M MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA A Y COMPETITIV VIDAD S SECRETARÍA DE E ESTADO D DE INVESTIGACIÓN D DESARROLLO E INNOVACIÓN S SECRETARÍA GE ENERAL D DE CIENCIA, TEC CNOLOGÍA E E INNOVACIÓN AYUDAS S RAMÓN Y CAJAL CONVO OCATORIA A 2014 Turno d de acceso general g No ombre: MENEND DEZ GARCIA A, MELISA Referencia: RYC‐2014 4‐16469 Áre ea Científicaa: Ingenieríaa Civil y Arqu uitectura Co orreo Electrónico: men [email protected] Títtulo: D DIRECCIÓN GEN NERAL D DE INVESTIGACIÓN C CIENTÍFICA Y TÉ ÉCNICA S SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL D DE RECURSOS HUMANOS H P PARA LA INVEST TIGACIÓN Ch haracterization of ocean and ccoastal dynamiccs. Applicationss to Coastal Enggineering Resumen de laa Memoria: Drr. Melisa Menééndez is associate researcherr of the Enviroonmental Hydrraulic Institute (IH‐Cantabria),, from the �M Marine Climatee and Climate Change tteam� of the Institute. She received the M Marine Science degree from th he university off Cadiz, Spain (2 2001) and the Ph.D. de egree in Marinee Sciences and Technologies from the univeersity of Cantab bria, Santanderr‐Spain (2008), having obtaine ed the Ph.D. sp pecial aw ward in techniccal education off the Cantabria a university for her work "Non n‐stationary sta atistical analysiss of extreme va alues of geophyysical vaariables". She w worked as visitting scholar at Scripps 'Instituution of Oceanography' and at a 'Hydrologic RResearch Center' (California, USA, 20 007) and at the National Oceanography Centtre (Liverpool, U UK, 2009). Her main research interests are: ccharacterization n of marine clim mate; asssessment of m marine energy schemes; s clima ate variability aanalysis; climate change impa act on the coasst and marine structures; extreme vaalue analysis an nd statistical an nd dynamic dow wnscaling of m marine climate. She has published on these ttopics, especially with the extreme vaalue analysis an nd climate variaability. Recent work includes national and in nternational projects on coasttal climate change impact, marine re enewable resou urces evaluation n and the impro ovement and heelp on design aand management of maritime works. Resumen del C Currículum V Vitae: Drr. Melisa Menééndez is associate researcherr of the Enviroonmental Hydrraulic Institute (IH‐Cantabria),, from the �M Marine Climatee and Climate Change tteam� of the Institute. She received the M Marine Science degree from th he university off Cadiz, Spain (2 2001) and the Ph.D. egree in Marinee Sciences and Technologies from the univeersity of Cantab bria, Santanderr‐Spain (2008), having obtaine ed the Ph.D. sp pecial de aw ward in techniccal education off the Cantabria a university for her work "Non n‐stationary sta atistical analysiss of extreme va alues of geophyysical vaariables". She w worked as visitting scholar at Scripps 'Instituution of Oceanography' and at a 'Hydrologic RResearch Center' (California, USA, 20 007) and at the National Oceanography Centtre (Liverpool, U UK, 2009). Her main research interests are: ccharacterization n of marine clim mate; asssessment of m marine energy schemes; s clima ate variability aanalysis; climate change impa act on the coasst and marine structures; extreme vaalue analysis an nd statistical an nd dynamic dow wnscaling of m marine climate. She has published on these ttopics, especially with the extreme vaalue analysis an nd climate variaability. Recent work includes national and in nternational projects on coasttal climate change impact, marine re enewable resou urces evaluation n and the impro ovement and heelp on design aand management of maritime works. M MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA A Y COMPETITIV VIDAD S SECRETARÍA DE E ESTADO D DE INVESTIGACIÓN D DESARROLLO E INNOVACIÓN S SECRETARÍA GE ENERAL D DE CIENCIA, TEC CNOLOGÍA E E INNOVACIÓN AYUDAS S RAMÓN Y CAJAL CONVO OCATORIA A 2014 D DIRECCIÓN GEN NERAL D DE INVESTIGACIÓN C CIENTÍFICA Y TÉ ÉCNICA S SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL D DE RECURSOS HUMANOS H P PARA