Fifth Sunday of Lent - La Purísima Catholic Church

March 13, 2016
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Sunday Mass Schedule
Misas de los domingos
Rev. Bill Barman,
Parish Office Hours
Horas de Oficina
Rev. Randy Guillen,
Parochial Vicar/Vicario
Mon - Sat / Lunes a Sábado:
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Rev. Loc Tran,
Parochial Vicar/Vicario
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Deacon Ricardo Barraza
Deacon Anthony Bube
Deacon Tin Nguyen
Deacon Tim O’Donoghue
Closed from 12 noon to 1:00 pm /
Cerrado de 12 medio dia a 1:00 pm
Saturday Vigil Mass / Misa del sábado:
5:00 pm ............English Vigil Mass
6:30 pm .... Vietnamese Vigil Mass
Sunday Mass / Misa del domingo:
6:30 am ...............................English
8:00 am .............................. Español
10:00 am .............................English
12:00 noon ......................... Español
5:00 pm ...............................English
7:00 pm .............................. Español
Holy Days as announced
Dias Santos seran anunciados
11712 N. Hewes, Orange, CA 92869
Tel. (714) 633-5800 Fax. (714) 633-8364
Website: email: [email protected]
Page 2
Year C
March 13, 2016
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays / Sábados................... 8:30 am
Tuesday/martes......................... 6:00 pm
Eucharistic Perpetual Adoration
Adoración Perpetua del Santisimo
21st Day of the Month ............... 7:00 am
.... until 6:15 am the following Morning.
21 dia del mes ............................ 7:00 am
hasta las 6:15 am de la mañana siguiente.
Sacrament of Baptism/Bautismo:
Saturdays / Sábados................. 10:00 am
“Dios escribe derecho en renglones torcidos”, dice el refrán. El testimonio contundente
de san Pablo, cuando nos dice que todo es basura fuera del conocer a Cristo y experimentar la fuerza de su Resurrección, es un mensaje bien directo y claro –aunque Dios
sabe que Pablo anduvo por una senda bien torcida antes de recibir la luz cegadora del
Isaías nos recuerda que los grandes milagros del pasado no son nada en comparación
con la nueva creación que Dios va a realizar. “¿No lo notan?” nos pregunta el profeta,
como si todavía anduviéramos perdidos por nuestras sendas torcidas.
Y no hay renglón más derecho que la línea que conecta la intensa miseria de una mujer
pecadora con la misericordia de Dios que se muestra en la persona de Jesús. ¡Eso sí que
son Buenas Nuevas!”
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Sacrament of Matrimony/Bodas:
Saturdays / Sábados................................
.......... 12:00 noon, 2:00 pm, & 3:30 pm
Call the Parish Office
Llame a la Oficina de la Parroquia
Isaías 43:16-21
Salmo 126 [125]
Filipenses 3:8-14
Juan 8:1-11
Isaiah 43:16-21
Psalm 126
Philippians 3:8-14
John 8:1-11
Online Giving! It’s fast! It’s
easy! It’s convenient
and secure!
Go online to:
“God writes straight with crooked lines,” the saying goes. The power of Paul’s testimony that everything is junk but knowledge of Jesus and the power of his resurrection is a
straight enough message. And, God knows, Paul had a crooked journey before his
blinding insight straight from God.
Through Isaiah, God reminds us all that the past great works were as nothing compared
to the new creation. “Can’t you see it?” we are asked, as if we are still wandering along
our crooked lines.
