - s/he continues
continúan - they continue
continuar - to continue
control - control
conversación - conversation
correcto - correct, right
crac - crack
cruel - cruel
cuando - when
curioso - curious
día - day
de - of; from
debajo - under(neath)
decide - s/he decides
decidió - s/he decided
decir - to say; to tell
decirle - to say to
him/her, to tell (to)
decirte - to say to you;
to tell (to) you
(se) defiende - s/he defends him/herself
del - of the; from the
delicioso - delicious
desde - from (a location)
desesperadamente desperately
desesperado - desperate
deshonesta(s) - dishonest (feminine)
deshonestamente - dishonestly
deshonesto - dishonest
desilusionada - disillusioned; disappointed (feminine)
desilusionado - disillusioned; disappointed (masculine)
disgusto - disgust
después - after
dónde - where
destrozado - destroyed;
dormitorio - dormitory;
destrozar - to destroy;
to shatter
dos - two
detecte - s/he, it detects
e - and (used before a
Word the starts with
‘e’ sound)
Disneylandia - Disneyland
durante - during
detrás - after
dice - s/he says; s/he
el - the
elimina - s/he eliminates; s/he deletes
dices - you say; you tell
difícil - difficult
ella - she
dificultad - difficulty
emoción - emotion
dijiste - you said; you
emocionado - with
emotion, excited
dijo - s/he said; s/he told
en - in
dime - tell me
entonces - then
directamente - directly
entré - I entered
director - director
entró - s/he entered
entra - s/he enters
entran - they enter
entrar - to enter
(en) ese momento - at
that moment
entusiasmo - enthusiasm
especial - special
era - s/he, it was
estaba - s/he, I was;
eres - you are
estar - to be
error - error
es - s/he, it is
está - s/he is
están - they are
estoy - I am
(se) escapa - s/he escapes
estresado - stressed
escaparnos - to escape
estrés - stress
estás - you are
escúchame - listen to
evidencia - evidence
escribí - I wrote
exagerada - exaggerated
escribió - s/he wrote
examina - examine
escribiendo - writing
escribir - to write
escuchó - s/he listened
escucha - s/he listens
escuchas - you listen
escuchen - they listen
exacto - exact
excelente - excellent
exclama - s/he exclaims
experiencia - experience
experto - expert
explica - s/he explains
explicación - explanation
furioso - furious (masculine)
familia - family
futuro - future
fantástico - fantastic
ganó - s/he won
favorita - favorite (feminine)
ganador - winner
favorito - favorite (masculine)
(que) gane - that/who
final - final; end
graduó - s/he graduated
finalizar - to finalize
finalmente - finally
había - there was; there
firme - firm
hay - there is; there are
frustración - frustration
frustrado - frustrated
fútbol - foot ball (soccer)
fue - s/he went; s/he , it
funciona - s/he, it functions, works
furiosa - furious (feminine)
ganar - to win
hábito - habit
hermana - sister
hermano(s) - brother(s)
historia - history; story
hola - hello, hi
honesta - honest (feminine)
honestidad - honesty
honesto - honest (masculine)
horrible(s) - horrible
incompleto - incomplete
horror - horror
incorrecto - incorrect
hostil - hostile; angry
inicia - s/he initiates
idea - idea
ignoró - s/he ignored
inmediatamente - immediately
ignora - s/he ignores
inocente - innocent
ignoran - they ignore
inocentemente - innocently
ignórenlo - ignore him
ilustra - s/he, it illustrates, shows
(se) imagina - s/he
insecto - insect
inspecciona - s/he inspects
instante - instant
impaciencia - impatience
instrucciones - instructions
impaciente - impatient
insultándolo - insulting
impacientemente - impatiently
importancia - importance
importante(s) - important (pl.)
imposible - impossible
inteligencia - intelligence
inteligente(s) - intelligent ( pl.)
intenta - s/he intends,
interrumpe - s/he interrupts
él - he
inusual - unusual
le - (to) him/her
inventó - s/he invented
lección - lesson
investiga - s/he investigates
león - lion
investigar - to investigate
les - (to) them
irritada(s) - irritated
(feminine) (plural)
llama - s/he calls
irritado - irritated
irritante - irritant
juega - s/he plays
juegan - they play
juego - game
juegues - you play
jugó - s/he played
jugaba - s/he, I was
playing; s/he played
jugando - playing
jugar - to play
julio - July
kínder - kindergarten
la(s) - the (pl.)