LA INVEST TIGACIÓN Turno d de acceso general g No ombre: BUTTIGLLIERI , GIAN NLUIGI Referencia: RYC‐2014 4‐16754 Áre ea Científicaa: Ingenieríaa Civil y Arqu uitectura Co orreo Electrónico: gian [email protected] Títtulo: Water micropollu utants: fate in tthe environmen nt and in waste water treatment plants. Resumen de laa Memoria: I got g my MSc D Degree in Enviironmental Enggineering (20044) and a PhD in Sanitary an nd Environmenntal Engineerin ng (2008) from m the De epartment of Civil and Environmental Enggineering, Polittecnico di Milaano, Italy. My formation annd research activity have bro oadly en ncompassed the Sanitary Engiineering field a and, particularlyy water and waastewater treatment technoloogies at bench,, pilot and full‐‐scale tre eatment plantss at both natio onal (Italy, Germany and Spaiin) and internaational level. In nterdisciplinary y approach is guiding g my reseearch caarrier all along. In particular I aam an internationally recogn nized expert oon water micrropollutants (pharmaceutical compounds but b also pesticcides, su urfactants, etc.)) fate in the envvironment and in WWTPs. Sin nce 2010, I am m leading the research line at a ICRA on miccropollutants monitoring m and removal in thhe environmen nt and by means of diffferent treatmeent technologiees. Different water m matrixes have b been measured d: natural wateers in scarcity area region (Spa ain) and in conttinental climates (Germany, N North off Italy), domestiic wastewaters, industrial wasstewaters (pharrmaceutical facctories) and, reccently, also watter from touristt facilities. Different interdissciplinary levelss have been con nsidered: ‐ engineeering design, op peration and co ontrol of treatm ment technologgies; emerging and priorityy pollutants analytical determi nation (gas, liquid chromatogrraphy, mass‐sppectrometry); ‐ ‐ evaluattion of parental compound rem moval, (bio)deggradation/recallcitrance, solid//liquid distributtion; micropollutants metabolite searching and confirmaation in environmental and wa astewater sampples; ‐ m microbiologicaal analyses and a biodiversitty (by meanss of respirom metry, calorim metry, biologiccal activity measurement, ‐ meta)proteomiccs, microbial community studies); (m ‐ evaluattion of micropo ollutants� ecottoxicological eff ffect on the biomass. he research linee has been invo olving different treatment techhnologies: Th ‐ conven ntional activatess sludge system ms (CAS); long term acclimated biomass; ‐ nitrifyin ‐ ng biomass; ‐ pure sttrains cultures; ‐ membrrane bioreactorrs (MBR); ‐ constru ucted wetlands; ‐ Fenton treatment and d advances oxid dation processees; on (CAS vs. MBR, wetland vss. CAS, advancced oxidation treatment t in ccomparison and d combination with ‐ technology compariso ment). biological treatm urrently, I am the scientific manager (for the entire prooject and for the t ICRA unit as well) of th e European project demEAU Umed Cu (D Demonstrating integrated inno ovative technologies for an o ptimal and safe closed waterr cycle in Meditterranean tourrist facilities); o of the prroject ESR5a (B Biodegradation of micropolluttants) of the EEuropean ITN SANITAS S projecct and for the ICRA contributtion in the nattional prroject ITACA (In nvestigación dee tecnologías de e tratamiento, reutilización y control para la a sostenibilidadd futura de la depuración de aaguas re esiduales). I have h been worrking in severall funded Europ pean (demEAUm med; SANITAS‐‐ITN, ITN‐28919 93; MBR‐TRAIN N, MEST‐CT‐200 05‐021050), Spanish (IT TACA, IPT‐20111102; Colmatar+, CTM2009‐1 14742‐C02‐0; G GEISTTAR, CTM M 2011‐27163; Mecapharm, ICRA IWRP) and a Italian pro ojects (fu unded by the Italian Ministrry for Universiity and Researrch, the Lomb bardy Region, Cariplo C Foundaation) and also o cooperating with co ompanies and o other entities (the private co ompany Accionna, the Catalan n Water Partne ership; HERA SppA, Cariplo fou undation, Lomb bardy Re egion and ARPA A Lombardia). Resumen del C Currículum V Vitae: I got g my MSc in Environmental