And there is no straighter line than that between the woman whose misery is intense and
the God whose mercy in Jesus is deeper and more acute. You just can’t beat this kind of
good news.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Saturday, March 12
5:00 pm
Rudy Estrada Sr. †
6:30 pm
Phuong Dinh Ho †
Sunday, March 13
6:30 am
Andrew Jimenez †
8:00 am
Intention of Familia Vazquez Arellano
10:00 am
Michael Cavallari 12:00 pm
Cirilio Valdez 5:00 pm
John F. Hendrickson 7:00 pm
Helen Syliangco Monday, March 14
6:30 am
Liduvina Oviendo †
7:00 pm
Francisca Perez Jimenez Tuesday March 15
6:30 am
Ken Hanson 7:00 pm
Intention of Patty Bui
Wednesday, March 16
6:30 am
All Souls in Purgatory
7:00 pm
Manuel Florendo March 13, 2016
Fifth Sunday of Lent
How fitting that the first Sunday Angelus of Pope Francis,
who has made mercy his papacy’s theme, took place the last
time today’s Gospel about Jesus’ encounter with the adulterous woman was proclaimed. “Jesus’ attitude is striking,”
Francis declared. “We do not hear words of scorn or condemnation, only words of love, of mercy, an invitation to
conversion: ‘Neither do I condemn you’ ” (John 8:11). Francis continued: “God’s face is the face of a merciful father
who is always patient. Have you thought about God’s patience, the patience [God] has with each one of us? That is
[God’s] mercy. [God] always has patience, patience with us .
. . understands us . . . waits for us . . . does not tire of forgiving us” if we return ‘with a contrite heart” (Pope Francis,
Angelus address, March 17, 2013). Parishes preparing catechumens may proclaim Jesus’ raising of Lazarus. Referring
to Lazarus, and all those “raised” from the “death” of sin,
Jesus defines the community’s “mission of mercy”— “Untie
him and let him go” (John 11:44).
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Papal quotes Copyright © 2013, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission.
Thursday, March 17
6:30 am
Steve Buggey 7:00 pm
Antonia Venegas Friday, March 18
6:30 am
Intention of Phu Nguyen
8:15 am
Intention of Rudy & Lydia Castorena
Congratulations to the following couples on their vows of marriage:
Amador Espinoza & Maria Isabel Sánchez-Serrato
Heliodoro Reyes Páez & Gina Rosalina Romero
The Stations of the Cross are a rich tradition in our Catholic
Christian faith. Join us every Friday during Lent for the Stations of the Cross (6:00 pm English, 7:00 pm Viet, 8:00 pm
Via Crucis (Estaciones de la Cruz) todos los viernes durante
la cuaresma (6:00 pm English, 7:00 pm Viet, 8:00 pm español).
àng Thánh Giá 6 gi chiu (Anh ng) 7 gi chiu (Vit
ng) 8 gi ti (Tây Ban Nha) mi Th
Sáu trong Mùa Chay
March 13, 2016
13 de marzo de 2016
Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma
Otra de tantas coincidencias sucede otra vez, el primer Ángelus que rezó el Papa Francisco fue en la fecha en la última
vez que se proclamó la historia del Evangelio de hoy, el
encuentro de Jesús con la mujer adultera . . . En ese entonces
el Papa Francisco dijo que “la actitud de Jesús es
sorprendente”. “No escuchamos palabras de condenación o
desprecio, solo palabras de amor, de misericordia, una invitación a la conversión: ‘Tampoco yo te condeno’ ” (Juan
8:11). El Papa Francisco continua diciendo: “el rostro de
Dios es el de un padre misericordioso, que siempre tiene
paciencia. ¿Han pensado en la paciencia de Dios, la paciencia que tiene con cada uno de nosotros? Ésa es su misericordia. Siempre tiene paciencia, paciencia con nosotros, nos
comprende, nos espera, no se cansa de perdonarnos si sabemos volver a él con el corazón contrito” (Papa Francisco,
Rezo del Ángelus del 17 de marzo de 2013). Las parroquias
que están preparando a catecúmenos pueden proclamar la
historia de Lázaro cuando vuelve a la vida. Refiriéndose a
Lázaro y a todos aquellos que “se despertaron” de la
“muerte” del pecado, Jesús define la “misión de misericordia” de la comunidad: “Desátenlo y déjenlo ir” (Juan 11:44).
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Citas del Papa Copyright © 2013, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Usadas con permiso.
