Ejercicios de circuitos de una sola puerta

Ejercicios de circuitos de una sola puerta
1. Realiza un inversor con una puerta NAND.
2. Sea un sistema para determinar el estado de los alerones de un avión. Un
LED* verde se encenderá cuando los dos alerones estén extendidos. Un LED*
rojo se encenderá si alguno los alerones está replegado. Cuando un alerón está
extendido, su sensor produce un nivel bajo, y produce un nivel alto cuando está
replegado. Realiza con una sola puerta lógica los dos circuitos para controlar el
funcionamiento de los LEDs.
*LED: Diodo emisor de luz. Emite cuando recibe un nivel alto de voltaje.
3. Design a circuit using the best gate for the parameters given.
Procedure: What is the best gate/circuit to use? Fill in the truth table for each
problem, choose a gate that will best solve the problem.
1. You are to design an alarm system for a house. The sensors are magnetic
switches that produce a high when open and a low output when closed.
What gate would you use to activate an alarm when the security is
breached (violada)?
2. A manufacturing plant uses two tanks to store a liquid chemical that is
required in a manufacturing process. Each tank has a sensor that detects
when the chemical level drops to 25% of full. The sensor produces a 5-volt
level when the tanks are more than ¼ full. When the level drops to less
than ¼, the sensor puts out a 0 volt level. It is required that a green LED
on an indicator panel shows when both tanks are more than ¼ full and a
red LED to show that the level has dropped below ¼ full. Show how a
NAND gate can be used to implement this function.
3. The supervisor for the plant in example 2 above has decided that she
would prefer a red LED display come on when the tanks fall below the
quarter full level a green LED display when both are above one quarter.
Show how this requirement can be implemented.