Make logical sentences-1

Create sentences in Spanish using the words below. Sentences must be logical (make sense). You should be able to write at least 5 different sentences. Write each sentence in the back of this handout. Don’t forget to write your name, class and date as well. casa la vas clase parque voy a tú voy la biblioteca casa la vas clase parque voy a tú voy la biblioteca la vas parque voy a tú al la vas clase voy Adónde a tú al la la vas parque voy a tú al la la vas parque voy a tú voy al la vas clase parque voy clase voy parque voy clase voy clase al al Reflection: Easy or Difficult? Draw a small face that reflects what you think. Adónde biblioteca escuela Adónde Adónde escuela Yo vas Yo vas casa Yo casa vas la escuela Tú vas casa Yo biblioteca Adónde biblioteca Adónde Yo escuela Yo biblioteca escuela Adónde Yo la
Create sentences in Spanish using the words below. Sentences must be logical (make sense). You should be able to write at least 5 different sentences. Write each sentence in the back of this handout. Don’t forget to write your name, class and date as well. Learning Intention: Practice writing in Spanish. Success criteria: Student will be successful if he or she can several logical sentences in Spanish using the words provided for this exercise. Me llamo ____________________________________________________, Clase: _________________, Día: ________________________ 1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reflection: Easy or Difficult? Draw a small face that reflects what you think. 