Fifth Sunday of Lent Page 3
“Welcome Day” Program
For 1 Grade through 7 Grade Guest Students
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Are you wondering if LPCS would be a good fit for your child?
What plans do you have for your child during Spring Break?
Will your child be home all day playing video games, or hanging
out with their friends without any supervision?
What if your child could be in a safe and productive environment
for FREE (for at least one day during break)?
Register your child to participate in our “Welcome Day” Program!
RSVP no later than Tuesday, March 22nd.
Spaces are limited, so register your child today!
During this sacred time of year, your child will not only
experience our well-rounded curriculum, but they will also be
integrated in the teachings of our faith, and the joy that makes
LPCS special. Call the School Office for more information or
visit our website at to download a form.
If you haven’t been to the Fish Fry yet, you don’t know what
your missing….one of the best Fish Fries in the Southland.
We have the traditional fish and chips, fish tacos, popcorn
shrimp, Fried Tiger Shrimp, Salmon, Artisan Pizza, Egg
Rolls, and Fried Rice. There’s also lots of drinks and desserts
provided by the parents of La Purísima students.
We have lost our donation of a trash bin for the Fish Fry. If
anyone has access to a trash bin or knows someone who
might be willing to donate a trash bin for Friday night, please
contact Frank at the number listed below. The trash bin is
needed from 5:00 - 10:00 pm on Friday. We need a big
one…but any size will help.
Our number of volunteers has dropped off from the first two
weeks and we now desperately need your help especially for
cleanup beginning at 8:00 pm. It seems that we get a lot of
volunteers the first week and everyone thinks their effort is
not needed. Maybe that was true in week 1 ….. but not now
Any donations to offset food costs are greatly appreciated.
Also consider a donation of $5.00 or more to support the
FISH FRY FOR ALL PROGRAM. Tickets are distributed
by the Trinity Guild. If you can help in any way, contact
Frank Micheletti at (714) 997-7990 or at:
[email protected]
Come celebrate family night and receive the Angels Plaid Blanket promotional night and in addition you will receive an Angels
cap ($8 value) on top of your ticket in the Left Field area Section
201 for only $30.00 ($35 fac value for the ticket plus Angels
Hat). Discounted tickets are available for all family and friends.
Please contact the School Office for more information (714) 633
-5411 or visit
Online Giving! It’s fast! It’s easy!
It’s convenient
and secure!
Go online to:
Page 4 Fifth Sunday of Lent
March 13, 2016
We are seeking donations of the following for the ongoing
needs of our pantry:
¾Peanut butter
¾Canned fruit
¾Cash/checks made payable to Trinity Guild (collection
basket or Parish office)
All High School Teens are invited to attend our monthly youth
nights! Our upcoming nights will be tonight, March 13, and
April 10.
For those in serious need of food, the pantry is open:
Mondays & Fridays 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
1st, 3rd, 5th Wednesdays 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
Mobile Pantry: NORTH Parking Lot
2nd & 4th Wednesday 8:30 am
Cumpliendo con el mandato que hizo Jesús, en el que pedía
que rezáramos por nosotros mismos y por el mundo entero, los
invitamos que nos acompañe a orar la Coronilla de la Divina
Misericordia y agradecer al Señor por su Resurrección.
Miercoles, 16 de marzo a las 6:00 pm en el salon de Trinity
Please don't forget to donate to the new Manger Boxes! We
need: Onesies, burp cloths, receiving blanket, booties, beanies,
rosaries. There will be a special collection of these donated
items on the 2nd Sunday of each month. For more information
contact: [email protected]
Don’t miss out! Our high school community comes together to
play games such as January’s “Puking Rainbow or Not.” Each
night this year we will grow in our discipleship by learning
and living out this Year of Mercy!
