International Course on “Analysis of residues and contaminants in food samples using chromatographic methodologies coupled to mass spectrometry in an official accredited laboratory according to the ISO 17025” Course description: This International Course on Analysis of residues and contaminants in food samples is focused on the analysis of some of the main residues and contaminants in different matrices, according to the official control programmes of the European Union. The course is delivered through a stimulating mix of seminars and practical work using state-of-theart analytical equipment. This training course offer several theoretical and practical sessions about sample preparation, instrumental analysis, data evaluation and reporting, under quality criteria and managed by a laboratory information system (LIMS). FUNDACIÓN PARA EL FOMENTO DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN SANITARIA Y BIOMÉDICA DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA. Avda. Cataluña, 21. 46020 Valencia. CIF.: G98073760 Inscrita Rgtro.fundaciones: 501 V - For more information, please contact to: - Director: Dr Vicent Yusà ([email protected]) - Coordinators: Dr Clara Coscollà ([email protected]) / Dr Marta Roca ([email protected]) . (Phone: 00 (+34) 96 192 59 00) - Administrator: Beatriz Chacartegui (e-mail: [email protected], phone: 00 (+34) 96 192 59 09) Objectives: • Provide theoretical knowledge on the analysis of residues and contaminants in food safety using cutting-edge confirmatory analytical methodologies. • Acquire practical skills on the methodologies of analysis of veterinary drugs and organic pollutants with LC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS and LC-HRMS. • Work in an environment with a quality assurance system accreditated according to ISO 17025 and using a powerful laboratory information management system (LIMS). Venue: This course is delivered using facilities at LSPV-FISABIO, located on Avenida Catalunya, 21, Valencia, Spain. The Public Health Laboratory of Valencia (LSPV) is part of the Health Department of the Regional Government of Valencia (Generalitat Valenciana). The mission of the LSPV is to provide a reliable analytical system in support to the programmes of food safety and environmental control promoted by the Valencia Regional Government (Generalitat Valenciana). The laboratory employs more than 80 staff, 35 of whom with Ph.D., M.S. or B.S. degrees. LSPV works under the quality system ISO/IEC 17025 and is accreditated by the National Accreditation Entity ENAC. LSPV Laboratory is among the biggest and best-equipped laboratories in Spain with modern facilities and equipped with the latest and most modern analytical instruments. It is divided into four units, i.e. Microbiological Department, Chemical Analysis Unit, Organic Contaminants and Veterinary Residues. FUNDACIÓN PARA EL FOMENTO DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN SANITARIA Y BIOMÉDICA DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA. Avda. Cataluña, 21. 46020 Valencia. CIF.: G98073760 Inscrita Rgtro.fundaciones: 501 V - Course dates: Dates are flexible and adapted to demand. Timetable (flexible): 9.00 a.m.-17.00 p.m. Attendants: Professionals seeking to update or expand their knowledge of specific analytical areas within an EU regulatory framework. They will improve their technical skills and knowledge, and develop best practice techniques for their own labs, as they progress towards accreditation. Course sizes are kept to a minimum to ensure each student (maximum two students per group) has access to instruments, as well as time to address his specific topics of interest. Course lecturers: The training course will be taught by different PhD scientists and technicians with recognised experience in these analytical fields and with a scientific production in different research areas. Instructors: MºIsabel Beser. FISABIO Researcher, Organic Pollutants Department. Public Health Laboratory of Valencia ([email protected]). Clara Coscollà, PhD. FISABIO Researcher, Organic Pollutants Department. Public Health Laboratory of Valencia ([email protected]). Carmen Igualada, FISABIO Researcher. Veterinary Drug Residues Department, Public Health Laboratory of Valencia ([email protected]). Nuria León, FISABIO Researcher. Veterinary Drug Residues Department, Public Health Laboratory of Valencia ([email protected]). Francisco Moragues, PhD. FISABIO Researcher. Veterinary Drug Residues Department, Public Health Laboratory of Valencia ([email protected]). Marta Roca, PhD. FISABIO Researcher, Organic Pollutants Department. Public Health Laboratory of Valencia ([email protected]). FUNDACIÓN PARA EL FOMENTO DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN SANITARIA Y BIOMÉDICA DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA. Avda. Cataluña, 21. 