NOUNS: GENDER AND NUMBER Masculine Nouns Feminine

Masculine Nouns
el chico; el cuaderno
el profesor; el conductor
el autobús; el país
el problema; el programa
Feminine Nouns
la chica; la cosa
-ora la profesora; la conductora
-ción la lección
-dad la nacionalidad
*** Nouns ending in –ista will show gender by using the article (definite/indefinite).
el turista = male tourist
la turista = female tourist
***Exceptions to the rules need to be learned/memorized.
la mano
el día
el mapa
***To form the plural of nouns ending in a vowel, add –s. Nouns that end in a consonant, add –es.
Special note  el lápiz changes to los lápices
Definite articles: Spanish has four forms that are equivalent to the English definite article “the”.
One uses definite articles to refer to specific nouns.
Masculine Singular
el chico
the boy
Masculine Plural
los chicos
the boys
Feminine Singular
la chica
the girl
Feminine Plural
las chicas
the girls
Indefinite articles: Spanish has four forms that are equivalent to the English indefinite article,
which may mean a, an, or some/several. One uses the indefinite articles to refer to unspecified
people or things.
Masculine Singular
un chico
a boy
Masculine Plural
unos chicos
some/several boys
Feminine Singular
una chica
a girl
Feminine Plural
unas chicas
some/several girls