***Stop by our youth office and check out our new blackboards for the full month to month calendar.
Las fechas de las sesiones de Preparación Matrimonial serán
todos los miércoles, del 6 de abríl hasta el 8 de junio de 7:00
pm a 9:00 pm en el salón de Fe y Familia de La Purísima. El
precio de las sesiones es $85.00 por pareja, para cubrir el costo
de los materiales. Para obtener más información, por favor
visite la oficina o llame al (714) 633-5800.
If you are interested in getting involved with La Purísima
Church, families, and community, look to the Knights of
Columbus. The K of C provides an opportunity for fraternal
camaraderie, while meeting our families, and supporting the
priests and community.
The Knights were formed to render financial aid to members
and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to
sick, disabled, and needy members and their families.
K of C from La Purisima and Holy Family Cathedral meet
the first Thursday of the month and are active in several
fundraisers and community activities. These include La Purisima Fish Fry, Holy Family Fiesta, golf tournament, OLSF
basketball free throw contest for students, and meal preparation for Isaiah House.
For information contact:
Kurt (714) 633-5456 or Frank 997-7990
March 13, 2016
Fifth Sunday of Lent Page 5
Linh M qun nhim cng oàn Trn Quang, Lc (714) 633633-5800, Website ca giáo x: hp://www.lapurisima .net
Ngày L Lá cho ta ch
ng kin nhng i thay b#t ng ca
cu+c i và ca lòng ngi. Dân chúng v>a mi hân hoan
cm cành lá ón tip Chúa ã lp t
c quay lQi la ó kt án
Chúa. Chúa Giêsu v>a mi long trZng vào thành nh m+t
ông vua nay ã phi ng trc toà Philatô nh m+t t; t+i.
Giua v>a n chung m+t bánh, ung chung m+t chén vi
Thy ã v+i vàng ra i n+p Thy. Các môn v>a mi ngi
ng bQn vi Thy nay ã b trn. Phêrô v>a mi hng hái
th sng cht bên Thy ã mau chóng hèn nhát chi Thy.
Nhng bin c dn dp, nhng =t sóng thù hn gin d
dâng cao n t+t \nh nh mun nghin nát Chúa Giêsu.
Nhng Ngi v^n luôn gi =c tâm hn bình an thanh thn,
thái + quan tâm ân cn và trái tim chan ch
a yêu thng.
Trc ht ta th#y Ngi thanh thn và ch +ng bc vào
cu+c Thng khó khi Ngi nói vi các môn : "Thy c
ao d" ba tic V=t qua vi các con". Trc cái cht ai cng
run s=. Nu cht là ht thì cái cht tht là áng s=. Nhng vi
Chúa Giêsu, cht là v cùng Chúa Cha. Ngi yêu mn Chúa
Cha, khao khát kt hip vi Chúa Cha, nên Ngi thanh thn
bc vào cu+c kh nQn < =c v cùng Cha.
Quân lính hung hãn n bt Chúa Giêsu, nhng Ngi v^n
hin hoà không kháng c". B vây bZc trong bu khí sát máu,
Ngi v^n c x; vi lòng nhân hu khoan dung. Không lo
cho an nguy ca bn thân, gia lúc khó khn khn n v^n
m r+ng bàn tay nhân ái cha lành vành tai b t ca ngi
ày t v th=ng t.
Khi Giua n hôn mt Chúa Giêsu, Ngi v^n i x; m+t
cách lch s", t nh. i lQi t+i phn nghch tày tri, Ngi
ch\ nh{ nhàng nhc nh, hy vZng ánh th
c lng tâm ngi
hZc trò mê tin mà i n phn b+i.
Lúc ang xét x;, dù phi chu nhc nhã cay ng, Ngi v^n
quan tâm a mt nhìn Phêrô. V Qi din các môn , sau
khi chi Thy, ã nhn =c ánh mt âm thm ca Thy.
Ánh mt hin du mà au kh. Ánh mt trách móc thì ít mà
tha thit van xin thì nhiu. Ánh mt nhân t> tha th
ã khin
Phêrô ray r
t khôn nguôi.