46020 Valencia. CIF.: G98073760 Inscrita Rgtro.fundaciones: 501 V - Vicent Yusà, PhD. Head of the Food Safety Research Area (FISABIO). Associate Professor, Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Valencia (e-mail: [email protected]. Research Gate profile: Language: English/Spanish Fees (taxes included): 7.000 euros/course for one student and 10.000 euros/course for two students. STANDARD PROGRAMME (8 days: 57 hours) The programme is flexible and will be adapted to demand. Day 1 (theory sessions) (7 hours) - Session 1: Quality system in an official control laboratory: official samples, registration and traceability, quality management, validation and accreditation (ISO 17025) and use of LIMS (Laboratory information management system) - Session 2: Sample preparation for residues and contaminants analysis - Session 3: Validation methods for the analysis of residues and contaminants according to European regulations Day 2 (theory sessions) (7 hours) - Session 1: Analytical techniques: LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS - Session 2: Analytical techniques: HRMS Day 3 (practical session) (8 hours) Application 1: Application on veterinary drugs adapted to demand (Example Analysis of quinolones in animal tissues by LC-MS/MS) Morning: - Legal context and importance of the analysis - Sample registration - Sample preparation using SPE extraction - Standards and quality controls FUNDACIÓN PARA EL FOMENTO DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN SANITARIA Y BIOMÉDICA DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA. Avda. Cataluña, 21. 46020 Valencia. CIF.: G98073760 Inscrita Rgtro.fundaciones: 501 V - Afternoon: Use of LC-MS/MS: - Verification and maintenance of the equipment - Tuning and stabilization of the chromatographic system - Description and setting of the Instrument Method - Setting and injection of the working sequence Day 4 (practical session) (8 hours) Application 2: Application on organic pollutants adapted to demand. (Example Analysis of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) in Fish by GC-MS/MS) Morning: - Legal context and importance of the analysis - Sample registration - Sample preparation using Liquid-liquid extraction - Standards and quality controls Afternoon: Use of GC-MS/MS: - Verification and maintenance of the equipment - Description and setting of the Instrument Method - Setting and injection of the working sequence Day 5 (practical session) (7 hours) Morning: - Data processing for application 1 (LC-MS/MS) - Set up of the Processing Method - Quantification and confirmation of analytes using Trace Finder software - Data interpretation and results Afternoon: - Data processing for application 2 (GC-MS/MS) - Set up of the Processing Method - Quantification and confirmation of analytes using Trace Finder software - Data interpretation and results FUNDACIÓN PARA EL FOMENTO DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN SANITARIA Y BIOMÉDICA DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA. Avda. Cataluña, 21. 46020 Valencia. CIF.: G98073760 Inscrita Rgtro.fundaciones: 501 V - Day 6 (practical session) (8 hours) Application 3: Application using LC-HRMS adapted to demand. (Example Analysis of banned veterinary drugs in feed by HRMS) Morning: - Legal context and importance of the analysis - Generic sample preparation - Standards and quality controls Afternoon: Use of Exactive: - Verification and maintenance of the equipment - Calibration and stabilization of the chromatographic system - Description and setting of the Instrument Method - Setting and injection of the working sequence Day7 (practical session) (7 hours) - Processing method and data processing for application 3 - Quantification and confirmation of analytes using Exact Finder software - Data interpretation and results Day 8 (practical session) (5 hours) Morning: - Submit results of applications to LIMS system - Course evaluation and questions How to register: To register for this course please visit our website at [email protected] You will also find on our website useful information about the venue and the details of how to find us. Official accreditation of this course is currently in process. FUNDACIÓN PARA EL FOMENTO DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN SANITARIA Y BIOMÉDICA DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA. Avda. Cataluña, 21. 46020 Valencia. CIF.: G98073760 Inscrita Rgtro.fundaciones: 501 V -