Reflection Reflexión - Incarnate Word Academy

A Catholic Tradition of Academic Excellence Since 1853
Volume 5, Issue 3
November 2013
Solemnity of
Corpus Christi
Homily of Pope Francis
In the Gospel we have listened to, Jesus says something that I always find striking:
“you give them something to
eat” (Lk 9:13). Starting with this
sentence I am letting myself be
guided by three words: following, communion, sharing.
First of all: who are those
who must be given something
to eat? We find the answer at
the beginning of the Gospel
passage: it is the crowd. Jesus
is in the midst of the people, he
welcomes them, he speaks to
them, he heals them, he shows
them God’s mercy; it is from
among them that he chooses
the Twelve Apostles to be with
him and, like him, to immerse
themselves in the practical
situations of the world.
We are the crowd of the
Gospel; we too seek to follow
Jesus in order to listen to him,
to enter into communion with
him in the Eucharist, to accompany him and in order that he
accompany us. Let us ask
ourselves: how do I follow
Jesus? Jesus speaks in silence in the Mystery of the
Eucharist and reminds us that
following him means going out
of ourselves and not making
our life a possession of our
own, but rather a gift to him
and to others.
It is in listening to his word,
in nourishing ourselves with his
Body and his Blood that he
moves us on from being a
multitude to being a community, from anonymity to communion. The Eucharist is the sacrament of communion that brings
us out of individualism so that
we may follow him together,
living out our faith in him. And
this tells us that in the Church,
but also in society, a key word
of which we must not be frightened is “solidarity”, that is, the
ability to make what we
have, our humble
capacities, available to
God, for only in sharing, in giving, will our
life be fruitful.
The Lord distributes
for us the bread that is
his Body, he makes
himself a gift; and we too experience “God’s solidarity” with
us, a solidarity that is never
depleted, a solidarity that never ceases to amaze us. In the
Eucharist the Lord makes us
walk on his road, that of service, of sharing, of giving; and
if it is shared, the little we
have, the little we are, becomes riches, for the power of
God — which is the power of
love — comes down into our
poverty to transform it.
Brothers and sisters: following, communion, sharing. Let
us pray that participation in the
Eucharist may always be an
incentive: to follow the Lord
every day, to be instruments of
communion and to share what
we are with him and with our
neighbor. Our life will then be
truly fruitful. Amen.
Solemnidad de
Corpus Christi
Homilia del Santo Padre Francisco
En el Evangelio que hemos
escuchado hay una expresión
de Jesús que me impresiona
siempre: «Dadles vosotros de
comer» (Lc 9, 13). Partiendo de
esta frase, me dejo guiar por
tres palabras: seguimiento, comunión,
Ante todo: ¿a quiénes hay que dar de
comer? La respuesta la
encontramos al inicio
del pasaje evangélico:
es la muchedumbre, la
multitud. Jesús está en
medio de la gente, la acoge, le
habla, la atiende, le muestra la
misericordia de Dios; en medio
de ella elige a los Doce Apóstoles para estar con Él y sumergirse como Él en las situaciones
concretas del mundo.
Nosotros somos la multitud
del Evangelio, también nosotros
buscamos seguir a Jesús para
escucharle, para entrar en comunión con Él en la Eucaristía,
para acompañarle y para que
nos acompañe. Preguntémonos:
¿cómo sigo yo a Jesús? Jesús
habla en silencio en el Misterio
de la Eucaristía y cada vez nos
recuerda que seguirle quiere
decir salir de nosotros mismos y
hacer de nuestra vida no una
posesión nuestra, sino un don a
Él y a los demás.
Es en la escucha de su Palabra, alimentándonos de su
Cuerpo y de su Sangre, como Él
hace que pasemos de ser multitud a ser comunidad, del anonimato a la comunión. La Eucaristía es el Sacramento de la comunión, que nos hace salir del
individualismo para vivir juntos el
seguimiento, la fe en Él. Y esto
nos dice que en la Iglesia, pero
también en la sociedad, una
palabra clave de la que no debemos tener miedo es
«solidaridad», o sea, saber
poner a disposición de Dios lo
que tenemos, nuestras humildes
capacidades, porque sólo en
compartir, sólo en el don, nuestra vida será fecunda.
El Señor distribuye para nosotros el pan que es su Cuerpo, Él
se hace don. Y también nosotros
experimentamos la «solidaridad
de Dios» con nosotros, una
solidaridad que jamás se agota,
una solidaridad que no acaba de
sorprendernos. En la Eucaristía
el Señor nos hace recorrer su
camino, el del servicio, el de
compartir, el del don, y lo poco
que tenemos, lo poco que somos, si se comparte, se convierte en riqueza, porque el poder
de Dios, que es el del amor,
desciende sobre nuestra pobreza para transformarla.
Hermanos y hermanas: seguimiento, comunión, compartir.
Oremos para que la participación en la Eucaristía nos provoque siempre: a seguir al Señor
cada día, a ser instrumentos de
comunión, a compartir con Él y
con nuestro prójimo lo que somos. Entonces nuestra existencia será verdaderamente fecunda. Amén.
Praised be the Incarnate Word. Now and forevermore, Amen.
Spartans’ Success
Convent Grapevine
October 17h was a
historic day at IWA.
The County is renovating the Laiseca
Store downtown and in the process,
they discovered a grapevine. A local
grapevine connoisseur identified it as
a convent grapevine originally
brought to Brownsville from France
by the IWBS Sisters. It was transplanted on our school grounds.
The VISA Volleyball tournament was
held in October. The IWA Junior
Varsity Co-ed Volleyball Team
placed third in the tournament and
second in the regular season for the
VISA League. The IWA Varsity CoEd Volleyball Team placed second
in the tournament and first in the
regular season for the VISA League.
Walk to End Alzheimer’s
Several IWA students
participated in the Walk
to End Alzheimer’s held
at UTB. This walk is
held annually to raise awareness and
funds for Alzheimer’s care, support
and research. The students that participated raised $275. Thank you for
supporting this cause!
Red Ribbon Week
IWA celebrated Red Ribbon
Week with
several activities. Students
and faculty participated in a door decorating contest, a poster contest, a joint
rally with SJA and other activities promoting drug awareness and the importance of being drug-free.
Book Fair
The IWA library will host its
fall book fair from November 11-22nd. The theme is:
“Book Fair Oasis: A cool
place to discover hot
books”. A coloring contest and a guessing contest will be held in conjunction
with the book fair. Please encourage
your children to participate in the activities. Come support our library !
November 2013
1 PTO Breakfast
Early Dismissal
1 p.m.
Faculty Meeting
11 Veteran’s
Day Ceremony/All Girl
8:30 a.m.—
Med Tech
presentation for
8th graders,
11—2 p.m.
grade– Zoo trip
14 Progress
Our Lady of the
Lake Presentation for 8th
2 p.m.
Savings Time
8 a.m.
8 a.m.
Book Fair Begins
Meeting at
EDS, 12 noon
NEHS Induction
2 p.m.—Gym
25 Diocesan
Teacher Inservice—SJA
26 Local
Teacher Inservice –IWA
8 a.m.
No School
NJHS Induction
2 p.m.—Gym
Faculty and
Thanksgiving Holidays—Nov. 25-29