Trên ng lên Núi SZ, dù vai phi mang cây thánh giá nng
n, dù bn thân yu mt và ti nhc, Ngi v^n còn ng lQi
an i nhng ngi ph n khóc lóc, an i ám dân ã t cáo,
ã kt án Ngi.
Trên thp giá, lúc n au ã th#m vào n tn xng tu|,
lúc s
c l"c ã cQn mòn, Ngi v^n còn quan tâm lng nghe
ngi tr+m lành.
Page 6 Fifth Sunday of Lent
S 715
Còn hn th na, Ngi tha th
cho nhng s} quan, nhng
binh lính ã hành hàn. Ngi không ch\ tha th
mà còn cu
nguyn xin Chúa Cha tha cho t#t c mZi ngi có dính líu
vào vic x; án Ngi.
Tình yêu thng ca Ngi là làn ánh sáng xé tan bóng êm
thù hn, chiu soi c nhng ngi ghét ghen. Tình yêu
thng ca Ngi ging nh loài g quý nhum c hng
thm vào l~i búa ã n ngã nó. Tình yêu ca Ngi nh
oá hoa sen. Bùn ly có dy lên cng không nhim =c vào
oá hoa tinh khit thánh thin. Tình yêu ca Ngi là tình
yêu nguyên tuyn không vn m+t chút oán hn gin ghét,
v=t lên trên t#t c nhng hn thù, nh nhen, hèn nhát, phn
b+i. Gia nhng hung hãn tàn bQo, Ngi v^n yêu thng.
Gia nhng phn b+i, Ngi v^n tha th
. Tình yêu ca
Ngi ã thng.
LQy Chúa Giêsu hin lành và khiêm nhng trong lòng, xin
un lòng con nên ging Trái Tim Chúa. Amen.
1. Thi nay ngi ta thay i t#t c tht nhanh chóng. Thay
i qun áo, giy dép, in thoQi và c bQn bè, v= chng na.
BQn có b cun theo np sng thay i nhanh chóng này
2. Tình yêu ca Chúa Giêsu ã chin thng. BQn hi<u iu
này th nào qua cu+c thng khó ca Chúa?
3. Qo Công giáo là Qo bác ái. BQn sng Qo nh th nào
khi b phn b+i, b oan c và thit thòi?
Xe bus i hành hng nm thánh s khi hành úng 7:45 sáng
Chúa Nht ngày 13 tháng 3. Xin quý ông bà anh ch em n nhà
th trc 7:15 sáng và xin u xe phía bãi c bên hông nhà th.
Cng xin nhc là Chúa Nht là ngày s i gi (thí d: 7 gi sáng
nay tr thành 8 gi sáng)
L Lá s vào th
By tun sau, ngày 20 tháng 3. Xin quý oàn
trng nhc nh oàn viên mc ng phc và mang theo c hiu
ca oàn. Ban Thng V s sp xp th
t" ch ng trc sân nhà
th. Và cn nh#t, xin quý trng nhc nh các h+i viên gi; yên lng
< thánh l =c trang nghiêm.
Giáo x
cn nhiu nhng chu hoa lily trng < trang hoàng thánh
ng m>ng ngày Qi l Phc Sinh. Nu có th< =c, xin mi gia
ình mang tng m+t chu hoa khi n d" Thánh l trong th
ngày 24 và th
Sáu ngày 25 tháng 3.
oàn Liên Minh Thánh Tâm s không có phiên hZp trong tháng 3
< quí oàn viên s;a soQn cho thánh l Lá vào ngày th
By 20
tháng 3.
March 13, 2016
Pam Hurwitz or Teresa Olivier ................................................. [email protected]
Elizabeth Carrillo .................................................................... [email protected]
Claudia Pham
Disconnect from the noise and distraction and
spend some quiet time in prayer:
= Stations of the Cross (6:00 pm English, 7:00
pm Viet, 8:00 pm español) every Friday during Lent.