Engineering (2004) ( from th e Department of Civil and En nvironmental EEngineering (Po olitecnico di Miilano, PO OLIMI, Italy) with a year trainiing period on n nitrate removall by means of m membrane biorreactor (MBR) aat the Joint Ressearch Centre, Ispra M MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA A Y COMPETITIV VIDAD S SECRETARÍA DE E ESTADO D DE INVESTIGACIÓN D DESARROLLO E INNOVACIÓN S SECRETARÍA GE ENERAL D DE CIENCIA, TEC CNOLOGÍA E E INNOVACIÓN AYUDAS S RAMÓN Y CAJAL CONVO OCATORIA A 2014 Turno d de acceso general g D DIRECCIÓN GEN NERAL D DE INVESTIGACIÓN C CIENTÍFICA Y TÉ ÉCNICA S SUBDIRECCIÓN GENERAL D DE RECURSOS HUMANOS H P PARA LA INVEST TIGACIÓN (Ittaly). In 2008 I got myy PhD in Sanitary and Enviro onmental Enginneering from POLIMI P (dissertation on waterr micropollutan nts presence in n the en nvironment and d removal from m water and sludge). During m my PhD secondm ment, at Europa Fachhochsch ule Fresenius (Idstein, Germany), I de elved into analyytical analyses, micropollutantts metabolite seearching and co onfirmation in e environmental and wastewate er samples. Frrom 2008 to 22010 I had po ostdoctoral con ntracts at POLLIMI on surfacctants removal, pharmaceuticcals removal and a compariso on of technologies (MB BRs and conven ntional wastewater treatmentt plants). nce 2010 I esttablished and leading the ressearch line at ICRA on micro opollutants (pharmaceutical, eendocrine, UV filters compou unds) Sin monitoring and rremoval by meaans of differentt treatment tec hnologies. nce January 2014 I am the scientific manager of the Europeean project dem mEAUmed: �D Demonstrating iintegrated inno ovative technologies Sin fo or an optimal an nd safe closed w water cycle in Mediterraneann tourist facilitie es�. I am the rresponsible of tthe project ESR R5a (Biodegradation off micropollutan nts) of the European ITN SAN NITAS project aand for ICRA contribution c in the national pproject ITACA (�Investigació ón de tecnologías de trratamiento, reu utilización y con ntrol para la sosstenibilidad futu ura de la depurración de aguass residuales�). I aam responsible for the acquisiition of research funding and projects, management and fin nancial resourcce planning. I ha ave been workiing in se everal funded EEuropean (dem mEAUmed; SAN NITAS‐ITN, ITN‐‐289193; MBR‐‐TRAIN, MEST‐CT‐2005‐0210550), Spanish (IT TACA, IPT‐2011 1102; Co olmatar+, CTM2009‐14742‐C0 02‐0; GEISTTAR R, CTM 2011‐227163; Mecaph harm) and Italian projects (fuunded by the Italian Ministrry for Un niversity and R Research, the Lombardy L Region, Cariplo Fo undation). I haave been coop perating with ccompanies and other entitiess (the prrivate companyy Acciona, the C Catalan Water Partnership; thhe Italian large multi‐utility company HERA SSpA, Cariplo fou undation, Lomb bardy Re egion, ARPA Lom mbardia). My research acttivity has broad dly encompasssed the Environnmental Engine eering field and particularly w water and wastewater treatment technologies. I have broad expeerience at bencch, pilot and fuull‐scale treatment plants (WW WTP) at both n ational (Italy, G Germany and SSpain) an nd international level. I h have experiencce with conventtional activatess sludge system ms, MBRs (Deciision Support S Systems and meembrane foulin ng), SBRs, wetlaands, Fe enton treatmen nt and advanceed oxidation processes. p As itt concerns to biological treattments, I havee experience with w mixed culttures, accclimated biomass, nitrifying b biomass and pure strains cultuures measuring the biological a activity (micro‐‐calorimetry, prroteomics, micrrobial co ommunity studiies). My research acttivity have resu ulted in 21 pub blications (18 I SI listed peer‐rreviewed journ nal, most in thee first quartile; H‐index of 8;; 212 cittations; 2 bookk chapters and aan on‐line procceeding) and ovver 40 conferen nce proceeding gs. I have a con solidated experience in mentoring with the finalized d supervision off 1 PhD thesis (and the mentooring of anotherr PhD), 13 MSc, 11 BSc final prrojects and 9 trainee activitiess.