DIOCESAN GUIDELINES Contact your pastor at least 6 months before the anticipated date of your wedding. . Register for Marriage Preparation Day or Engaged Weekend. Check with your parish about music, flowers, photography, and rehearsal. ECCLESIASTICAL REQUIREMENTS Baptismal Certificates must be provided. Couple must have known each other at least 6 months, and both must have attained their 18th birthday by the date of marriage. Premarital affidavits, necessary in most cases, are to be filled out by two witnesses who have adequate knowledge of the persons for whom they testify. For interfaith marriages, the promises and the dispensation are required. CIVIL REQUIREMENTS Appear together before the County Clerk for license. If one of you is absent, a substitute may appear with an affidavit of the absent party, along with all necessary information to verify age and identification. For ages 18 years and over, a copy of driver’s license or birth certificate, and the license fee. “Almighty and eternal God, you have so exalted the unbreakable bond of marriage that it has become the sacramental sign of your Son’s union with the Church as his spouse.” -Book of Blessings For ages under 18 years, a certified copy of the birth certificate is required, and one parent’s written permission. If parents are divorced, parent with proven custody must give written permission. Those under age 14 may not marry without a court order. There is a 72-hour waiting period after obtaining a license, which is valid for 30 days. For more information call your County Clerk. Call the Family Life Office, 903.534.1077, X165 or X166, or email at [email protected]. Fin de semana. Preparacion matrimonial Diocesana REGISTRATION FORM (Please PRINT CLEARLY) His Name: ______________________________________________ First MI Last Address: _______________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________________________ E-mail________________________________________________ Phone_______________________________________________ □ Catholic Is this your first marriage? □ Yes □ No □ Divorced □ Widowed □ Children from previous union Her Name: _____________________________________________ First MI Last Address: _______________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________________________ E-mail________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________________ □ Catholic □ Other ______________________________ Parish/Church: __________________________________________ Is this your first marriage? If no, then: Office of Family Life Ministry Diocesan Engaged Weekend 1015 ESE Loop 323 Tyler, Texas 75701-9663 Una carta confirmando sup ago y asistencia le llegara por correo. QUE SUCEDE EL FIN DE SEMANA? En este ambiente de retiro se presentaran conceptos y habilidades útiles en la creación de matrimonios duraderos y satisfactorios. Las parejas tendran tiempo para examinar estos conceptos a la luz de su relacion.Incluye presentaciones, ejercicios, ayudas visuals y folletos para reflexionar con tiempo para compartir en privado. Habra misa y oportunidad para recibir el sacramento de la Reconciliación. □ Other ______________________________ Parish/Church: __________________________________________ If no, then: El registro debera hacerse a mas tardar en JULIO 29. Moande su forma llena y un cheque y/o money order, a nombre de: DIOCESE OF TYLER, a: □ Yes □ No Your Church celebrates your love for each other and, because your decision to marry will be the most important decision of your lives, we offer you special preparation. Imagina pasar un fin de semana en un ambiente tranquilo, preparandose para su futuro juntos. DONDE Y CUANDO? AGOSTO 7-9 Casa Betania 10645 CR 35 Tyler, TX 75706 Inicio: 6:30 a 7:30 pm Viernes por la tarde. La boda es un dia…el matrimonio es para toda la vida CUAL ES EL COSTO? El costo total por pareja es de $175. Incluye cuarto por 2 noches y 4 comidas. Parejas que no puedan cubrir la cuota deberan hablar con su párroco y/o padres. Buscaremos un arreglo apropiado a sus necesidades. □ Divorced □ Widowed □ Children from previous union QUE NECESITO LLEVAR? His Age: __________________ Her Age: _____________________ Wedding Date: __________________________________________ Toallas , jabon, shampoo, pasta de dientes, etc. Wedding Location: _______________________________________ Trae tu bebida y/o snack favorito para compartir. Priest/Deacon Officiating: ________________________________