= Learn to pray like Pope Francis: Ignatius
prayer training starts April 15
Dành thӡi gian Ӈ cҫu nguyӋn
àng Thánh Giá 6 giӡ chiӅu (Anh ngӳ) 7 giӡ
chiӅu (ViӋt ngӳ) 8 giӡ tӕi (Tây Ban Nha) mӛi
Thӭ Sáu trong Mùa Chay
Bҳt chѭӟc cҫu nguyӋn nhѭ ӭc Thánh Cha
Tham dӵ lӟp cҫu nguyӋn theo Thánh I Nhã bҳt
ҫu ngày 15 tháng tѭ
Let us gather together in prayer, fasting, and almsgiving this Lenten season. Here are some opportunities to live out our Lenten Mission.
Fast from your daily coffee fix or dining out and
and give the money to:
= Manger Boxes Ministry - given to new moms
at quarterly baby showers. Help us welcome
the newest members of God’s family.
= Take the $$ out of ministry: Cover the cost of
a retreat for a Confirmation candidate $165.
Hãy chung lӡi cҫu nguyӋn, n chay, và bӕ thí
trong mùa Chay này. Sau ây là vài cѫ hӝi Ӈ
sӕng tinh thҫn Mùa Chay.
Vamos a reunirnos en oración, en ayuno, y limosna
en esta época de Cuaresma. Estas son algunas de
las oportunidades para vivir nuestra Misión de Cuaresma.
Desconecte del alboroto y la distracción y pase un
rato tranquilo en oración:
= Via Crucis (Estaciones de la Cruz) todos los
viernes durante la cuaresma (6:00 pm English,
7:00 pm Viet, 8:00 pm español).
= Aprenda a orar como el Papa Francisco: Formación de Oración Ignaciana comienza 15 de
Hãm mình dùng cà phê hay mӝt bӳa n bên
ngoài và dùng tiӅn ó Ӈ:
Mөc vө Manger Boxes - cho các bà mҽ mӟi. Hә
trӧ mөc vө chào ón các giáo dân mӟi gia nhұp.
Ӫng hӝ chi phí tnh tâm $165 cho các em trong
lӟp thêm sӭc.
= Abstenerse de beber café o de salir a cenar y
Show your gratitude for the blessings you’ve been
given by the Lord:
= PIZZA NIGHT @ LP: 90 refugee children
from the violence in Central America are
housed in Fullerton. They would love a night
out! Help with the party & cover the cost.
Tӓ lòng biӃt ѫn cӫa mình ӕi vӟi các phѭӟc
lành nhұn ѭӧc tӯ Thiên Chúa:
donar el dinero a: Manger Boxes Ministry –
donaciones van las nuevas mamás en los
“Baby Showers” trimestrales. Ayúdenos a recibir a los nuevos miembros de la familia de
= Ponga el dinero para el ministerio: Ayude a
cubrir el costo del retiro para un Candidato de
Confirmación $165.
ÊM PIZZA TҤI LP: 90 em tӷ nҥn tӯ Trung
Mӻ, hiӋn ang cѭ ngө tҥi Fullerton, cҫn giúp ӣ
tài chánh.
GOOD FRIDAY: Our great Feast of a Gener-
ѭa phong bì tiӅn vӟi mөc vө ѭӧc tһng, trong
ngày thӭ Sáu tuҫn thánh
Muestre su agradecimiento por las bendiciones que
le ha dado el Señor:
= PIZZA NIGHT @ LP: 90 niños refugiados de la
violencia en América Central viven en la ciudad
de Fullerton. ¡Les encantaría una noche de
fiesta! Ayude con el costo.
ous God! Place your financial donation/sacrifice in
an envelope marked with the need and gift it this
VIERNES SANTO: ¡Nuestra gran fiesta de un Dios
= Coloque su donación / sacrificio financiero en
un sobre marcado con su necesidad y regálelo
Every Friday in Lent to serve at the LP Fish Fry
Arrive by 4:15 pm and check in @ the Youth Office
Please mark your calendar for our Confirmation Ceremony, which will be on Monday, April 25, 2016 at 5:00
pm. The Confirmation Rehearsal will be the day before on Sunday, April 24 at 3:00 pm in the church. All
students MUST be accompanied by their sponsor! Sponsor forms are DUE by Friday, February19. Please
email Claudia for any questions at [email protected].