leones - lions
llamó - s/he called
llamaba - s/he was calling; s/he called
llamar - to call
llamarnos - to call us
lo - him; it
los - them
mí - me
mañana - tomorrow
mamá - mom
mas - more
me - me
menciona - s/he mentions
mensaje(s) - message(s)
necesitas - you need
mi - my
necesito - I need
micrófono - microphone
negativa - negative
nervioso - nervous
minuto(s) - minute(s)
ángel - angel
mira - s/he looks at
ni - neither
miran - they look at
número - number
mirando - looking at
no - no
mirar - to look at
noté - I noted, noticed
misterioso - mysterious
notó - s/he noted, noticed
momento - moment
más - more
mucha - much, a lot
nota - s/he notes, notices
o - or
mucho - much, a lot
objeto - object
muchos - much; many
obvio - obvious
muy - very
ocurre - it occurs
nada - nothing
oportunidad - opportunity
natural(es) - natural
necesita - s/he needs
observa - s/he observes
organizó - s/he organized
otra - other; another
pienso - I think
otro - other, another
pánico - panic
otros - others
porfis - pretty please
papá - dad
porque - because
para - to; for; in order to
posible - possible
participa - s/he participates
practica - s/he practices
participante - participant
prefiere - s/he prefers
participar - to participate
(qué) pasa - what’s
going on?; what’s
pensando - thinking
perfecto - perfect
permitido - permitted,
pero - but
persona - person
piensa - s/he thinks
planes - plans
por - for
prefería - s/he preferred
preguntó - s/he questioned, asked
pregunta - s/he questions, asks
preguntas - questions
preguntaste - you questioned, asked
prepara - s/he prepares
problem(s) problema(s)
programa - program
promocionar - to pro92
pronuncia - to pronounce
pronunciación - pronunciation
proteger - to protect
responde - s/he responds
respondió - s/he responded
responsabilidad - responsibility
punto - point
responsible - responsable
qué - what
resulta en -it results in
que - that
ridículo - ridiculous
rancho - ranch
robé - I stole, robbed
raro - rare; strange;
robó - s/he stole, robbed
reaccionó - s/he reacted
robaron - they stole,
pum - boom
reacciona - s/he reacts
realmente - really
recibir - to receive
remoto - remote
repetir - to repeat
repite - s/he repeats
requiere - s/he, it requires
robar - to steal, rob
robaste - you stole,
robo - robbery, theft
roja - red (feminine)
rojo - red (masculine)
roto - broken
rápidamente - rapidly,
rápido - rapid, fast
serio - serious
sí - yes
si - if
salvar - to save
silencio - silence
salvarlos - to save them
silenciosamente silently
satisfacción - satisfaction
ni siquiera - (not) even
saz - zoom
situación - situation
se dice - s/he says to
sofá - sofa
se escapa - s/he escapes
solo - only; alone
se imagina - s/he imagines
solución - solution
son - they are
se necesita cargar - it
needs to be charged
sorprendida - surprised
se pregunta - s/he asks
her/himself; s/he
sorprendido - surprised
se prepara - s/he prepares her/himself
súper - super
se va - s/he goes, leaves
se van - they go, leave
segundos - seconds
seleccionar - to select
solamente - only
soy - I am
su - his/her
sus - your (pl.), their
tú - you (informal)
también - also, too
televisión - television
unas - some (feminine)
teléfono - telephone
tener - to have
unos - some (masculine
or masculine and
tengo - I have
urgente - urgent
terrible(s) - terrible (pl.)
usar - to use
texto(s) - text(s)
uy - ugh; uh
tiene - s/he has
va - s/he goes; s/he is
tenía - s/he, I had
tienen - they have
tienes - you have
tira - s/he throws
(se) tira - s/he throws
tirar - to throw
tono - tone
triste - sad
tu(s) - your (informal)
uau - wow
uf - ugh!
un - a (masculine)
una - a (feminine)
vacaciones - vacation
vamos - we go
van - they go; they are
verdad - truth
verdadero - true; real
versión - version
(otra) vez - again; (literally) another time
videojuegos videogames
viene - s/he comes
vienen - they come
violento(s) - violent
voy - I go; I’m going
voz - voice
(en) voz alta - out loud;
with a loud voice
y - and
yo - I
yupi - yippee
zas - zoom