March 13, 2016
Fifth Sunday of Lent Page 7
Visit Us Online!
Scan this code
or go to:
La Purísima Parish School / Escuela Parroquial La Purísima (714) 633-5411
In Association with the Sisters of the Company of Mary/Associados con las Hermanas de la Compañía de María
Annette Zaleski, Principal/Directora
It’s never too early to research your children’s schooling
options. If you are interested in a Catholic School education
for your child, please call to schedule a tour at LP now that
classes are back in session. We welcome visitors most any
time during the year. La Purísima offers both half-day and
full-day preschool and full-day Transitional Kindergarten
through 8th grade. The school is fully accredited by the
Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and
the Western Catholic Education Association (WCEA). The
preschool is also fully licensed by the state of California. For
more information, call (714) 633-5411 or visit
2016--17 SCHOOL YEAR
We are already beginning to plan for the 2016-2017 school
year. We understand that Catholic school education is a sacrifice for families, thus we are delighted to announce that all
tuition and fees will remain the same for the 2016-2017 school
year. As an added incentive we are offering a $100 discount
on Registration Fees that are paid on or before April 29,
2016! Take advantage of this opportunity and pay $225 in the
school office by credit card, cash or check on or before April
29. Please note: Registration fees are non-refundable. Registration will take place online through Sycamore again this
year. The forms are now available on Sycamore.
All school families and parishioners are invited to La Purísima School’s Cavalier Spaghetti Dinner and Auction fundraiser on Saturday, March 19, from 5:00 to 9:00 pm in the
School Hall. Tickets are $10 for adults and $7 for children.
Tickets may be purchased in the School Office or at the door
on the night of the event. If you would like to donate and
item for the Silent Auction or Chance Auction or become a
table, bar, or food sponsor, please contact the School Office
at (714) 633-5411. Invite friends to join you for a wonderful
evening of delicious food and good company.
Volunteers: We are in need of volunteers for
this event. Contact the school office for more
information or visit our website for at and go to Fundraising/Spaghetti
Dinner for a Sign Up Genius link. You can also
scan the QR code on the right to sign up on your
Want to get a head start on your bidding?
You can get a preview of all of the auction items and register
to bid before the event starts on Saturday, March 19. Go to:
Or scan the QR code below
with your phone or
handheld device.
Page 8 Fifth Sunday of Lent
Tuition assistance is available for the 2016-2017 school
year. Applications must be completed and verified through
FACTs before awards are given. Applications completed
by April 29 will receive notification of assistance amounts
granted by May 31. Please contact Mrs. Gull for more information regarding how to apply
Join the Dads' Poker Night on April 23 or the Moms' Wine
Night on May 6 for lots of fun and good company. The cost of
admission will help with your family's fundraising requirements.
Visit our website to learn how you can double, or even triple
your gifts to La Purísima Catholic School. Many companies
will match their employees’ gifts, often up to $3,000 per year
or more. This annual program involves no cost for employees,
and La Purísima can benefit! Call the school office for more
information or visit our website for a list of companies that
participate in Matching Gifts Programs.
Is your employer listed?
Find out more at and go to:
March 13, 2016
The Pastoral Services Appeal is an annual campaign of the
Orange Catholic Foundation held on behalf of the Diocese of
Orange that grants funds to support ministries and services that
serve all parishes and the local community. It also gives parishes the opportunity to raise significant capital funds by earning rebates over their own individual parish goal. 100% of
every gift over the parish goal is returned to our parish. Please
prayerfully consider making your donation today.
MARCH 6, 2016
Envelopes: 366
Mail In:
PSA 2016
Families Pledged:
Total Pledged:
Amount Owed:
NEW LOCATION: Arboretum-Christ Cathedral Parish
13280 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92840
Monday, March 21, 2016 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Confirmation candidates are encouraged to attend.
For more information, contact the Office for Worship by
phone at (714) 282-3040 or by email at [email protected]
During the Easter Holiday Season, we kindly ask that bulletin articles for:
Easter Sunday, March 27, be submitted by noon on Tuesday, March 15
Sunday, April 4, be submitted by noon on Tuesday, March 22
March 13, 2016
Fifth Sunday of Lent Page 9
Presents: An Ignatian Experience at La Purísima Church
Are you longing for a deeper relationship with God?
Don’t miss this valuable opportunity…
Join us in a nine-week experience of Ignatian Spirituality that can enrich your spiritual life and help you draw closer to Jesus.
Introductory Presentation (to give you an experience of Ignatian prayer):
“Ignatian Spirituality – A Deeper Walk with Jesus”
Friday, April 15, 2016
6:00 to 9:00 pm
The Ignatian Experience series will then take place on the following Friday evenings, 6:00 to 9:00 pm:
=April 15 - St. Ignatius and Ignatian Spirituality - Mr. Bryce Deline, SJ
=April 22 - God’s Love for Us - Sr. Jeanne Fallon, CSJ
=April 29 - We Are Sinners, Yet Beloved - Mr. Bryce Deline, SJ
=May 6 - Jesus’ Birth and Early Years - Sr. Jeanne Fallon, CSJ
=May 13 - Jesus’ Ministry Years - Mr. Bryce Deline, SJ
=May 20 - Jesus’ Suffering and Death - Mr. Bryce Deline, SJ
=May 27 - Jesus Risen to New Life - Sr. Jeanne Fallon, CSJ
=June 3 - Discipleship and Church - Sr. Jeanne Fallon, CSJ
Each of the Friday evening sessions will be offered in both English and Spanish, will begin with a casual dinner at 6:00 pm, followed
by a presentation by an LIS staff member, a personal witness by an LIS Associate, some time for individual prayer, and small group
faith sharing. We conclude with a bilingual prayer that will bring both language groups together.
El Instituto Loyola para la Espiritualidad presenta:
un Encuentro Ignaciano en La Parroquia La Purísima
¿Anhelas darle una nueva dimensión a su relación con Dios?
No se pierdas esta experiencia…
Los invitamos a que se acerque a Jesús mediante una experiencia de espiritualidad ignaciana que se llevará a cabo durante nueve
semanas. Iniciaremos con una presentación introductoria donde podrá experimentar la oración ignaciana:
“Espiritualidad Ignaciana – Un Camino más Profundo con Jesús”
Viernes, 15 de abril del 2016
6:00 a 9:00 pm
La serie del Encuentro Ignaciano se presentará cada viernes de 6:00 a 9:00 pm:
=15 de abril - San Ignacio y la Espiritualidad Ignaciana - P. David Robinson, SJ
=22 de abril - El Amor de Dios para Nosotros - Señor Carlos Obando
=29 de abril - Somos Pecadores, Sin Embargo Amados - Señor Carlos Obando
=6 de mayo - Nacimiento y Primeros Años de Jesús - Señor Carlos Obando
=13 de mayo - Ministerio de Jesús - P. Eddie Samaniego, SJ
=20 de mayo - Sufrimiento y Muerte de Jesús - P. Eddie Samaniego, SJ
=27 de mayo - Jesús Resucitado a una Vida Nueva - P. Eddie Samaniego, SJ
=3 de junio - El Discipulado y la Iglesia - P. David Robinson, SJ
Cada sesión comenzará con una cena a las 6:00 pm. Cada presentación será dada por un miembro del equipo de LIS, seguido por un
testimonio personal de un Asociado de LIS, grupos pequeños para compartir la fe, y concluyendo con una oración bilingüe para
unificar ambos grupos lingüísticos. ¡Lo esperamos!